2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
from bitcoin . rpc import RawProxy as BitcoinProxy
from pyln . testing . btcproxy import BitcoinRpcProxy
from collections import OrderedDict
from decimal import Decimal
from ephemeral_port_reserve import reserve
from pyln . client import LightningRpc
import json
import logging
import lzma
import math
import os
import random
import re
import shutil
import sqlite3
import string
import struct
import subprocess
2019-10-27 19:08:30 +01:00
import sys
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
import threading
import time
" regtest " : 1 ,
" rpcuser " : " rpcuser " ,
" rpcpassword " : " rpcpass " ,
" log-level " : " debug " ,
" cltv-delta " : 6 ,
" cltv-final " : 5 ,
" watchtime-blocks " : 5 ,
" rescan " : 1 ,
' disable-dns ' : None ,
} )
2019-10-27 19:08:30 +01:00
def env ( name , default = None ) :
""" Access to environment variables
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
2019-10-27 19:08:30 +01:00
Allows access to environment variables , falling back to config . vars ( part
of c - lightning ' s `./configure` output), and finally falling back to a
default value .
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
2019-10-27 19:08:30 +01:00
fname = ' config.vars '
if os . path . exists ( fname ) :
lines = open ( fname , ' r ' ) . readlines ( )
config = dict ( [ ( line . rstrip ( ) . split ( ' = ' , 1 ) ) for line in lines ] )
else :
config = { }
if name in os . environ :
return os . environ [ name ]
elif name in config :
return config [ name ]
else :
return default
VALGRIND = env ( " VALGRIND " ) == " 1 "
TEST_NETWORK = env ( " TEST_NETWORK " , ' regtest ' )
2019-10-28 22:04:20 +01:00
DEVELOPER = env ( " DEVELOPER " , " 0 " ) == " 1 "
2019-10-27 19:08:30 +01:00
TEST_DEBUG = env ( " TEST_DEBUG " , " 0 " ) == " 1 "
SLOW_MACHINE = env ( " SLOW_MACHINE " , " 0 " ) == " 1 "
TIMEOUT = int ( env ( " TIMEOUT " , 180 if SLOW_MACHINE else 60 ) )
logging . basicConfig ( level = logging . DEBUG , stream = sys . stdout )
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
def wait_for ( success , timeout = TIMEOUT ) :
start_time = time . time ( )
interval = 0.25
while not success ( ) and time . time ( ) < start_time + timeout :
time . sleep ( interval )
interval * = 2
if interval > 5 :
interval = 5
if time . time ( ) > start_time + timeout :
raise ValueError ( " Error waiting for {} " , success )
def write_config ( filename , opts , regtest_opts = None , section_name = ' regtest ' ) :
with open ( filename , ' w ' ) as f :
for k , v in opts . items ( ) :
f . write ( " {} = {} \n " . format ( k , v ) )
if regtest_opts :
f . write ( " [ {} ] \n " . format ( section_name ) )
for k , v in regtest_opts . items ( ) :
f . write ( " {} = {} \n " . format ( k , v ) )
def only_one ( arr ) :
""" Many JSON RPC calls return an array; often we only expect a single entry
assert len ( arr ) == 1
return arr [ 0 ]
def sync_blockheight ( bitcoind , nodes ) :
height = bitcoind . rpc . getblockchaininfo ( ) [ ' blocks ' ]
for n in nodes :
wait_for ( lambda : n . rpc . getinfo ( ) [ ' blockheight ' ] == height )
def wait_channel_quiescent ( n1 , n2 ) :
wait_for ( lambda : only_one ( only_one ( n1 . rpc . listpeers ( n2 . info [ ' id ' ] ) [ ' peers ' ] ) [ ' channels ' ] ) [ ' htlcs ' ] == [ ] )
wait_for ( lambda : only_one ( only_one ( n2 . rpc . listpeers ( n1 . info [ ' id ' ] ) [ ' peers ' ] ) [ ' channels ' ] ) [ ' htlcs ' ] == [ ] )
def get_tx_p2wsh_outnum ( bitcoind , tx , amount ) :
""" Get output number of this tx which is p2wsh of amount """
decoded = bitcoind . rpc . decoderawtransaction ( tx , True )
for out in decoded [ ' vout ' ] :
if out [ ' scriptPubKey ' ] [ ' type ' ] == ' witness_v0_scripthash ' :
if out [ ' value ' ] == Decimal ( amount ) / 10 * * 8 :
return out [ ' n ' ]
return None
class TailableProc ( object ) :
""" A monitorable process that we can start, stop and tail.
This is the base class for the daemons . It allows us to directly
tail the processes and react to their output .
def __init__ ( self , outputDir = None , verbose = True ) :
self . logs = [ ]
self . logs_cond = threading . Condition ( threading . RLock ( ) )
self . env = os . environ . copy ( )
self . running = False
self . proc = None
self . outputDir = outputDir
self . logsearch_start = 0
# Should we be logging lines we read from stdout?
self . verbose = verbose
# A filter function that'll tell us whether to filter out the line (not
# pass it to the log matcher and not print it to stdout).
self . log_filter = lambda line : False
def start ( self , stdin = None , stdout = None , stderr = None ) :
""" Start the underlying process and start monitoring it.
logging . debug ( " Starting ' %s ' " , " " . join ( self . cmd_line ) )
self . proc = subprocess . Popen ( self . cmd_line ,
stdin = stdin ,
stdout = stdout if stdout else subprocess . PIPE ,
stderr = stderr ,
env = self . env )
self . thread = threading . Thread ( target = self . tail )
self . thread . daemon = True
self . thread . start ( )
self . running = True
def save_log ( self ) :
if self . outputDir :
logpath = os . path . join ( self . outputDir , ' log ' )
with open ( logpath , ' w ' ) as f :
for l in self . logs :
f . write ( l + ' \n ' )
def stop ( self , timeout = 10 ) :
self . save_log ( )
self . proc . terminate ( )
# Now give it some time to react to the signal
rc = self . proc . wait ( timeout )
if rc is None :
self . proc . kill ( )
self . proc . wait ( )
self . thread . join ( )
return self . proc . returncode
def kill ( self ) :
""" Kill process without giving it warning. """
self . proc . kill ( )
self . proc . wait ( )
self . thread . join ( )
def tail ( self ) :
""" Tail the stdout of the process and remember it.
Stores the lines of output produced by the process in
self . logs and signals that a new line was read so that it can
be picked up by consumers .
for line in iter ( self . proc . stdout . readline , ' ' ) :
if len ( line ) == 0 :
if self . log_filter ( line . decode ( ' ASCII ' ) ) :
if self . verbose :
logging . debug ( " %s : %s " , self . prefix , line . decode ( ) . rstrip ( ) )
with self . logs_cond :
self . logs . append ( str ( line . rstrip ( ) ) )
self . logs_cond . notifyAll ( )
self . running = False
self . proc . stdout . close ( )
if self . proc . stderr :
self . proc . stderr . close ( )
def is_in_log ( self , regex , start = 0 ) :
""" Look for `regex` in the logs. """
ex = re . compile ( regex )
for l in self . logs [ start : ] :
if ex . search ( l ) :
logging . debug ( " Found ' %s ' in logs " , regex )
return l
logging . debug ( " Did not find ' %s ' in logs " , regex )
return None
def wait_for_logs ( self , regexs , timeout = TIMEOUT ) :
""" Look for `regexs` in the logs.
We tail the stdout of the process and look for each regex in ` regexs ` ,
starting from last of the previous waited - for log entries ( if any ) . We
fail if the timeout is exceeded or if the underlying process
exits before all the ` regexs ` were found .
If timeout is None , no time - out is applied .
logging . debug ( " Waiting for {} in the logs " . format ( regexs ) )
exs = [ re . compile ( r ) for r in regexs ]
start_time = time . time ( )
pos = self . logsearch_start
while True :
if timeout is not None and time . time ( ) > start_time + timeout :
print ( " Time-out: can ' t find {} in logs " . format ( exs ) )
for r in exs :
if self . is_in_log ( r ) :
print ( " ( {} was previously in logs!) " . format ( r ) )
raise TimeoutError ( ' Unable to find " {} " in logs. ' . format ( exs ) )
elif not self . running :
raise ValueError ( ' Process died while waiting for logs ' )
with self . logs_cond :
if pos > = len ( self . logs ) :
self . logs_cond . wait ( 1 )
for r in exs . copy ( ) :
self . logsearch_start = pos + 1
if r . search ( self . logs [ pos ] ) :
logging . debug ( " Found ' %s ' in logs " , r )
exs . remove ( r )
if len ( exs ) == 0 :
return self . logs [ pos ]
pos + = 1
def wait_for_log ( self , regex , timeout = TIMEOUT ) :
""" Look for `regex` in the logs.
Convenience wrapper for the common case of only seeking a single entry .
return self . wait_for_logs ( [ regex ] , timeout )
class SimpleBitcoinProxy :
""" Wrapper for BitcoinProxy to reconnect.
Long wait times between calls to the Bitcoin RPC could result in
` bitcoind ` closing the connection , so here we just create
throwaway connections . This is easier than to reach into the RPC
library to close , reopen and reauth upon failure .
def __init__ ( self , btc_conf_file , * args , * * kwargs ) :
self . __btc_conf_file__ = btc_conf_file
def __getattr__ ( self , name ) :
if name . startswith ( ' __ ' ) and name . endswith ( ' __ ' ) :
# Python internal stuff
raise AttributeError
# Create a callable to do the actual call
proxy = BitcoinProxy ( btc_conf_file = self . __btc_conf_file__ )
def f ( * args ) :
return proxy . _call ( name , * args )
# Make debuggers show <function bitcoin.rpc.name> rather than <function
# bitcoin.rpc.<lambda>>
f . __name__ = name
return f
class BitcoinD ( TailableProc ) :
def __init__ ( self , bitcoin_dir = " /tmp/bitcoind-test " , rpcport = None ) :
TailableProc . __init__ ( self , bitcoin_dir , verbose = False )
if rpcport is None :
rpcport = reserve ( )
self . bitcoin_dir = bitcoin_dir
self . rpcport = rpcport
self . prefix = ' bitcoind '
regtestdir = os . path . join ( bitcoin_dir , ' regtest ' )
if not os . path . exists ( regtestdir ) :
os . makedirs ( regtestdir )
self . cmd_line = [
' bitcoind ' ,
' -datadir= {} ' . format ( bitcoin_dir ) ,
' -printtoconsole ' ,
' -server ' ,
' -logtimestamps ' ,
' -nolisten ' ,
' -txindex ' ,
' -addresstype=bech32 '
# For up to and including 0.16.1, this needs to be in main section.
BITCOIND_CONFIG [ ' rpcport ' ] = rpcport
# For after 0.16.1 (eg. 3f398d7a17f136cd4a67998406ca41a124ae2966), this
# needs its own [regtest] section.
BITCOIND_REGTEST = { ' rpcport ' : rpcport }
self . conf_file = os . path . join ( bitcoin_dir , ' bitcoin.conf ' )
write_config ( self . conf_file , BITCOIND_CONFIG , BITCOIND_REGTEST )
self . rpc = SimpleBitcoinProxy ( btc_conf_file = self . conf_file )
self . proxies = [ ]
def start ( self ) :
TailableProc . start ( self )
self . wait_for_log ( " Done loading " , timeout = TIMEOUT )
logging . info ( " BitcoinD started " )
def stop ( self ) :
for p in self . proxies :
p . stop ( )
self . rpc . stop ( )
return TailableProc . stop ( self )
def get_proxy ( self ) :
proxy = BitcoinRpcProxy ( self )
self . proxies . append ( proxy )
proxy . start ( )
return proxy
# wait_for_mempool can be used to wait for the mempool before generating blocks:
# True := wait for at least 1 transation
# int > 0 := wait for at least N transactions
# 'tx_id' := wait for one transaction id given as a string
# ['tx_id1', 'tx_id2'] := wait until all of the specified transaction IDs
def generate_block ( self , numblocks = 1 , wait_for_mempool = 0 ) :
if wait_for_mempool :
if isinstance ( wait_for_mempool , str ) :
wait_for_mempool = [ wait_for_mempool ]
if isinstance ( wait_for_mempool , list ) :
wait_for ( lambda : all ( txid in self . rpc . getrawmempool ( ) for txid in wait_for_mempool ) )
else :
wait_for ( lambda : len ( self . rpc . getrawmempool ( ) ) > = wait_for_mempool )
# As of 0.16, generate() is removed; use generatetoaddress.
return self . rpc . generatetoaddress ( numblocks , self . rpc . getnewaddress ( ) )
def simple_reorg ( self , height , shift = 0 ) :
Reorganize chain by creating a fork at height = [ height ] and re - mine all mempool
transactions into [ height + shift ] , where shift > = 0. Returns hashes of generated
blocks .
Note that tx ' s that become invalid at [height] (because coin maturity, locktime
etc . ) are removed from mempool . The length of the new chain will be original + 1
OR original + [ shift ] , whichever is larger .
For example : to push tx ' s backward from height h1 to h2 < h1, use [height]=h2.
Or to change the txindex of tx ' s at height h1:
1. A block at height h2 < h1 should contain a non - coinbase tx that can be pulled
forward to h1 .
2. Set [ height ] = h2 and [ shift ] = h1 - h2
hashes = [ ]
fee_delta = 1000000
orig_len = self . rpc . getblockcount ( )
old_hash = self . rpc . getblockhash ( height )
final_len = height + shift if height + shift > orig_len else 1 + orig_len
# TODO: raise error for insane args?
self . rpc . invalidateblock ( old_hash )
self . wait_for_log ( r ' InvalidChainFound: invalid block=.* height= {} ' . format ( height ) )
memp = self . rpc . getrawmempool ( )
if shift == 0 :
hashes + = self . generate_block ( 1 + final_len - height )
else :
for txid in memp :
# lower priority (to effective feerate=0) so they are not mined
self . rpc . prioritisetransaction ( txid , None , - fee_delta )
hashes + = self . generate_block ( shift )
for txid in memp :
# restore priority so they are mined
self . rpc . prioritisetransaction ( txid , None , fee_delta )
hashes + = self . generate_block ( 1 + final_len - ( height + shift ) )
self . wait_for_log ( r ' UpdateTip: new best=.* height= {} ' . format ( final_len ) )
return hashes
def getnewaddress ( self ) :
return self . rpc . getnewaddress ( )
class ElementsD ( BitcoinD ) :
def __init__ ( self , bitcoin_dir = " /tmp/bitcoind-test " , rpcport = None ) :
config = BITCOIND_CONFIG . copy ( )
if ' regtest ' in config :
del config [ ' regtest ' ]
config [ ' chain ' ] = ' liquid-regtest '
BitcoinD . __init__ ( self , bitcoin_dir , rpcport )
self . cmd_line = [
' elementsd ' ,
' -datadir= {} ' . format ( bitcoin_dir ) ,
' -printtoconsole ' ,
' -server ' ,
' -logtimestamps ' ,
' -nolisten ' ,
' -validatepegin=0 ' ,
' -con_blocksubsidy=5000000000 ' ,
conf_file = os . path . join ( bitcoin_dir , ' elements.conf ' )
config [ ' rpcport ' ] = self . rpcport
BITCOIND_REGTEST = { ' rpcport ' : self . rpcport }
write_config ( conf_file , config , BITCOIND_REGTEST , section_name = ' liquid-regtest ' )
self . conf_file = conf_file
self . rpc = SimpleBitcoinProxy ( btc_conf_file = self . conf_file )
self . prefix = ' elementsd '
def generate_block ( self , numblocks = 1 , wait_for_mempool = 0 ) :
if wait_for_mempool :
if isinstance ( wait_for_mempool , str ) :
wait_for_mempool = [ wait_for_mempool ]
if isinstance ( wait_for_mempool , list ) :
wait_for ( lambda : all ( txid in self . rpc . getrawmempool ( ) for txid in wait_for_mempool ) )
else :
wait_for ( lambda : len ( self . rpc . getrawmempool ( ) ) > = wait_for_mempool )
# As of 0.16, generate() is removed; use generatetoaddress.
return self . rpc . generate ( numblocks )
def getnewaddress ( self ) :
""" Need to get an address and then make it unconfidential
addr = self . rpc . getnewaddress ( )
info = self . rpc . getaddressinfo ( addr )
return info [ ' unconfidential ' ]
class LightningD ( TailableProc ) :
def __init__ ( self , lightning_dir , bitcoindproxy , port = 9735 , random_hsm = False , node_id = 0 ) :
TailableProc . __init__ ( self , lightning_dir )
2019-10-30 11:50:16 +01:00
self . executable = ' lightningd '
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
self . lightning_dir = lightning_dir
self . port = port
self . cmd_prefix = [ ]
self . disconnect_file = None
self . rpcproxy = bitcoindproxy
self . opts = LIGHTNINGD_CONFIG . copy ( )
opts = {
' lightning-dir ' : lightning_dir ,
' addr ' : ' {} ' . format ( port ) ,
' allow-deprecated-apis ' : ' false ' ,
2019-11-23 12:16:40 +10:30
' network ' : TEST_NETWORK ,
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
' ignore-fee-limits ' : ' false ' ,
' bitcoin-rpcuser ' : BITCOIND_CONFIG [ ' rpcuser ' ] ,
' bitcoin-rpcpassword ' : BITCOIND_CONFIG [ ' rpcpassword ' ] ,
for k , v in opts . items ( ) :
self . opts [ k ] = v
2019-11-23 12:16:40 +10:30
if not os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( lightning_dir , TEST_NETWORK ) ) :
os . makedirs ( os . path . join ( lightning_dir , TEST_NETWORK ) )
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
# Last 32-bytes of final part of dir -> seed.
seed = ( bytes ( re . search ( ' ([^/]+)/*$ ' , lightning_dir ) . group ( 1 ) , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) + bytes ( 32 ) ) [ : 32 ]
if not random_hsm :
2019-11-23 12:16:40 +10:30
with open ( os . path . join ( lightning_dir , TEST_NETWORK , ' hsm_secret ' ) , ' wb ' ) as f :
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
f . write ( seed )
self . opts [ ' dev-fast-gossip ' ] = None
self . opts [ ' dev-bitcoind-poll ' ] = 1
self . prefix = ' lightningd- %d ' % ( node_id )
def cleanup ( self ) :
# To force blackhole to exit, disconnect file must be truncated!
if self . disconnect_file :
with open ( self . disconnect_file , " w " ) as f :
f . truncate ( )
def cmd_line ( self ) :
opts = [ ]
for k , v in self . opts . items ( ) :
if v is None :
opts . append ( " -- {} " . format ( k ) )
elif isinstance ( v , list ) :
for i in v :
opts . append ( " -- {} = {} " . format ( k , i ) )
else :
opts . append ( " -- {} = {} " . format ( k , v ) )
return self . cmd_prefix + [ self . executable ] + opts
def start ( self , stdin = None , stdout = None , stderr = None ,
wait_for_initialized = True ) :
self . opts [ ' bitcoin-rpcport ' ] = self . rpcproxy . rpcport
TailableProc . start ( self , stdin , stdout , stderr )
if wait_for_initialized :
self . wait_for_log ( " Server started with public key " )
logging . info ( " LightningD started " )
def wait ( self , timeout = 10 ) :
""" Wait for the daemon to stop for up to timeout seconds
Returns the returncode of the process , None if the process did
not return before the timeout triggers .
self . proc . wait ( timeout )
return self . proc . returncode
class LightningNode ( object ) :
2019-10-28 22:11:23 +01:00
def __init__ ( self , node_id , lightning_dir , bitcoind , executor , may_fail = False ,
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
may_reconnect = False , allow_broken_log = False ,
2019-11-18 10:57:17 +10:30
allow_bad_gossip = False , db = None , port = None , disconnect = None , random_hsm = None , options = None , * * kwargs ) :
2019-10-28 22:11:23 +01:00
self . bitcoin = bitcoind
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
self . executor = executor
self . may_fail = may_fail
self . may_reconnect = may_reconnect
self . allow_broken_log = allow_broken_log
self . allow_bad_gossip = allow_bad_gossip
self . db = db
2019-11-29 16:11:17 +01:00
# Assume successful exit
self . rc = 0
2019-11-23 12:16:40 +10:30
socket_path = os . path . join ( lightning_dir , TEST_NETWORK , " lightning-rpc " ) . format ( node_id )
2019-10-28 22:11:23 +01:00
self . rpc = LightningRpc ( socket_path , self . executor )
self . daemon = LightningD (
lightning_dir , bitcoindproxy = bitcoind . get_proxy ( ) ,
port = port , random_hsm = random_hsm , node_id = node_id
# If we have a disconnect string, dump it to a file for daemon.
if disconnect :
2019-11-23 12:16:40 +10:30
self . daemon . disconnect_file = os . path . join ( lightning_dir , TEST_NETWORK , " dev_disconnect " )
2019-10-28 22:11:23 +01:00
with open ( self . daemon . disconnect_file , " w " ) as f :
f . write ( " \n " . join ( disconnect ) )
self . daemon . opts [ " dev-disconnect " ] = " dev_disconnect "
self . daemon . opts [ " dev-fail-on-subdaemon-fail " ] = None
self . daemon . env [ " LIGHTNINGD_DEV_MEMLEAK " ] = " 1 "
if os . getenv ( " DEBUG_SUBD " ) :
self . daemon . opts [ " dev-debugger " ] = os . getenv ( " DEBUG_SUBD " )
self . daemon . env [ " LIGHTNINGD_DEV_NO_BACKTRACE " ] = " 1 "
if not may_reconnect :
self . daemon . opts [ " dev-no-reconnect " ] = None
if options is not None :
self . daemon . opts . update ( options )
dsn = db . get_dsn ( )
if dsn is not None :
self . daemon . opts [ ' wallet ' ] = dsn
self . daemon . cmd_prefix = [
' valgrind ' ,
' -q ' ,
' --trace-children=yes ' ,
' --trace-children-skip=*python*,*bitcoin-cli*,*elements-cli* ' ,
' --error-exitcode=7 ' ,
' --log-file= {} /valgrind-errors. % p ' . format ( self . daemon . lightning_dir )
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
def connect ( self , remote_node ) :
self . rpc . connect ( remote_node . info [ ' id ' ] , ' ' , remote_node . daemon . port )
def is_connected ( self , remote_node ) :
return remote_node . info [ ' id ' ] in [ p [ ' id ' ] for p in self . rpc . listpeers ( ) [ ' peers ' ] ]
def openchannel ( self , remote_node , capacity , addrtype = " p2sh-segwit " , confirm = True , wait_for_announce = True , connect = True ) :
addr , wallettxid = self . fundwallet ( 10 * capacity , addrtype )
if connect and not self . is_connected ( remote_node ) :
self . connect ( remote_node )
fundingtx = self . rpc . fundchannel ( remote_node . info [ ' id ' ] , capacity )
# Wait for the funding transaction to be in bitcoind's mempool
wait_for ( lambda : fundingtx [ ' txid ' ] in self . bitcoin . rpc . getrawmempool ( ) )
if confirm or wait_for_announce :
self . bitcoin . generate_block ( 1 )
if wait_for_announce :
self . bitcoin . generate_block ( 5 )
if confirm or wait_for_announce :
self . daemon . wait_for_log (
r ' Funding tx {} depth ' . format ( fundingtx [ ' txid ' ] ) )
return { ' address ' : addr , ' wallettxid ' : wallettxid , ' fundingtx ' : fundingtx }
def fundwallet ( self , sats , addrtype = " p2sh-segwit " ) :
addr = self . rpc . newaddr ( addrtype ) [ addrtype ]
txid = self . bitcoin . rpc . sendtoaddress ( addr , sats / 10 * * 8 )
self . bitcoin . generate_block ( 1 )
self . daemon . wait_for_log ( ' Owning output .* txid {} CONFIRMED ' . format ( txid ) )
return addr , txid
def getactivechannels ( self ) :
return [ c for c in self . rpc . listchannels ( ) [ ' channels ' ] if c [ ' active ' ] ]
def db_query ( self , query ) :
return self . db . query ( query )
# Assumes node is stopped!
def db_manip ( self , query ) :
2019-11-23 12:16:40 +10:30
db = sqlite3 . connect ( os . path . join ( self . daemon . lightning_dir , TEST_NETWORK , " lightningd.sqlite3 " ) )
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
db . row_factory = sqlite3 . Row
c = db . cursor ( )
c . execute ( query )
db . commit ( )
c . close ( )
db . close ( )
def is_synced_with_bitcoin ( self , info = None ) :
if info is None :
info = self . rpc . getinfo ( )
return ' warning_bitcoind_sync ' not in info and ' warning_lightningd_sync ' not in info
def start ( self , wait_for_bitcoind_sync = True ) :
self . daemon . start ( )
# Cache `getinfo`, we'll be using it a lot
self . info = self . rpc . getinfo ( )
# This shortcut is sufficient for our simple tests.
self . port = self . info [ ' binding ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' port ' ]
if wait_for_bitcoind_sync and not self . is_synced_with_bitcoin ( self . info ) :
wait_for ( lambda : self . is_synced_with_bitcoin ( ) )
def stop ( self , timeout = 10 ) :
""" Attempt to do a clean shutdown, but kill if it hangs
# Tell the daemon to stop
try :
# May fail if the process already died
self . rpc . stop ( )
except Exception :
2019-11-29 16:11:17 +01:00
self . rc = self . daemon . wait ( timeout )
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
# If it did not stop be more insistent
2019-11-29 16:11:17 +01:00
if self . rc is None :
self . rc = self . daemon . stop ( )
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
self . daemon . save_log ( )
self . daemon . cleanup ( )
2019-11-29 16:11:17 +01:00
if self . rc != 0 and not self . may_fail :
raise ValueError ( " Node did not exit cleanly, rc= {} " . format ( self . rc ) )
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
else :
2019-11-29 16:11:17 +01:00
return self . rc
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
def restart ( self , timeout = 10 , clean = True ) :
""" Stop and restart the lightning node.
Keyword arguments :
timeout : number of seconds to wait for a shutdown
clean : whether to issue a ` stop ` RPC command before killing
if clean :
self . stop ( timeout )
else :
self . daemon . stop ( )
self . start ( )
2019-12-06 11:22:40 +01:00
def fund_channel ( self , l2 , amount , wait_for_active = True , announce_channel = True ) :
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
# Give yourself some funds to work with
addr = self . rpc . newaddr ( ) [ ' bech32 ' ]
self . bitcoin . rpc . sendtoaddress ( addr , ( amount + 1000000 ) / 10 * * 8 )
numfunds = len ( self . rpc . listfunds ( ) [ ' outputs ' ] )
self . bitcoin . generate_block ( 1 )
wait_for ( lambda : len ( self . rpc . listfunds ( ) [ ' outputs ' ] ) > numfunds )
# Now go ahead and open a channel
num_tx = len ( self . bitcoin . rpc . getrawmempool ( ) )
2019-12-06 11:22:40 +01:00
tx = self . rpc . fundchannel ( l2 . info [ ' id ' ] , amount , announce = announce_channel ) [ ' tx ' ]
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
wait_for ( lambda : len ( self . bitcoin . rpc . getrawmempool ( ) ) == num_tx + 1 )
self . bitcoin . generate_block ( 1 )
# Hacky way to find our output.
scid = " {} x1x {} " . format ( self . bitcoin . rpc . getblockcount ( ) ,
get_tx_p2wsh_outnum ( self . bitcoin , tx , amount ) )
if wait_for_active :
# We wait until gossipd sees both local updates, as well as status NORMAL,
# so it can definitely route through.
self . daemon . wait_for_logs ( [ r ' update for channel {} /0 now ACTIVE '
. format ( scid ) ,
r ' update for channel {} /1 now ACTIVE '
. format ( scid ) ,
l2 . daemon . wait_for_logs ( [ r ' update for channel {} /0 now ACTIVE '
. format ( scid ) ,
r ' update for channel {} /1 now ACTIVE '
. format ( scid ) ,
return scid
2019-11-17 22:11:33 +10:30
def subd_pid ( self , subd , peerid = None ) :
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
""" Get the process id of the given subdaemon, eg channeld or gossipd """
2019-11-17 22:11:33 +10:30
if peerid :
2019-11-18 10:57:17 +10:30
ex = re . compile ( r ' {} -.* {} .*: pid ([0-9]*), '
2019-11-17 22:11:33 +10:30
. format ( peerid , subd ) )
else :
2019-11-18 10:57:17 +10:30
ex = re . compile ( ' {} -.*: pid ([0-9]*), ' . format ( subd ) )
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
# Make sure we get latest one if it's restarted!
for l in reversed ( self . daemon . logs ) :
group = ex . search ( l )
if group :
return group . group ( 1 )
raise ValueError ( " No daemon {} found " . format ( subd ) )
def channel_state ( self , other ) :
""" Return the state of the channel to the other node.
Returns None if there is no such peer , or a channel hasn ' t been funded
yet .
peers = self . rpc . listpeers ( other . info [ ' id ' ] ) [ ' peers ' ]
if not peers or ' channels ' not in peers [ 0 ] :
return None
channel = peers [ 0 ] [ ' channels ' ] [ 0 ]
return channel [ ' state ' ]
def get_channel_scid ( self , other ) :
""" Get the short_channel_id for the channel to the other node.
peers = self . rpc . listpeers ( other . info [ ' id ' ] ) [ ' peers ' ]
if not peers or ' channels ' not in peers [ 0 ] :
return None
channel = peers [ 0 ] [ ' channels ' ] [ 0 ]
return channel [ ' short_channel_id ' ]
def is_channel_active ( self , chanid ) :
2019-12-06 11:23:37 +01:00
channels = self . rpc . listchannels ( chanid ) [ ' channels ' ]
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
active = [ ( c [ ' short_channel_id ' ] , c [ ' channel_flags ' ] ) for c in channels if c [ ' active ' ] ]
return ( chanid , 0 ) in active and ( chanid , 1 ) in active
def wait_for_channel_onchain ( self , peerid ) :
txid = only_one ( only_one ( self . rpc . listpeers ( peerid ) [ ' peers ' ] ) [ ' channels ' ] ) [ ' scratch_txid ' ]
wait_for ( lambda : txid in self . bitcoin . rpc . getrawmempool ( ) )
def wait_channel_active ( self , chanid ) :
wait_for ( lambda : self . is_channel_active ( chanid ) )
# This waits until gossipd sees channel_update in both directions
# (or for local channels, at least a local announcement)
def wait_for_channel_updates ( self , scids ) :
# Could happen in any order...
self . daemon . wait_for_logs ( [ ' Received channel_update for channel {} /0 ' . format ( c )
for c in scids ]
+ [ ' Received channel_update for channel {} /1 ' . format ( c )
for c in scids ] )
def wait_for_route ( self , destination , timeout = 30 ) :
""" Wait for a route to the destination to become available.
start_time = time . time ( )
while time . time ( ) < start_time + timeout :
try :
self . rpc . getroute ( destination . info [ ' id ' ] , 1 , 1 )
return True
except Exception :
time . sleep ( 1 )
if time . time ( ) > start_time + timeout :
raise ValueError ( " Error waiting for a route to destination {} " . format ( destination ) )
def pay ( self , dst , amt , label = None ) :
if not label :
label = ' ' . join ( random . choice ( string . ascii_letters + string . digits ) for _ in range ( 20 ) )
rhash = dst . rpc . invoice ( amt , label , label ) [ ' payment_hash ' ]
invoices = dst . rpc . listinvoices ( label ) [ ' invoices ' ]
assert len ( invoices ) == 1 and invoices [ 0 ] [ ' status ' ] == ' unpaid '
routestep = {
' msatoshi ' : amt ,
' id ' : dst . info [ ' id ' ] ,
' delay ' : 5 ,
' channel ' : ' 1x1x1 '
def wait_pay ( ) :
# Up to 10 seconds for payment to succeed.
start_time = time . time ( )
while dst . rpc . listinvoices ( label ) [ ' invoices ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' status ' ] != ' paid ' :
if time . time ( ) > start_time + 10 :
raise TimeoutError ( ' Payment timed out ' )
time . sleep ( 0.1 )
# sendpay is async now
self . rpc . sendpay ( [ routestep ] , rhash )
# wait for sendpay to comply
self . rpc . waitsendpay ( rhash )
# Note: this feeds through the smoother in update_feerate, so changing
# it on a running daemon may not give expected result!
def set_feerates ( self , feerates , wait_for_effect = True ) :
# (bitcoind returns bitcoin per kb, so these are * 4)
def mock_estimatesmartfee ( r ) :
params = r [ ' params ' ]
if params == [ 2 , ' CONSERVATIVE ' ] :
feerate = feerates [ 0 ] * 4
elif params == [ 4 , ' ECONOMICAL ' ] :
feerate = feerates [ 1 ] * 4
elif params == [ 100 , ' ECONOMICAL ' ] :
feerate = feerates [ 2 ] * 4
else :
raise ValueError ( )
return {
' id ' : r [ ' id ' ] ,
' error ' : None ,
' result ' : {
' feerate ' : Decimal ( feerate ) / 10 * * 8
} ,
self . daemon . rpcproxy . mock_rpc ( ' estimatesmartfee ' , mock_estimatesmartfee )
# Technically, this waits until it's called, not until it's processed.
# We wait until all three levels have been called.
if wait_for_effect :
wait_for ( lambda : self . daemon . rpcproxy . mock_counts [ ' estimatesmartfee ' ] > = 3 )
def wait_for_onchaind_broadcast ( self , name , resolve = None ) :
""" Wait for onchaind to drop tx name to resolve (if any) """
if resolve :
r = self . daemon . wait_for_log ( ' Broadcasting {} .* to resolve {} '
. format ( name , resolve ) )
else :
r = self . daemon . wait_for_log ( ' Broadcasting {} .* to resolve '
. format ( name ) )
rawtx = re . search ( r ' .* \ (([0-9a-fA-F]*) \ ) ' , r ) . group ( 1 )
txid = self . bitcoin . rpc . decoderawtransaction ( rawtx , True ) [ ' txid ' ]
wait_for ( lambda : txid in self . bitcoin . rpc . getrawmempool ( ) )
def query_gossip ( self , querytype , * args , filters = [ ] ) :
""" Generate a gossip query, feed it into this node and get responses
in hex """
query = subprocess . run ( [ ' devtools/mkquery ' ,
querytype ] + [ str ( a ) for a in args ] ,
check = True ,
timeout = TIMEOUT ,
stdout = subprocess . PIPE ) . stdout . strip ( )
out = subprocess . run ( [ ' devtools/gossipwith ' ,
2019-11-15 14:48:34 +10:30
' --timeout-after= {} ' . format ( int ( math . sqrt ( TIMEOUT ) + 1 ) ) ,
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
' {} @localhost: {} ' . format ( self . info [ ' id ' ] ,
self . port ) ,
query ] ,
check = True ,
timeout = TIMEOUT , stdout = subprocess . PIPE ) . stdout
def passes_filters ( hmsg , filters ) :
for f in filters :
if hmsg . startswith ( f ) :
return False
return True
msgs = [ ]
while len ( out ) :
length = struct . unpack ( ' >H ' , out [ 0 : 2 ] ) [ 0 ]
hmsg = out [ 2 : 2 + length ] . hex ( )
if passes_filters ( hmsg , filters ) :
msgs . append ( out [ 2 : 2 + length ] . hex ( ) )
out = out [ 2 + length : ]
return msgs
class NodeFactory ( object ) :
""" A factory to setup and start `lightningd` daemons.
2019-10-30 11:50:16 +01:00
def __init__ ( self , testname , bitcoind , executor , directory , db_provider , node_cls ) :
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
self . testname = testname
self . next_id = 1
self . nodes = [ ]
self . executor = executor
self . bitcoind = bitcoind
self . directory = directory
self . lock = threading . Lock ( )
self . db_provider = db_provider
2019-10-30 11:50:16 +01:00
self . node_cls = node_cls
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
def split_options ( self , opts ) :
""" Split node options from cli options
Some options are used to instrument the node wrapper and some are passed
to the daemon on the command line . Split them so we know where to use
them .
node_opt_keys = [
' disconnect ' ,
' may_fail ' ,
' allow_broken_log ' ,
' may_reconnect ' ,
' random_hsm ' ,
' feerates ' ,
' wait_for_bitcoind_sync ' ,
' allow_bad_gossip '
node_opts = { k : v for k , v in opts . items ( ) if k in node_opt_keys }
cli_opts = { k : v for k , v in opts . items ( ) if k not in node_opt_keys }
return node_opts , cli_opts
def get_next_port ( self ) :
with self . lock :
return reserve ( )
def get_node_id ( self ) :
""" Generate a unique numeric ID for a lightning node
with self . lock :
node_id = self . next_id
self . next_id + = 1
return node_id
def get_nodes ( self , num_nodes , opts = None ) :
""" Start a number of nodes in parallel, each with its own options
if opts is None :
# No opts were passed in, give some dummy opts
opts = [ { } for _ in range ( num_nodes ) ]
elif isinstance ( opts , dict ) :
# A single dict was passed in, so we use these opts for all nodes
opts = [ opts ] * num_nodes
assert len ( opts ) == num_nodes
jobs = [ ]
for i in range ( num_nodes ) :
node_opts , cli_opts = self . split_options ( opts [ i ] )
jobs . append ( self . executor . submit (
self . get_node , options = cli_opts ,
node_id = self . get_node_id ( ) , * * node_opts
) )
return [ j . result ( ) for j in jobs ]
2019-10-28 22:11:23 +01:00
def get_node ( self , node_id = None , options = None , dbfile = None ,
feerates = ( 15000 , 7500 , 3750 ) , start = True ,
wait_for_bitcoind_sync = True , * * kwargs ) :
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
2019-10-28 22:11:23 +01:00
node_id = self . get_node_id ( ) if not node_id else node_id
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
port = self . get_next_port ( )
lightning_dir = os . path . join (
self . directory , " lightning- {} / " . format ( node_id ) )
if os . path . exists ( lightning_dir ) :
shutil . rmtree ( lightning_dir )
2019-10-28 22:11:23 +01:00
# Get the DB backend DSN we should be using for this test and this
# node.
2019-11-23 12:16:40 +10:30
db = self . db_provider . get_db ( os . path . join ( lightning_dir , TEST_NETWORK ) , self . testname , node_id )
2019-10-30 11:50:16 +01:00
node = self . node_cls (
2019-10-28 22:11:23 +01:00
node_id , lightning_dir , self . bitcoind , self . executor , db = db ,
port = port , options = options , * * kwargs
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
# Regtest estimatefee are unusable, so override.
node . set_feerates ( feerates , False )
self . nodes . append ( node )
if dbfile :
2019-11-23 12:16:40 +10:30
out = open ( os . path . join ( node . daemon . lightning_dir , TEST_NETWORK ,
2019-10-28 22:11:23 +01:00
' lightningd.sqlite3 ' ) , ' xb ' )
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
with lzma . open ( os . path . join ( ' tests/data ' , dbfile ) , ' rb ' ) as f :
out . write ( f . read ( ) )
if start :
try :
node . start ( wait_for_bitcoind_sync )
except Exception :
node . daemon . stop ( )
return node
def line_graph ( self , num_nodes , fundchannel = True , fundamount = 10 * * 6 , wait_for_announce = False , opts = None , announce_channels = True ) :
""" Create nodes, connect them and optionally fund channels.
assert not ( wait_for_announce and not announce_channels ) , " You ' ve asked to wait for an announcement that ' s not coming. (wait_for_announce=True,announce_channels=False) "
nodes = self . get_nodes ( num_nodes , opts = opts )
bitcoin = nodes [ 0 ] . bitcoin
connections = [ ( nodes [ i ] , nodes [ i + 1 ] ) for i in range ( 0 , num_nodes - 1 ) ]
for src , dst in connections :
src . rpc . connect ( dst . info [ ' id ' ] , ' localhost ' , dst . port )
# If we're returning now, make sure dst all show connections in
# getpeers.
if not fundchannel :
for src , dst in connections :
2019-11-18 10:57:18 +10:30
dst . daemon . wait_for_log ( r ' {} -.*openingd-chan#[0-9]*: Handed peer, entering loop ' . format ( src . info [ ' id ' ] ) )
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
return nodes
# If we got here, we want to fund channels
for src , dst in connections :
addr = src . rpc . newaddr ( ) [ ' bech32 ' ]
src . bitcoin . rpc . sendtoaddress ( addr , ( fundamount + 1000000 ) / 10 * * 8 )
bitcoin . generate_block ( 1 )
for src , dst in connections :
wait_for ( lambda : len ( src . rpc . listfunds ( ) [ ' outputs ' ] ) > 0 )
tx = src . rpc . fundchannel ( dst . info [ ' id ' ] , fundamount , announce = announce_channels )
wait_for ( lambda : tx [ ' txid ' ] in bitcoin . rpc . getrawmempool ( ) )
# Confirm all channels and wait for them to become usable
bitcoin . generate_block ( 1 )
scids = [ ]
for src , dst in connections :
wait_for ( lambda : src . channel_state ( dst ) == ' CHANNELD_NORMAL ' )
scid = src . get_channel_scid ( dst )
src . daemon . wait_for_log ( r ' Received channel_update for channel {scid} /. now ACTIVE ' . format ( scid = scid ) )
scids . append ( scid )
if not wait_for_announce :
return nodes
bitcoin . generate_block ( 5 )
def both_dirs_ready ( n , scid ) :
resp = n . rpc . listchannels ( scid )
return [ a [ ' active ' ] for a in resp [ ' channels ' ] ] == [ True , True ]
# Make sure everyone sees all channels: we can cheat and
# simply check the ends (since it's a line).
wait_for ( lambda : both_dirs_ready ( nodes [ 0 ] , scids [ - 1 ] ) )
wait_for ( lambda : both_dirs_ready ( nodes [ - 1 ] , scids [ 0 ] ) )
# Make sure we have all node announcements, too (just check ends)
for n in nodes :
for end in ( nodes [ 0 ] , nodes [ - 1 ] ) :
wait_for ( lambda : ' alias ' in only_one ( end . rpc . listnodes ( n . info [ ' id ' ] ) [ ' nodes ' ] ) )
return nodes
def killall ( self , expected_successes ) :
""" Returns true if every node we expected to succeed actually succeeded """
unexpected_fail = False
err_msgs = [ ]
for i in range ( len ( self . nodes ) ) :
leaks = None
# leak detection upsets VALGRIND by reading uninitialized mem.
# If it's dead, we'll catch it below.
2019-11-17 12:44:49 +01:00
2019-10-26 20:27:37 +02:00
try :
# This also puts leaks in log.
leaks = self . nodes [ i ] . rpc . dev_memleak ( ) [ ' leaks ' ]
except Exception :
try :
self . nodes [ i ] . stop ( )
except Exception :
if expected_successes [ i ] :
unexpected_fail = True
if leaks is not None and len ( leaks ) != 0 :
unexpected_fail = True
err_msgs . append ( " Node {} has memory leaks: {} " . format (
self . nodes [ i ] . daemon . lightning_dir ,
json . dumps ( leaks , sort_keys = True , indent = 4 )
) )
return not unexpected_fail , err_msgs