CLNRest is a lightweight Python-based core lightning plugin that transforms RPC calls into a REST service. By generating REST API endpoints, it enables the execution of Core Lightning's RPC methods behind the scenes and provides responses in JSON format.
## Installation
Install required packages with `pip install json5 flask flask_restx gunicorn pyln-client` or `pip install -r requirements.txt`.
Note: if you have the older c-lightning-rest plugin, you can use `disable-plugin` to avoid any conflict with this one. Of course, you could use this one instead!
- --rest-protocol: Specifies the REST server protocol. Default is HTTPS.
- --rest-host: Defines the REST server host. Default is
- --rest-certs: Defines the path for HTTPS cert & key. Default path is same as RPC file path to utilize gRPC's client certificate. If it is missing at the configured location, new identity (`client.pem` and `client-key.pem`) will be generated.
## Plugin
- It can be configured by adding `plugin=/<path>/clnrest/` to the Core Lightning's config file.
## Server
With the default configurations, the Swagger user interface will be available at The POST method requires `rune` and `nodeid` headers for authorization.
### cURL
Example curl command for POST will also require `rune` and `nodeid` headers like below: