Docker Buildx is an extension of Docker's build command, that provides a more efficient way to create images. It is part of Docker 19.03 and can also be manually installed as a CLI plugin for older versions.
1. Enable Docker CLI experimental features
Docker CLI experimental features are required to use Buildx. Enable them by setting the DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL environment variable to enabled.
You can do this by adding the following line to your shell profile file (.bashrc, .zshrc, etc.):
After adding it, source your shell profile file or restart your shell to apply the changes.
2. Create a new builder instance
By default, Docker uses the "legacy" builder. You need to create a new builder instance that uses BuildKit. To create a new builder instance, use the following command:
The --use flag sets the newly created builder as the current one.
# Setting up multiarch/qemu-user-static
1. Check Buildx is working
Use the `docker buildx inspect --bootstrap` command to verify that Buildx is working correctly. The `--bootstrap` option ensures the builder instance is running before inspecting it. The output should look something like this:
2. Run script `tools/ --push docker` to build `amd64`, `arm64v8`, `latest` and `multiarch` images and publish them on Dockerhub.
3. If you do not want to push the images directly on Dockerhub then run `tools/ docker`. It will only create images locally but not push them to Dockerhub.
> Before running a Docker image on a different platform than your local architecture, ensure that the `multiarch/qemu-user-static` setup is functioning correctly. Instructions for setting this up can be found [here](
The Core Lightning (CLN) Docker image (platforms: `linux/amd64`, `linux/arm64`, `linux/arm/v7`) can be tested with a local Bitcoin regtest setup using the following command:
## Using CLI for CLN Node Running in the Docker Container
### From Host (Local CLI)
Use your local lightning-cli (if installed), ensuring that `lightning-dir` is configured with the local directory that is mounted to the container's `root/.lightning`.