2023-08-03 15:34:14 -04:00
lightning-splice\_update -- Command to initiate a channel to a peer
**(WARNING: experimental-splicing only)**
**splice\_update** *channel\_id* *psbt*
`splice_update` is a low level RPC command which updates the active channel
splice associated with `channel_id`.
*channel\_id* is the channel id of the channel being spliced.
*psbt* is the base 64 encoded PSBT returned from `splice_init` with any changes
added by the user.
`splice_update` must be called repeatidly until the result `commitments_secured`
is `true`. Each time `splice_update` is called, it will return a new PSBT that
may have changes. In the simplest case, you take the returned `psbt` and pass
it back into `splice_update` for the incoming `psbt` field.
For more complex use cases, you may modify the `psbt` both before calling
`splice_update` and inbetween subsequent calls until `commitments_secured` is
`true`. After which point you can no long make modifications to the PSBT (beyond
signing, which comes later with `splice_signed`).
Each `splice_update` result may include changes to the PSBT specified by your
channel peer. You can review these changes between calls to `splice_update` to
perform additional validation or strategy adjustment.
Typically, `splice_update` will return `commitments_secured` true after one call
but you should assume it will need multiple calls. Here is an example way to
call `splice_update`
2023-10-14 10:09:05 +02:00
2023-08-03 15:34:14 -04:00
while [[ $(echo $RESULT | jq -r ".commitments_secured") == "false" ]]
RESULT=$(lightning-cli splice_update $CHANNEL_ID $PSBT)
PSBT=$(echo $RESULT | jq -r ".psbt")
echo $RESULT
Before each call to `splice_update` you have the opportunity
to make additional changes.
Here is a full example set of splice commands that will splice in 100,000 sats
to the first channel that comes out of `listpeerchannels`. The example assumes
you already have at least one confirmed channel.
2023-10-14 10:09:05 +02:00
2023-08-03 15:34:14 -04:00
RESULT=$(lightning-cli listpeerchannels)
CHANNEL_ID=$(echo $RESULT| jq -r ".channels[0].channel_id")
echo $RESULT
RESULT=$(lightning-cli fundpsbt -k satoshi=100000sat feerate=urgent startweight=800 excess_as_change=true)
INITIALPSBT=$(echo $RESULT | jq -r ".psbt")
echo $RESULT
RESULT=$(lightning-cli splice_init $CHANNEL_ID 100000 $INITIALPSBT)
PSBT=$(echo $RESULT | jq -r ".psbt")
echo $RESULT
while [[ $(echo $RESULT | jq -r ".commitments_secured") == "false" ]]
RESULT=$(lightning-cli splice_update $CHANNEL_ID $PSBT)
PSBT=$(echo $RESULT | jq -r ".psbt")
echo $RESULT
RESULT=$(lightning-cli signpsbt -k psbt="$PSBT")
PSBT=$(echo $RESULT | jq -r ".signed_psbt")
echo $RESULT
lightning-cli splice_signed $CHANNEL_ID $PSBT
On success, an object is returned, containing:
- **psbt** (string): the (incomplete) PSBT of the splice transaction
- **commitments\_secured** (boolean): whether or not the commitments were secured
Main web site: <https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning>
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