On success, an object containing **peers** is returned. It is an array of objects, where each object contains:
- **id** (pubkey): the public key of the peer
- **connected** (boolean): True if the peer is currently connected
- **channels** (array of objects):
- **opener** (string): Who initiated the channel (one of "local", "remote")
- **features** (array of strings):
- BOLT #9 features which apply to this channel (one of "option_static_remotekey", "option_anchor_outputs")
- **scratch_txid** (txid, optional): The txid we would use if we went onchain now
- **feerate** (object, optional): Feerates for the current tx:
- **perkw** (u32): Feerate per 1000 weight (i.e kSipa)
- **perkb** (u32): Feerate per 1000 virtual bytes
- **owner** (string, optional): The current subdaemon controlling this connection
- **short_channel_id** (short_channel_id, optional): The short_channel_id (once locked in)
- **channel_id** (hex, optional): The full channel_id (always 64 characters)
- **funding_txid** (txid, optional): ID of the funding transaction
- **inflight** (array of objects, optional): Current candidate funding transactions (only for dual-funding):
- **funding_txid** (txid): ID of the funding transaction
- **funding_outnum** (u32): The 0-based output number of the funding transaction which opens the channel
- **feerate** (string): The feerate for this funding transaction in per-1000-weight, with "kpw" appended
- **total_funding_msat** (msat): total amount in the channel
- **our_funding_msat** (msat): amount we have in the channel
- **scratch_txid** (txid): The commitment transaction txid we would use if we went onchain now
- **close_to** (hex, optional): scriptPubkey which we have to close to if we mutual close
- **private** (boolean, optional): if False, we will not announce this channel
- **closer** (string, optional): Who initiated the channel close (`null` is deprecated!) (one of "local", "remote", *null*)
- **funding** (object, optional):
- **local_msat** (msat): Amount of channel we funded
- **remote_msat** (msat): Amount of channel they funded
- **to_us_msat** (msat, optional): how much of channel is owed to us
- **min_to_us_msat** (msat, optional): least amount owed to us ever
- **max_to_us_msat** (msat, optional): most amount owed to us ever
- **total_msat** (msat, optional): total amount in the channel
- **fee_base_msat** (msat, optional): amount we charge to use the channel
- **fee_proportional_millionths** (u32, optional): amount we charge to use the channel in parts-per-million
- **dust_limit_msat** (msat, optional): minimum amount for an output on the channel transactions
- **max_total_htlc_in_msat** (msat, optional): max amount accept in a single payment
- **their_reserve_msat** (msat, optional): minimum we insist they keep in channel
- **our_reserve_msat** (msat, optional): minimum they insist we keep in channel
- **spendable_msat** (msat, optional): total we could send through channel
- **receivable_msat** (msat, optional): total peer could send through channel
- **minimum_htlc_in_msat** (msat, optional): the minimum amount HTLC we accept
- **their_to_self_delay** (u32, optional): the number of blocks before they can take their funds if they unilateral close
- **our_to_self_delay** (u32, optional): the number of blocks before we can take our funds if we unilateral close
- **max_accepted_htlcs** (u32, optional): Maximum number of incoming HTLC we will accept at once
- **state_changes** (array of objects, optional): Prior state changes:
- **timestamp** (string): UTC timestamp of form YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.%03dZ
- **cause** (string): What caused the change (one of "unknown", "local", "user", "remote", "protocol", "onchain")
- **in_payments_offered** (u64, optional): Number of incoming payment attempts
- **in_offered_msat** (msat, optional): Total amount of incoming payment attempts
- **in_payments_fulfilled** (u64, optional): Number of successful incoming payment attempts
- **in_fulfilled_msat** (msat, optional): Total amount of successful incoming payment attempts
- **out_payments_offered** (u64, optional): Number of outgoing payment attempts
- **out_offered_msat** (msat, optional): Total amount of outgoing payment attempts
- **out_payments_fulfilled** (u64, optional): Number of successful outgoing payment attempts
- **out_fulfilled_msat** (msat, optional): Total amount of successful outgoing payment attempts
- **htlcs** (array of objects, optional): current HTLCs in this channel:
- **direction** (string): Whether it came from peer, or is going to peer (one of "in", "out")
- **id** (u64): Unique ID for this htlc on this channel in this direction
- **amount_msat** (msat): Amount send/received for this HTLC
- **expiry** (u32): Block this HTLC expires at
- **payment_hash** (hex): the hash of the payment_preimage which will prove payment (always 64 characters)
- **local_trimmed** (boolean, optional): if this is too small to enforce onchain (always *true*)
- **status** (string, optional): set if this HTLC is currently waiting on a hook (and shows what plugin)
If **direction** is "out":
If **direction** is "in":
If **close_to** is present:
- **close_to_addr** (string, optional): The bitcoin address we will close to
If **scratch_txid** is present:
- **last_tx_fee_msat** (msat): fee attached to this the current tx
If **short_channel_id** is present:
- **direction** (u32): 0 if we're the lesser node_id, 1 if we're the greater
If **inflight** is present:
- **initial_feerate** (string): The feerate for the initial funding transaction in per-1000-weight, with "kpw" appended
- **last_feerate** (string): The feerate for the latest funding transaction in per-1000-weight, with "kpw" appended
- **next_feerate** (string): The minimum feerate for the next funding transaction in per-1000-weight, with "kpw" appended
- **next_feestep** (u32, optional): The number of fee steps so far, plus one
- **log** (array of objects, optional): if *level* is specified, logs for this peer: