2023-07-21 09:54:32 +09:30
from fixtures import * # noqa: F401,F403
2023-07-25 12:44:35 +09:30
from fixtures import TEST_NETWORK
2023-07-21 09:54:32 +09:30
from pyln . client import RpcError
import base64
2023-07-25 12:44:35 +09:30
import os
2023-07-21 09:54:32 +09:30
import pytest
import time
2023-07-25 12:44:35 +09:30
import unittest
2023-07-21 09:54:32 +09:30
def test_createrune ( node_factory ) :
l1 = node_factory . get_node ( )
# l1's master rune secret is edb8893c04fdeef8f5f06ed70edef309a5c83f20624594e136e392504a270c40
rune1 = l1 . rpc . createrune ( )
assert rune1 [ ' rune ' ] == ' OSqc7ixY6F-gjcigBfxtzKUI54uzgFSA6YfBQoWGDV89MA== '
assert rune1 [ ' unique_id ' ] == ' 0 '
rune2 = l1 . rpc . createrune ( restrictions = " readonly " )
assert rune2 [ ' rune ' ] == ' zm0x_eLgHexaTvZn3Cz7gb_YlvrlYGDo_w4BYlR9SS09MSZtZXRob2RebGlzdHxtZXRob2ReZ2V0fG1ldGhvZD1zdW1tYXJ5Jm1ldGhvZC9saXN0ZGF0YXN0b3Jl '
assert rune2 [ ' unique_id ' ] == ' 1 '
rune3 = l1 . rpc . createrune ( restrictions = [ [ " time>1656675211 " ] ] )
assert rune3 [ ' rune ' ] == ' mxHwVsC_W-PH7r79wXQWqxBNHaHncIqIjEPyP_vGOsE9MiZ0aW1lPjE2NTY2NzUyMTE= '
assert rune3 [ ' unique_id ' ] == ' 2 '
rune4 = l1 . rpc . createrune ( restrictions = [ [ " id^022d223620a359a47ff7 " ] , [ " method=listpeers " ] ] )
assert rune4 [ ' rune ' ] == ' YPojv9qgHPa3im0eiqRb-g8aRq76OasyfltGGqdFUOU9MyZpZF4wMjJkMjIzNjIwYTM1OWE0N2ZmNyZtZXRob2Q9bGlzdHBlZXJz '
assert rune4 [ ' unique_id ' ] == ' 3 '
rune5 = l1 . rpc . commando_rune ( rune4 [ ' rune ' ] , [ [ " pnamelevel! " , " pnamelevel/io " ] ] )
assert rune5 [ ' rune ' ] == ' Zm7A2mKkLnd5l6Er_OMAHzGKba97ij8lA-MpNYMw9nk9MyZpZF4wMjJkMjIzNjIwYTM1OWE0N2ZmNyZtZXRob2Q9bGlzdHBlZXJzJnBuYW1lbGV2ZWwhfHBuYW1lbGV2ZWwvaW8= '
assert rune5 [ ' unique_id ' ] == ' 3 '
rune6 = l1 . rpc . commando_rune ( rune5 [ ' rune ' ] , [ [ " parr1! " , " parr1/io " ] ] )
assert rune6 [ ' rune ' ] == ' m_tyR0qqHUuLEbFJW6AhmBg-9npxVX2yKocQBFi9cvY9MyZpZF4wMjJkMjIzNjIwYTM1OWE0N2ZmNyZtZXRob2Q9bGlzdHBlZXJzJnBuYW1lbGV2ZWwhfHBuYW1lbGV2ZWwvaW8mcGFycjEhfHBhcnIxL2lv '
assert rune6 [ ' unique_id ' ] == ' 3 '
rune7 = l1 . rpc . createrune ( restrictions = [ [ " pnum=0 " ] ] )
assert rune7 [ ' rune ' ] == ' enX0sTpHB8y1ktyTAF80CnEvGetG340Ne3AGItudBS49NCZwbnVtPTA= '
assert rune7 [ ' unique_id ' ] == ' 4 '
rune8 = l1 . rpc . createrune ( rune7 [ ' rune ' ] , [ [ " rate=3 " ] ] )
assert rune8 [ ' rune ' ] == ' _h2eKjoK7ITAF-JQ1S5oum9oMQesrz-t1FR9kDChRB49NCZwbnVtPTAmcmF0ZT0z '
assert rune8 [ ' unique_id ' ] == ' 4 '
rune9 = l1 . rpc . createrune ( rune8 [ ' rune ' ] , [ [ " rate=1 " ] ] )
assert rune9 [ ' rune ' ] == ' U1GDXqXRvfN1A4WmDVETazU9YnvMsDyt7WwNzpY0khE9NCZwbnVtPTAmcmF0ZT0zJnJhdGU9MQ== '
assert rune9 [ ' unique_id ' ] == ' 4 '
# Test rune with \|.
weirdrune = l1 . rpc . createrune ( restrictions = [ [ " method=invoice " ] ,
[ " pnamedescription=@tipjar|jb55@sendsats.lol " ] ] )
with pytest . raises ( RpcError , match = ' Not permitted: ' ) as exc_info :
l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = weirdrune [ ' rune ' ] ,
method = ' invoice ' ,
params = { " amount_msat " : " any " ,
" label " : " lbl " ,
" description " : " @tipjar \\ |jb55@sendsats.lol " } )
assert exc_info . value . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5de
assert l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = weirdrune [ ' rune ' ] ,
method = ' invoice ' ,
params = { " amount_msat " : " any " ,
" label " : " lbl " ,
" description " : " @tipjar|jb55@sendsats.lol " } ) [ ' valid ' ] is True
runedecodes = ( ( rune1 , [ ] ) ,
( rune2 , [ { ' alternatives ' : [ ' method^list ' , ' method^get ' , ' method=summary ' ] ,
' summary ' : " method (of command) starts with ' list ' OR method (of command) starts with ' get ' OR method (of command) equal to ' summary ' " } ,
{ ' alternatives ' : [ ' method/listdatastore ' ] ,
' summary ' : " method (of command) unequal to ' listdatastore ' " } ] ) ,
( rune4 , [ { ' alternatives ' : [ ' id^022d223620a359a47ff7 ' ] ,
' summary ' : " id (of commanding peer) starts with ' 022d223620a359a47ff7 ' " } ,
{ ' alternatives ' : [ ' method=listpeers ' ] ,
' summary ' : " method (of command) equal to ' listpeers ' " } ] ) ,
( rune5 , [ { ' alternatives ' : [ ' id^022d223620a359a47ff7 ' ] ,
' summary ' : " id (of commanding peer) starts with ' 022d223620a359a47ff7 ' " } ,
{ ' alternatives ' : [ ' method=listpeers ' ] ,
' summary ' : " method (of command) equal to ' listpeers ' " } ,
{ ' alternatives ' : [ ' pnamelevel! ' , ' pnamelevel/io ' ] ,
' summary ' : " pnamelevel (object parameter ' level ' ) is missing OR pnamelevel (object parameter ' level ' ) unequal to ' io ' " } ] ) ,
( rune6 , [ { ' alternatives ' : [ ' id^022d223620a359a47ff7 ' ] ,
' summary ' : " id (of commanding peer) starts with ' 022d223620a359a47ff7 ' " } ,
{ ' alternatives ' : [ ' method=listpeers ' ] ,
' summary ' : " method (of command) equal to ' listpeers ' " } ,
{ ' alternatives ' : [ ' pnamelevel! ' , ' pnamelevel/io ' ] ,
' summary ' : " pnamelevel (object parameter ' level ' ) is missing OR pnamelevel (object parameter ' level ' ) unequal to ' io ' " } ,
{ ' alternatives ' : [ ' parr1! ' , ' parr1/io ' ] ,
' summary ' : " parr1 (array parameter #1) is missing OR parr1 (array parameter #1) unequal to ' io ' " } ] ) ,
( rune7 , [ { ' alternatives ' : [ ' pnum=0 ' ] ,
' summary ' : " pnum (number of command parameters) equal to 0 " } ] ) ,
( rune8 , [ { ' alternatives ' : [ ' pnum=0 ' ] ,
' summary ' : " pnum (number of command parameters) equal to 0 " } ,
{ ' alternatives ' : [ ' rate=3 ' ] ,
' summary ' : " rate (max per minute) equal to 3 " } ] ) ,
( rune9 , [ { ' alternatives ' : [ ' pnum=0 ' ] ,
' summary ' : " pnum (number of command parameters) equal to 0 " } ,
{ ' alternatives ' : [ ' rate=3 ' ] ,
' summary ' : " rate (max per minute) equal to 3 " } ,
{ ' alternatives ' : [ ' rate=1 ' ] ,
' summary ' : " rate (max per minute) equal to 1 " } ] ) )
for decode in runedecodes :
rune = decode [ 0 ]
restrictions = decode [ 1 ]
decoded = l1 . rpc . decode ( rune [ ' rune ' ] )
assert decoded [ ' type ' ] == ' rune '
assert decoded [ ' unique_id ' ] == rune [ ' unique_id ' ]
assert decoded [ ' valid ' ] is True
assert decoded [ ' restrictions ' ] == restrictions
# Time handling is a bit special, since we annotate the timestamp with how far away it is.
decoded = l1 . rpc . decode ( rune3 [ ' rune ' ] )
assert decoded [ ' type ' ] == ' rune '
assert decoded [ ' unique_id ' ] == rune3 [ ' unique_id ' ]
assert decoded [ ' valid ' ] is True
assert len ( decoded [ ' restrictions ' ] ) == 1
assert decoded [ ' restrictions ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' alternatives ' ] == [ ' time>1656675211 ' ]
assert decoded [ ' restrictions ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' summary ' ] . startswith ( " time (in seconds since 1970) greater than 1656675211 ( " )
# Replace rune3 with a more useful timestamp!
expiry = int ( time . time ( ) ) + 15
rune3 = l1 . rpc . createrune ( restrictions = [ [ " time< {} " . format ( expiry ) ] ] )
successes = ( ( rune1 , " listpeers " , { } ) ,
( rune2 , " listpeers " , { } ) ,
( rune2 , " getinfo " , { } ) ,
( rune2 , " getinfo " , { } ) ,
( rune3 , " getinfo " , { } ) ,
( rune7 , " listpeers " , [ ] ) ,
( rune7 , " getinfo " , { } ) ,
( rune9 , " getinfo " , { } ) ,
( rune8 , " getinfo " , { } ) ,
( rune8 , " getinfo " , { } ) )
failures = ( ( rune2 , " withdraw " , { } ) ,
( rune2 , " plugin " , { ' subcommand ' : ' list ' } ) ,
( rune3 , " getinfo " , { } ) ,
( rune4 , " listnodes " , { } ) ,
( rune5 , " listpeers " , { ' id ' : l1 . info [ ' id ' ] , ' level ' : ' io ' } ) ,
( rune6 , " listpeers " , [ l1 . info [ ' id ' ] , ' io ' ] ) ,
( rune7 , " listpeers " , [ l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ] ) ,
( rune7 , " listpeers " , { ' id ' : l1 . info [ ' id ' ] } ) )
for rune , cmd , params in successes :
l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = rune [ ' rune ' ] ,
method = cmd ,
params = params ) [ ' valid ' ] is True
while time . time ( ) < expiry :
time . sleep ( 1 )
for rune , cmd , params in failures :
print ( " {} {} " . format ( cmd , params ) )
with pytest . raises ( RpcError , match = ' Not permitted: ' ) as exc_info :
l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = rune [ ' rune ' ] ,
method = cmd ,
params = params )
assert exc_info . value . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5de
# Now, this can flake if we cross a minute boundary! So wait until
# It succeeds again.
while True :
try :
l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = rune8 [ ' rune ' ] ,
method = ' getinfo ' )
except RpcError as e :
assert e . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5de
time . sleep ( 1 )
# This fails immediately, since we've done one.
with pytest . raises ( RpcError , match = ' Not permitted: ' ) as exc_info :
l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = rune9 [ ' rune ' ] ,
method = ' getinfo ' ,
params = { } )
assert exc_info . value . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5de
# Two more succeed for rune8.
for _ in range ( 2 ) :
l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = rune8 [ ' rune ' ] ,
method = ' getinfo ' ,
params = { } )
assert exc_info . value . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5de
# Now we've had 3 in one minute, this will fail.
with pytest . raises ( RpcError , match = ' Not permitted: ' ) as exc_info :
l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = rune8 [ ' rune ' ] ,
method = ' getinfo ' ,
params = { } )
assert exc_info . value . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5de
# rune5 can only be used by l2:
with pytest . raises ( RpcError , match = ' Not permitted: ' ) as exc_info :
l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = rune5 [ ' rune ' ] ,
method = " listpeers " ,
params = { } )
assert exc_info . value . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5de
# Now wait for ratelimit expiry, ratelimits should reset.
time . sleep ( 61 )
for rune , cmd , params in ( ( rune9 , " getinfo " , { } ) ,
( rune8 , " getinfo " , { } ) ,
( rune8 , " getinfo " , { } ) ) :
assert l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = rune [ ' rune ' ] ,
method = cmd ,
params = params ) [ ' valid ' ] is True
2023-07-25 09:33:33 +09:30
def test_showrunes ( node_factory ) :
2023-07-21 09:54:32 +09:30
l1 = node_factory . get_node ( )
rune1 = l1 . rpc . createrune ( )
assert rune1 == {
' rune ' : ' OSqc7ixY6F-gjcigBfxtzKUI54uzgFSA6YfBQoWGDV89MA== ' ,
' unique_id ' : ' 0 ' ,
' warning_unrestricted_rune ' : ' WARNING: This rune has no restrictions! Anyone who has access to this rune could drain funds from your node. Be careful when giving this to apps that you don \' t trust. Consider using the restrictions parameter to only allow access to specific rpc methods. '
2023-07-25 09:33:33 +09:30
showrunes = l1 . rpc . showrunes ( )
assert len ( l1 . rpc . showrunes ( ) ) == 1
2023-07-21 09:54:32 +09:30
l1 . rpc . createrune ( )
2023-07-25 09:33:33 +09:30
showrunes = l1 . rpc . showrunes ( )
assert len ( showrunes [ ' runes ' ] ) == 2
assert showrunes == {
2023-07-21 09:54:32 +09:30
' runes ' : [
' rune ' : ' OSqc7ixY6F-gjcigBfxtzKUI54uzgFSA6YfBQoWGDV89MA== ' ,
' unique_id ' : ' 0 ' ,
' restrictions ' : [ ] ,
' restrictions_as_english ' : ' '
} ,
' rune ' : ' geZmO6U7yqpHn-moaX93FVMVWrDRfSNY4AXx9ypLcqg9MQ== ' ,
' unique_id ' : ' 1 ' ,
' restrictions ' : [ ] ,
' restrictions_as_english ' : ' '
2023-07-25 09:33:33 +09:30
our_unstored_rune = l1 . rpc . showrunes ( rune = ' lI6iPwM1R9OkcRW25SH0a06PscPDinTfLFAjzSGFGE09OQ== ' ) [ ' runes ' ] [ 0 ]
2023-07-21 09:54:32 +09:30
assert our_unstored_rune [ ' unique_id ' ] == ' 9 '
assert our_unstored_rune [ ' stored ' ] is False
2023-07-25 09:33:33 +09:30
not_our_rune = l1 . rpc . showrunes ( rune = ' oNJAqigqDrHBGzsm7gV3z87oGpzq-KqFlOxx2O9iEQk9MA== ' ) [ ' runes ' ] [ 0 ]
2023-07-21 09:54:32 +09:30
assert not_our_rune [ ' stored ' ] is False
assert not_our_rune [ ' our_rune ' ] is False
def test_blacklistrune ( node_factory ) :
l1 = node_factory . get_node ( )
rune0 = l1 . rpc . createrune ( )
assert rune0 [ ' unique_id ' ] == ' 0 '
rune1 = l1 . rpc . createrune ( )
assert rune1 [ ' unique_id ' ] == ' 1 '
# Make sure runes work!
assert l1 . rpc . call ( method = ' checkrune ' ,
payload = { ' nodeid ' : l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
' rune ' : rune0 [ ' rune ' ] ,
' method ' : ' getinfo ' } ) [ ' valid ' ] is True
assert l1 . rpc . call ( method = ' checkrune ' ,
payload = { ' nodeid ' : l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
' rune ' : rune1 [ ' rune ' ] ,
' method ' : ' getinfo ' } ) [ ' valid ' ] is True
blacklist = l1 . rpc . blacklistrune ( start = 1 )
assert blacklist == { ' blacklist ' : [ { ' start ' : 1 , ' end ' : 1 } ] }
# Make sure rune id 1 does not work!
with pytest . raises ( RpcError , match = ' Not authorized: Blacklisted rune ' ) as exc_info :
l1 . rpc . call ( method = ' checkrune ' ,
payload = { ' nodeid ' : l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
' rune ' : rune1 [ ' rune ' ] ,
' method ' : ' getinfo ' } )
assert exc_info . value . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5df
# But, other rune still works!
assert l1 . rpc . call ( method = ' checkrune ' ,
payload = { ' nodeid ' : l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
' rune ' : rune0 [ ' rune ' ] ,
' method ' : ' getinfo ' } ) [ ' valid ' ] is True
blacklist = l1 . rpc . blacklistrune ( start = 2 )
assert blacklist == { ' blacklist ' : [ { ' start ' : 1 , ' end ' : 2 } ] }
blacklist = l1 . rpc . blacklistrune ( start = 6 )
assert blacklist == { ' blacklist ' : [ { ' start ' : 1 , ' end ' : 2 } ,
{ ' start ' : 6 , ' end ' : 6 } ] }
blacklist = l1 . rpc . blacklistrune ( start = 3 , end = 5 )
assert blacklist == { ' blacklist ' : [ { ' start ' : 1 , ' end ' : 6 } ] }
blacklist = l1 . rpc . blacklistrune ( start = 9 )
assert blacklist == { ' blacklist ' : [ { ' start ' : 1 , ' end ' : 6 } ,
{ ' start ' : 9 , ' end ' : 9 } ] }
blacklist = l1 . rpc . blacklistrune ( start = 0 )
assert blacklist == { ' blacklist ' : [ { ' start ' : 0 , ' end ' : 6 } ,
{ ' start ' : 9 , ' end ' : 9 } ] }
# # Now both runes fail!
with pytest . raises ( RpcError , match = ' Not authorized: Blacklisted rune ' ) as exc_info :
l1 . rpc . call ( method = ' checkrune ' ,
payload = { ' nodeid ' : l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
' rune ' : rune0 [ ' rune ' ] ,
' method ' : ' getinfo ' } )
assert exc_info . value . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5df
with pytest . raises ( RpcError , match = ' Not authorized: Blacklisted rune ' ) as exc_info :
l1 . rpc . call ( method = ' checkrune ' ,
payload = { ' nodeid ' : l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
' rune ' : rune1 [ ' rune ' ] ,
' method ' : ' getinfo ' } )
assert exc_info . value . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5df
blacklist = l1 . rpc . blacklistrune ( )
assert blacklist == { ' blacklist ' : [ { ' start ' : 0 , ' end ' : 6 } ,
{ ' start ' : 9 , ' end ' : 9 } ] }
2023-07-25 09:33:33 +09:30
blacklisted_rune = l1 . rpc . showrunes ( rune = ' geZmO6U7yqpHn-moaX93FVMVWrDRfSNY4AXx9ypLcqg9MQ== ' ) [ ' runes ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' blacklisted ' ]
2023-07-21 09:54:32 +09:30
assert blacklisted_rune is True
def test_badrune ( node_factory ) :
""" Test invalid UTF-8 encodings in rune: used to make us kill the offers plugin which implements decode, as it gave bad utf8! """
l1 = node_factory . get_node ( )
l1 . rpc . decode ( ' 5zi6-ugA6hC4_XZ0R7snl5IuiQX4ugL4gm9BQKYaKUU9gCZtZXRob2RebGlzdHxtZXRob2ReZ2V0fG1ldGhvZD1zdW1tYXJ5Jm1ldGhvZC9saXN0ZGF0YXN0b3Jl ' )
rune = l1 . rpc . createrune ( restrictions = " readonly " )
binrune = base64 . urlsafe_b64decode ( rune [ ' rune ' ] )
# Mangle each part, try decode. Skip most of the boring chars
# (just '|', '&', '#').
for i in range ( 32 , len ( binrune ) ) :
for span in ( range ( 0 , 32 ) , ( 124 , 38 , 35 ) , range ( 127 , 256 ) ) :
for c in span :
modrune = binrune [ : i ] + bytes ( [ c ] ) + binrune [ i + 1 : ]
try :
l1 . rpc . decode ( base64 . urlsafe_b64encode ( modrune ) . decode ( ' utf8 ' ) )
except RpcError :
def test_checkrune ( node_factory ) :
l1 = node_factory . get_node ( )
rune1 = l1 . rpc . createrune ( )
rune2 = l1 . rpc . createrune ( restrictions = " readonly " )
res1 = l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = rune1 [ ' rune ' ] ,
method = ' invoice ' ,
params = { ' amount_msat ' : ' 10000 ' } )
assert res1 [ ' valid ' ] is True
with pytest . raises ( RpcError , match = ' Not permitted: ' ) as exc_info :
l1 . rpc . call ( method = ' checkrune ' ,
payload = { ' nodeid ' : l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
' rune ' : rune2 [ ' rune ' ] ,
' method ' : ' invoice ' ,
' params ' : { " amount_msat " : " 1000 " , " label " : " lbl " , " description " : " tipjar " } } )
assert exc_info . value . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5de
def test_rune_pay_amount ( node_factory ) :
l1 , l2 = node_factory . line_graph ( 2 )
# This doesn't really work, since amount_msat is illegal if invoice
# includes an amount, and runes aren't smart enough to decode bolt11!
rune = l1 . rpc . createrune ( restrictions = [ [ ' method=pay ' ] ,
[ ' pnameamountmsat<10000 ' ] ] ) [ ' rune ' ]
inv1 = l2 . rpc . invoice ( amount_msat = 12300 , label = ' inv1 ' , description = ' description1 ' ) [ ' bolt11 ' ]
inv2 = l2 . rpc . invoice ( amount_msat = ' any ' , label = ' inv2 ' , description = ' description2 ' ) [ ' bolt11 ' ]
# Rune requires amount_msat < 10,000!
with pytest . raises ( RpcError , match = ' Not permitted: ' ) as exc_info :
l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = rune ,
method = ' pay ' ,
params = { ' bolt11 ' : inv1 } )
assert exc_info . value . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5de
# As a named parameter!
with pytest . raises ( RpcError , match = ' Not permitted: ' ) as exc_info :
l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = rune ,
method = ' pay ' ,
params = [ inv1 ] )
assert exc_info . value . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5de
# Can't get around it this way!
with pytest . raises ( RpcError , match = ' Not permitted: ' ) as exc_info :
l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = rune ,
method = ' pay ' ,
params = [ inv2 , 12000 ] )
assert exc_info . value . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5de
# Nor this way, using a string!
with pytest . raises ( RpcError , match = ' Not permitted: ' ) as exc_info :
l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = rune ,
method = ' pay ' ,
params = { ' bolt11 ' : inv2 , ' amount_msat ' : ' 10000sat ' } )
assert exc_info . value . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5de
# Too much!
with pytest . raises ( RpcError , match = ' Not permitted: ' ) as exc_info :
l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = rune ,
method = ' pay ' ,
params = { ' bolt11 ' : inv2 , ' amount_msat ' : 12000 } )
assert exc_info . value . error [ ' code ' ] == 0x5de
# This works
res = l1 . rpc . checkrune ( nodeid = l1 . info [ ' id ' ] ,
rune = rune ,
method = ' pay ' ,
params = { ' bolt11 ' : inv2 , ' amount_msat ' : 9999 } )
assert res [ ' valid ' ] is True
2023-07-25 12:44:35 +09:30
@unittest.skipIf ( os . getenv ( ' TEST_DB_PROVIDER ' , ' sqlite3 ' ) != ' sqlite3 ' , " Depends on canned sqlite3 db " )
@unittest.skipIf ( TEST_NETWORK != ' regtest ' , ' canned sqlite3 db is regtest ' )
def test_commando_rune_migration ( node_factory ) :
""" Test migration from commando ' s datastore using db from test_commando_listrunes """
l1 = node_factory . get_node ( dbfile = ' commando_listrunes.sqlite3.xz ' ,
options = { ' database-upgrade ' : True } )
# This happens really early in logs!
l1 . daemon . logsearch_start = 0
l1 . daemon . wait_for_logs ( [ ' Transferring commando rune to db: ' ] * 2 )
# datastore should be empty:
2023-07-25 12:44:38 +09:30
assert l1 . rpc . listdatastore ( [ ' commando ' ] ) == { ' datastore ' : [ ] }
2023-07-25 12:44:35 +09:30
# Should match commando results!
assert l1 . rpc . showrunes ( ) == { ' runes ' : [ { ' rune ' :
' OSqc7ixY6F-gjcigBfxtzKUI54uzgFSA6YfBQoWGDV89MA== ' ,
' unique_id ' : ' 0 ' , ' restrictions ' :
[ ] , ' restrictions_as_english ' : ' ' } ,
{ ' rune ' :
' geZmO6U7yqpHn-moaX93FVMVWrDRfSNY4AXx9ypLcqg9MQ== ' ,
' unique_id ' : ' 1 ' , ' restrictions ' :
[ ] , ' restrictions_as_english ' : ' ' } ] }
2023-07-25 12:44:38 +09:30
@unittest.skipIf ( os . getenv ( ' TEST_DB_PROVIDER ' , ' sqlite3 ' ) != ' sqlite3 ' , " Depends on canned sqlite3 db " )
@unittest.skipIf ( TEST_NETWORK != ' regtest ' , ' canned sqlite3 db is regtest ' )
def test_commando_blacklist_migration ( node_factory ) :
""" Test migration from commando ' s datastore using db from test_commando_blacklist """
l1 = node_factory . get_node ( dbfile = ' commando_blacklist.sqlite3.xz ' ,
options = { ' database-upgrade ' : True } )
# This happens really early in logs!
l1 . daemon . logsearch_start = 0
l1 . daemon . wait_for_logs ( [ ' Transferring commando blacklist to db: ' ] * 2 )
# datastore should be empty:
2023-07-25 12:44:38 +09:30
assert l1 . rpc . listdatastore ( [ ' commando ' ] ) == { ' datastore ' : [ ] }
2023-07-25 12:44:38 +09:30
# Should match commando results!
assert l1 . rpc . blacklistrune ( ) == { ' blacklist ' : [ { ' start ' : 0 , ' end ' : 6 } ,
{ ' start ' : 9 , ' end ' : 9 } ] }