"title":"Command for removing an invoice (or just its description)",
"The **delinvoice** RPC command removes an invoice with *status* as given in **listinvoices**, or with *desconly* set, removes its description."
"Label of the invoice to be deleted."
"Label of the invoice to be deleted. The caller should be particularly aware of the error case caused by the *status* changing just before this command is invoked!"
"If set to True, the invoice is not deleted, but has its description removed (this can save space with very large descriptions, as would be used with lightning-invoice(7) *deschashonly*."
"Unique label given at creation time."
"BOLT11 string."
"BOLT12 string."
"The amount required to pay this invoice."
"Description used in the invoice."
"The hash of the *payment_preimage* which will prove payment."
"1-based index indicating order this invoice was created in."
"1-based index indicating order this invoice was changed (only present if it has changed since creation)."
"State of invoice."
"UNIX timestamp when invoice expires (or expired)."
"Offer for which this invoice was created."
"The optional *invreq_payer_note* from invoice_request which created this invoice."
"Unique index for this invoice payment."
"How much was actually received."
"UNIX timestamp of when payment was received."
"SHA256 of this is the *payment_hash* offered in the invoice."
"- 905: An invoice with that label does not exist.",
"- 906: The invoice *status* does not match the parameter. An error object will be returned as error *data*, containing *current_status* and *expected_status* fields. This is most likely due to the *status* of the invoice changing just before this command is invoked.",
"- 908: The invoice already has no description, and *desconly* was set."