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lightning-sql -- Command to do complex queries on list commands
**sql** *query*
The **sql** RPC command runs the given query across a sqlite3 database
created from various list commands.
When tables are accessed, it calls the above commands, so it's no
faster than any other local access (though it goes to great length to
cache `listnodes` and `listchannels`) which then processes the results.
It is, however faster for remote access if the result of the query is
much smaller than the list commands would be.
The following types are supported in schemas, and this shows how they
are presented in the database. This matters: a JSON boolean is
represented as an integer in the database, so a query will return 0 or
1, not true or false.
* *hex*. A hex string.
* JSON: a string
* sqlite3: BLOB
* *hash*/*secret*/*pubkey*/*txid*: just like *hex*.
* *msat*/*integer*/*u64*/*u32*/*u16*/*u8*. Normal numbers.
* JSON: an unsigned integer
* sqlite3: INTEGER
* *boolean*. True or false.
* JSON: literal **true** or **false**
* sqlite3: INTEGER
* *number*. A floating point number (used for times in some places).
* JSON: number
* sqlite3: REAL
* *string*. Text.
* JSON: string
* sqlite3: TEXT
* *short\_channel\_id*. A short-channel-id of form 1x2x3.
* JSON: string
* sqlite3: TEXT
[comment]: # (GENERATE-DOC-START)
The following tables are currently supported:
- `channels` indexed by `short_channel_id` (see lightning-listchannels(7))
- `source` (type `pubkey`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `destination` (type `pubkey`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `short_channel_id` (type `short_channel_id`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `direction` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `public` (type `boolean`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `amount_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `message_flags` (type `u8`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `channel_flags` (type `u8`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `active` (type `boolean`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `last_update` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `base_fee_millisatoshi` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `fee_per_millionth` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `delay` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `htlc_minimum_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `htlc_maximum_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `features` (type `hex`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `forwards` indexed by `in_channel and in_htlc_id` (see lightning-listforwards(7))
- `in_channel` (type `short_channel_id`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `in_htlc_id` (type `u64`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `in_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `status` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `received_time` (type `number`, sqltype `REAL`)
- `out_channel` (type `short_channel_id`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `out_htlc_id` (type `u64`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `style` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `fee_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `out_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `resolved_time` (type `number`, sqltype `REAL`)
- `failcode` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `failreason` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `htlcs` indexed by `short_channel_id and id` (see lightning-listhtlcs(7))
- `short_channel_id` (type `short_channel_id`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `id` (type `u64`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `expiry` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `amount_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `direction` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `payment_hash` (type `hash`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `state` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `invoices` indexed by `payment_hash` (see lightning-listinvoices(7))
- `label` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `description` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `payment_hash` (type `hash`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `status` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `expires_at` (type `u64`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `amount_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `bolt11` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `bolt12` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `local_offer_id` (type `hash`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `invreq_payer_note` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `pay_index` (type `u64`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `amount_received_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `paid_at` (type `u64`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `payment_preimage` (type `secret`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `nodes` indexed by `nodeid` (see lightning-listnodes(7))
- `nodeid` (type `pubkey`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `last_timestamp` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `alias` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `color` (type `hex`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `features` (type `hex`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- related table `nodes_addresses`
- `row` (reference to `nodes.rowid`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `arrindex` (index within array, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `type` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `port` (type `u16`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `address` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `option_will_fund_lease_fee_base_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`, from JSON object `option_will_fund`)
- `option_will_fund_lease_fee_basis` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`, from JSON object `option_will_fund`)
- `option_will_fund_funding_weight` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`, from JSON object `option_will_fund`)
- `option_will_fund_channel_fee_max_base_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`, from JSON object `option_will_fund`)
- `option_will_fund_channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`, from JSON object `option_will_fund`)
- `option_will_fund_compact_lease` (type `hex`, sqltype `BLOB`, from JSON object `option_will_fund`)
- `offers` indexed by `offer_id` (see lightning-listoffers(7))
- `offer_id` (type `hash`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `active` (type `boolean`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `single_use` (type `boolean`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `bolt12` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `used` (type `boolean`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `label` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `peerchannels` indexed by `peer_id` (see lightning-listpeerchannels(7))
- `peer_id` (type `pubkey`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `peer_connected` (type `boolean`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `state` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `scratch_txid` (type `txid`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `feerate_perkw` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`, from JSON object `feerate`)
- `feerate_perkb` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`, from JSON object `feerate`)
- `owner` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `short_channel_id` (type `short_channel_id`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `channel_id` (type `hash`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `funding_txid` (type `txid`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `funding_outnum` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `initial_feerate` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `last_feerate` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `next_feerate` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `next_fee_step` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- related table `peerchannels_inflight`
- `row` (reference to `peerchannels.rowid`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `arrindex` (index within array, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `funding_txid` (type `txid`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `funding_outnum` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `feerate` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `total_funding_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `our_funding_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `scratch_txid` (type `txid`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `close_to` (type `hex`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `private` (type `boolean`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `opener` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `closer` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- related table `peerchannels_features`
- `row` (reference to `peerchannels.rowid`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `arrindex` (index within array, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `features` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `funding_pushed_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`, from JSON object `funding`)
- `funding_local_funds_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`, from JSON object `funding`)
- `funding_remote_funds_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`, from JSON object `funding`)
- `funding_fee_paid_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`, from JSON object `funding`)
- `funding_fee_rcvd_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`, from JSON object `funding`)
- `to_us_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `min_to_us_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `max_to_us_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `total_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `fee_base_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `fee_proportional_millionths` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `dust_limit_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `max_total_htlc_in_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `their_reserve_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `our_reserve_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `spendable_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `receivable_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `minimum_htlc_in_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `minimum_htlc_out_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `maximum_htlc_out_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `their_to_self_delay` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `our_to_self_delay` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `max_accepted_htlcs` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `alias_local` (type `short_channel_id`, sqltype `TEXT`, from JSON object `alias`)
- `alias_remote` (type `short_channel_id`, sqltype `TEXT`, from JSON object `alias`)
- related table `peerchannels_state_changes`
- `row` (reference to `peerchannels.rowid`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `arrindex` (index within array, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `timestamp` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `old_state` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `new_state` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `cause` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `message` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- related table `peerchannels_status`
- `row` (reference to `peerchannels.rowid`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `arrindex` (index within array, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `status` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `in_payments_offered` (type `u64`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `in_offered_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `in_payments_fulfilled` (type `u64`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `in_fulfilled_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `out_payments_offered` (type `u64`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `out_offered_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `out_payments_fulfilled` (type `u64`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `out_fulfilled_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- related table `peerchannels_htlcs`
- `row` (reference to `peerchannels.rowid`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `arrindex` (index within array, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `direction` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `id` (type `u64`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `amount_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `expiry` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `payment_hash` (type `hash`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `local_trimmed` (type `boolean`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `status` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `state` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `close_to_addr` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `last_tx_fee_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `direction` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `peers` indexed by `id` (see lightning-listpeers(7))
- `id` (type `pubkey`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `connected` (type `boolean`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- related table `peers_netaddr`
- `row` (reference to `peers.rowid`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `arrindex` (index within array, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `netaddr` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `remote_addr` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `features` (type `hex`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `sendpays` indexed by `payment_hash` (see lightning-listsendpays(7))
- `id` (type `u64`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `groupid` (type `u64`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `partid` (type `u64`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `payment_hash` (type `hash`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `status` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `amount_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `destination` (type `pubkey`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `created_at` (type `u64`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `amount_sent_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `label` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `bolt11` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `description` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `bolt12` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `payment_preimage` (type `secret`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `erroronion` (type `hex`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `transactions` indexed by `hash` (see lightning-listtransactions(7))
- `hash` (type `txid`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `rawtx` (type `hex`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `blockheight` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `txindex` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `locktime` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `version` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- related table `transactions_inputs`
- `row` (reference to `transactions.rowid`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `arrindex` (index within array, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `txid` (type `txid`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `idx` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`, from JSON field `index`)
- `sequence` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `type` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `channel` (type `short_channel_id`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- related table `transactions_outputs`
- `row` (reference to `transactions.rowid`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `arrindex` (index within array, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `idx` (type `u32`, sqltype `INTEGER`, from JSON field `index`)
- `amount_msat` (type `msat`, sqltype `INTEGER`)
- `scriptPubKey` (type `hex`, sqltype `BLOB`)
- `type` (type `string`, sqltype `TEXT`)
- `channel` (type `short_channel_id`, sqltype `TEXT`)
[comment]: # (GENERATE-DOC-END)
[comment]: # (FIXME: we don't handle this schema in fromschema.py)
On success, an object containing **rows** is returned. It is an array. Each array entry contains an array of values, each an integer, real number, string or *null*, depending on the sqlite3 type.
The object may contain **warning\_db\_failure** if the database fails partway through its operation.
On failure, an error is returned.
Rusty Russell <<rusty@rustcorp.com.au>> is mainly responsible.
lightning-listtransactions(7), lightning-listchannels(7), lightning-listpeers(7), lightning-listnodes(7), lightning-listforwards(7).
Main web site: <https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning>
[comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:93309f8c45ea3aa153bfd8822f2748c1254812d41a408de39bacefa292e11374)