"description":"a positive value in millisatoshi precision; it can be a whole number, or a whole number ending in *msat* or *sat*, or a number with three decimal places ending in *sat*, or a number with 1 to 11 decimal places ending in *btc*"
"description":"a short description of purpose of the payment, e.g. *ATM withdrawl*. This value is encoded into the resulting `invoice_request` and is viewable by anyone you expose it to. It must be UTF-8, and cannot use *\\u* JSON escape codes"
"description":"the time the offer is valid until, in seconds since the first day of 1970 UTC. If not set, the `invoice_request` remains valid (though it can be deactivated by the issuer of course). This is encoded in the `invoice_request`"
"description":"indicates that the `invoice_request` is only valid once; we may attempt multiple payments, but as soon as one is successful no more invoices are accepted (i.e. only one person can take the money). Defaults to True"