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synced 2025-03-03 17:36:59 +01:00
* Swap bootstrap asset files * Update themes and color definitions * Move general bootstrap customizations * Theme updates Theme updates * Remove BuildBundlerMinifier This lead to an error, because BuildBundlerMinifier and BundlerMinifier.Core seem to conflict here. Details: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61119586 * Rewplace btn-block class with w-100 * Update badge classes * Remove old font family head variable * Update margin classes * Cleanups * Update float classes * Update text classes * Update padding classes * Update border classes * UPdate dropdown classes * Update select classes * Update neutral custom props * Update bootstrap and customizations * Update ChromeDriver; disable smooth scroll https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/issues/8295 * Improve alert messages * Improve bootstrap customizations * Disable reduced motion See also 7358282f * Update Bootstrap data attributes * Update file inputs * Update input groups * Replace deprecated jumbotron class * Update variables; re-add negative margin util classes * Update cards * Update form labels * Debug alerts * Fix aria-labelledby associations * Dropdown-related test fixes * Fix CanUseWebhooks test * Test fixes * Nav updates * Fix nav usage in wallet send and payouts * Update alert and modal close buttons * Re-add backdrop properties * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5 final * Update screen reader classes * Update font-weight classes * Update monospace font classes * Update accordians * Update close icon usage * Cleanup * Update scripts and style integrations * Update input group texts * Update LN node setup page * Update more form control classes * Update inline forms * Add js specific test * Upgrade Vue.js * Remove unused JS * Upgrade Bootstrap to v5.0.1 * Try container related test updates * Separate jQuery bundle * Remove jQuery from LND seed backup page * Remove unused code * Refactor email autofill js * Refactor camera scanner JS * Re-add tests * Re-add BuildBundlerMinifier * Do not minify bundles containing Bootstrap Details https://github.com/madskristensen/BundlerMinifier/issues/558 * Update bundles * Cleanup JS test * Cleanup tests involving dropdowns * Cleanup tests involving collapses * Cleanup locale additions in ConfigureCore * Cleanup bundles * Remove duplicate status message * Cleanup formatting * Fix missing validation scripts * Remove unused unminified Bootstrap js files * Fix classic theme * Fix Casa theme * Fix PoS validation
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using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BTCPayServer.Tests.Logging;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.Extensions;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;
using Xunit;
namespace BTCPayServer.Tests
public static class Extensions
private static readonly JsonSerializerSettings JsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() };
public static string ToJson(this object o) => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(o, Formatting.None, JsonSettings);
public static void LogIn(this SeleniumTester s, string email)
public static void AssertNoError(this IWebDriver driver)
if (!driver.PageSource.Contains("alert-danger")) return;
foreach (var dangerAlert in driver.FindElements(By.ClassName("alert-danger")))
Assert.False(dangerAlert.Displayed, $"No alert should be displayed, but found this on {driver.Url}: {dangerAlert.Text}");
public static T AssertViewModel<T>(this IActionResult result)
var vr = Assert.IsType<ViewResult>(result);
return Assert.IsType<T>(vr.Model);
public static async Task<T> AssertViewModelAsync<T>(this Task<IActionResult> task)
var result = await task;
var vr = Assert.IsType<ViewResult>(result);
return Assert.IsType<T>(vr.Model);
public static void AssertElementNotFound(this IWebDriver driver, By by)
DateTimeOffset now = DateTimeOffset.Now;
var wait = SeleniumTester.ImplicitWait;
while (DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - now < wait)
var webElement = driver.FindElement(by);
if (!webElement.Displayed)
catch (NoSuchWindowException)
catch (NoSuchElementException)
Assert.False(true, "Elements was found");
public static void UntilJsIsReady(this WebDriverWait wait)
wait.Until(d=>((IJavaScriptExecutor)d).ExecuteScript("return document.readyState").Equals("complete"));
wait.Until(d=>((IJavaScriptExecutor)d).ExecuteScript("return typeof(jQuery) === 'undefined' || jQuery.active === 0").Equals(true));
// Open collapse via JS, because if we click the link it triggers the toggle animation.
// This leads to Selenium trying to click the button while it is moving resulting in an error.
public static void ToggleCollapse(this IWebDriver driver, string collapseId)
public static IWebElement WaitForElement(this IWebDriver driver, By selector)
var wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, SeleniumTester.ImplicitWait);
var el = driver.FindElement(selector);
wait.Until(d => el.Displayed);
return el;
public static void WaitForAndClick(this IWebDriver driver, By selector)
var wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, SeleniumTester.ImplicitWait);
var el = driver.FindElement(selector);
wait.Until(d => el.Displayed && el.Enabled);
public static void SetCheckbox(this IWebDriver driver, By selector, bool value)
var element = driver.FindElement(selector);
if ((value && !element.Selected) || (!value && element.Selected))
if (value != element.Selected)
Logs.Tester.LogInformation("SetCheckbox recursion, trying to click again");
driver.SetCheckbox(selector, value);