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synced 2025-02-24 14:50:50 +01:00
This PR allows you to use the pay button generator to create buttons that target apps. This means that you can generate an invoice that is linked to an item on the POS/Crowdfund (targeting the item is optional). The POS/Crowdfund item amount -> invoice creation amount validation works too so that the user cannot modify the amount of a perk using just html ( fixes #1392 )
219 lines
9.3 KiB
219 lines
9.3 KiB
$(function () {
// Clipboard Copy
new Clipboard('#copyCode', {
text: function (trigger) {
return inputChanges();
function esc(input) {
return ('' + input) /* Forces the conversion to string. */
.replace(/&/g, '&') /* This MUST be the 1st replacement. */
.replace(/'/g, ''') /* The 4 other predefined entities, required. */
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
You may add other replacements here for HTML only
(but it's not necessary).
Or for XML, only if the named entities are defined in its DTD.
var dictionary = {
en: {
attributes: {
price: 'Price', checkoutDesc: 'Checkout Description', orderId: 'Order Id',
serverIpn: 'Server IPN', notifyEmail: 'Send Email Notifications', browserRedirect: 'Browser Redirect',
payButtonImageUrl: "Pay Button Image Url"
function getStyles (styles) {
return document.getElementById(styles).innerHTML.trim().replace(/\s{2}/g, '') + '\n'
function getScripts(srvModel) {
return ""+
"<script>" +
"if(!window.btcpay){ " +
" var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];" +
" var script = document.createElement('script');" +
" script.src='"+esc(srvModel.urlRoot)+"modal/btcpay.js';" +
" script.type = 'text/javascript';" +
" head.append(script);" +
"}" +
"function onBTCPayFormSubmit(event){" +
" var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();" +
" xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {" +
" if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {" +
" if(this.status == 200 && this.responseText){" +
" var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);" +
" window.btcpay.showInvoice(response.invoiceId);" +
" }" +
" }" +
" };" +
" xhttp.open(\"POST\", event.target.getAttribute('action'), true);" +
" xhttp.send(new FormData( event.target ));" +
"}" +
function inputChanges(event, buttonSize) {
if (buttonSize !== null && buttonSize !== undefined) {
srvModel.buttonSize = buttonSize;
var isFixedAmount = srvModel.buttonType == 0
var isCustomAmount = srvModel.buttonType == 1
var isSlider = srvModel.buttonType == 2
var width = "209px";
var height = "57px";
var widthInput = "3em";
if (srvModel.buttonSize === 0) {
width = "146px";
widthInput = "2em";
height = "40px";
} else if (srvModel.buttonSize === 1) {
width = "168px";
height = "46px";
} else if (srvModel.buttonSize === 2) {
width = "209px";
height = "57px";
var actionUrl = "api/v1/invoices";
var priceInputName = "price";
var app = srvModel.appIdEndpoint? srvModel.apps.find(value => value.id === srvModel.appIdEndpoint ): null;
var allowCurrencySelection = true;
if (app) {
if (app.appType.toLowerCase() == "pointofsale") {
actionUrl = "apps/" + app.id + "/pos";
} else if (app.appType.toLowerCase() == "crowdfund") {
actionUrl = "apps/" + app.id + "/crowdfund";
} else {
actionUrl = "api/v1/invoices";
app = null;
if (actionUrl != "api/v1/invoices") {
priceInputName = "amount";
allowCurrencySelection = false;
srvModel.useModal = false;
var html =
(srvModel.useModal? getScripts(srvModel) :"") +
// Styles
getStyles('template-paybutton-styles') + (isSlider ? getStyles('template-slider-styles') : '') +
// Form
'<form method="POST" '+ ( srvModel.useModal? ' onsubmit="onBTCPayFormSubmit(event);return false" ' : '' )+' action="' + esc(srvModel.urlRoot) + actionUrl + '" class="btcpay-form btcpay-form--' + (srvModel.fitButtonInline ? 'inline' : 'block') +'">\n' +
addInput("storeId", srvModel.storeId);
if (srvModel.orderId) html += addInput("orderId", srvModel.orderId);
if (srvModel.serverIpn) html += addInput("notificationUrl", srvModel.serverIpn);
if (srvModel.browserRedirect) html += addInput("redirectUrl", srvModel.browserRedirect);
if (srvModel.appChoiceKey) html += addInput("choiceKey", srvModel.appChoiceKey);
if (srvModel.useModal) html += addInput("jsonResponse", true);
if (srvModel.orderId) html += addInput("orderId", srvModel.orderId);
if (srvModel.checkoutDesc) html += addInput("checkoutDesc", srvModel.checkoutDesc);
if (srvModel.serverIpn) html += addInput("serverIpn", srvModel.serverIpn);
if (srvModel.browserRedirect) html += addInput("browserRedirect", srvModel.browserRedirect);
if (srvModel.notifyEmail) html += addInput("notifyEmail", srvModel.notifyEmail);
if (srvModel.checkoutQueryString) html += addInput("checkoutQueryString", srvModel.checkoutQueryString);
// Fixed amount: Add price and currency as hidden inputs
if (isFixedAmount) {
html += addInput(priceInputName, srvModel.price);
html += addInput("currency", srvModel.currency);
// Custom amount
else if (isCustomAmount) {
html += ' <div class="btcpay-custom-container">\n <div class="btcpay-custom">\n';
html += srvModel.simpleInput ? '' : addPlusMinusButton("-");
html += ' ' + addInputPrice(priceInputName, srvModel.price, widthInput, "", srvModel.simpleInput ? "number": null, srvModel.min, srvModel.max, srvModel.step);
html += srvModel.simpleInput ? '' : addPlusMinusButton("+");
html += ' </div>\n';
if(allowCurrencySelection) {
html += addSelectCurrency(srvModel.currency);
html += ' </div>\n';
// Slider
else if (isSlider) {
html += ' <div class="btcpay-custom-container">\n';
html += addInputPrice(priceInputName, srvModel.price, width, 'onchange="document.querySelector(\'#btcpay-input-range\').value = document.querySelector(\'#btcpay-input-price\').value"');
if(allowCurrencySelection) {
html += addSelectCurrency(srvModel.currency);
html += addSlider(srvModel.price, srvModel.min, srvModel.max, srvModel.step, width);
html += ' </div>\n';
html += ' <input type="image" class="submit" name="submit" src="' + esc(srvModel.payButtonImageUrl) + '" style="width:' + width + '" alt="Pay with BtcPay, Self-Hosted Bitcoin Payment Processor">\n';
var numwidth = parseInt(width.replace("px", ""));
html+= '<button type="submit" class="submit" name="submit" style="min-width:' + width + '; min-height:' + height + '; border-radius: 4px;border-style: none;background-color: #0f3b21;" alt="Pay with BtcPay, Self-Hosted Bitcoin Payment Processor"><span style="color:#fff">'+esc(srvModel.payButtonText)+'</span>\n' +
(srvModel.payButtonImageUrl? '<img src="'+esc(srvModel.payButtonImageUrl)+'" style="width:'+numwidth/2+'px;">\n' : '')+
html += '</form>';
$('pre code').each(function (i, block) {
return html;
function addInput(name, value) {
return ' <input type="hidden" name="' + esc(name) + '" value="' + esc(value) + '" />\n';
function addPlusMinusButton(type) {
return ' <button class="plus-minus" onclick="event.preventDefault(); var price = parseInt(document.querySelector(\'#btcpay-input-price\').value); if (\'' + type + '\' == \'-\' && (price - 1) < 1) { return; } document.querySelector(\'#btcpay-input-price\').value = parseInt(document.querySelector(\'#btcpay-input-price\').value) ' + type + ' 1;">' + type + '</button>\n';
function addInputPrice(name, price, widthInput, customFn, type, min, max, step) {
return ' <input id="btcpay-input-price" name="'+name+'" type="' + (type || "text") + '" min="' + (min || 0) + '" max="' + (max || "none") + '" step="' + (step || "any") + '" value="' + price + '" style="width: ' + widthInput + ';" oninput="event.preventDefault();isNaN(event.target.value) || event.target.value <= 0 ? document.querySelector(\'#btcpay-input-price\').value = ' + price + ' : event.target.value" ' + (customFn || '') + ' />\n';
function addSelectCurrency(currency) {
return ' <select name="currency">\n' +
['USD', 'GBP', 'EUR', 'BTC'].map(c => ' <option value="' + c + '"' + (c === currency ? ' selected' : '') + '>' + c + '</option>').join('\n') + '\n' +
' </select>\n'
function addSlider(price, min, max, step, width) {
return ' <input class="btcpay-input-range" id="btcpay-input-range" value="' + price + '" type="range" min="' + min + '" max="' + max + '" step="' + step + '" style="width:' + width + ';margin-bottom:15px;" oninput="document.querySelector(\'#btcpay-input-price\').value = document.querySelector(\'#btcpay-input-range\').value" />\n';