d11n 00cc16455c
App: Add events which the app subscribes to (#6435)
* App: Add events which the app subscribes to

Various events, which are relevant for the app to react to changes made on the server.

* Refactor events

* Do not extend NewBlockEvent

* Refactoring events

* Add store role events

* Refactoring: Rename StoreUserEvent

* Fix: Subscribe to UserEvent.Invited


Co-authored-by: nicolas.dorier <>
2024-12-11 20:11:51 +09:00

86 lines
3.6 KiB

using System;
using BTCPayServer;
using BTCPayServer.Client.Models;
using BTCPayServer.Controllers;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc
public static class UrlHelperExtensions
#nullable enable
public static string? EnsureLocal(this IUrlHelper helper, string? url, HttpRequest? httpRequest = null)
if (url is null || helper.IsLocalUrl(url))
return url;
if (httpRequest is null)
return null;
if (Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out var r) && r.Host.Equals(httpRequest.Host.Host) && (!httpRequest.IsHttps || r.Scheme == "https"))
return url;
return null;
#nullable restore
public static string LoginCodeLink(this LinkGenerator urlHelper, string loginCode, string returnUrl, string scheme, HostString host, string pathbase)
return urlHelper.GetUriByAction(nameof(UIAccountController.LoginUsingCode), "UIAccount", new { loginCode, returnUrl }, scheme, host, pathbase);
public static string PaymentRequestLink(this LinkGenerator urlHelper, string paymentRequestId, string scheme, HostString host, string pathbase)
return urlHelper.GetUriByAction(
action: nameof(UIPaymentRequestController.ViewPaymentRequest),
controller: "UIPaymentRequest",
values: new { payReqId = paymentRequestId },
scheme, host, pathbase);
public static string AppLink(this LinkGenerator urlHelper, string appId, string scheme, HostString host, string pathbase)
return urlHelper.GetUriByAction(
action: nameof(UIAppsController.RedirectToApp),
controller: "UIApps",
values: new { appId },
scheme, host, pathbase);
public static string InvoiceLink(this LinkGenerator urlHelper, string invoiceId, string scheme, HostString host, string pathbase)
return urlHelper.GetUriByAction(
action: nameof(UIInvoiceController.Invoice),
controller: "UIInvoice",
values: new { invoiceId },
scheme, host, pathbase);
public static string CheckoutLink(this LinkGenerator urlHelper, string invoiceId, string scheme, HostString host, string pathbase)
return urlHelper.GetUriByAction(
action: nameof(UIInvoiceController.Checkout),
controller: "UIInvoice",
values: new { invoiceId },
scheme, host, pathbase);
public static string PayoutLink(this LinkGenerator urlHelper, string walletIdOrStoreId, string pullPaymentId, PayoutState payoutState, string scheme, HostString host, string pathbase)
WalletId.TryParse(walletIdOrStoreId, out var wallet);
return urlHelper.GetUriByAction(
action: nameof(UIStorePullPaymentsController.Payouts),
controller: "UIStorePullPayments",
values: new { storeId = wallet?.StoreId ?? walletIdOrStoreId, pullPaymentId, payoutState },
scheme, host, pathbase);
public static string IndexLink(this LinkGenerator urlHelper, string scheme, HostString host, string pathbase)
return urlHelper.GetUriByAction(
action: nameof(UIHomeController.Index),
controller: "UIHome",
values: null,
scheme, host, pathbase);