mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 17:26:05 +01:00
* Admin overview of the stores on the instance POC/Draft for #5674. * Enable admin to access foreign stores * Remove stores list link * UI updates * Grant admins guest access to foreign stores * Optimize cookie auth handler * Test fix * Revert changes related to StoreRepository.FindStore with isAdmin
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#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Amazon.S3;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Contracts;
using BTCPayServer.Client;
using BTCPayServer.Data;
using BTCPayServer.Events;
using BTCPayServer.Migrations;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using NBitcoin;
using NBitcoin.DataEncoders;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace BTCPayServer.Services.Stores
public class StoreRepository : IStoreRepository
private readonly ApplicationDbContextFactory _ContextFactory;
private readonly EventAggregator _eventAggregator;
private readonly SettingsRepository _settingsRepository;
public JsonSerializerSettings SerializerSettings { get; }
protected ApplicationDbContext CreateDbContext()
return _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
public StoreRepository(ApplicationDbContextFactory contextFactory, JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings, EventAggregator eventAggregator, SettingsRepository settingsRepository)
_ContextFactory = contextFactory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contextFactory));
_eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
_settingsRepository = settingsRepository;
SerializerSettings = serializerSettings;
public async Task<StoreData?> FindStore(string storeId)
if (storeId == null)
return null;
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
var result = await ctx.FindAsync<StoreData>(storeId).ConfigureAwait(false);
return result;
public async Task<StoreData?> FindStore(string storeId, string userId)
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
return await ctx
.Where(us => us.ApplicationUserId == userId && us.StoreDataId == storeId)
.Include(store => store.StoreData.UserStores)
.ThenInclude(store => store.StoreRole)
.Select(us => us.StoreData).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
#nullable disable
public class StoreUser
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public StoreRole StoreRole { get; set; }
public class StoreRole
public PermissionSet ToPermissionSet(string storeId)
return new PermissionSet(Permissions
.Select(s => Permission.TryCreatePermission(s, storeId, out var permission) ? permission : null)
.Where(s => s != null).ToArray());
public string Role { get; set; }
public List<string> Permissions { get; set; }
public bool IsServerRole { get; set; }
public string Id { get; set; }
public bool? IsUsed { get; set; }
#nullable enable
public async Task<StoreRole[]> GetStoreRoles(string? storeId, bool includeUsers = false, bool storeOnly = false)
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
var query = ctx.StoreRoles.Where(u => (storeOnly && u.StoreDataId == storeId) || (!storeOnly && (u.StoreDataId == null || u.StoreDataId == storeId)));
if (includeUsers)
query = query.Include(u => u.Users);
return (await query.ToArrayAsync()).Select(role => ToStoreRole(role)).ToArray();
public async Task<StoreRoleId> GetDefaultRole()
var r = (await _settingsRepository.GetSettingAsync<PoliciesSettings>())?.DefaultRole;
if (r is not null)
return new StoreRoleId(r);
return StoreRoleId.Owner;
public async Task SetDefaultRole(string role)
var s = (await _settingsRepository.GetSettingAsync<PoliciesSettings>()) ?? new PoliciesSettings();
s.DefaultRole = role;
await _settingsRepository.UpdateSetting(s);
public async Task<StoreRole?> GetStoreRole(StoreRoleId role, bool includeUsers = false)
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
var query = ctx.StoreRoles.AsQueryable();
if (includeUsers)
query = query.Include(u => u.Users);
var match = await query.SingleOrDefaultAsync(r => r.Id == role.Id);
if (match == null)
return null;
if (match.StoreDataId != role.StoreId)
// Should never happen because the roleId include the storeId
throw new InvalidOperationException("Bug 03991: This should never happen");
return ToStoreRole(match);
public async Task<string?> RemoveStoreRole(StoreRoleId role)
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
if (await GetDefaultRole() == role)
return "Cannot remove the default role";
var match = await ctx.StoreRoles.FindAsync(role.Id);
if (match != null && match.StoreDataId == role.StoreId)
if (role.StoreId is null && match.Permissions.Contains(Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings) &&
await ctx.StoreRoles.CountAsync(role =>
role.StoreDataId == null && role.Permissions.Contains(Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings)) == 1)
return "This is the last role that allows to modify store settings, you cannot remove it";
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
return null;
return "Role not found";
public async Task<StoreRole?> AddOrUpdateStoreRole(StoreRoleId role, List<string> policies)
policies = policies.Where(s => Policies.IsValidPolicy(s) && Policies.IsStorePolicy(s)).ToList();
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
Data.StoreRole? match = await ctx.StoreRoles.FindAsync(role.Id);
if (match is null)
match = new Data.StoreRole() { Id = role.Id, StoreDataId = role.StoreId, Role = role.Role };
match.Permissions = policies;
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateException)
return null;
return ToStoreRole(match);
public async Task<StoreUser[]> GetStoreUsers(string storeId)
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
return (await
.Where(u => u.StoreDataId == storeId)
.Include(u => u.StoreRole)
.Select(u => new
Id = u.ApplicationUserId,
}).ToArrayAsync()).Select(arg => new StoreUser()
StoreRole = ToStoreRole(arg.StoreRole),
Id = arg.Id,
Email = arg.Email
public static StoreRole ToStoreRole(Data.StoreRole storeRole)
return new StoreRole()
Id = storeRole.Id,
Role = storeRole.Role,
Permissions = storeRole.Permissions,
IsServerRole = storeRole.StoreDataId == null,
IsUsed = storeRole.Users?.Any()
public async Task<StoreData[]> GetStores(IEnumerable<string>? storeIds = null)
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
return await ctx.Stores
.Where(s => storeIds == null || storeIds.Contains(s.Id))
.Include(data => data.UserStores)
.ThenInclude(data => data.StoreRole)
.Include(data => data.UserStores)
.ThenInclude(data => data.ApplicationUser)
public async Task<StoreData[]> GetStoresByUserId(string userId, IEnumerable<string>? storeIds = null)
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
return (await ctx.UserStore
.Where(u => u.ApplicationUserId == userId && (storeIds == null || storeIds.Contains(u.StoreDataId)))
.Include(store => store.StoreData)
.ThenInclude(data => data.UserStores)
.ThenInclude(data => data.StoreRole)
.Select(store => store.StoreData)
public async Task<StoreData?> GetStoreByInvoiceId(string invoiceId)
await using var context = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
var matched = await context.Invoices.Include(data => data.StoreData)
.SingleOrDefaultAsync(data => data.Id == invoiceId);
return matched?.StoreData;
/// <summary>
/// `role` can be passed in two format:
/// If the first case, this method make sure the storeId is same as <paramref name="storeId"/>.
/// In the second case, we interprete ROLE as a server level roleId first, then if it does not exist, check if there is a store level role.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="storeId"></param>
/// <param name="role"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<StoreRoleId?> ResolveStoreRoleId(string? storeId, string? role)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(role))
return null;
if (storeId?.Contains("::", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) is true)
return null;
var roleId = StoreRoleId.Parse(role);
if (roleId.StoreId != null && roleId.StoreId != storeId)
return null;
if ((await GetStoreRole(roleId)) != null)
return roleId;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(storeId))
return null;
if (roleId.IsServerRole)
roleId = new StoreRoleId(storeId, role);
if ((await GetStoreRole(roleId)) != null)
return roleId;
return null;
public async Task<bool> AddStoreUser(string storeId, string userId, StoreRoleId? roleId = null)
AssertStoreRoleIfNeeded(storeId, roleId);
roleId ??= await GetDefaultRole();
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
var userStore = new UserStore() { StoreDataId = storeId, ApplicationUserId = userId, StoreRoleId = roleId.Id };
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
return true;
catch (DbUpdateException)
return false;
static void AssertStoreRoleIfNeeded(string storeId, StoreRoleId? roleId)
if (roleId?.StoreId != null && storeId != roleId.StoreId)
throw new ArgumentException("The roleId doesn't belong to this storeId", nameof(roleId));
public async Task CleanUnreachableStores()
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
if (!ctx.Database.SupportDropForeignKey())
var events = new List<Events.StoreRemovedEvent>();
foreach (var store in await ctx.Stores.Include(data => data.UserStores)
.ThenInclude(store => store.StoreRole).Where(s =>
s.UserStores.All(u => !u.StoreRole.Permissions.Contains(Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings)))
events.Add(new Events.StoreRemovedEvent(store.Id));
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
events.ForEach(e => _eventAggregator.Publish(e));
public async Task<bool> RemoveStoreUser(string storeId, string userId)
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
if (!await ctx.UserStore.Include(store => store.StoreRole).AnyAsync(store =>
store.StoreDataId == storeId && store.StoreRole.Permissions.Contains(Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings) &&
userId != store.ApplicationUserId))
return false;
var userStore = new UserStore() { StoreDataId = storeId, ApplicationUserId = userId };
ctx.Entry(userStore).State = EntityState.Deleted;
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
return true;
private async Task DeleteStoreIfOrphan(string storeId)
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
if (ctx.Database.SupportDropForeignKey())
if (!await ctx.UserStore.Where(u => u.StoreDataId == storeId && u.StoreRole.Permissions.Contains(Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings)).AnyAsync())
var store = await ctx.Stores.FindAsync(storeId);
if (store != null)
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
_eventAggregator.Publish(new StoreRemovedEvent(store.Id));
public async Task CreateStore(string ownerId, StoreData storeData, StoreRoleId? roleId = null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(storeData.Id))
throw new ArgumentException("id should be empty", nameof(storeData.StoreName));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(storeData.StoreName))
throw new ArgumentException("name should not be empty", nameof(storeData.StoreName));
AssertStoreRoleIfNeeded(storeData.Id, roleId);
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
storeData.Id = Encoders.Base58.EncodeData(RandomUtils.GetBytes(32));
roleId ??= await GetDefaultRole();
var userStore = new UserStore
StoreDataId = storeData.Id,
ApplicationUserId = ownerId,
StoreRoleId = roleId.Id,
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
public async Task<WebhookData[]> GetWebhooks(string storeId)
using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
return await ctx.StoreWebhooks
.Where(s => s.StoreId == storeId)
.Select(s => s.Webhook).ToArrayAsync();
public async Task<WebhookDeliveryData?> GetWebhookDelivery(string storeId, string webhookId, string deliveryId)
using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
return await ctx.StoreWebhooks
.Where(d => d.StoreId == storeId && d.WebhookId == webhookId)
.SelectMany(d => d.Webhook.Deliveries)
.Where(d => d.Id == deliveryId)
public async Task AddWebhookDelivery(WebhookDeliveryData delivery)
using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
var invoiceWebhookDelivery = delivery.GetBlob().ReadRequestAs<InvoiceWebhookDeliveryData>();
if (invoiceWebhookDelivery.InvoiceId != null)
ctx.InvoiceWebhookDeliveries.Add(new InvoiceWebhookDeliveryData()
InvoiceId = invoiceWebhookDelivery.InvoiceId,
DeliveryId = delivery.Id
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
public async Task<WebhookDeliveryData[]> GetWebhookDeliveries(string storeId, string webhookId, int? count)
using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
IQueryable<WebhookDeliveryData> req = ctx.StoreWebhooks
.Where(s => s.StoreId == storeId && s.WebhookId == webhookId)
.SelectMany(s => s.Webhook.Deliveries)
.OrderByDescending(s => s.Timestamp);
if (count is { } c)
req = req.Take(c);
return await req
public async Task<string> CreateWebhook(string storeId, WebhookBlob blob)
using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
WebhookData data = new WebhookData();
data.Id = Encoders.Base58.EncodeData(RandomUtils.GetBytes(16));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(blob.Secret))
blob.Secret = Encoders.Base58.EncodeData(RandomUtils.GetBytes(16));
StoreWebhookData storeWebhook = new StoreWebhookData();
storeWebhook.StoreId = storeId;
storeWebhook.WebhookId = data.Id;
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
return data.Id;
public async Task<WebhookData?> GetWebhook(string storeId, string webhookId)
using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
return await ctx.StoreWebhooks
.Where(s => s.StoreId == storeId && s.WebhookId == webhookId)
.Select(s => s.Webhook)
public async Task<WebhookData?> GetWebhook(string webhookId)
using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
return await ctx.StoreWebhooks
.Where(s => s.WebhookId == webhookId)
.Select(s => s.Webhook)
public async Task DeleteWebhook(string storeId, string webhookId)
using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
var hook = await ctx.StoreWebhooks
.Where(s => s.StoreId == storeId && s.WebhookId == webhookId)
.Select(s => s.Webhook)
if (hook is null)
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
public async Task UpdateWebhook(string storeId, string webhookId, WebhookBlob webhookBlob)
using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
var hook = await ctx.StoreWebhooks
.Where(s => s.StoreId == storeId && s.WebhookId == webhookId)
.Select(s => s.Webhook)
if (hook is null)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(webhookBlob.Secret))
webhookBlob.Secret = hook.GetBlob().Secret;
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
public async Task RemoveStore(string storeId, string userId)
using (var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext())
var storeUser = await ctx.UserStore.AsQueryable().FirstOrDefaultAsync(o => o.StoreDataId == storeId && o.ApplicationUserId == userId);
if (storeUser == null)
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
await DeleteStoreIfOrphan(storeId);
public async Task UpdateStore(StoreData store)
using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
var existing = await ctx.FindAsync<StoreData>(store.Id);
if (existing is not null)
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<bool> DeleteStore(string storeId)
int retry = 0;
using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
if (!ctx.Database.SupportDropForeignKey())
return false;
var store = await ctx.Stores.FindAsync(storeId);
if (store == null)
return false;
var webhooks = await ctx.StoreWebhooks
.Where(o => o.StoreId == storeId)
.Select(o => o.Webhook)
foreach (var w in webhooks)
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateException ex) when (IsDeadlock(ex) && retry < 5)
await Task.Delay(100);
goto retry;
return true;
private T? Deserialize<T>(string value) where T : class
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(value, SerializerSettings);
private string Serialize<T>(T obj)
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, SerializerSettings);
public async Task<T?> GetSettingAsync<T>(string storeId, string name) where T : class
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
var data = await ctx.StoreSettings.Where(s => s.Name == name && s.StoreId == storeId).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
return data == null ? default : this.Deserialize<T>(data.Value);
public async Task<Dictionary<string, T?>> GetSettingsAsync<T>(string name) where T : class
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
var data = await ctx.StoreSettings.Where(s => s.Name == name).ToDictionaryAsync(settingData => settingData.StoreId);
return data.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => Deserialize<T>(pair.Value.Value));
public async Task UpdateSetting<T>(string storeId, string name, T obj) where T : class
await using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
StoreSettingData? settings = null;
if (obj is null)
ctx.StoreSettings.RemoveRange(ctx.StoreSettings.Where(data => data.Name == name && data.StoreId == storeId));
settings = new StoreSettingData() { Name = name, StoreId = storeId, Value = Serialize(obj) };
ctx.Entry(settings).State = EntityState.Modified;
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateException)
if (settings is not null)
ctx.Entry(settings).State = EntityState.Added;
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
private static bool IsDeadlock(DbUpdateException ex)
return ex.InnerException is Npgsql.PostgresException postgres && postgres.SqlState == "40P01";
public bool CanDeleteStores()
using var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext();
return ctx.Database.SupportDropForeignKey();
public record StoreRoleId
public static StoreRoleId Parse(string str)
var i = str.IndexOf("::");
string? storeId = null;
string role;
if (i == -1)
role = str;
return new StoreRoleId(role);
storeId = str[0..i];
role = str[(i + 2)..];
return new StoreRoleId(storeId, role);
public StoreRoleId(string role)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(role))
throw new ArgumentException("Role shouldn't be null or empty", nameof(role));
if (role.Contains("::", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
throw new ArgumentException("Role shouldn't contains '::'", nameof(role));
Role = role;
public StoreRoleId(string storeId, string role)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(role))
throw new ArgumentException("Role shouldn't be null or empty", nameof(role));
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(storeId))
throw new ArgumentException("StoreId shouldn't be null or empty", nameof(storeId));
if (role.Contains("::", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
throw new ArgumentException("Role shouldn't contains '::'", nameof(role));
if (storeId.Contains("::", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
throw new ArgumentException("StoreId shouldn't contains '::'", nameof(storeId));
StoreId = storeId;
Role = role;
public static StoreRoleId Owner { get; } = new StoreRoleId("Owner");
public static StoreRoleId Guest { get; } = new StoreRoleId("Guest");
public string? StoreId { get; }
public string Role { get; }
public string Id
if (StoreId is null)
return Role;
return $"{StoreId}::{Role}";
public bool IsServerRole => StoreId is null;
public override string ToString()
return Id;