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synced 2025-03-10 09:19:24 +01:00
* Fix divisibility in invoice details of lightning amounts This PR will show 11 decimal in the invoice details for BTC amount of lightning payment methods. It also hacks around the fact that some lightning clients don't create the requested amount of sats, which resulted in over or under payments. (Blink not supporting msats, and strike) Now, In that case, a payment method fee (which can be negative) called tweak fee will be added to the prompt. We are also hiding this tweak fee from the user in the checkout page in order to not disturb the UI with inconsequential fee of 0.000000001 sats. * Only show 8 digits in checkout, even if amount is 11 digits
306 lines
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306 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BTCPayServer.Client.Models;
using BTCPayServer.Events;
using BTCPayServer.Payments;
using BTCPayServer.Services;
using BTCPayServer.Services.Invoices;
using BTCPayServer.Services.Mails;
using BTCPayServer.Services.Rates;
using BTCPayServer.Services.Stores;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using MimeKit;
using NBitpayClient;
using NBXplorer;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace BTCPayServer.HostedServices
public class BitpayIPNSender : IHostedService
readonly HttpClient _Client;
public class ScheduledJob
public int TryCount
get; set;
public InvoicePaymentNotificationEventWrapper Notification
get; set;
MultiProcessingQueue _Queue = new MultiProcessingQueue();
readonly IBackgroundJobClient _JobClient;
readonly EventAggregator _EventAggregator;
readonly InvoiceRepository _InvoiceRepository;
private readonly EmailSenderFactory _EmailSenderFactory;
private readonly StoreRepository _StoreRepository;
private readonly Dictionary<PaymentMethodId, IPaymentMethodBitpayAPIExtension> _bitpayExtensions;
private readonly CurrencyNameTable _currencyNameTable;
public const string NamedClient = "bitpay-ipn";
public BitpayIPNSender(
IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory,
IBackgroundJobClient jobClient,
EventAggregator eventAggregator,
InvoiceRepository invoiceRepository,
StoreRepository storeRepository,
Dictionary<PaymentMethodId, IPaymentMethodBitpayAPIExtension> bitpayExtensions,
CurrencyNameTable currencyNameTable,
EmailSenderFactory emailSenderFactory)
_Client = httpClientFactory.CreateClient(NamedClient);
_JobClient = jobClient;
_EventAggregator = eventAggregator;
_InvoiceRepository = invoiceRepository;
_EmailSenderFactory = emailSenderFactory;
_StoreRepository = storeRepository;
_bitpayExtensions = bitpayExtensions;
_currencyNameTable = currencyNameTable;
async Task Notify(InvoiceEntity invoice, InvoiceEvent invoiceEvent, bool extendedNotification, bool sendMail)
var dto = invoice.EntityToDTO(_bitpayExtensions, _currencyNameTable);
var notification = new InvoicePaymentNotificationEventWrapper()
Data = new InvoicePaymentNotification()
Id = dto.Id,
Currency = dto.Currency,
CurrentTime = dto.CurrentTime,
ExceptionStatus = dto.ExceptionStatus,
ExpirationTime = dto.ExpirationTime,
InvoiceTime = dto.InvoiceTime,
PosData = dto.PosData,
Price = dto.Price,
Status = dto.Status,
BuyerFields = invoice.Metadata.BuyerEmail == null ? null : new Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject() { new JProperty("buyerEmail", invoice.Metadata.BuyerEmail) },
PaymentSubtotals = dto.PaymentSubtotals,
PaymentTotals = dto.PaymentTotals,
AmountPaid = dto.AmountPaid,
ExchangeRates = dto.ExchangeRates,
OrderId = dto.OrderId
Event = new InvoicePaymentNotificationEvent()
Code = (int)invoiceEvent.EventCode,
Name = invoiceEvent.Name
ExtendedNotification = extendedNotification,
NotificationURL = invoice.NotificationURL?.AbsoluteUri
// For lightning network payments, paid, confirmed and completed come all at once.
// So despite the event is "paid" or "confirmed" the Status of the invoice is technically complete
// This confuse loggers who think their endpoint get duplicated events
// So here, we just override the status expressed by the notification
if (invoiceEvent.Name == InvoiceEvent.Confirmed)
notification.Data.Status = "confirmed";
if (invoiceEvent.Name == InvoiceEvent.PaidInFull)
notification.Data.Status = "paid";
// We keep backward compatibility with bitpay by passing BTC info to the notification
// we don't pass other info, as it is a bad idea to use IPN data for logic processing (can be faked)
var btc = PaymentTypes.CHAIN.GetPaymentMethodId("BTC");
var btcCryptoInfo = dto.CryptoInfo.FirstOrDefault(c => PaymentMethodId.Parse(c.PaymentType) == btc && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Address));
if (btcCryptoInfo != null)
#pragma warning disable CS0618
notification.Data.Rate = dto.Rate;
notification.Data.Url = dto.Url;
notification.Data.BTCDue = dto.BTCDue;
notification.Data.BTCPaid = dto.BTCPaid;
notification.Data.BTCPrice = dto.BTCPrice;
#pragma warning restore CS0618
if (sendMail &&
invoice.NotificationEmail is String e &&
MailboxAddressValidator.TryParse(e, out MailboxAddress notificationEmail))
var json = NBitcoin.JsonConverters.Serializer.ToString(notification);
var store = await _StoreRepository.FindStore(invoice.StoreId);
var storeName = store.StoreName ?? "BTCPay Server";
var emailBody = $"Store: {storeName}<br>" +
$"Invoice ID: {notification.Data.Id}<br>" +
$"Status: {notification.Data.Status}<br>" +
$"Amount: {notification.Data.Price} {notification.Data.Currency}<br>" +
(await _EmailSenderFactory.GetEmailSender(invoice.StoreId)).SendEmail(
$"Invoice Notification - ${invoice.StoreId}",
if (invoice.NotificationURL != null)
_Queue.Enqueue(invoice.Id, (cancellationToken) => NotifyHttp(new ScheduledJob() { TryCount = 0, Notification = notification }, cancellationToken));
public async Task NotifyHttp(ScheduledJob job, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
bool reschedule = false;
var aggregatorEvent = new InvoiceIPNEvent(job.Notification.Data.Id, job.Notification.Event.Code, job.Notification.Event.Name, job.Notification.ExtendedNotification);
using HttpResponseMessage response = await SendNotification(job.Notification, cancellationToken);
reschedule = !response.IsSuccessStatusCode;
aggregatorEvent.Error = reschedule ? $"Unexpected return code: {(int)response.StatusCode}" : null;
catch (OperationCanceledException) when (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
_JobClient.Schedule((cancellation) => NotifyHttp(job, cancellation), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10.0));
catch (OperationCanceledException)
aggregatorEvent.Error = "Timeout";
reschedule = true;
catch (Exception ex)
reschedule = true;
List<string> messages = new List<string>();
while (ex != null)
ex = ex.InnerException;
string message = String.Join(',', messages.ToArray());
aggregatorEvent.Error = $"Unexpected error: {message}";
if (job.TryCount < MaxTry && reschedule)
_JobClient.Schedule((cancellation) => NotifyHttp(job, cancellation), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10.0));
public class InvoicePaymentNotificationEvent
public int Code { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class InvoicePaymentNotificationEventWrapper
public InvoicePaymentNotificationEvent Event { get; set; }
public InvoicePaymentNotification Data { get; set; }
public bool ExtendedNotification { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "notificationURL")]
public string NotificationURL { get; set; }
readonly Encoding UTF8 = new UTF8Encoding(false);
private async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendNotification(InvoicePaymentNotificationEventWrapper notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var request = new HttpRequestMessage();
request.Method = HttpMethod.Post;
var notificationString = NBitcoin.JsonConverters.Serializer.ToString(notification);
var jobj = JObject.Parse(notificationString);
if (notification.ExtendedNotification)
notificationString = jobj.ToString();
notificationString = jobj["data"].ToString();
request.RequestUri = new Uri(notification.NotificationURL, UriKind.Absolute);
request.Content = new StringContent(notificationString, UTF8, "application/json");
using CancellationTokenSource cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken);
var response = await _Client.SendAsync(request, cts.Token);
return response;
readonly Dictionary<string, Task> _SendingRequestsByInvoiceId = new Dictionary<string, Task>();
readonly int MaxTry = 6;
readonly CompositeDisposable leases = new CompositeDisposable();
public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
leases.Add(_EventAggregator.SubscribeAsync<InvoiceEvent>(async e =>
if (e.EventCode == InvoiceEventCode.PaymentSettled)
//these are greenfield specific events
var invoice = await _InvoiceRepository.GetInvoice(e.Invoice.Id);
if (invoice == null)
bool sendMail = true;
// we need to use the status in the event and not in the invoice. The invoice might now be in another status.
if (invoice.FullNotifications)
if (e.Name == InvoiceEvent.Expired ||
e.Name == InvoiceEvent.PaidInFull ||
e.Name == InvoiceEvent.MarkedInvalid ||
e.Name == InvoiceEvent.MarkedCompleted ||
e.Name == InvoiceEvent.FailedToConfirm ||
e.Name == InvoiceEvent.Completed ||
e.Name == InvoiceEvent.ExpiredPaidPartial
await Notify(invoice, e, false, sendMail);
sendMail = false;
if (e.Name == InvoiceEvent.Confirmed)
await Notify(invoice, e, false, sendMail);
sendMail = false;
if (invoice.ExtendedNotifications)
await Notify(invoice, e, true, sendMail);
sendMail = false;
return Task.CompletedTask;
public async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await _Queue.Abort(cancellationToken);