2020-08-28 09:00:13 +02:00

526 lines
26 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BTCPayServer.Client;
using BTCPayServer.Data;
using BTCPayServer.Models;
using BTCPayServer.Security.GreenField;
using ExchangeSharp;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using NBitcoin;
using NBitcoin.DataEncoders;
namespace BTCPayServer.Controllers
public partial class ManageController
public async Task<IActionResult> APIKeys()
return View(new ApiKeysViewModel()
ApiKeyDatas = await _apiKeyRepository.GetKeys(new APIKeyRepository.APIKeyQuery()
UserId = new[] { _userManager.GetUserId(User) }
public async Task<IActionResult> RemoveAPIKey(string id)
var key = await _apiKeyRepository.GetKey(id);
if (key == null || key.UserId != _userManager.GetUserId(User))
return NotFound();
return View("Confirm", new ConfirmModel()
Title = "Delete API Key " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key.Label) ? string.Empty : key.Label) + "(" + key.Id + ")",
Description = "Any application using this api key will immediately lose access",
Action = "Delete",
ActionUrl = this.Url.ActionLink(nameof(RemoveAPIKeyPost), values: new { id = id })
public async Task<IActionResult> RemoveAPIKeyPost(string id)
var key = await _apiKeyRepository.GetKey(id);
if (key == null || key.UserId != _userManager.GetUserId(User))
return NotFound();
await _apiKeyRepository.Remove(id, _userManager.GetUserId(User));
TempData.SetStatusMessageModel(new StatusMessageModel()
Severity = StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Success,
Message = "API Key removed"
return RedirectToAction("APIKeys");
public async Task<IActionResult> AddApiKey()
if (!_btcPayServerEnvironment.IsSecure)
TempData.SetStatusMessageModel(new StatusMessageModel()
Severity = StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Error,
Message = "Cannot generate api keys while not on https or tor"
return RedirectToAction("APIKeys");
return View("AddApiKey", await SetViewModelValues(new AddApiKeyViewModel()));
/// <param name="permissions">The permissions to request</param>
/// <param name="applicationName">The name of your application</param>
/// <param name="redirect">The URl to redirect to after the user consents, with the query paramters appended to it: permissions, user-id, api-key. If not specified, user is redirect to their API Key list.</param>
/// <param name="strict">If permissions are specified, and strict is set to false, it will allow the user to reject some of permissions the application is requesting.</param>
/// <param name="selectiveStores">If the application is requesting the CanModifyStoreSettings permission and selectiveStores is set to true, this allows the user to only grant permissions to selected stores under the user's control.</param>
/// <param name="applicationIdentifier">If specified, BTCPay will check if there is an existing API key stored associated with the user that also has this application identifer, redirect host AND the permissions required match(takes selectiveStores and strict into account). applicationIdentifier is ignored if redirect is not specified.</param>
// [OpenApiTags("Authorization")]
// [OpenApiOperation("Authorize User",
// "Redirect the browser to this endpoint to request the user to generate an api-key with specific permissions")]
// [SwaggerResponse(StatusCodes.Status307TemporaryRedirect, null,
// Description = "Redirects to the specified url with query string values for api-key, permissions, and user-id upon consent")]
// [IncludeInOpenApiDocs]
public async Task<IActionResult> AuthorizeAPIKey( string[] permissions, string applicationName = null, Uri redirect = null,
bool strict = true, bool selectiveStores = false, string applicationIdentifier = null)
if (!_btcPayServerEnvironment.IsSecure)
TempData.SetStatusMessageModel(new StatusMessageModel()
Severity = StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Error,
Message = "Cannot generate api keys while not on https or tor"
return RedirectToAction("APIKeys");
permissions ??= Array.Empty<string>();
var requestPermissions = Permission.ToPermissions(permissions);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(applicationIdentifier) && redirect != null)
//check if there is an app identifier that matches and belongs to the current user
var keys = await _apiKeyRepository.GetKeys(new APIKeyRepository.APIKeyQuery()
UserId = new[] {_userManager.GetUserId(User)}
if (keys.Any())
foreach (var key in keys)
var blob = key.GetBlob();
if (blob.ApplicationIdentifier != applicationIdentifier ||
blob.ApplicationAuthority != redirect.Authority)
//matched the identifier and authority, but we need to check if what the app is requesting in terms of permissions is enough
var alreadyPresentPermissions = Permission.ToPermissions(blob.Permissions).GroupBy(permission => permission.Policy);
var fail = false;
foreach (var permission in requestPermissions.GroupBy(permission => permission.Policy))
var presentPermission =
alreadyPresentPermissions.SingleOrDefault(grouping => permission.Key == grouping.Key);
if (strict && presentPermission == null)
fail = true;
if (!selectiveStores && permission.Any(permission1 => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(permission1.Scope)))
TempData.SetStatusMessageModel(new StatusMessageModel()
Severity = StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Error,
Message = "Cannot request specific store permission when selectiveStores is not enable"
return RedirectToAction("APIKeys");
}else if (!selectiveStores && presentPermission.Any(permission1 =>
fail = true;
if (fail)
//we have a key that is sufficient, redirect to a page to confirm that it's ok to provide this key to the app.
return View("Confirm",
new ConfirmModel()
Title = $"Are you sure about exposing your API Key to {redirect}?",
Description = $"You've previously generated this API Key ({key.Id}) specifically for {applicationName}",
ActionUrl = GetRedirectToApplicationUrl(redirect, key),
ButtonClass = "btn-secondary",
Action = "Confirm"
var vm = await SetViewModelValues(new AuthorizeApiKeysViewModel()
RedirectUrl = redirect,
Label = applicationName,
ApplicationName = applicationName,
SelectiveStores = selectiveStores,
Strict = strict,
Permissions = string.Join(';', requestPermissions),
ApplicationIdentifier = applicationIdentifier
return View(vm);
private void AdjustVMForAuthorization(AuthorizeApiKeysViewModel vm)
var parsedPermissions = Permission.ToPermissions(vm.Permissions.Split(';')).GroupBy(permission => permission.Policy);
for (var index = vm.PermissionValues.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--)
var permissionValue = vm.PermissionValues[index];
var wanted = parsedPermissions?.SingleOrDefault(permission =>
if (vm.Strict && !(wanted?.Any() ?? false))
else if (wanted?.Any() ?? false)
if (vm.SelectiveStores && Policies.IsStorePolicy(permissionValue.Permission) &&
wanted.Any(permission => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(permission.Scope)))
permissionValue.StoreMode = AddApiKeyViewModel.ApiKeyStoreMode.Specific;
permissionValue.SpecificStores = wanted.Select(permission => permission.Scope).ToList();
permissionValue.StoreMode = AddApiKeyViewModel.ApiKeyStoreMode.AllStores;
permissionValue.SpecificStores = new List<string>();
permissionValue.Value = true;
public async Task<IActionResult> AuthorizeAPIKey([FromForm] AuthorizeApiKeysViewModel viewModel)
await SetViewModelValues(viewModel);
var ar = HandleCommands(viewModel);
if (ar != null)
return ar;
for (int i = 0; i < viewModel.PermissionValues.Count; i++)
if (viewModel.PermissionValues[i].Forbidden && viewModel.Strict)
viewModel.PermissionValues[i].Value = false;
$"The permission '{viewModel.PermissionValues[i].Title}' is required for this application.");
if (viewModel.PermissionValues[i].StoreMode == AddApiKeyViewModel.ApiKeyStoreMode.Specific &&
viewModel.PermissionValues[i].StoreMode = AddApiKeyViewModel.ApiKeyStoreMode.AllStores;
$"The permission '{viewModel.PermissionValues[i].Title}' cannot be store specific for this application.");
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(viewModel);
switch (viewModel.Command.ToLowerInvariant())
case "no":
return RedirectToAction("APIKeys");
case "yes":
var key = await CreateKey(viewModel, viewModel.ApplicationIdentifier);
if (viewModel.RedirectUrl != null)
return Redirect(GetRedirectToApplicationUrl(viewModel.RedirectUrl, key));
TempData.SetStatusMessageModel(new StatusMessageModel()
Severity = StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Success,
Html = $"API key generated! <code class='alert-link'>{key.Id}</code>"
return RedirectToAction("APIKeys", new { key = key.Id });
return View(viewModel);
private string GetRedirectToApplicationUrl(Uri redirect, APIKeyData key)
var uri = new UriBuilder(redirect);
var permissions = key.GetBlob().Permissions;
uri.AppendPayloadToQuery(new Dictionary<string, object>()
{"api-key", key.Id}, {"permissions",permissions}, {"user-id", key.UserId}
//uri builder has bug around string[] params
return uri.Uri.ToStringInvariant().Replace("permissions=System.String%5B%5D",
string.Join("&", permissions.Select(s1 => $"permissions={s1}")), StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
public async Task<IActionResult> AddApiKey(AddApiKeyViewModel viewModel)
await SetViewModelValues(viewModel);
var ar = HandleCommands(viewModel);
if (ar != null)
return ar;
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(viewModel);
var key = await CreateKey(viewModel);
TempData.SetStatusMessageModel(new StatusMessageModel()
Severity = StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Success,
Html = $"API key generated! <code class='alert-link'>{key.Id}</code>"
return RedirectToAction("APIKeys");
private IActionResult HandleCommands(AddApiKeyViewModel viewModel)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewModel.Command))
return null;
var parts = viewModel.Command.Split(':', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var permission = parts[0];
if (!Policies.IsStorePolicy(permission))
return null;
var permissionValueItem = viewModel.PermissionValues.Single(item => item.Permission == permission);
var command = parts[1];
var storeIndex = parts.Length == 3 ? parts[2] : null;
switch (command)
case "change-store-mode":
permissionValueItem.StoreMode = permissionValueItem.StoreMode == AddApiKeyViewModel.ApiKeyStoreMode.Specific
? AddApiKeyViewModel.ApiKeyStoreMode.AllStores
: AddApiKeyViewModel.ApiKeyStoreMode.Specific;
if (permissionValueItem.StoreMode == AddApiKeyViewModel.ApiKeyStoreMode.Specific &&
!permissionValueItem.SpecificStores.Any() && viewModel.Stores.Any())
return View(viewModel);
case "add-store":
return View(viewModel);
case "remove-store":
if (storeIndex != null)
return View(viewModel);
return null;
private async Task<APIKeyData> CreateKey(AddApiKeyViewModel viewModel, string appIdentifier = null)
var key = new APIKeyData()
Id = Encoders.Hex.EncodeData(RandomUtils.GetBytes(20)),
Type = APIKeyType.Permanent,
UserId = _userManager.GetUserId(User),
Label = viewModel.Label,
ApplicationIdentifier = appIdentifier
key.SetBlob(new APIKeyBlob()
Permissions = GetPermissionsFromViewModel(viewModel).Select(p => p.ToString()).Distinct().ToArray()
await _apiKeyRepository.CreateKey(key);
return key;
private IEnumerable<Permission> GetPermissionsFromViewModel(AddApiKeyViewModel viewModel)
List<Permission> permissions = new List<Permission>();
foreach (var p in viewModel.PermissionValues.Where(tuple => !tuple.Forbidden))
if (Policies.IsStorePolicy(p.Permission))
if (p.StoreMode == AddApiKeyViewModel.ApiKeyStoreMode.AllStores && p.Value)
else if (p.StoreMode == AddApiKeyViewModel.ApiKeyStoreMode.Specific)
permissions.AddRange(p.SpecificStores.Select(s => Permission.Create(p.Permission, s)));
else if (p.Value && Permission.TryCreatePermission(p.Permission, null, out var pp))
return permissions.Distinct();
private async Task<T> SetViewModelValues<T>(T viewModel) where T : AddApiKeyViewModel
viewModel.Stores = await _StoreRepository.GetStoresByUserId(_userManager.GetUserId(User));
var isAdmin = (await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, Policies.CanModifyServerSettings))
viewModel.PermissionValues ??= Policies.AllPolicies
.Where(p => AddApiKeyViewModel.PermissionValueItem.PermissionDescriptions.ContainsKey(p))
.Select(s => new AddApiKeyViewModel.PermissionValueItem()
Permission = s,
Value = false,
Forbidden = Policies.IsServerPolicy(s) && !isAdmin
if (!isAdmin)
foreach (var p in viewModel.PermissionValues.Where(item => Policies.IsServerPolicy(item.Permission)))
p.Forbidden = true;
return viewModel;
public class AddApiKeyViewModel
public string Label { get; set; }
public StoreData[] Stores { get; set; }
public string Command { get; set; }
public List<PermissionValueItem> PermissionValues { get; set; }
public enum ApiKeyStoreMode
public class PermissionValueItem
public static readonly Dictionary<string, (string Title, string Description)> PermissionDescriptions = new Dictionary<string, (string Title, string Description)>()
{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.Unrestricted, ("Unrestricted access", "The app will have unrestricted access to your account.")},
{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanCreateUser, ("Create new users", "The app will be able to create new users on this server.")},
{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings, ("Modify your stores", "The app will be able to view, modify, delete and create new invoices on all your stores.")},
{$"{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings}:", ("Manage selected stores", "The app will be able to view, modify, delete and create new invoices on the selected stores.")},
{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanViewStoreSettings, ("View your stores", "The app will be able to view stores settings.")},
{$"{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanViewStoreSettings}:", ("View your stores", "The app will be able to view the selected stores' settings.")},
{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanModifyServerSettings, ("Manage your server", "The app will have total control on the server settings of your server")},
{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanViewProfile, ("View your profile", "The app will be able to view your user profile.")},
{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanModifyProfile, ("Manage your profile", "The app will be able to view and modify your user profile.")},
{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanCreateInvoice, ("Create an invoice", "The app will be able to create new invoices.")},
{$"{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanCreateInvoice}:", ("Create an invoice", "The app will be able to create new invoices on the selected stores.")},
{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanViewInvoices, ("View invoices", "The app will be able to view invoices.")},
{$"{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanViewInvoices}:", ("View invoices", "The app will be able to view invoices on the selected stores.")},
{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanModifyPaymentRequests, ("Modify your payment requests", "The app will be able to view, modify, delete and create new payment requests on all your stores.")},
{$"{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanModifyPaymentRequests}:", ("Manage selected stores' payment requests", "The app will be able to view, modify, delete and create new payment requests on the selected stores.")},
{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanViewPaymentRequests, ("View your payment requests", "The app will be able to view payment requests.")},
{$"{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanViewPaymentRequests}:", ("View your payment requests", "The app will be able to view the selected stores' payment requests.")},
{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanUseInternalLightningNode, ("Use the internal lightning node", "The app will be able to use the internal BTCPay Server lightning node to create BOLT11 invoices, connect to other nodes, open new channels and pay BOLT11 invoices.")},
{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanCreateLightningInvoiceInternalNode, ("Create invoices with internal lightning node", "The app will be able to use the internal BTCPay Server lightning node to create BOLT11 invoices.")},
{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanUseLightningNodeInStore, ("Use the lightning nodes associated with your stores", "The app will be able to use the lightning nodes connected to all your stores to create BOLT11 invoices, connect to other nodes, open new channels and pay BOLT11 invoices.")},
{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanCreateLightningInvoiceInStore, ("Create invoices the lightning nodes associated with your stores", "The app will be able to use the lightning nodes connected to all your stores to create BOLT11 invoices.")},
{$"{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanUseLightningNodeInStore}:", ("Use the lightning nodes associated with your stores", "The app will be able to use the lightning nodes connected to the selected stores to create BOLT11 invoices, connect to other nodes, open new channels and pay BOLT11 invoices.")},
{$"{BTCPayServer.Client.Policies.CanCreateLightningInvoiceInStore}:", ("Create invoices the lightning nodes associated with your stores", "The app will be able to use the lightning nodes connected to the selected stores to create BOLT11 invoices.")},
public string Title
return PermissionDescriptions[$"{Permission}{(StoreMode == ApiKeyStoreMode.Specific ? ":" : "")}"].Title;
public string Description
return PermissionDescriptions[$"{Permission}{(StoreMode == ApiKeyStoreMode.Specific ? ":" : "")}"].Description;
public string Permission { get; set; }
public bool Value { get; set; }
public bool Forbidden { get; set; }
public ApiKeyStoreMode StoreMode { get; set; } = ApiKeyStoreMode.AllStores;
public List<string> SpecificStores { get; set; } = new List<string>();
public class AuthorizeApiKeysViewModel : AddApiKeyViewModel
public string ApplicationName { get; set; }
public string ApplicationIdentifier { get; set; }
public Uri RedirectUrl { get; set; }
public bool Strict { get; set; }
public bool SelectiveStores { get; set; }
public string Permissions { get; set; }
public class ApiKeysViewModel
public List<APIKeyData> ApiKeyDatas { get; set; }