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using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BTCPayServer.Client;
using BTCPayServer.Client.Models;
using BTCPayServer.Controllers;
using BTCPayServer.Services;
using BTCPayServer.Tests.Logging;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
using CreateApplicationUserRequest = BTCPayServer.Client.Models.CreateApplicationUserRequest;
namespace BTCPayServer.Tests
public class GreenfieldAPITests
public const int TestTimeout = TestUtils.TestTimeout;
public const string TestApiPath = "api/test/apikey";
public GreenfieldAPITests(ITestOutputHelper helper)
Logs.Tester = new XUnitLog(helper) { Name = "Tests" };
Logs.LogProvider = new XUnitLogProvider(helper);
[Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)]
[Trait("Integration", "Integration")]
public async Task ApiKeysControllerTests()
using (var tester = ServerTester.Create())
await tester.StartAsync();
var user = tester.NewAccount();
await user.MakeAdmin();
var client = await user.CreateClient(Policies.CanViewProfile);
var clientBasic = await user.CreateClient();
//Get current api key
var apiKeyData = await client.GetCurrentAPIKeyInfo();
Assert.Equal(client.APIKey, apiKeyData.ApiKey);
//a client using Basic Auth has no business here
await AssertHttpError(401, async () => await clientBasic.GetCurrentAPIKeyInfo());
//revoke current api key
await client.RevokeCurrentAPIKeyInfo();
await AssertHttpError(401, async () => await client.GetCurrentAPIKeyInfo());
//a client using Basic Auth has no business here
await AssertHttpError(401, async () => await clientBasic.RevokeCurrentAPIKeyInfo());
[Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)]
[Trait("Integration", "Integration")]
public async Task CanCreateAndDeleteAPIKeyViaAPI()
using (var tester = ServerTester.Create())
await tester.StartAsync();
var acc = tester.NewAccount();
await acc.GrantAccessAsync();
var unrestricted = await acc.CreateClient();
var apiKey = await unrestricted.CreateAPIKey(new CreateApiKeyRequest()
Label = "Hello world",
Permissions = new Permission[] { Permission.Create(Policies.CanViewProfile) }
Assert.Equal("Hello world", apiKey.Label);
var p = Assert.Single(apiKey.Permissions);
Assert.Equal(Policies.CanViewProfile, p.Policy);
var restricted = acc.CreateClientFromAPIKey(apiKey.ApiKey);
await AssertHttpError(403, async () => await restricted.CreateAPIKey(new CreateApiKeyRequest()
Label = "Hello world2",
Permissions = new Permission[] { Permission.Create(Policies.CanViewProfile) }
await unrestricted.RevokeAPIKey(apiKey.ApiKey);
await AssertHttpError(404, async () => await unrestricted.RevokeAPIKey(apiKey.ApiKey));
[Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)]
[Trait("Integration", "Integration")]
public async Task CanCreateUsersViaAPI()
using (var tester = ServerTester.Create(newDb: true))
tester.PayTester.DisableRegistration = true;
await tester.StartAsync();
var unauthClient = new BTCPayServerClient(tester.PayTester.ServerUri);
await AssertHttpError(400, async () => await unauthClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest()));
await AssertHttpError(400, async () => await unauthClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "test@gmail.com" }));
// Pass too simple
await AssertHttpError(400, async () => await unauthClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "test3@gmail.com", Password = "a" }));
// We have no admin, so it should work
var user1 = await unauthClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "test@gmail.com", Password = "abceudhqw" });
// We have no admin, so it should work
var user2 = await unauthClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "test2@gmail.com", Password = "abceudhqw" });
// Duplicate email
await AssertHttpError(400, async () => await unauthClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "test2@gmail.com", Password = "abceudhqw" }));
// Let's make an admin
var admin = await unauthClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "admin@gmail.com", Password = "abceudhqw", IsAdministrator = true });
// Creating a new user without proper creds is now impossible (unauthorized)
// Because if registration are locked and that an admin exists, we don't accept unauthenticated connection
await AssertHttpError(401, async () => await unauthClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "test3@gmail.com", Password = "afewfoiewiou" }));
// But should be ok with subscriptions unlocked
var settings = tester.PayTester.GetService<SettingsRepository>();
await settings.UpdateSetting<PoliciesSettings>(new PoliciesSettings() { LockSubscription = false });
await unauthClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "test3@gmail.com", Password = "afewfoiewiou" });
// But it should be forbidden to create an admin without being authenticated
await AssertHttpError(403, async () => await unauthClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "admin2@gmail.com", Password = "afewfoiewiou", IsAdministrator = true }));
await settings.UpdateSetting<PoliciesSettings>(new PoliciesSettings() { LockSubscription = true });
var adminAcc = tester.NewAccount();
adminAcc.UserId = admin.Id;
adminAcc.IsAdmin = true;
var adminClient = await adminAcc.CreateClient(Policies.CanModifyProfile);
// We should be forbidden to create a new user without proper admin permissions
await AssertHttpError(403, async () => await adminClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "test4@gmail.com", Password = "afewfoiewiou" }));
await AssertHttpError(403, async () => await adminClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "test4@gmail.com", Password = "afewfoiewiou", IsAdministrator = true }));
// However, should be ok with the unrestricted permissions of an admin
adminClient = await adminAcc.CreateClient(Policies.Unrestricted);
await adminClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "test4@gmail.com", Password = "afewfoiewiou" });
// Even creating new admin should be ok
await adminClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "admin4@gmail.com", Password = "afewfoiewiou", IsAdministrator = true });
var user1Acc = tester.NewAccount();
user1Acc.UserId = user1.Id;
user1Acc.IsAdmin = false;
var user1Client = await user1Acc.CreateClient(Policies.CanModifyServerSettings);
// User1 trying to get server management would still fail to create user
await AssertHttpError(403, async () => await user1Client.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "test8@gmail.com", Password = "afewfoiewiou" }));
// User1 should be able to create user if subscription unlocked
await settings.UpdateSetting<PoliciesSettings>(new PoliciesSettings() { LockSubscription = false });
await user1Client.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "test8@gmail.com", Password = "afewfoiewiou" });
// But not an admin
await AssertHttpError(403, async () => await user1Client.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "admin8@gmail.com", Password = "afewfoiewiou", IsAdministrator = true }));
private async Task AssertHttpError(int code, Func<Task> act)
var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<HttpRequestException>(act);
Assert.Contains(code.ToString(), ex.Message);
[Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)]
[Trait("Integration", "Integration")]
public async Task UsersControllerTests()
using (var tester = ServerTester.Create(newDb: true))
tester.PayTester.DisableRegistration = true;
await tester.StartAsync();
var user = tester.NewAccount();
await user.MakeAdmin();
var clientProfile = await user.CreateClient(Policies.CanModifyProfile);
var clientServer = await user.CreateClient(Policies.CanCreateUser, Policies.CanViewProfile);
var clientInsufficient = await user.CreateClient(Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings);
var clientBasic = await user.CreateClient();
var apiKeyProfileUserData = await clientProfile.GetCurrentUser();
Assert.Equal(apiKeyProfileUserData.Id, user.UserId);
Assert.Equal(apiKeyProfileUserData.Email, user.RegisterDetails.Email);
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<HttpRequestException>(async () => await clientInsufficient.GetCurrentUser());
await clientServer.GetCurrentUser();
await clientProfile.GetCurrentUser();
await clientBasic.GetCurrentUser();
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<HttpRequestException>(async () => await clientInsufficient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest()
Email = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}@g.com",
Password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
var newUser = await clientServer.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest()
Email = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}@g.com",
Password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
var newUser2 = await clientBasic.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest()
Email = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}@g.com",
Password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<HttpRequestException>(async () => await clientServer.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest()
Email = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}",
Password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<HttpRequestException>(async () => await clientServer.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest()
Email = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}@g.com",
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<HttpRequestException>(async () => await clientServer.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest()
Password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()