mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 17:26:05 +01:00
* Adjust to new payment method IDs * Sound improvements * NFC: Handle no data/empty tag case Fixes #6154.
468 lines
18 KiB
468 lines
18 KiB
// These are the legacy states, see InvoiceEntity
const STATUS_PAYABLE = ['New'];
const STATUS_PAID = ['Processing'];
const STATUS_SETTLED = ['Settled'];
const STATUS_INVALID = ['Expired', 'Invalid'];
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
class NDEFReaderWrapper {
constructor() {
this.onreading = null;
this.onreadingerror = null;
async scan(opts) {
if (opts && opts.signal){
opts.signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {
window.parent.postMessage('nfc:abort', '*');
window.parent.postMessage('nfc:startScan', '*');
function computeStartingLanguage() {
const lang = urlParams.get('lang')
if (lang && isLanguageAvailable(lang)) return lang;
const { defaultLang } = initialSrvModel;
return isLanguageAvailable(defaultLang) ? defaultLang : fallbackLanguage;
function isLanguageAvailable(languageCode) {
return availableLanguages.includes(languageCode);
function updateLanguageSelect() {
// calculate and set width, as we want it center aligned
const $languageSelect = document.getElementById('DefaultLang');
const element = document.createElement('div');
element.innerText = $languageSelect.querySelector('option:checked').text;
const width = element.offsetWidth;
if (width && width > 0) {
$languageSelect.style.setProperty('--text-width', `${width}px`);
} else { // in case of modal this might not be rendered properly yet
function updateLanguage(lang) {
if (isLanguageAvailable(lang)) {
urlParams.set('lang', lang);
window.history.replaceState({}, '', `${location.pathname}?${urlParams}`);
function asNumber(val) {
return val && parseFloat(val.toString().replace(/\s/g, '')); // e.g. sats are formatted with spaces: 1 000 000
const fallbackLanguage = 'en';
const startingLanguage = computeStartingLanguage();
const i18n = new VueI18next(i18next);
const PaymentDetails = {
template: '#payment-details',
props: {
srvModel: Object,
isActive: Boolean,
showRecommendedFee: Boolean,
orderAmount: Number,
btcPaid: Number,
btcDue: Number
methods: {
function initApp() {
return new Vue({
el: '#Checkout',
components: {
'payment-details': PaymentDetails,
data () {
const srvModel = initialSrvModel;
return {
audioContext: new AudioContext(),
displayPaymentDetails: false,
remainingSeconds: srvModel.expirationSeconds,
emailAddressInput: "",
emailAddressInputDirty: false,
emailAddressInputInvalid: false,
paymentMethodId: null,
endData: null,
isModal: srvModel.isModal,
pollTimeoutID: null,
paymentSound: null,
nfcReadSound: null,
errorSound: null,
nfc: {
supported: 'NDEFReader' in window,
scanning: false,
submitting: false,
errorMessage: null,
permissionGranted: false,
readerAbortController: null
computed: {
isInvalid () {
return STATUS_INVALID.includes(this.srvModel.status);
isSettled () {
return STATUS_SETTLED.includes(this.srvModel.status);
isProcessing () {
return STATUS_PAID.includes(this.srvModel.status);
isActive () {
return STATUS_PAYABLE.includes(this.srvModel.status);
isPaidPartial () {
return this.btcPaid > 0 && this.btcDue > 0;
showInfo () {
return this.showTimer || this.showPaymentDueInfo;
showTimer () {
return this.isActive && this.remainingSeconds < this.srvModel.displayExpirationTimer;
showPaymentDueInfo () {
return this.isPaidPartial;
showRecommendedFee () {
return this.isActive && this.srvModel.showRecommendedFee && this.srvModel.feeRate;
orderAmount () {
return this.asNumber(this.srvModel.orderAmount);
btcDue () {
return this.asNumber(this.srvModel.btcDue);
btcPaid () {
return this.asNumber(this.srvModel.btcPaid);
pmId () {
return this.paymentMethodId || this.srvModel.paymentMethodId;
minutesLeft () {
return Math.floor(this.remainingSeconds / 60);
secondsLeft () {
return Math.floor(this.remainingSeconds % 60);
timeText () {
return this.remainingSeconds > 0
? `${this.padTime(this.minutesLeft)}:${this.padTime(this.secondsLeft)}`
: '00:00';
storeLink () {
return this.srvModel.merchantRefLink && this.srvModel.merchantRefLink !== this.srvModel.receiptLink
? this.srvModel.merchantRefLink
: null;
paymentMethodIds () {
return this.srvModel.availableCryptos.map(function (c) { return c.paymentMethodId });
paymentMethodComponent () {
return this.isPluginPaymentMethod
? `${this.pmId}Checkout`
: this.srvModel.activated && this.srvModel.uiSettings.checkoutBodyVueComponentName;
isPluginPaymentMethod () {
return !this.paymentMethodIds.includes(this.pmId);
realCryptoCode () {
return this.srvModel.cryptoCode.toLowerCase() === 'sats' ? 'BTC' : this.srvModel.cryptoCode;
watch: {
isProcessing: function (newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue === true && oldValue === false) {
// poll from here on
// celebration!
const self = this;
Vue.nextTick(function () {
isSettled: function (newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue === true && oldValue === false) {
const duration = 5000;
const self = this;
// stop polling
if (this.pollTimeoutID) {
// celebration!
Vue.nextTick(function () {
// automatic redirect or close
if (self.srvModel.redirectAutomatically && self.storeLink) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (self.isModal && window.top.location === self.storeLink) {
} else {
window.top.location = self.storeLink;
}, duration);
async mounted () {
if (this.isActive || this.isProcessing) {
if (this.isProcessing) {
if (this.srvModel.paymentSoundUrl) {
this.prepareSound(this.srvModel.paymentSoundUrl).then(sound => this.paymentSound = sound);
this.prepareSound(this.srvModel.nfcReadSoundUrl).then(sound => this.nfcReadSound = sound);
this.prepareSound(this.srvModel.errorSoundUrl).then(sound => this.errorSound = sound);
if (this.nfc.supported) {
await this.setupNFC();
window.parent.postMessage('loaded', '*');
beforeDestroy () {
if (this.nfc.readerAbortController) {
methods: {
changePaymentMethod (id) { // payment method or plugin id
if (this.pmId !== id) {
this.paymentMethodId = id;
changeLanguage (e) {
padTime (val) {
return val.toString().padStart(2, '0');
close () {
window.parent.postMessage('close', '*');
updateTimer () {
this.remainingSeconds = Math.floor((this.endDate.getTime() - new Date().getTime())/1000);
if (this.isActive) {
setTimeout(this.updateTimer, 500);
listenIn () {
const self = this;
let socket = null;
const updateFn = this.fetchData;
const supportsWebSockets = 'WebSocket' in window && window.WebSocket.CLOSING === 2;
if (supportsWebSockets) {
const protocol = window.location.protocol.replace('http', 'ws');
const wsUri = `${protocol}//${window.location.host}${statusWsUrl}`;
try {
socket = new WebSocket(wsUri);
socket.onmessage = async function (e) {
if (e.data !== 'ping') await updateFn();
socket.onerror = function (e) {
console.error('Error while connecting to websocket for invoice notifications (callback):', e);
socket.onclose = function () {
self.pollUpdates(2000, socket);
catch (e) {
console.error('Error while connecting to websocket for invoice notifications', e);
// fallback in case there is no websocket support
if (!socket || socket.readyState !== 1) {
this.pollUpdates(2000, socket)
listenForConfirmations () {
pollUpdates (interval, socket) {
const self = this;
const updateFn = this.fetchData;
if (self.pollTimeoutID) {
(function pollFn() {
self.pollTimeoutID = setTimeout(async function () {
if (!socket || socket.readyState !== 1) {
await updateFn();
}, interval);
async fetchData () {
if (this.isPluginPaymentMethod) return;
const url = `${statusUrl}&paymentMethodId=${this.pmId}`;
const response = await fetch(url);
if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json();
updateData (data) {
if (this.srvModel.status !== data.status) {
const { invoiceId } = this.srvModel;
const { status } = data;
window.parent.postMessage({ invoiceId, status }, '*');
const newEnd = new Date();
newEnd.setSeconds(newEnd.getSeconds() + data.expirationSeconds);
this.endDate = newEnd;
// updating ui
this.srvModel = data;
replaceNewlines (value) {
return value ? value.replace(/\n/ig, '<br>') : '';
playSound (soundName) {
const audioBuffer = this[soundName + 'Sound'];
if (!audioBuffer || this.audioContext.state === 'suspended') return;
const source = this.audioContext.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = audioBuffer;
async celebratePayment (duration) {
// sound
// confetti
const $confettiEl = document.getElementById('confetti')
if (window.confetti && $confettiEl && !$confettiEl.dataset.running) {
$confettiEl.dataset.running = true;
await window.confetti($confettiEl, {
spread: 90,
stagger: 5,
elementCount: 121,
colors: ["#a864fd", "#29cdff", "#78ff44", "#ff718d", "#fdff6a"]
delete $confettiEl.dataset.running;
async prepareSound (url) {
const response = await fetch(url)
if (!response.ok) return console.error(`Could not load payment sound, HTTP error ${response.status}`);
const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
return await this.audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer);
async setupNFC () {
try {
this.$set(this.nfc, 'permissionGranted', navigator.permissions && (await navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'nfc' })).state === 'granted');
} catch (e) {}
if (this.nfc.permissionGranted) {
await this.startNFCScan();
async startNFCScan () {
if (this.nfc.scanning) return;
this.$set(this.nfc, 'scanning', true);
try {
const inModal = window.self !== window.top;
const ndef = inModal ? new NDEFReaderWrapper() : new NDEFReader();
this.nfc.readerAbortController = new AbortController()
this.nfc.readerAbortController.signal.onabort = () => {
this.$set(this.nfc, 'scanning', false);
await ndef.scan({ signal: this.nfc.readerAbortController.signal })
ndef.onreadingerror = () => this.handleNFCError('Could not read NFC tag')
ndef.onreading = async ({ message }) => {
const record = message.records[0]
if (record && record.data) {
const textDecoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8')
const decoded = textDecoder.decode(record.data)
this.$emit('read-nfc-data', decoded)
} else {
this.handleNFCError('Could not read NFC tag: No data')
if (inModal) {
// receive messages from iframe
window.addEventListener('message', async event => {
// deny messages from other origins
if (event.origin !== window.location.origin) return
const { action, data } = event.data
switch (action) {
case 'nfc:data':
this.$emit('read-nfc-data', data)
case 'nfc:error':
this.handleNFCError('Could not read NFC tag')
// we came here, so the user must have allowed NFC access
this.$set(this.nfc, 'permissionGranted', true);
} catch (error) {
this.handleNFCError(`NFC scan failed: ${error}`);
handleNFCData() { // child component reports it is handling the data
this.$set(this.nfc, 'submitting', true);
this.$set(this.nfc, 'errorMessage', null);
handleNFCResult() { // child component reports result for handling the data
this.$set(this.nfc, 'submitting', false);
handleNFCError(message) {
// internal or via child component reporting failure of handling the data
this.$set(this.nfc, 'submitting', false);
this.$set(this.nfc, 'errorMessage', message);
const $nfc = document.getElementById('NFC');
if ($nfc) {
$nfc.scrollIntoView({ block: 'end', inline: 'center', behavior: 'smooth' });
backend: {
loadPath: i18nUrl
lng: startingLanguage,
fallbackLng: fallbackLanguage,
nsSeparator: false,
keySeparator: false,
load: 'currentOnly'
}, initApp);