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synced 2025-03-15 12:20:16 +01:00
* Search: Display text filters in search input This changes the search text input to also display the filters, which don't have a special UI (e.g. dropdown). Those filters (e.g. orderid) were not displayed before and hence could not be reset. Fixes #5984. * Add and fix test
159 lines
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159 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
namespace BTCPayServer
public class SearchString
private const char FilterSeparator = ',';
private const char ValueSeparator = ':';
private static readonly string[] StripFilters = ["status", "exceptionstatus", "unusual", "includearchived", "appid", "startdate", "enddate"];
private readonly string _originalString;
private readonly int _timezoneOffset;
public SearchString(string str, int timezoneOffset = 0)
str ??= string.Empty;
str = str.Trim();
_originalString = str;
_timezoneOffset = timezoneOffset;
TextSearch = _originalString;
var splitted = str.Split(new [] { FilterSeparator }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
= splitted
.Select(t => t.Split(new [] { ValueSeparator }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
.Where(kv => kv.Length == 2)
.Select(kv => new KeyValuePair<string, string>(UnifyKey(kv[0]), kv[1]))
.ToMultiValueDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.Value);
// combine raw search term and filters which don't have a special UI (e.g. orderid)
var textFilters = Filters
.Where(f => !StripFilters.Contains(f.Key))
.Select(f => string.Join(FilterSeparator, f.Value.Select(v => $"{f.Key}{ValueSeparator}{v}"))).ToList();
TextFilters = textFilters.Any() ? string.Join(FilterSeparator, textFilters) : null;
TextSearch = splitted.FirstOrDefault(a => a.IndexOf(ValueSeparator, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1)?.Trim();
public string TextSearch { get; private set; }
public string TextFilters { get; private set; }
public string TextCombined => string.Join(FilterSeparator, new []{ TextFilters, TextSearch }.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)));
public MultiValueDictionary<string, string> Filters { get; }
public override string ToString()
return _originalString;
public string Toggle(string key, string value)
key = UnifyKey(key);
var keyValue = $"{key}{ValueSeparator}{value}";
var prependOnInsert = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ToString()) ? string.Empty : $"{ToString()}{FilterSeparator}";
if (!ContainsFilter(key)) return Finalize($"{prependOnInsert}{keyValue}");
var boolFilter = GetFilterBool(key);
if (boolFilter != null)
return Finalize(ToString().Replace(keyValue, string.Empty));
var dateFilter = GetFilterDate(key, _timezoneOffset);
if (dateFilter != null)
var current = GetFilterArray(key).First();
var oldValue = $"{key}{ValueSeparator}{current}";
var newValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || current == value ? string.Empty : keyValue;
return Finalize(_originalString.Replace(oldValue, newValue));
var arrayFilter = GetFilterArray(key);
if (arrayFilter != null)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
return Finalize(arrayFilter.Aggregate(ToString(), (current, filter) =>
current.Replace($"{key}{ValueSeparator}{filter}", string.Empty)));
return Finalize(arrayFilter.Contains(value)
? ToString().Replace(keyValue, string.Empty)
: $"{prependOnInsert}{keyValue}"
return Finalize(ToString());
public string WithoutSearchText()
var txt = ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TextSearch)) txt = Finalize(txt.Replace(TextSearch, string.Empty));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TextFilters)) txt = Finalize(txt.Replace(TextFilters, string.Empty));
return Finalize(txt).Trim();
public string[] GetFilterArray(string key)
key = UnifyKey(key);
return Filters.ContainsKey(key) ? Filters[key].ToArray() : null;
public bool? GetFilterBool(string key)
key = UnifyKey(key);
if (!Filters.ContainsKey(key))
return null;
return bool.TryParse(Filters[key].First(), out var r) ? r : null;
public DateTimeOffset? GetFilterDate(string key, int timezoneOffset)
key = UnifyKey(key);
if (!Filters.ContainsKey(key))
return null;
var val = Filters[key].First();
switch (val)
// handle special string values
case "-24h":
case "-1d":
return DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(-1).AddMinutes(timezoneOffset);
case "-3d":
return DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(-3).AddMinutes(timezoneOffset);
case "-7d":
return DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(-7).AddMinutes(timezoneOffset);
// default parsing logic
var success = DateTimeOffset.TryParse(val, null, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal, out var r);
if (success)
r = r.AddMinutes(timezoneOffset);
return r;
return null;
public bool ContainsFilter(string key)
return Filters.ContainsKey(UnifyKey(key));
private string UnifyKey(string key)
return key.ToLowerInvariant().Trim();
private static string Finalize(string str)
var value = str.Trim().TrimStart(FilterSeparator).TrimEnd(FilterSeparator);
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? " " : value;