Andrew Camilleri 5033cb3186
Support specifying payment method through apps (#1539)
* Support specifying payment method through apps

closes #1525
This is great if you want to offer items with an incentive to use a specific payment method without messing with the rates.
For example, you can have `Item A` which costs 25$ and your store is configured for USDT and BTC. You can create two items, with different prices, where Item A costs 20$ if you pay with bitcoin or 25$ if you paid in dirty fiat pegs

* make code cleaner

* Add Test

* fix test

* fix test
2020-05-20 03:54:24 +09:00

360 lines
16 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Claims;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BTCPayServer.Configuration;
using BTCPayServer.Data;
using BTCPayServer.Filters;
using BTCPayServer.ModelBinders;
using BTCPayServer.Models;
using BTCPayServer.Models.AppViewModels;
using BTCPayServer.Security;
using BTCPayServer.Services.Apps;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using NBitpayClient;
using static BTCPayServer.Controllers.AppsController;
namespace BTCPayServer.Controllers
public class AppsPublicController : Controller
public AppsPublicController(AppService appService,
BTCPayServerOptions btcPayServerOptions,
InvoiceController invoiceController,
UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
_AppService = appService;
_BtcPayServerOptions = btcPayServerOptions;
_InvoiceController = invoiceController;
_UserManager = userManager;
private readonly AppService _AppService;
private readonly BTCPayServerOptions _BtcPayServerOptions;
private readonly InvoiceController _InvoiceController;
private readonly UserManager<ApplicationUser> _UserManager;
public async Task<IActionResult> ViewPointOfSale(string appId)
var app = await _AppService.GetApp(appId, AppType.PointOfSale);
if (app == null)
return NotFound();
var settings = app.GetSettings<PointOfSaleSettings>();
var numberFormatInfo = _AppService.Currencies.GetNumberFormatInfo(settings.Currency) ?? _AppService.Currencies.GetNumberFormatInfo("USD");
double step = Math.Pow(10, -(numberFormatInfo.CurrencyDecimalDigits));
return View(new ViewPointOfSaleViewModel()
Title = settings.Title,
Step = step.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
EnableShoppingCart = settings.EnableShoppingCart,
ShowCustomAmount = settings.ShowCustomAmount,
ShowDiscount = settings.ShowDiscount,
EnableTips = settings.EnableTips,
CurrencyCode = settings.Currency,
CurrencySymbol = numberFormatInfo.CurrencySymbol,
CurrencyInfo = new ViewPointOfSaleViewModel.CurrencyInfoData()
CurrencySymbol = string.IsNullOrEmpty(numberFormatInfo.CurrencySymbol) ? settings.Currency : numberFormatInfo.CurrencySymbol,
Divisibility = numberFormatInfo.CurrencyDecimalDigits,
DecimalSeparator = numberFormatInfo.CurrencyDecimalSeparator,
ThousandSeparator = numberFormatInfo.NumberGroupSeparator,
Prefixed = new[] { 0, 2 }.Contains(numberFormatInfo.CurrencyPositivePattern),
SymbolSpace = new[] { 2, 3 }.Contains(numberFormatInfo.CurrencyPositivePattern)
Items = _AppService.Parse(settings.Template, settings.Currency),
ButtonText = settings.ButtonText,
CustomButtonText = settings.CustomButtonText,
CustomTipText = settings.CustomTipText,
CustomTipPercentages = settings.CustomTipPercentages,
CustomCSSLink = settings.CustomCSSLink,
AppId = appId,
Description = settings.Description,
EmbeddedCSS = settings.EmbeddedCSS
public async Task<IActionResult> ViewPointOfSale(string appId,
[ModelBinder(typeof(InvariantDecimalModelBinder))] decimal amount,
string email,
string orderId,
string notificationUrl,
string redirectUrl,
string choiceKey,
string posData = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var app = await _AppService.GetApp(appId, AppType.PointOfSale);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(choiceKey) && amount <= 0)
return RedirectToAction(nameof(ViewPointOfSale), new { appId = appId });
if (app == null)
return NotFound();
var settings = app.GetSettings<PointOfSaleSettings>();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(choiceKey) && !settings.ShowCustomAmount && !settings.EnableShoppingCart)
return RedirectToAction(nameof(ViewPointOfSale), new { appId = appId });
string title = null;
var price = 0.0m;
Dictionary<string, InvoiceSupportedTransactionCurrency> paymentMethods = null;
ViewPointOfSaleViewModel.Item choice = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(choiceKey))
var choices = _AppService.Parse(settings.Template, settings.Currency);
choice = choices.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == choiceKey);
if (choice == null)
return NotFound();
title = choice.Title;
price = choice.Price.Value;
if (amount > price)
price = amount;
if (choice.Inventory.HasValue)
if (choice.Inventory <= 0)
return RedirectToAction(nameof(ViewPointOfSale), new { appId = appId });
if (choice?.PaymentMethods?.Any() is true)
paymentMethods = choice?.PaymentMethods.ToDictionary(s => s,
s => new InvoiceSupportedTransactionCurrency() {Enabled = true});
if (!settings.ShowCustomAmount && !settings.EnableShoppingCart)
return NotFound();
price = amount;
title = settings.Title;
//if cart IS enabled and we detect posdata that matches the cart system's, check inventory for the items
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(posData) &&
settings.EnableShoppingCart &&
AppService.TryParsePosCartItems(posData, out var cartItems))
var choices = _AppService.Parse(settings.Template, settings.Currency);
foreach (var cartItem in cartItems)
var itemChoice = choices.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == cartItem.Key);
if (itemChoice == null)
return NotFound();
if (itemChoice.Inventory.HasValue)
switch (itemChoice.Inventory)
case int i when i <= 0:
return RedirectToAction(nameof(ViewPointOfSale), new {appId});
case int inventory when inventory < cartItem.Value:
return RedirectToAction(nameof(ViewPointOfSale), new {appId});
var store = await _AppService.GetStore(app);
var invoice = await _InvoiceController.CreateInvoiceCore(new CreateInvoiceRequest()
ItemCode = choice?.Id,
ItemDesc = title,
Currency = settings.Currency,
Price = price,
BuyerEmail = email,
OrderId = orderId,
NotificationURL =
string.IsNullOrEmpty(notificationUrl) ? settings.NotificationUrl : notificationUrl,
RedirectURL = redirectUrl ?? Request.GetDisplayUrl(),
FullNotifications = true,
ExtendedNotifications = true,
PosData = string.IsNullOrEmpty(posData) ? null : posData,
RedirectAutomatically = settings.RedirectAutomatically,
SupportedTransactionCurrencies = paymentMethods,
}, store, HttpContext.Request.GetAbsoluteRoot(),
new List<string>() { AppService.GetAppInternalTag(appId) },
return RedirectToAction(nameof(InvoiceController.Checkout), "Invoice", new { invoiceId = invoice.Data.Id });
catch (BitpayHttpException e)
TempData.SetStatusMessageModel(new StatusMessageModel()
Html = e.Message.Replace("\n", "<br />", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
Severity = StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Error,
AllowDismiss = true
return RedirectToAction(nameof(ViewPointOfSale), new { appId = appId });
public async Task<IActionResult> ViewCrowdfund(string appId, string statusMessage)
var app = await _AppService.GetApp(appId, AppType.Crowdfund, true);
if (app == null)
return NotFound();
var settings = app.GetSettings<CrowdfundSettings>();
var isAdmin = await _AppService.GetAppDataIfOwner(GetUserId(), appId, AppType.Crowdfund) != null;
var hasEnoughSettingsToLoad = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.TargetCurrency);
if (!hasEnoughSettingsToLoad)
if (!isAdmin)
return NotFound();
return NotFound("A Target Currency must be set for this app in order to be loadable.");
var appInfo = (ViewCrowdfundViewModel)(await _AppService.GetAppInfo(appId));
appInfo.HubPath = AppHub.GetHubPath(this.Request);
if (settings.Enabled)
return View(appInfo);
if (!isAdmin)
return NotFound();
return View(appInfo);
public async Task<IActionResult> ContributeToCrowdfund(string appId, ContributeToCrowdfund request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (request.Amount <= 0)
return NotFound("Please provide an amount greater than 0");
var app = await _AppService.GetApp(appId, AppType.Crowdfund, true);
if (app == null)
return NotFound();
var settings = app.GetSettings<CrowdfundSettings>();
var isAdmin = await _AppService.GetAppDataIfOwner(GetUserId(), appId, AppType.Crowdfund) != null;
if (!settings.Enabled && !isAdmin)
return NotFound("Crowdfund is not currently active");
var info = (ViewCrowdfundViewModel)await _AppService.GetAppInfo(appId);
info.HubPath = AppHub.GetHubPath(this.Request);
if (!isAdmin &&
((settings.StartDate.HasValue && DateTime.Now < settings.StartDate) ||
(settings.EndDate.HasValue && DateTime.Now > settings.EndDate) ||
(settings.EnforceTargetAmount &&
(info.Info.PendingProgressPercentage.GetValueOrDefault(0) +
info.Info.ProgressPercentage.GetValueOrDefault(0)) >= 100)))
return NotFound("Crowdfund is not currently active");
var store = await _AppService.GetStore(app);
var title = settings.Title;
var price = request.Amount;
Dictionary<string, InvoiceSupportedTransactionCurrency> paymentMethods = null;
ViewPointOfSaleViewModel.Item choice = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.ChoiceKey))
var choices = _AppService.Parse(settings.PerksTemplate, settings.TargetCurrency);
choice = choices.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == request.ChoiceKey);
if (choice == null)
return NotFound("Incorrect option provided");
title = choice.Title;
price = choice.Price.Value;
if (request.Amount > price)
price = request.Amount;
if (choice.Inventory.HasValue)
if (choice.Inventory <= 0)
return NotFound("Option was out of stock");
if (choice?.PaymentMethods?.Any() is true)
paymentMethods = choice?.PaymentMethods.ToDictionary(s => s,
s => new InvoiceSupportedTransactionCurrency() {Enabled = true});
if (!isAdmin && (settings.EnforceTargetAmount && info.TargetAmount.HasValue && price >
(info.TargetAmount - (info.Info.CurrentAmount + info.Info.CurrentPendingAmount))))
return NotFound("Contribution Amount is more than is currently allowed.");
var invoice = await _InvoiceController.CreateInvoiceCore(new CreateInvoiceRequest()
OrderId = AppService.GetCrowdfundOrderId(appId),
Currency = settings.TargetCurrency,
ItemCode = request.ChoiceKey ?? string.Empty,
ItemDesc = title,
BuyerEmail = request.Email,
Price = price,
NotificationURL = settings.NotificationUrl,
FullNotifications = true,
ExtendedNotifications = true,
SupportedTransactionCurrencies = paymentMethods,
RedirectURL = request.RedirectUrl ??
new Uri(new Uri( new Uri(HttpContext.Request.GetAbsoluteRoot()), _BtcPayServerOptions.RootPath), $"apps/{appId}/crowdfund").ToString()
}, store, HttpContext.Request.GetAbsoluteRoot(),
new List<string> {AppService.GetAppInternalTag(appId)},
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
if (request.RedirectToCheckout)
return RedirectToAction(nameof(InvoiceController.Checkout), "Invoice",
new { invoiceId = invoice.Data.Id });
return Ok(invoice.Data.Id);
catch (BitpayHttpException e)
return BadRequest(e.Message);
private string GetUserId()
return _UserManager.GetUserId(User);