Andrew Camilleri 892b3e273f
Improve Labeling further (#4849)
* If loading addresses into the send wallet page using bip21 or address,  (or clicking on "Send selected payouts"  from the payotus page), existing labels will be pre-populated.
*  Add the payout label to the address when the payoutis created instead of to the transaction when it is paid.
*  Add the label attachments when adding labels from an address to the transaction.
2023-04-07 15:58:41 +09:00

42 lines
2.3 KiB

#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Models;
using BTCPayServer.Client.Models;
using BTCPayServer.Data;
using BTCPayServer.HostedServices;
using BTCPayServer.Payments;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using PayoutData = BTCPayServer.Data.PayoutData;
using StoreData = BTCPayServer.Data.StoreData;
public interface IPayoutHandler
public bool CanHandle(PaymentMethodId paymentMethod);
public Task TrackClaim(ClaimRequest claimRequest, PayoutData payoutData);
//Allows payout handler to parse payout destinations on its own
public Task<(IClaimDestination destination, string error)> ParseClaimDestination(PaymentMethodId paymentMethodId, string destination, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
public (bool valid, string? error) ValidateClaimDestination(IClaimDestination claimDestination, PullPaymentBlob? pullPaymentBlob);
public async Task<(IClaimDestination? destination, string? error)> ParseAndValidateClaimDestination(PaymentMethodId paymentMethodId, string destination, PullPaymentBlob? pullPaymentBlob, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var res = await ParseClaimDestination(paymentMethodId, destination, cancellationToken);
if (res.destination is null)
return res;
var res2 = ValidateClaimDestination(res.destination, pullPaymentBlob);
if (!res2.valid)
return (null, res2.error);
return res;
public IPayoutProof ParseProof(PayoutData payout);
//Allows you to subscribe the main pull payment hosted service to events and prepare the handler
void StartBackgroundCheck(Action<Type[]> subscribe);
//allows you to process events that the main pull payment hosted service is subscribed to
Task BackgroundCheck(object o);
Task<decimal> GetMinimumPayoutAmount(PaymentMethodId paymentMethod, IClaimDestination claimDestination);
Dictionary<PayoutState, List<(string Action, string Text)>> GetPayoutSpecificActions();
Task<StatusMessageModel> DoSpecificAction(string action, string[] payoutIds, string storeId);
Task<IEnumerable<PaymentMethodId>> GetSupportedPaymentMethods(StoreData storeData);
Task<IActionResult> InitiatePayment(PaymentMethodId paymentMethodId, string[] payoutIds);