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synced 2025-03-07 02:46:45 +01:00
The CoinGecko rate provider is similar to the bitcoin average one, in that you can ask it for a rate from its aggregated sourcing or you can get rates from specific exchanges. I've added support for both. I haven't integrated it or replaced coinaverage just to see if we should use it as the default and switch everyone to it or what other action to take.
244 lines
6.8 KiB
244 lines
6.8 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
namespace BTCPayServer.Rating
public class ExchangeRates : IEnumerable<ExchangeRate>
Dictionary<string, ExchangeRate> _AllRates = new Dictionary<string, ExchangeRate>();
public ExchangeRates()
public ExchangeRates(IEnumerable<ExchangeRate> rates)
foreach (var rate in rates)
List<ExchangeRate> _Rates = new List<ExchangeRate>();
public MultiValueDictionary<string, ExchangeRate> ByExchange
private set;
} = new MultiValueDictionary<string, ExchangeRate>();
public void Add(ExchangeRate rate)
// 1 DOGE is always 1 DOGE
if (rate.CurrencyPair.Left == rate.CurrencyPair.Right)
var key = $"({rate.Exchange}) {rate.CurrencyPair}";
if (_AllRates.TryAdd(key, rate))
ByExchange.Add(rate.Exchange, rate);
if (rate.BidAsk != null)
_AllRates[key].BidAsk = rate.BidAsk;
public IEnumerator<ExchangeRate> GetEnumerator()
return _Rates.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
public void SetRate(string exchangeName, CurrencyPair currencyPair, BidAsk bidAsk)
if (ByExchange.TryGetValue(exchangeName, out var rates))
var rate = rates.FirstOrDefault(r => r.CurrencyPair == currencyPair);
if(rate != null)
rate.BidAsk = bidAsk;
var invPair = currencyPair.Inverse();
var invRate = rates.FirstOrDefault(r => r.CurrencyPair == invPair);
if (invRate != null)
invRate.BidAsk = bidAsk?.Inverse();
public BidAsk GetRate(string exchangeName, CurrencyPair currencyPair)
if (currencyPair.Left == currencyPair.Right)
return BidAsk.One;
if (ByExchange.TryGetValue(exchangeName, out var rates))
var rate = rates.FirstOrDefault(r => r.CurrencyPair == currencyPair);
if (rate != null)
return rate.BidAsk;
return null;
public class BidAsk
private readonly static BidAsk _One = new BidAsk(1.0m);
public static BidAsk One
return _One;
private readonly static BidAsk _Zero = new BidAsk(0.0m);
public static BidAsk Zero
return _Zero;
public BidAsk(decimal bid, decimal ask)
if (bid > ask)
throw new ArgumentException("the bid should be lower than ask", nameof(bid));
_Ask = ask;
_Bid = bid;
public BidAsk(decimal v) : this(v, v)
private readonly decimal _Bid;
public decimal Bid
return _Bid;
private readonly decimal _Ask;
public decimal Ask
return _Ask;
public decimal Center => (Ask + Bid) / 2.0m;
public BidAsk Inverse()
return new BidAsk(1.0m / Ask, 1.0m / Bid);
public static BidAsk operator +(BidAsk a, BidAsk b)
return new BidAsk(a.Bid + b.Bid, a.Ask + b.Ask);
public static BidAsk operator +(BidAsk a)
return new BidAsk(a.Bid, a.Ask);
public static BidAsk operator -(BidAsk a)
return new BidAsk(-a.Bid, -a.Ask);
public static BidAsk operator *(BidAsk a, BidAsk b)
return new BidAsk(a.Bid * b.Bid, a.Ask * b.Ask);
public static BidAsk operator /(BidAsk a, BidAsk b)
// This one is tricky.
// BTC_EUR = (6000, 6100)
// Implicit rule give
// EUR_BTC = 1 / BTC_EUR
// Or
// EUR_BTC = (1, 1) / BTC_EUR
// Naive calculation would give us ( 1/6000, 1/6100) = (0.000166, 0.000163)
// However, this is an invalid BidAsk!!! because 0.000166 > 0.000163
// So instead, we need to calculate (1/6100, 1/6000)
return new BidAsk(a.Bid / b.Ask, a.Ask / b.Bid);
public static BidAsk operator -(BidAsk a, BidAsk b)
return new BidAsk(a.Bid - b.Bid, a.Ask - b.Ask);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
BidAsk item = obj as BidAsk;
if (item == null)
return false;
return Bid == item.Bid && Ask == item.Ask;
public static bool operator ==(BidAsk a, BidAsk b)
if (System.Object.ReferenceEquals(a, b))
return true;
if (((object)a == null) || ((object)b == null))
return false;
return a.Bid == b.Bid && a.Ask == b.Ask;
public static bool operator !=(BidAsk a, BidAsk b)
return !(a == b);
public override int GetHashCode()
return ToString().GetHashCode(StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
public override string ToString()
if (Bid == Ask)
return Bid.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return $"({Bid.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} , {Ask.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)})";
public class ExchangeRate
public ExchangeRate()
public ExchangeRate(string exchange, CurrencyPair currencyPair, BidAsk bidAsk)
this.Exchange = exchange;
this.CurrencyPair = currencyPair;
this.BidAsk = bidAsk;
public string Exchange { get; set; }
public CurrencyPair CurrencyPair { get; set; }
public BidAsk BidAsk { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
if (BidAsk == null)
return $"{Exchange}({CurrencyPair})";
return $"{Exchange}({CurrencyPair}) == {BidAsk.ToString()}";