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(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(["chartist"], function (Chartist) {
return (root.returnExportsGlobal = factory(Chartist));
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
// like Node.
module.exports = factory(require("chartist"));
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root['Chartist.plugins.tooltip2'] = factory(Chartist);
}(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this, function (Chartist) {
* Chartist.js plugin to display a tooltip on top of a chart.
* @author Antonia Ciocodeica
* @version 0.3 25 Nov 2016
(function(window, document, Chartist) {
'use strict';
var startId = 0;
var publicOptions = {
cssClass: 'chartist-tooltip',
offset: {
x: 0,
y: -20,
offsetCollision: {
x: 20,
y: 0, // vertical collision not implemented
// Value transform function
// It receives a single argument that contains the current value
// "this" is the current chart
// It must return the formatted value to be added in the tooltip (eg: currency format)
valueTransformFunction: null,
// Use an already existing element as a template for the tooltip.
// The content of the element must be a Mustache-style template
// {{value}} {{metaElement}}
elementTemplateSelector: null,
// Markup to use as a template for the content of the tooltip
template: '<p>{{meta}}: {{value}}</p>',
hideDelay: 500,
// If you choose to reverse the original order of the chart elements in
// the DOM, you must set this to true
dataDrawnReversed: false,
// only if a custom element is used for the trigger (TODO: test)
triggerSelector: null,
id: null,
Chartist.plugins = Chartist.plugins || {};
Chartist.plugins.tooltip2 = function(options) {
options = Chartist.extend({}, publicOptions, options);
* Chartist tooltip plugin
* @param Chart chart
return function tooltip(chart) {
startId ++;
// simple unique id for the tooltip element (needed to be able to
// add aria-describedby to the trigger while the tooltip is visible)
options.id = 'charttooltip-' + startId;
var triggerSelector = getTriggerSelector();
var hoverClass = getDefaultTriggerClass() + '--hover';
var tooltipElement = getTooltipElement();
var pointValues = getPointValues();
var hideDelayTimer;
options.template = tooltipElement.innerHTML;
* Initialize the tooltip
function init() {
if (!chart.container) {
// set attribute on the container, so external scripts can detect the tooltip element
chart.container.setAttribute('data-charttooltip-id', options.id);
// set the initial position for the tooltip (top / left corner of the chart container)
setTooltipPosition(chart.container, true);
// Offer support for multiple series line charts
if (chart instanceof Chartist.Line) {
chart.on('created', function() {
if (pointValues.length === 0) {
chart.container.querySelector('svg').addEventListener('mousemove', prepareLineTooltip);
chart.container.addEventListener('mouseleave', function(e) {
var pointElement = chart.container.querySelector('.' + chart.options.classNames.point + '--hover');
chart.container.addEventListener('mouseover', delegate(triggerSelector, function(e) {
chart.container.addEventListener('mouseout', delegate(triggerSelector, function(e) {
* Prepare line tooltip
* Calculates the closest point on the line according to the current position of the mouse
* @param Event e
function prepareLineTooltip(e) {
var boxData = this.getBoundingClientRect();
var currentXPosition = e.pageX - (boxData.left + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft));
var currentYPosition = e.pageY - (boxData.top + (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop));
var closestPointOnX = getClosestNumberFromArray(currentXPosition, pointValues);
var pointElements = chart.container.querySelectorAll('.' + chart.options.classNames.point + '[x1="' + closestPointOnX + '"]');
var pointElement;
if (pointElements.length <= 1) {
pointElement = pointElements[0];
} else {
var yPositions = [];
var closestPointOnY;
Array.prototype.forEach.call(pointElements, function(point) {
closestPointOnY = getClosestNumberFromArray(currentYPosition, yPositions);
pointElement = chart.container.querySelector('.' + chart.options.classNames.point + '[x1="' + closestPointOnX + '"][y1="' + closestPointOnY + '"]');
if (!pointElement || matches(pointElement, '.' + hoverClass)) {
* Show tooltip
* @param Element triggerElement
function showTooltip(triggerElement) {
var meta;
var value;
var textMarkup = options.template;
var seriesName;
var seriesGroups;
var seriesIndex;
var valueGroup;
var valueIndex;
var itemData;
var seriesData;
if (!triggerElement) {
seriesName = triggerElement.parentNode.getAttribute('ct:series-name');
seriesGroups = Array.prototype.slice.call(triggerElement.parentNode.parentNode.children);
seriesIndex = options.dataDrawnReversed ? seriesGroups.reverse().indexOf(triggerElement.parentNode) : seriesGroups.indexOf(triggerElement.parentNode);
valueGroup = Array.prototype.slice.call(triggerElement.parentNode.querySelectorAll('.' + getDefaultTriggerClass()));
valueIndex = valueGroup.indexOf(triggerElement);
// clone the series array
seriesData = chart.data.series.slice(0);
seriesData = chart.options.reverseData ? seriesData.reverse()[seriesIndex] : seriesData[seriesIndex];
seriesData = (!Array.isArray(seriesData) && typeof seriesData == 'object' && seriesData.data) ? seriesData.data : seriesData;
if (!seriesData) {
itemData = (!Array.isArray(seriesData) && typeof seriesData == 'object') ? seriesData : seriesData[valueIndex];
if (typeof itemData == 'undefined') {
meta = itemData.meta;
value = itemData.value || itemData;
if (typeof options.valueTransformFunction === 'function') {
value = options.valueTransformFunction.call(chart, value);
// Remove the hover class and the aria-describedby attribute from the currently active triggers
var activeTriggerElements = chart.container.querySelectorAll('.' + hoverClass);
Array.prototype.forEach.call(activeTriggerElements, function(activeTriggerElement) {
// add hover class to the current active trigger
triggerElement.setAttribute('aria-describedby', options.id);
// value
textMarkup = textMarkup.replace(new RegExp('{{value}}', 'gi'), value);
// replace all known {{}} occurences with their respective values
if (meta && typeof meta === 'object') {
for (var metaKey in meta) {
textMarkup = textMarkup.replace(new RegExp('{{' + metaKey + '}}', 'gi'), meta[metaKey] || '');
} else {
textMarkup = textMarkup.replace(new RegExp('{{meta}}', 'gi'), meta || '');
// series name
textMarkup = textMarkup.replace(new RegExp('{{seriesName}}', 'gi'), seriesName || '');
tooltipElement.innerHTML = textMarkup;
* Hide tooltip
* @param Elemet triggerElement
function hideTooltip(triggerElement) {
if (!triggerElement) {
hideDelayTimer = setTimeout(function() {
tooltipElement.setAttribute('hidden', true);
triggerElement.classList.remove(getDefaultTriggerClass() + '--hover');
}, options.hideDelay);
* Get tooltip element
* @return Element
function getTooltipElement() {
var tooltipElement = document.getElementById(options.id);
if (tooltipElement) {
return tooltipElement;
return createTooltipElement();
* Create tooltip element
* @return Element
function createTooltipElement() {
var tooltipElement = document.createElement('div');
var tooltipTemplateElement;
if (options.elementTemplateSelector) {
tooltipTemplateElement = document.querySelector(options.elementTemplateSelector);
if (tooltipTemplateElement) {
if (tooltipTemplateElement.nodeName == 'TEMPLATE') {
tooltipElement.innerHTML = tooltipTemplateElement.innerHTML;
} else {
tooltipElement = tooltipTemplateElement.cloneNode(true);
if (!tooltipTemplateElement) {
tooltipElement.innerHTML = options.template;
tooltipElement.id = options.id;
tooltipElement.setAttribute('role', 'tooltip');
tooltipElement.setAttribute('hidden', 'true');
return tooltipElement;
* Set tooltip position
* @param Element relativeElement
* @param Boolean ignoreClasses
function setTooltipPosition(relativeElement, ignoreClasses) {
var positionData = getTooltipPosition(relativeElement);
tooltipElement.style.transform = 'translate(' + positionData.left + 'px, ' + positionData.top + 'px)';
if (ignoreClasses) {
tooltipElement.classList.remove(options.cssClass + '--right');
tooltipElement.classList.remove(options.cssClass + '--left');
tooltipElement.classList.add(options.cssClass + '--' + positionData.alignment);
* Get tooltip position relative to an element
* @param Element relativeElement
* @return Object positionData
function getTooltipPosition(relativeElement) {
var positionData = {
alignment: 'center',
var width = tooltipElement.offsetWidth;
var height = tooltipElement.offsetHeight;
var boxData = relativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
var left = boxData.left + window.scrollX + options.offset.x - width / 2 + boxData.width / 2;
var top = boxData.top + window.scrollY - height + options.offset.y;
// Minimum horizontal collision detection
if (left + width > document.body.clientWidth) {
left = left - width / 2 + options.offsetCollision.x;
positionData.alignment = 'right';
} else if (left < 0) {
left = boxData.left + window.scrollX - options.offsetCollision.x;
positionData.alignment = 'left';
positionData.left = left;
positionData.top = top;
return positionData;
* Get trigger selector
* @return String The selector of the element that should trigger the tooltip
function getTriggerSelector() {
if (options.triggerSelector) {
return options.triggerSelector;
return '.' + getDefaultTriggerClass();
* Get default trigger class from the chart instance
* @return string chart.options.classNames.[specificClassName]
function getDefaultTriggerClass() {
if (chart instanceof Chartist.Bar) {
return chart.options.classNames.bar;
if (chart instanceof Chartist.Pie) {
return (chart.options.donut ? chart.options.classNames.sliceDonut : chart.options.classNames.slicePie);
return chart.options.classNames.point;
* Get horizontal point values (only useful for the line type chart)
* @return Array pointValues The point values
function getPointValues() {
var pointValues = [];
if (!(chart instanceof Chartist.Line)) {
chart.on('draw', function(data) {
if (data.type == 'point') {
return pointValues;
* Delegate event
* @param string selector
* @param function listener
* @returns function
function delegate(selector, listener) {
return function(e) {
var element = e.target;
do {
if (!matches(element, selector)) {
e.delegateTarget = element;
listener.apply(this, arguments);
} while ((element = element.parentNode));
* Matches selector
* @param Element el
* @param string selector
* @returns bool
function matches(el, selector) {
var matchesFunction = el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector;
if (matchesFunction) {
return matchesFunction.call(el, selector);
* Get the closest number from an array
* @param Int/Float number
* @param Array array
* @return Int The value from the array that is closest to the number
function getClosestNumberFromArray(number, array) {
return array.reduce(function (previous, current) {
return (Math.abs(current - number) < Math.abs(previous - number) ? current : previous);
}(window, document, Chartist));
// Just return a value to define the module export.
return Chartist.plugins.tooltip2;