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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Custodians;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Custodians.Client;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Form;
using BTCPayServer.Client;
using BTCPayServer.Client.Models;
using BTCPayServer.Data;
using BTCPayServer.Services.Custodian.Client;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace BTCPayServer.Plugins.FakeCustodian;
public class FakeCustodian : ICustodian, ICanDeposit, ICanWithdraw, ICanTrade
private const string TargetAddress = "3AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA";
private const string ValidWithdrawalId = "FAKE_WITHDRAWAL_ID";
private static readonly decimal _validWithdrawalAmount = new(0.05);
private static readonly decimal _btcWithdrawalFee = new(0.001);
private const string ValidWithdrawalPaymentMethod = "BTC-OnChain";
private const string TransactionId = "FAKE_TRANSACTION_ID";
private const string ValidAsset = "BTC";
private const string ValidPaymentMethod = "BTC-OnChain";
private const string ValidTradeId = "TRADE-ID-001";
private const string TradeFromAsset = "EUR";
private const string TradeToAsset = "BTC";
private static readonly decimal _tradeQtyBought = new(1);
private static readonly decimal _tradeFeeEuro = new(12.5);
private static readonly decimal _btcPriceInEuro = new(30000);
private readonly CustodianAccountRepository _custodianAccountRepository;
public FakeCustodian(CustodianAccountRepository custodianAccountRepository, Client.BTCPayServerClient client)
_custodianAccountRepository = custodianAccountRepository;
public string Code
get => "fake";
public string Name
get => "Fake Exchange";
public Task<Dictionary<string, decimal>> GetAssetBalancesAsync(JObject config, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var fakeConfig = ParseConfig(config);
var r = new Dictionary<string, decimal>() { { "BTC", fakeConfig.BTCBalance }, { "LTC", fakeConfig.LTCBalance }, { "USD", fakeConfig.USDBalance }, { "EUR", fakeConfig.EURBalance } };
return Task.FromResult(r);
public Task<Form> GetConfigForm(JObject config, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var form = new Form();
var generalFieldset = Field.CreateFieldset();
generalFieldset.Label = "General";
// TODO we cannot validate the custodian account ID because we have no access to the correct value. This is fine given this is a development tool and won't be needed by actual custodians.
var accountIdField = Field.Create("Custodian Account ID", "CustodianAccountId", null, false,
"Enter the ID of this custodian account. This is needed as a workaround which only applies to the Fake Custodian. Fill out correctly to make trading and withdrawing work.");
// TODO we cannot validate the store ID because we have no access to the correct value. This is fine given this is a development tool and won't be needed by actual custodians.
var storeIdField = Field.Create("Store ID", "StoreId", null, true,
"Enter the ID of this store. This is needed as a workaround which only applies to the Fake Custodian. Fill out correctly to make trading and withdrawing work.");
var balancesFieldset = Field.CreateFieldset();
// Maybe a decimal type field would be better?
var fakeBTCBalance = Field.Create("BTC Balance", "BTCBalance", null, true,
"Enter the amount of BTC you want to have.");
var fakeLTCBalance = Field.Create("LTC Balance", "LTCBalance", null, true,
"Enter the amount of LTC you want to have.");
var fakeEURBalance = Field.Create("EUR Balance", "EURBalance", null, true,
"Enter the amount of EUR you want to have.");
var fakeUSDBalance = Field.Create("USD Balance", "USDBalance", null, true,
"Enter the amount of USD you want to have.");
balancesFieldset.Label = "Fake balances";
return Task.FromResult(form);
private FakeCustodianConfig ParseConfig(JObject config)
return config?.ToObject<FakeCustodianConfig>() ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid config");
public Task<DepositAddressData> GetDepositAddressAsync(string paymentMethod, JObject config, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (paymentMethod.Equals(ValidPaymentMethod))
DepositAddressData r = new() { Address = "3XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" };
return Task.FromResult(r);
return null;
public string[] GetDepositablePaymentMethods()
return new[] { ValidPaymentMethod };
public async Task<WithdrawResult> WithdrawToStoreWalletAsync(string paymentMethod, decimal amount, JObject config, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// TODO Store fake withdrawals in the DB so we can have a history of withdrawals
if (ValidWithdrawalPaymentMethod.Equals(paymentMethod))
LedgerEntryData ledgerEntryWithdrawal = new(ValidAsset, -amount, LedgerEntryData.LedgerEntryType.Withdrawal);
LedgerEntryData ledgerEntryFee = new(ValidAsset, -_btcWithdrawalFee, LedgerEntryData.LedgerEntryType.Fee);
List<LedgerEntryData> ledgerEntries = new();
var fakeConfig = ParseConfig(config);
if (amount <= fakeConfig.BTCBalance)
fakeConfig.BTCBalance -= amount;
if (_btcWithdrawalFee <= fakeConfig.BTCBalance)
fakeConfig.BTCBalance -= _btcWithdrawalFee;
var custodianAccount = await _custodianAccountRepository.FindById(fakeConfig.StoreId, fakeConfig.CustodianAccountId);
if (custodianAccount == null)
// We could not load the custodian account using the config settings, so they are bad and should be reported to the user so he can fix them.
throw new BadConfigException(new[] { "StoreId", "CustodianAccountId" });
var newConfig = JObject.FromObject(fakeConfig);
await _custodianAccountRepository.CreateOrUpdate(custodianAccount);
var r = new WithdrawResult(paymentMethod, ValidAsset, ledgerEntries, ValidWithdrawalId, WithdrawalResponseData.WithdrawalStatus.Queued, DateTimeOffset.Now, TargetAddress, TransactionId);
return r;
CustodianApiException e3 = new(400, "insufficient-funds", "Cannot withdraw " + amount + " " + ValidAsset + " because you don't have enough to pay for fees");
throw new CannotWithdrawException(this, paymentMethod, TargetAddress, e3);
CustodianApiException e1 = new(400, "insufficient-funds", "Cannot withdraw " + amount + " " + ValidAsset + " because you only hold " + fakeConfig.BTCBalance + " " + ValidAsset);
throw new CannotWithdrawException(this, paymentMethod, TargetAddress, e1);
CustodianApiException e2 = new(400, "only-btc-supported", "The Fake Custodian can only withdraw using payment method " + ValidWithdrawalPaymentMethod);
throw new CannotWithdrawException(this, paymentMethod, TargetAddress, e2);
public Task<SimulateWithdrawalResult> SimulateWithdrawalAsync(string paymentMethod, decimal qty, JObject config, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (ValidWithdrawalPaymentMethod.Equals(paymentMethod))
LedgerEntryData ledgerEntryWithdrawal = new(ValidAsset, -qty, LedgerEntryData.LedgerEntryType.Withdrawal);
LedgerEntryData ledgerEntryFee = new(ValidAsset, new decimal(-0.001), LedgerEntryData.LedgerEntryType.Fee);
List<LedgerEntryData> ledgerEntries = new();
var fakeConfig = ParseConfig(config);
var r = new SimulateWithdrawalResult(paymentMethod, ValidAsset, ledgerEntries, new decimal(0.001), fakeConfig.BTCBalance);
return Task.FromResult(r);
CustodianApiException e = new(400, "only-btc-onchain-supported", "The Fake Custodian can only withdraw using payment method " + ValidWithdrawalPaymentMethod);
throw new CannotWithdrawException(this, paymentMethod, TargetAddress, e);
public Task<WithdrawResult> GetWithdrawalInfoAsync(string paymentMethod, string withdrawalId, JObject config, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// TODO make this Fake Custodian smarter and store previous fake withdrawals in the DB
if (ValidWithdrawalPaymentMethod.Equals(paymentMethod) && withdrawalId.Equals(ValidWithdrawalId))
LedgerEntryData ledgerEntryWithdrawal = new(ValidAsset, _validWithdrawalAmount, LedgerEntryData.LedgerEntryType.Withdrawal);
LedgerEntryData ledgerEntryFee = new(ValidAsset, new decimal(0.001), LedgerEntryData.LedgerEntryType.Fee);
List<LedgerEntryData> ledgerEntries = new();
var r = new WithdrawResult(paymentMethod, ValidAsset, ledgerEntries, ValidWithdrawalId, WithdrawalResponseData.WithdrawalStatus.Queued, DateTimeOffset.Now, TargetAddress, TransactionId);
return Task.FromResult(r);
CustodianApiException e = new(400, "withdrawal-not-found", "The Fake Custodian can only fetch withdrawal ID " + ValidWithdrawalId);
throw new CannotWithdrawException(this, paymentMethod, TargetAddress, e);
public string[] GetWithdrawablePaymentMethods()
return new[] { ValidPaymentMethod };
public List<AssetPairData> GetTradableAssetPairs()
// We only support trading BTC -> EUR and EUR -> BTC
var r = new List<AssetPairData>();
r.Add(new AssetPairData(ValidAsset, "EUR", (decimal)0.0001));
r.Add(new AssetPairData("EUR", ValidAsset, (decimal)5));
return r;
public async Task<MarketTradeResult> TradeMarketAsync(string fromAsset, string toAsset, decimal qty, JObject config, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// TODO store fake traded in the DB + Update the balances so this fake custodian behaves like the real thing.
if ((fromAsset.Equals("EUR") && toAsset.Equals(ValidAsset)) || (fromAsset.Equals(ValidAsset) && toAsset.Equals("EUR")))
// We only support trading BTC -> EUR and EUR -> BTC
var fakeConfig = ParseConfig(config);
if (fromAsset.Equals("BTC") && qty > fakeConfig.BTCBalance)
throw new InsufficientFundsException($"Insufficient funds. You only have {fakeConfig.BTCBalance} to trade.");
if (fromAsset.Equals("EUR") && qty > fakeConfig.EURBalance)
throw new InsufficientFundsException($"Insufficient funds. You only have {fakeConfig.EURBalance} to trade.");
decimal rate;
rate = getRate(fromAsset, toAsset);
var qtyReceived = qty / rate;
var ledgerEntries = new List<LedgerEntryData>();
ledgerEntries.Add(new LedgerEntryData(fromAsset, -qty, LedgerEntryData.LedgerEntryType.Trade));
ledgerEntries.Add(new LedgerEntryData(toAsset, qtyReceived, LedgerEntryData.LedgerEntryType.Trade));
ledgerEntries.Add(new LedgerEntryData("EUR", -1 * _tradeFeeEuro, LedgerEntryData.LedgerEntryType.Fee));
if (fromAsset.Equals("BTC"))
fakeConfig.BTCBalance -= qty;
if (fromAsset.Equals("EUR"))
fakeConfig.EURBalance -= qty;
if (toAsset.Equals("BTC"))
fakeConfig.BTCBalance += qtyReceived;
if (toAsset.Equals("EUR"))
fakeConfig.EURBalance += qtyReceived;
// Fees are always in EUR... for now...
if (_tradeFeeEuro <= fakeConfig.EURBalance)
fakeConfig.EURBalance -= _tradeFeeEuro;
throw new InsufficientFundsException($"Insufficient funds. You don't have enough EUR to pay for fees.");
var custodianAccount = await _custodianAccountRepository.FindById(fakeConfig.StoreId, fakeConfig.CustodianAccountId);
if (custodianAccount == null)
// We could not load the custodian account using the config settings, so they are bad and should be reported to the user so he can fix them.
throw new BadConfigException(new[] { "StoreId", "CustodianAccountId" });
var newConfig = JObject.FromObject(fakeConfig);
await _custodianAccountRepository.CreateOrUpdate(custodianAccount);
return new MarketTradeResult(fromAsset, toAsset, ledgerEntries, ValidTradeId);
throw new WrongTradingPairException(fromAsset, toAsset);
private static decimal getRate(string fromAsset, string toAsset)
decimal rate;
if (fromAsset.Equals("EUR") && toAsset.Equals(ValidAsset))
rate = _btcPriceInEuro;
rate = 1 / _btcPriceInEuro;
return rate;
public Task<MarketTradeResult> GetTradeInfoAsync(string tradeId, JObject config, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// TODO load the transaction from the DB which contains previous fake trades
if (tradeId == ValidTradeId)
var ledgerEntries = new List<LedgerEntryData>();
ledgerEntries.Add(new LedgerEntryData(ValidAsset, _tradeQtyBought, LedgerEntryData.LedgerEntryType.Trade));
ledgerEntries.Add(new LedgerEntryData("EUR", -1 * _tradeQtyBought * _btcPriceInEuro, LedgerEntryData.LedgerEntryType.Trade));
ledgerEntries.Add(new LedgerEntryData("EUR", -1 * _tradeFeeEuro, LedgerEntryData.LedgerEntryType.Fee));
var r = new MarketTradeResult(TradeFromAsset, TradeToAsset, ledgerEntries, ValidTradeId);
return Task.FromResult(r);
return Task.FromResult<MarketTradeResult>(null);
public Task<AssetQuoteResult> GetQuoteForAssetAsync(string fromAsset, string toAsset, JObject config, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// TODO use the current market price for a realistic price
if ((fromAsset.Equals("EUR") && toAsset.Equals(ValidAsset)) || (fromAsset.Equals(ValidAsset) && toAsset.Equals("EUR")))
// We only support trading BTC -> EUR and EUR -> BTC
decimal rate = getRate(fromAsset, toAsset);
return Task.FromResult(new AssetQuoteResult(fromAsset, toAsset, rate, rate));
throw new WrongTradingPairException(fromAsset, toAsset);
public class FakeCustodianConfig
public string CustodianAccountId { get; set; }
public string StoreId { get; set; }
public decimal BTCBalance { get; set; }
public decimal LTCBalance { get; set; }
public decimal USDBalance { get; set; }
public decimal EURBalance { get; set; }
public FakeCustodianConfig()