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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using NBitcoin;
using NBitcoin.Payment;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using IHttpClientFactory = System.Net.Http.IHttpClientFactory;
namespace BTCPayServer.Services
public static class PSBTExtensions
public static ScriptPubKeyType? GetInputsScriptPubKeyType(this PSBT psbt)
if (!psbt.IsAllFinalized())
throw new InvalidOperationException("The psbt should be finalized with witness information");
var coinsPerTypes = psbt.Inputs.Select(i =>
return ((PSBTCoin)i, i.GetInputScriptPubKeyType());
}).GroupBy(o => o.Item2, o => o.Item1).ToArray();
if (coinsPerTypes.Length != 1)
return default;
return coinsPerTypes[0].Key;
public static ScriptPubKeyType? GetInputScriptPubKeyType(this PSBTInput i)
var scriptPubKey = i.GetTxOut().ScriptPubKey;
if (scriptPubKey.IsScriptType(ScriptType.P2PKH))
return ScriptPubKeyType.Legacy;
if (scriptPubKey.IsScriptType(ScriptType.P2WPKH))
return ScriptPubKeyType.Segwit;
if (scriptPubKey.IsScriptType(ScriptType.P2SH) &&
i.FinalScriptWitness is WitScript &&
PayToWitPubKeyHashTemplate.Instance.ExtractWitScriptParameters(i.FinalScriptWitness) is { })
return ScriptPubKeyType.SegwitP2SH;
if (scriptPubKey.IsScriptType(ScriptType.P2SH) &&
i.RedeemScript is Script &&
return ScriptPubKeyType.SegwitP2SH;
return null;
public class PayjoinClientParameters
public Money MaxAdditionalFeeContribution { get; set; }
public FeeRate MinFeeRate { get; set; }
public int? AdditionalFeeOutputIndex { get; set; }
public bool? DisableOutputSubstitution { get; set; }
public int Version { get; set; } = 1;
public class PayjoinClient
public const string PayjoinOnionNamedClient = "payjoin.onion";
public const string PayjoinClearnetNamedClient = "payjoin.clearnet";
public static readonly ScriptPubKeyType[] SupportedFormats = {
public const string BIP21EndpointKey = "pj";
private readonly ExplorerClientProvider _explorerClientProvider;
private readonly IHttpClientFactory _httpClientFactory;
public PayjoinClient(ExplorerClientProvider explorerClientProvider, IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory)
if (httpClientFactory == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(httpClientFactory));
_explorerClientProvider =
explorerClientProvider ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(explorerClientProvider));
_httpClientFactory = httpClientFactory;
public Money MaxFeeBumpContribution { get; set; }
public FeeRate MinimumFeeRate { get; set; }
public async Task<PSBT> RequestPayjoin(BitcoinUrlBuilder bip21, DerivationSchemeSettings derivationSchemeSettings,
PSBT signedPSBT, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (bip21 == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bip21));
if (!bip21.TryGetPayjoinEndpoint(out var endpoint))
throw new InvalidOperationException("This BIP21 does not support payjoin");
if (derivationSchemeSettings == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(derivationSchemeSettings));
if (signedPSBT == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(signedPSBT));
if (signedPSBT.IsAllFinalized())
throw new InvalidOperationException("The original PSBT should not be finalized.");
var optionalParameters = new PayjoinClientParameters();
var inputScriptType = derivationSchemeSettings.AccountDerivation.ScriptPubKeyType();
var signingAccount = derivationSchemeSettings.GetSigningAccountKeySettings();
var paymentScriptPubKey = bip21.Address?.ScriptPubKey;
var changeOutput = signedPSBT.Outputs.CoinsFor(derivationSchemeSettings.AccountDerivation, signingAccount.AccountKey, signingAccount.GetRootedKeyPath())
.Where(o => o.ScriptPubKey != paymentScriptPubKey)
if (changeOutput is PSBTOutput o)
optionalParameters.AdditionalFeeOutputIndex = (int)o.Index;
if (!signedPSBT.TryGetEstimatedFeeRate(out var originalFeeRate))
throw new ArgumentException("signedPSBT should have utxo information", nameof(signedPSBT));
var originalFee = signedPSBT.GetFee();
optionalParameters.MaxAdditionalFeeContribution = MaxFeeBumpContribution is null ?
// By default, we want to keep same fee rate and a single additional input
originalFeeRate.GetFee(GetVirtualSize(inputScriptType)) :
if (MinimumFeeRate is FeeRate v)
optionalParameters.MinFeeRate = v;
bool allowOutputSubstitution = !(optionalParameters.DisableOutputSubstitution is true);
if (bip21.UnknowParameters.TryGetValue("pjos", out var pjos) && pjos == "0")
allowOutputSubstitution = false;
PSBT originalPSBT = CreateOriginalPSBT(signedPSBT);
Transaction originalGlobalTx = signedPSBT.GetGlobalTransaction();
TxOut feeOutput = changeOutput == null ? null : originalGlobalTx.Outputs[changeOutput.Index];
var originalInputs = new Queue<(TxIn OriginalTxIn, PSBTInput SignedPSBTInput)>();
for (int i = 0; i < originalGlobalTx.Inputs.Count; i++)
originalInputs.Enqueue((originalGlobalTx.Inputs[i], signedPSBT.Inputs[i]));
var originalOutputs = new Queue<(TxOut OriginalTxOut, PSBTOutput SignedPSBTOutput)>();
for (int i = 0; i < originalGlobalTx.Outputs.Count; i++)
originalOutputs.Enqueue((originalGlobalTx.Outputs[i], signedPSBT.Outputs[i]));
endpoint = ApplyOptionalParameters(endpoint, optionalParameters);
var proposal = await SendOriginalTransaction(endpoint, originalPSBT, cancellationToken);
// Checking that the PSBT of the receiver is clean
if (proposal.GlobalXPubs.Any())
throw new PayjoinSenderException("GlobalXPubs should not be included in the receiver's PSBT");
if (proposal.CheckSanity() is List<PSBTError> errors && errors.Count > 0)
throw new PayjoinSenderException($"The proposal PSBT is not sane ({errors[0]})");
var proposalGlobalTx = proposal.GetGlobalTransaction();
// Verify that the transaction version, and nLockTime are unchanged.
if (proposalGlobalTx.Version != originalGlobalTx.Version)
throw new PayjoinSenderException($"The proposal PSBT changed the transaction version");
if (proposalGlobalTx.LockTime != originalGlobalTx.LockTime)
throw new PayjoinSenderException($"The proposal PSBT changed the nLocktime");
HashSet<Sequence> sequences = new HashSet<Sequence>();
// For each inputs in the proposal:
foreach (var proposedPSBTInput in proposal.Inputs)
if (proposedPSBTInput.HDKeyPaths.Count != 0)
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver added keypaths to an input");
if (proposedPSBTInput.PartialSigs.Count != 0)
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver added partial signatures to an input");
var proposedTxIn = proposalGlobalTx.Inputs.FindIndexedInput(proposedPSBTInput.PrevOut).TxIn;
bool isOurInput = originalInputs.Count > 0 && originalInputs.Peek().OriginalTxIn.PrevOut == proposedPSBTInput.PrevOut;
// If it is one of our input
if (isOurInput)
var input = originalInputs.Dequeue();
// Verify that sequence is unchanged.
if (input.OriginalTxIn.Sequence != proposedTxIn.Sequence)
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The proposedTxIn modified the sequence of one of our inputs");
// Verify the PSBT input is not finalized
if (proposedPSBTInput.IsFinalized())
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver finalized one of our inputs");
// Verify that <code>non_witness_utxo</code> and <code>witness_utxo</code> are not specified.
if (proposedPSBTInput.NonWitnessUtxo != null || proposedPSBTInput.WitnessUtxo != null)
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver added non_witness_utxo or witness_utxo to one of our inputs");
// Fill up the info from the original PSBT input so we can sign and get fees.
proposedPSBTInput.NonWitnessUtxo = input.SignedPSBTInput.NonWitnessUtxo;
proposedPSBTInput.WitnessUtxo = input.SignedPSBTInput.WitnessUtxo;
// We fill up information we had on the signed PSBT, so we can sign it.
foreach (var hdKey in input.SignedPSBTInput.HDKeyPaths)
proposedPSBTInput.HDKeyPaths.Add(hdKey.Key, hdKey.Value);
proposedPSBTInput.RedeemScript = input.SignedPSBTInput.RedeemScript;
// Verify the PSBT input is finalized
if (!proposedPSBTInput.IsFinalized())
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver did not finalized one of their input");
// Verify that non_witness_utxo or witness_utxo are filled in.
if (proposedPSBTInput.NonWitnessUtxo == null && proposedPSBTInput.WitnessUtxo == null)
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver did not specify non_witness_utxo or witness_utxo for one of their inputs");
// Verify that the payjoin proposal did not introduced mixed input's type.
if (inputScriptType != proposedPSBTInput.GetInputScriptPubKeyType())
throw new PayjoinSenderException("Mixed input type detected in the proposal");
// Verify that all of sender's inputs from the original PSBT are in the proposal.
if (originalInputs.Count != 0)
throw new PayjoinSenderException("Some of our inputs are not included in the proposal");
// Verify that the payjoin proposal did not introduced mixed input's sequence.
if (sequences.Count != 1)
throw new PayjoinSenderException("Mixed sequence detected in the proposal");
if (!proposal.TryGetFee(out var newFee))
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The payjoin receiver did not included UTXO information to calculate fee correctly");
var additionalFee = newFee - originalFee;
if (additionalFee < Money.Zero)
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver decreased absolute fee");
// For each outputs in the proposal:
foreach (var proposedPSBTOutput in proposal.Outputs)
// Verify that no keypaths is in the PSBT output
if (proposedPSBTOutput.HDKeyPaths.Count != 0)
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver added keypaths to an output");
bool isOriginalOutput = originalOutputs.Count > 0 && originalOutputs.Peek().OriginalTxOut.ScriptPubKey == proposedPSBTOutput.ScriptPubKey;
if (isOriginalOutput)
var originalOutput = originalOutputs.Dequeue();
if (originalOutput.OriginalTxOut == feeOutput)
var actualContribution = feeOutput.Value - proposedPSBTOutput.Value;
// The amount that was substracted from the output's value is less or equal to maxadditionalfeecontribution
if (actualContribution > optionalParameters.MaxAdditionalFeeContribution)
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The actual contribution is more than maxadditionalfeecontribution");
// Make sure the actual contribution is only paying fee
if (actualContribution > additionalFee)
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The actual contribution is not only paying fee");
// Make sure the actual contribution is only paying for fee incurred by additional inputs
var additionalInputsCount = proposalGlobalTx.Inputs.Count - originalGlobalTx.Inputs.Count;
if (actualContribution > originalFeeRate.GetFee(GetVirtualSize(inputScriptType)) * additionalInputsCount)
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The actual contribution is not only paying for additional inputs");
else if (allowOutputSubstitution &&
originalOutput.OriginalTxOut.ScriptPubKey == paymentScriptPubKey)
// That's the payment output, the receiver may have changed it.
if (originalOutput.OriginalTxOut.Value > proposedPSBTOutput.Value)
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The receiver decreased the value of one of the outputs");
// We fill up information we had on the signed PSBT, so we can sign it.
foreach (var hdKey in originalOutput.SignedPSBTOutput.HDKeyPaths)
proposedPSBTOutput.HDKeyPaths.Add(hdKey.Key, hdKey.Value);
proposedPSBTOutput.RedeemScript = originalOutput.SignedPSBTOutput.RedeemScript;
// Verify that all of sender's outputs from the original PSBT are in the proposal.
if (originalOutputs.Count != 0)
if (!allowOutputSubstitution ||
originalOutputs.Count != 1 ||
originalOutputs.Dequeue().OriginalTxOut.ScriptPubKey != paymentScriptPubKey)
throw new PayjoinSenderException("Some of our outputs are not included in the proposal");
// If minfeerate was specified, check that the fee rate of the payjoin transaction is not less than this value.
if (optionalParameters.MinFeeRate is FeeRate minFeeRate)
if (!proposal.TryGetEstimatedFeeRate(out var newFeeRate))
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The payjoin receiver did not included UTXO information to calculate fee correctly");
if (newFeeRate < minFeeRate)
throw new PayjoinSenderException("The payjoin receiver created a payjoin with a too low fee rate");
return proposal;
private int GetVirtualSize(ScriptPubKeyType? scriptPubKeyType)
switch (scriptPubKeyType)
case ScriptPubKeyType.Legacy:
return 148;
case ScriptPubKeyType.Segwit:
return 68;
case ScriptPubKeyType.SegwitP2SH:
return 91;
return 110;
private static PSBT CreateOriginalPSBT(PSBT signedPSBT)
var original = signedPSBT.Clone();
original = original.Finalize();
foreach (var input in original.Inputs)
foreach (var output in original.Outputs)
return original;
private async Task<PSBT> SendOriginalTransaction(Uri endpoint, PSBT originalTx, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
using (HttpClient client = CreateHttpClient(endpoint))
var bpuresponse = await client.PostAsync(endpoint,
new StringContent(originalTx.ToHex(), Encoding.UTF8, "text/plain"), cancellationToken);
if (!bpuresponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var errorStr = await bpuresponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var error = JObject.Parse(errorStr);
throw new PayjoinReceiverException(error["errorCode"].Value<string>(),
catch (JsonReaderException)
// will throw
var hex = await bpuresponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return PSBT.Parse(hex, originalTx.Network);
private static Uri ApplyOptionalParameters(Uri endpoint, PayjoinClientParameters clientParameters)
var requestUri = endpoint.AbsoluteUri;
if (requestUri.IndexOf('?', StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) is int i && i != -1)
requestUri = requestUri.Substring(0, i);
List<string> parameters = new List<string>(3);
if (clientParameters.AdditionalFeeOutputIndex is int additionalFeeOutputIndex)
if (clientParameters.DisableOutputSubstitution is bool disableoutputsubstitution)
if (clientParameters.MaxAdditionalFeeContribution is Money maxAdditionalFeeContribution)
if (clientParameters.MinFeeRate is FeeRate minFeeRate)
endpoint = new Uri($"{requestUri}?{string.Join('&', parameters)}");
return endpoint;
private HttpClient CreateHttpClient(Uri uri)
if (uri.IsOnion())
return _httpClientFactory.CreateClient(PayjoinOnionNamedClient);
return _httpClientFactory.CreateClient(PayjoinClearnetNamedClient);
public class PayjoinException : Exception
public PayjoinException(string message) : base(message)
public enum PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors
public class PayjoinReceiverHelper
static IEnumerable<(PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors EnumValue, string ErrorCode, string Message)> Get()
yield return (PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.Unavailable, "unavailable", "The payjoin endpoint is not available for now.");
yield return (PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.NotEnoughMoney, "not-enough-money", "The receiver added some inputs but could not bump the fee of the payjoin proposal.");
yield return (PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.VersionUnsupported, "version-unsupported", "This version of payjoin is not supported.");
yield return (PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.OriginalPSBTRejected, "original-psbt-rejected", "The receiver rejected the original PSBT.");
public static string GetErrorCode(PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors err)
return Get().Single(o => o.EnumValue == err).ErrorCode;
public static PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors? GetWellknownError(string errorCode)
var t = Get().FirstOrDefault(o => o.ErrorCode == errorCode);
if (t == default)
return null;
return t.EnumValue;
static readonly string UnknownError = "Unknown error from the receiver";
public static string GetMessage(string errorCode)
return Get().FirstOrDefault(o => o.ErrorCode == errorCode).Message ?? UnknownError;
public static string GetMessage(PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors err)
return Get().Single(o => o.EnumValue == err).Message;
public class PayjoinReceiverException : PayjoinException
public PayjoinReceiverException(string errorCode, string receiverMessage) : base(FormatMessage(errorCode, receiverMessage))
ErrorCode = errorCode;
ReceiverMessage = receiverMessage;
WellknownError = PayjoinReceiverHelper.GetWellknownError(errorCode);
ErrorMessage = PayjoinReceiverHelper.GetMessage(errorCode);
public string ErrorCode { get; }
public string ErrorMessage { get; }
public string ReceiverMessage { get; }
public PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors? WellknownError
private static string FormatMessage(string errorCode, string receiverMessage)
return $"{errorCode}: {PayjoinReceiverHelper.GetMessage(errorCode)}. (Receiver message: {receiverMessage})";
public class PayjoinSenderException : PayjoinException
public PayjoinSenderException(string message) : base(message)