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synced 2025-03-06 18:41:12 +01:00
* Indent all JSON files with two spaces * Upgrade Vue.js * Cheat mode improvements * Show payment details in case of expired invoice * Add logo size recommendation * Show clipboard copy hint cursor * Improve info area and wording * Update BIP21 wording * Invoice details adjustments * Remove form; switch payment methods via AJAX * UI updates * Decrease paddings to gain space * Tighten up padding between logo mark and the store title text * Add drop-shadow to the containers * Wording * Cheating improvements * Improve footer spacing * Cheating improvements * Display addresses * More improvements * Expire invoices * Customize invoice expiry * Footer improvements * Remove theme switch * Remove non-existing sourcemap references * Move inline JS to checkout.js file * Plugin compatibility See Kukks/btcpayserver#8 * Test fix * Upgrade vue-i18next * Extract translations into a separate file * Round QR code borders * Remove "Pay with Bitcoin" title in BIP21 case * Add copy hint to payment details * Cheating: Reduce margins * Adjust dt color * Hide addresses for first iteration * Improve View Details button * Make info section collapsible * Revert original en locale file * Checkout v2 tests * Result view link fixes * Fix BIP21 + lazy payment methods case * More result page link improvements * minor visual improvements * Update clipboard code Remove fallback for old browsers. https://caniuse.com/?search=navigator.clipboard * Transition copy symbol * Update info text color * Invert dark neutral colors Simplifies the dark theme quite a bit. * copy adjustments * updates QR border-radius * Add option to remove logo * More checkout v2 test cases * JS improvements * Remove leftovers * Update test * Fix links * Update tests * Update plugins integration * Remove obsolete url code * Minor view update * Update JS to not use arrow functions * Remove FormId from Checkout Appearance settings * Add English-only hint and feedback link * Checkout Appearance: Make options clearer, remove Custom CSS for v2 * Clipboard copy full URL instead of just address/BOLT11 * Upgrade JS libs, add content checks * Add test for BIP21 setting with zero amount invoice Co-authored-by: dstrukt <gfxdsign@gmail.com>
285 lines
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285 lines
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Vue.directive('collapsible', {
bind: function (el, binding) {
el.classList[binding.value ? 'add' : 'remove']('show');
el.transitionDuration = 350;
update: function (el, binding) {
if (binding.oldValue !== binding.value){
if (binding.value) {
setTimeout(function () {
const height = window.getComputedStyle(el).height;
el.style.height = height;
setTimeout(function () {
el.style.height = null;
}, el.transitionDuration)
}, 0);
} else {
el.style.height = window.getComputedStyle(el).height;
el.style.height = null;
setTimeout(function () {
}, el.transitionDuration)
const fallbackLanguage = 'en';
const startingLanguage = computeStartingLanguage();
const STATUS_PAID = ['complete', 'confirmed', 'paid'];
const STATUS_UNPAYABLE = ['expired', 'invalid'];
function computeStartingLanguage() {
const { defaultLang } = initialSrvModel;
return isLanguageAvailable(defaultLang) ? defaultLang : fallbackLanguage;
function isLanguageAvailable(languageCode) {
return availableLanguages.indexOf(languageCode) >= 0;
const i18n = new VueI18next(i18next);
const eventBus = new Vue();
const PaymentDetails = Vue.component('payment-details', {
el: '#payment-details',
props: {
srvModel: Object,
isActive: Boolean
computed: {
orderAmount () {
return parseFloat(this.srvModel.orderAmount);
btcDue () {
return parseFloat(this.srvModel.btcDue);
btcPaid () {
return parseFloat(this.srvModel.btcPaid);
showRecommendedFee () {
return this.isActive && this.srvModel.showRecommendedFee && this.srvModel.feeRate;
function initApp() {
return new Vue({
el: '#Checkout',
components: {
data () {
const srvModel = initialSrvModel;
return {
displayPaymentDetails: false,
remainingSeconds: srvModel.expirationSeconds,
expirationPercentage: 0,
emailAddressInput: "",
emailAddressInputDirty: false,
emailAddressInputInvalid: false,
paymentMethodId: null,
endData: null,
isModal: srvModel.isModal
computed: {
isUnpayable () {
return STATUS_UNPAYABLE.includes(this.srvModel.status);
isPaid () {
return STATUS_PAID.includes(this.srvModel.status);
isActive () {
return !this.isUnpayable && !this.isPaid;
showInfo () {
return this.showTimer || this.showPaymentDueInfo;
showTimer () {
return this.isActive && (this.expirationPercentage >= 75 || this.minutesLeft < 5);
showPaymentDueInfo () {
return this.btcPaid > 0 && this.btcDue > 0;
showRecommendedFee () {
return this.isActive() && this.srvModel.showRecommendedFee && this.srvModel.feeRate;
orderAmount () {
return parseFloat(this.srvModel.orderAmount);
btcDue () {
return parseFloat(this.srvModel.btcDue);
btcPaid () {
return parseFloat(this.srvModel.btcPaid);
pmId () {
return this.paymentMethodId || this.srvModel.paymentMethodId;
minutesLeft () {
return Math.floor(this.remainingSeconds / 60);
secondsLeft () {
return Math.floor(this.remainingSeconds % 60);
timeText () {
return this.remainingSeconds > 0
? `${this.padTime(this.minutesLeft)}:${this.padTime(this.secondsLeft)}`
: '00:00';
storeLink () {
return this.srvModel.merchantRefLink && this.srvModel.merchantRefLink !== this.srvModel.receiptLink
? this.srvModel.merchantRefLink
: null;
paymentMethodIds () {
return this.srvModel.availableCryptos.map(function (c) { return c.paymentMethodId });
paymentMethodComponent () {
return this.isPluginPaymentMethod
? `${this.pmId}Checkout`
: this.srvModel.activated && this.srvModel.uiSettings.checkoutBodyVueComponentName;
isPluginPaymentMethod () {
return !this.paymentMethodIds.includes(this.pmId);
mounted () {
if (this.isActive) {
window.parent.postMessage('loaded', '*');
methods: {
changePaymentMethod (id) { // payment method or plugin id
if (this.pmId !== id) {
this.paymentMethodId = id;
changeLanguage (e) {
const lang = e.target.value;
if (isLanguageAvailable(lang)) {
padTime (val) {
return val.toString().padStart(2, '0');
close () {
window.parent.postMessage('close', '*');
updateTimer () {
this.remainingSeconds = Math.floor((this.endDate.getTime() - new Date().getTime())/1000);
this.expirationPercentage = 100 - Math.floor((this.remainingSeconds / this.srvModel.maxTimeSeconds) * 100);
if (this.isActive) {
setTimeout(this.updateTimer, 500);
listenIn () {
let socket = null;
const updateFn = this.fetchData;
const supportsWebSockets = 'WebSocket' in window && window.WebSocket.CLOSING === 2;
if (supportsWebSockets) {
const protocol = window.location.protocol.replace('http', 'ws');
const wsUri = `${protocol}//${window.location.host}${statusWsUrl}`;
try {
socket = new WebSocket(wsUri);
socket.onmessage = async function (e) {
if (e.data !== 'ping') await updateFn();
socket.onerror = function (e) {
console.error('Error while connecting to websocket for invoice notifications (callback):', e);
catch (e) {
console.error('Error while connecting to websocket for invoice notifications', e);
// fallback in case there is no websocket support
(function watcher() {
setTimeout(async function () {
if (socket === null || socket.readyState !== 1) {
await updateFn();
}, 2000);
async fetchData () {
if (this.isPluginPaymentMethod) return;
const url = `${statusUrl}&paymentMethodId=${this.pmId}`;
const response = await fetch(url);
if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json();
updateData (data) {
if (this.srvModel.status !== data.status) {
const { invoiceId } = this.srvModel;
const { status } = data;
window.parent.postMessage({ invoiceId, status }, '*');
// displaying satoshis for lightning payments
data.cryptoCodeSrv = data.cryptoCode;
const newEnd = new Date();
newEnd.setSeconds(newEnd.getSeconds() + data.expirationSeconds);
this.endDate = newEnd;
// updating ui
this.srvModel = data;
eventBus.$emit('data-fetched', this.srvModel);
const self = this;
if (this.isPaid && data.redirectAutomatically && data.merchantRefLink) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (self.isModal && window.top.location === data.merchantRefLink){
} else {
window.top.location = data.merchantRefLink;
}, 2000);
replaceNewlines (value) {
return value ? value.replace(/\n/ig, '<br>') : '';
backend: {
loadPath: i18nUrl
lng: startingLanguage,
fallbackLng: fallbackLanguage,
nsSeparator: false,
keySeparator: false,
load: 'currentOnly'
}, initApp);