Andrew Camilleri c5a0e28420
Refactor Wallet import code (#5638)
* Refactor Wallet import code

The code for wallet import was incredibly messy as it evolved over time from various requests.

This PR:
* splits up each supported format into its own file
* Supports taproot descriptors (through a hack until NBitcoin supports it internally) fixes #5518
* Reduces different paths for handling electrum/non-electrum xpubs
* Allows plugins to add their own import support formats for onchain wallets.

* Update NBitcoin to parse tr descriptors

* Fix warnings

* Use dedicated type OnChainWalletParsers


Co-authored-by: nicolas.dorier <>
2024-01-17 18:08:39 +09:00

234 lines
10 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using NBitcoin;
using NBitcoin.Scripting;
using NBXplorer.DerivationStrategy;
namespace BTCPayServer
public class DerivationSchemeParser
public BTCPayNetwork BtcPayNetwork { get; }
public Network Network => BtcPayNetwork.NBitcoinNetwork;
public DerivationSchemeParser(BTCPayNetwork expectedNetwork)
BtcPayNetwork = expectedNetwork;
public (DerivationStrategyBase, RootedKeyPath[]) ParseOutputDescriptor(string str)
(DerivationStrategyBase, RootedKeyPath[]) ExtractFromPkProvider(PubKeyProvider pubKeyProvider,
string suffix = "")
switch (pubKeyProvider)
case PubKeyProvider.Const _:
throw new FormatException("Only HD output descriptors are supported.");
case PubKeyProvider.HD hd:
if (hd.Path != null && hd.Path.ToString() != "0")
throw new FormatException("Custom change paths are not supported.");
return (Parse($"{hd.Extkey}{suffix}", true, false, false), null);
case PubKeyProvider.Origin origin:
var innerResult = ExtractFromPkProvider(origin.Inner, suffix);
return (innerResult.Item1, new[] { origin.KeyOriginInfo });
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
(DerivationStrategyBase, RootedKeyPath[]) ExtractFromMulti(OutputDescriptor.Multi multi)
var xpubs = multi.PkProviders.Select(provider => ExtractFromPkProvider(provider));
return (
$"{multi.Threshold}-of-{(string.Join('-', xpubs.Select(tuple => tuple.Item1.ToString())))}{(multi.IsSorted ? "" : "-[keeporder]")}", true ,false, false),
xpubs.SelectMany(tuple => tuple.Item2).ToArray());
str = str.Trim();
//nbitcoin output descriptor does not support taproot, so let's check if it is a taproot descriptor and fake until it is supported
var outputDescriptor = OutputDescriptor.Parse(str, Network);
switch (outputDescriptor)
case OutputDescriptor.PK _:
case OutputDescriptor.Raw _:
case OutputDescriptor.Addr _:
throw new FormatException("Only HD output descriptors are supported.");
case OutputDescriptor.Combo _:
throw new FormatException("Only output descriptors of one format are supported.");
case OutputDescriptor.Multi multi:
return ExtractFromMulti(multi);
case OutputDescriptor.PKH pkh:
return ExtractFromPkProvider(pkh.PkProvider, "-[legacy]");
case OutputDescriptor.SH sh:
var suffix = "-[p2sh]";
if (sh.Inner is OutputDescriptor.Multi)
//non segwit
suffix = "-[legacy]";
if (sh.Inner is OutputDescriptor.Multi || sh.Inner is OutputDescriptor.WPKH ||
sh.Inner is OutputDescriptor.WSH)
var ds = ParseOutputDescriptor(sh.Inner.ToString());
return (Parse(ds.Item1 + suffix, true, false, false), ds.Item2);
throw new FormatException("sh descriptors are only supported with multsig(legacy or p2wsh) and segwit(p2wpkh)");
case OutputDescriptor.Tr tr:
return ExtractFromPkProvider(tr.InnerPubkey, "-[taproot]");
case OutputDescriptor.WPKH wpkh:
return ExtractFromPkProvider(wpkh.PkProvider);
case OutputDescriptor.WSH { Inner: OutputDescriptor.Multi multi }:
return ExtractFromMulti(multi);
case OutputDescriptor.WSH:
throw new FormatException("wsh descriptors are only supported with multisig");
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(outputDescriptor));
public DerivationStrategyBase Parse(string str, bool ignorePrefix = false, bool ignoreBasePrefix = false, bool enforceNetworkPrefix = true)
str = str.Trim();
HashSet<string> hintedLabels = new HashSet<string>();
if (!Network.Consensus.SupportSegwit)
str = str.Replace("-[p2sh]", string.Empty, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
var parts = str.Split('-');
bool hasLabel = false;
for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
if (IsLabel(parts[i]))
if (!hasLabel)
if (!Network.Consensus.SupportSegwit)
hasLabel = true;
hintedLabels.Add(parts[i].Substring(1, parts[i].Length - 2).ToLowerInvariant());
var data = Network.GetBase58CheckEncoder().DecodeData(parts[i]);
if (data.Length < 4)
var prefix = Utils.ToUInt32(data, false);
var standardPrefix = Utils.ToBytes(0x0488b21eU, false);
for (int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++)
data[ii] = standardPrefix[ii];
var derivationScheme = GetBitcoinExtPubKeyByNetwork(Network, data).ToString();
if (enforceNetworkPrefix && !BtcPayNetwork.ElectrumMapping.ContainsKey(prefix))
throw new FormatException(
$"Invalid xpub. Is this really for {BtcPayNetwork.CryptoCode} {Network.ChainName}?");
if (!ignorePrefix && !hasLabel && BtcPayNetwork.ElectrumMapping.TryGetValue(prefix, out var type))
switch (type)
case DerivationType.Legacy when !ignoreBasePrefix:
case DerivationType.SegwitP2SH:
parts[i] = derivationScheme;
catch (FormatException e) when (e.Message.StartsWith("Invalid xpub"))
catch { continue; }
str = string.Join('-', parts.Where(p => !IsLabel(p)));
foreach (var label in hintedLabels)
str = $"{str}-[{label}]";
return BtcPayNetwork.NBXplorerNetwork.DerivationStrategyFactory.Parse(str);
public static BitcoinExtPubKey GetBitcoinExtPubKeyByNetwork(Network network, byte[] data)
return new BitcoinExtPubKey(network.GetBase58CheckEncoder().EncodeData(data), network.NetworkSet.Mainnet).ToNetwork(network);
catch (Exception)
return new BitcoinExtPubKey(network.GetBase58CheckEncoder().EncodeData(data), Network.Main).ToNetwork(network);
private static bool IsLabel(string v)
return v.StartsWith('[') && v.EndsWith(']');
/// <summary>
/// Method to create lists containing possible combinations of an input list of items. This is
/// basically copied from code by user "jaolho" on this thread:
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">type of the items on the input list</typeparam>
/// <param name="inputList">list of items</param>
/// <param name="minimumItems">minimum number of items wanted in the generated combinations,
/// if zero the empty combination is included,
/// default is one</param>
/// <param name="maximumItems">maximum number of items wanted in the generated combinations,
/// default is no maximum limit</param>
/// <returns>list of lists for possible combinations of the input items</returns>
public static List<List<T>> ItemCombinations<T>(List<T> inputList, int minimumItems = 1,
int maximumItems = int.MaxValue)
int nonEmptyCombinations = (int)Math.Pow(2, inputList.Count) - 1;
List<List<T>> listOfLists = new List<List<T>>(nonEmptyCombinations + 1);
if (minimumItems == 0) // Optimize default case
listOfLists.Add(new List<T>());
for (int i = 1; i <= nonEmptyCombinations; i++)
List<T> thisCombination = new List<T>(inputList.Count);
for (int j = 0; j < inputList.Count; j++)
if ((i >> j & 1) == 1)
if (thisCombination.Count >= minimumItems && thisCombination.Count <= maximumItems)
return listOfLists;