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synced 2025-03-09 16:04:43 +01:00
* Dashboard: Load Lightning balance async, display default currency * Simplify approach, improve views and scripts * Async tiles Async tiles * Add period for app sales * Fix missing keypad view sales * Fix after rebase * Fix awaited call * Fix build Co-authored-by: Nicolas Dorier <nicolas.dorier@gmail.com>
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134 lines
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@using BTCPayServer.Services.Wallets
@model BTCPayServer.Components.StoreWalletBalance.StoreWalletBalanceViewModel
<div id="StoreWalletBalance-@Model.Store.Id" class="widget store-wallet-balance">
<div class="d-flex gap-3 align-items-center justify-content-between mb-2">
<h6>Wallet Balance</h6>
@if (Model.CryptoCode != Model.DefaultCurrency)
<div class="btn-group btn-group-sm gap-0 currency-toggle" role="group">
<input type="radio" class="btn-check" name="StoreWalletBalance-currency" id="StoreWalletBalance-currency_@Model.CryptoCode" value="@Model.CryptoCode" autocomplete="off" checked>
<label class="btn btn-outline-secondary px-2 py-1" for="StoreWalletBalance-currency_@Model.CryptoCode">@Model.CryptoCode</label>
<input type="radio" class="btn-check" name="StoreWalletBalance-currency" id="StoreWalletBalance-currency_@Model.DefaultCurrency" value="@Model.DefaultCurrency" autocomplete="off">
<label class="btn btn-outline-secondary px-2 py-1" for="StoreWalletBalance-currency_@Model.DefaultCurrency">@Model.DefaultCurrency</label>
<header class="mb-3">
@if (Model.Balance != null)
<div class="balance">
<h3 class="d-inline-block me-1" data-balance="@Model.Balance">@Model.Balance</h3>
<span class="text-secondary fw-semibold currency">@Model.CryptoCode</span>
@if (Model.Series != null)
<div class="btn-group only-for-js mt-1" role="group" aria-label="Period">
<input type="radio" class="btn-check" name="StoreWalletBalancePeriod-@Model.Store.Id" id="StoreWalletBalancePeriodWeek-@Model.Store.Id" value="@WalletHistogramType.Week" @(Model.Type == WalletHistogramType.Week ? "checked" : "")>
<label class="btn btn-link" for="StoreWalletBalancePeriodWeek-@Model.Store.Id">1W</label>
<input type="radio" class="btn-check" name="StoreWalletBalancePeriod-@Model.Store.Id" id="StoreWalletBalancePeriodMonth-@Model.Store.Id" value="@WalletHistogramType.Month" @(Model.Type == WalletHistogramType.Month ? "checked" : "")>
<label class="btn btn-link" for="StoreWalletBalancePeriodMonth-@Model.Store.Id">1M</label>
<input type="radio" class="btn-check" name="StoreWalletBalancePeriod-@Model.Store.Id" id="StoreWalletBalancePeriodYear-@Model.Store.Id" value="@WalletHistogramType.Year" @(Model.Type == WalletHistogramType.Year ? "checked" : "")>
<label class="btn btn-link" for="StoreWalletBalancePeriodYear-@Model.Store.Id">1Y</label>
@if (Model.Series != null)
<div class="ct-chart"></div>
We would like to show you a chart of your balance.
Please <a href="https://github.com/dgarage/NBXplorer/blob/master/docs/Postgres-Migration.md" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">migrate to the new NBXplorer backend</a>
for that data to become available.
(function () {
const storeId = @Safe.Json(Model.Store.Id);
const cryptoCode = @Safe.Json(Model.CryptoCode);
const defaultCurrency = @Safe.Json(Model.DefaultCurrency);
const divisibility = @Safe.Json(Model.CurrencyData.Divisibility);
let data = { series: @Safe.Json(Model.Series), labels: @Safe.Json(Model.Labels), balance: @Safe.Json(Model.Balance) };
let rate = null;
const id = `StoreWalletBalance-${storeId}`;
const baseUrl = @Safe.Json(Url.Action("WalletHistogram", "UIWallets", new { walletId = Model.WalletId, type = WalletHistogramType.Week }));
const chartOpts = {
fullWidth: true,
showArea: true,
axisY: {
labelInterpolationFnc: value => rate
? DashboardUtils.displayDefaultCurrency(value, rate, defaultCurrency, divisibility).toString()
: value
const render = data => {
let { series, labels } = data;
const currency = rate ? defaultCurrency : cryptoCode;
document.querySelectorAll(`#${id} .currency`).forEach(c => c.innerText = currency)
document.querySelectorAll(`#${id} [data-balance]`).forEach(c => {
const value = Number.parseFloat(c.dataset.balance);
c.innerText = rate
? DashboardUtils.displayDefaultCurrency(value, rate, currency, divisibility)
: value
if (!series) return;
const min = Math.min(...series);
const max = Math.max(...series);
const low = Math.max(min - ((max - min) / 5), 0);
const renderOpts = Object.assign({}, chartOpts, { low });
const chart = new Chartist.Line(`#${id} .ct-chart`, {
series: [series]
}, renderOpts);
// prevent y-axis labels from getting cut off
window.setTimeout(() => {
const yLabels = [...document.querySelectorAll('.ct-label.ct-vertical.ct-start')];
if (yLabels) {
const factor = rate ? 6 : 8;
const width = Math.max(...(yLabels.map(l => l.innerText.length * factor)));
const opts = Object.assign({}, renderOpts, {
axisY: Object.assign({}, renderOpts.axisY, { offset: width })
chart.update(null, opts);
}, 0)
const update = async type => {
const url = baseUrl.replace(/\/week$/gi, `/${type}`);
const response = await fetch(url);
if (response.ok) {
data = await response.json();
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
delegate('change', `#${id} [name="StoreWalletBalancePeriod-${storeId}"]`, async e => {
const type = e.target.value;
await update(type);
delegate('change', `#${id} .currency-toggle input`, async e => {
const { target } = e;
if (target.value === defaultCurrency) {
rate = await DashboardUtils.fetchRate(`${cryptoCode}_${defaultCurrency}`);
if (rate) render(data);
} else {
rate = null;