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synced 2025-03-12 02:08:32 +01:00
* WIP New APIs for dealing with custodians/exchanges * Simplified things * More API refinements + index.html file for quick viewing * Finishing touches on spec * Switched cryptoCode to paymentMethod as this allows us to differentiate between onchain and lightning * Moved draft API docs to "/docs-draft" * WIP baby steps * Added DB migration for CustodianAccountData * Rough but working POST /v1/api/custodian-account + GET /v1/api/custodian * WIP + early Kraken API client * Moved service registration to proper location * Working create + list custodian accounts + permissions + WIP Kraken client * Kraken API Balances call is working * Added asset balances to response * List Custodian Accounts call does not load assetBalances by default, because it can fail. Can be requested when needed. * Call to get the details of 1 specific custodian account * Added permissions to swagger * Added "tradableAssetPairs" to Kraken custodian response + cache the tradable pairs in memory for 24 hours * Removed unused file * WIP + Moved files to better locations * Updated docs * Working API endpoint to get info on a trade (same response as creating a new trade) * Working API endpoints for Deposit + Trade + untested Withdraw * Delete custodian account * Trading works, better error handling, cleanup * Working withdrawals + New endpoint for getting bid/ask prices * Completed withdrawals + new endpoint for getting info on a past withdrawal to simplify testing, Enums are output as strings, * Better error handling when withdrawing to a wrong destination * WithdrawalAddressName in config is now a string per currency (dictionary) * Added TODOs * Only show the custodian account "config" to users who are allowed * Added the new permissions to the API Keys UI * Renamed KrakenClient to KrakenExchange * WIP Kraken Config Form * Removed files for UI again, will make separate PR later * Fixed docs + Refactored to use PaymentMethod more + Added "name" to custodian account + Using cancelationToken everywhere * Updated withdrawal info docs * First unit test * Complete tests for /api/v1/custodians and /api/v1/custodian-accounts endpoints + Various improvements and fixes * Mock custodian and more exceptions * Many more tests + cleanup, moved files to better locations * More tests * WIP more tests * Greenfield API tests complete * Added missing "Name" column * Cleanup, TODOs and beginning of Kraken Tests * Added Kraken tests using public endpoints + handling of "SATS" currency * Added 1st mocked Kraken API call: GetAssetBalancesAsync * Added assert for bad config * Mocked more Kraken API responses + added CreationDate to withdrawal response * pr review club changes * Make Kraken Custodian a plugin * Re-added User-Agent header as it is required * Fixed bug in market trade on Kraken using a percentage as qty * A short delay so Kraken has the time to execute the market order and we don't fetch the details too quickly. * Merged the draft swagger into the main swagger since it didn't work anymore * Fixed API permissions test * Removed 2 TODOs * Fixed unit test * After a utxo rescan, the cached balance should be invalidated * Fixed Kraken plugin build issues * Added Kraken plugin to build * WIP UI + config form * Create custodian account almost working - only need to add in the config form * Working form, but lacks refinement * Viewing balances + Editing custodian account works, but cannot change the withdrawal destination config because that is an object using a name with [] in it * cleanup * Minor cleanup, comments * Working: Delete custodian account * Moved the MockCustodian used in tests to a new plugin + linked it to the tests * WIP viewing custodian account balances * Split the Mock custodian into a Mock + Fake, various UI improvements and minor fixes * Minor UI fixes * Removed broken link * Removed links to anchors as they cannot pass the tests since they use JavaScript * Removed non-existing link. Even though it was commented out, the test still broke? * Added TODOs * Now throwing BadConfigException if API key is invalid * UI improvements * Commented out unfinished API endpoints. Can be finished later. * Show fiat value for fiat assets * Removed Kraken plugin so I can make a PR Removed more Kraken files * Add experimental route on UICustodianAccountsControllre * Removed unneeded code * Cleanup code * Processed Nicolas' feedback Co-authored-by: Kukks <evilkukka@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: nicolas.dorier <nicolas.dorier@gmail.com>
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Constants;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Custodians;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Extensions;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Form;
using BTCPayServer.Client;
using BTCPayServer.Client.Models;
using BTCPayServer.Data;
using BTCPayServer.Filters;
using BTCPayServer.Security;
using BTCPayServer.Services.Custodian;
using BTCPayServer.Services.Custodian.Client;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using CustodianAccountData = BTCPayServer.Data.CustodianAccountData;
using CustodianAccountDataClient = BTCPayServer.Client.Models.CustodianAccountData;
namespace BTCPayServer.Controllers.Greenfield
public class CustodianExceptionFilter : Attribute, IExceptionFilter
public void OnException(ExceptionContext context)
if (context.Exception is CustodianApiException ex)
context.Result = new ObjectResult(new GreenfieldAPIError(ex.Code, ex.Message)) { StatusCode = ex.HttpStatus };
context.ExceptionHandled = true;
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.GreenfieldAPIKeys)]
[ExperimentalRouteAttribute] // if you remove this, also remove "x_experimental": true in swagger.template.custodians.json
public class GreenfieldCustodianAccountController : ControllerBase
private readonly CustodianAccountRepository _custodianAccountRepository;
private readonly IEnumerable<ICustodian> _custodianRegistry;
private readonly IAuthorizationService _authorizationService;
public GreenfieldCustodianAccountController(CustodianAccountRepository custodianAccountRepository,
IEnumerable<ICustodian> custodianRegistry,
IAuthorizationService authorizationService)
_custodianAccountRepository = custodianAccountRepository;
_custodianRegistry = custodianRegistry;
_authorizationService = authorizationService;
[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanViewCustodianAccounts,
AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)]
public async Task<IActionResult> ListCustodianAccount(string storeId, [FromQuery] bool assetBalances = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var custodianAccounts = await _custodianAccountRepository.FindByStoreId(storeId);
CustodianAccountDataClient[] responses = new CustodianAccountDataClient[custodianAccounts.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < custodianAccounts.Length; i++)
var custodianAccountData = custodianAccounts[i];
responses[i] = await ToModel(custodianAccountData, assetBalances, cancellationToken);
return Ok(responses);
[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanViewCustodianAccounts,
AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)]
public async Task<IActionResult> ViewCustodianAccount(string storeId, string accountId,
[FromQuery] bool assetBalances = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var custodianAccountData = await GetCustodianAccount(storeId, accountId);
if (custodianAccountData == null)
return this.CreateAPIError(404, "custodian-account-not-found", "The custodian account was not found.");
var custodianAccount = await ToModel(custodianAccountData, assetBalances, cancellationToken);
return Ok(custodianAccount);
// [HttpGet("~/api/v1/stores/{storeId}/custodian-accounts/{accountId}/config")]
// [Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanManageCustodianAccounts,
// AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)]
// public async Task<IActionResult> FetchCustodianAccountConfigForm(string storeId, string accountId,
// [FromQuery] string locale = "en-US", CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// {
// // TODO this endpoint needs tests
// var custodianAccountData = await GetCustodianAccount(storeId, accountId);
// var custodianAccount = await ToModel(custodianAccountData, false, cancellationToken);
// var custodian = GetCustodianByCode(custodianAccount.CustodianCode);
// var form = await custodian.GetConfigForm(custodianAccount.Config, locale, cancellationToken);
// return Ok(form);
// }
// [HttpPost("~/api/v1/stores/{storeId}/custodian-accounts/{accountId}/config")]
// [Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanManageCustodianAccounts,
// AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)]
// public async Task<IActionResult> PostCustodianAccountConfigForm(string storeId, string accountId, JObject values,
// [FromQuery] string locale = "en-US", CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// {
// // TODO this endpoint needs tests
// var custodianAccountData = await GetCustodianAccount(storeId, accountId);
// var custodianAccount = await ToModel(custodianAccountData, false, cancellationToken);
// var custodian = GetCustodianByCode(custodianAccount.CustodianCode);
// var form = await custodian.GetConfigForm(values, locale, cancellationToken);
// if (form.IsValid())
// {
// // TODO save the data to the config so it is persisted
// }
// return Ok(form);
// }
private async Task<bool> CanSeeCustodianAccountConfig()
return (await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, null, new PolicyRequirement(Policies.CanManageCustodianAccounts))).Succeeded;
private async Task<CustodianAccountDataClient> ToModel(CustodianAccountData custodianAccount, bool includeAsset, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var custodian = GetCustodianByCode(custodianAccount.CustodianCode);
var r = includeAsset ? new CustodianAccountResponse() : new CustodianAccountDataClient();
r.Id = custodianAccount.Id;
r.CustodianCode = custodian.Code;
r.Name = custodianAccount.Name;
r.StoreId = custodianAccount.StoreId;
if (await CanSeeCustodianAccountConfig())
// Only show the "config" field if the user can create or manage the Custodian Account, because config contains sensitive information (API key, etc).
r.Config = custodianAccount.GetBlob();
if (includeAsset)
var balances = await GetCustodianByCode(r.CustodianCode).GetAssetBalancesAsync(r.Config, cancellationToken);
((CustodianAccountResponse)r).AssetBalances = balances;
return r;
[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanManageCustodianAccounts,
AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)]
public async Task<IActionResult> CreateCustodianAccount(string storeId, CreateCustodianAccountRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
request ??= new CreateCustodianAccountRequest();
var custodian = GetCustodianByCode(request.CustodianCode);
// Use the name provided or if none provided use the name of the custodian.
string name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Name) ? custodian.Name : request.Name;
var custodianAccount = new CustodianAccountData() { CustodianCode = custodian.Code, Name = name, StoreId = storeId, };
await _custodianAccountRepository.CreateOrUpdate(custodianAccount);
return Ok(await ToModel(custodianAccount, false, cancellationToken));
[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanManageCustodianAccounts,
AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)]
public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateCustodianAccount(string storeId, string accountId,
CreateCustodianAccountRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
request ??= new CreateCustodianAccountRequest();
var custodianAccount = await GetCustodianAccount(storeId, accountId);
var custodian = GetCustodianByCode(request.CustodianCode);
// TODO If storeId is not valid, we get a foreign key SQL error. Is this okay or do we want to check the storeId first?
custodianAccount.CustodianCode = custodian.Code;
custodianAccount.StoreId = storeId;
custodianAccount.Name = request.Name;
await _custodianAccountRepository.CreateOrUpdate(custodianAccount);
return Ok(await ToModel(custodianAccount, false, cancellationToken));
[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanManageCustodianAccounts,
AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)]
public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteCustodianAccount(string storeId, string accountId)
var isDeleted = await _custodianAccountRepository.Remove(accountId, storeId);
if (isDeleted)
return Ok();
throw CustodianAccountNotFound();
[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanDepositToCustodianAccounts,
AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetDepositAddress(string storeId, string accountId, string paymentMethod, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var custodianAccount = await GetCustodianAccount(storeId, accountId);
var custodian = GetCustodianByCode(custodianAccount.CustodianCode);
var config = custodianAccount.GetBlob();
if (custodian is ICanDeposit depositableCustodian)
var result = await depositableCustodian.GetDepositAddressAsync(paymentMethod, config, cancellationToken);
return Ok(result);
return this.CreateAPIError(400, "deposit-payment-method-not-supported",
$"Deposits to \"{custodian.Name}\" are not supported using \"{paymentMethod}\".");
[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanTradeCustodianAccount,
AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)]
public async Task<IActionResult> TradeMarket(string storeId, string accountId,
TradeRequestData request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// TODO add SATS check everywhere. We cannot change to 'BTC' ourselves because the qty / price would be different too.
if ("SATS".Equals(request.FromAsset) || "SATS".Equals(request.ToAsset))
return this.CreateAPIError(400, "use-asset-synonym",
$"Please use 'BTC' instead of 'SATS'.");
var custodianAccount = await GetCustodianAccount(storeId, accountId);
var custodian = GetCustodianByCode(custodianAccount.CustodianCode);
if (custodian is ICanTrade tradableCustodian)
decimal Qty;
if (request.Qty.EndsWith("%", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
// Qty is a percentage of current holdings
var percentage = Decimal.Parse( request.Qty.Substring(0, request.Qty.Length - 1), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var config = custodianAccount.GetBlob();
var balances = custodian.GetAssetBalancesAsync(config, cancellationToken).Result;
var fromAssetBalance = balances[request.FromAsset];
var priceQuote =
await tradableCustodian.GetQuoteForAssetAsync(request.FromAsset, request.ToAsset, config, cancellationToken);
Qty = fromAssetBalance / priceQuote.Ask * percentage / 100;
// Qty is an exact amount
Qty = Decimal.Parse(request.Qty, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var result = await tradableCustodian.TradeMarketAsync(request.FromAsset, request.ToAsset, Qty,
custodianAccount.GetBlob(), cancellationToken);
return Ok(ToModel(result, accountId, custodianAccount.CustodianCode));
return this.CreateAPIError(400, "market-trade-not-supported",
$"Placing market orders on \"{custodian.Name}\" is not supported.");
private MarketTradeResponseData ToModel(MarketTradeResult marketTrade, string accountId, string custodianCode)
return new MarketTradeResponseData(marketTrade.FromAsset, marketTrade.ToAsset, marketTrade.LedgerEntries, marketTrade.TradeId, accountId, custodianCode);
[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanTradeCustodianAccount, AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetTradeQuote(string storeId, string accountId, [FromQuery] string fromAsset, [FromQuery] string toAsset, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// TODO add SATS check everywhere. We cannot change to 'BTC' ourselves because the qty / price would be different too.
if ("SATS".Equals(fromAsset) || "SATS".Equals(toAsset))
return this.CreateAPIError(400, "use-asset-synonym",
$"Please use 'BTC' instead of 'SATS'.");
var custodianAccount = await GetCustodianAccount(storeId, accountId);
var custodian = GetCustodianByCode(custodianAccount.CustodianCode);
if (custodian is ICanTrade tradableCustodian)
var priceQuote = await tradableCustodian.GetQuoteForAssetAsync(fromAsset, toAsset, custodianAccount.GetBlob(), cancellationToken);
return Ok(new TradeQuoteResponseData(priceQuote.FromAsset, priceQuote.ToAsset, priceQuote.Bid, priceQuote.Ask));
return this.CreateAPIError(400, "getting-quote-not-supported",
$"Getting a price quote on \"{custodian.Name}\" is not supported.");
[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanTradeCustodianAccount,
AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetTradeInfo(string storeId, string accountId, string tradeId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var custodianAccount = await GetCustodianAccount(storeId, accountId);
var custodian = GetCustodianByCode(custodianAccount.CustodianCode);
if (custodian is ICanTrade tradableCustodian)
var result = await tradableCustodian.GetTradeInfoAsync(tradeId, custodianAccount.GetBlob(), cancellationToken);
if (result == null)
return this.CreateAPIError(404, "trade-not-found",
$"Could not find the the trade with ID {tradeId} on {custodianAccount.Name}");
return Ok(ToModel(result, accountId, custodianAccount.CustodianCode));
return this.CreateAPIError(400, "fetching-trade-info-not-supported",
$"Fetching past trade info on \"{custodian.Name}\" is not supported.");
[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanWithdrawFromCustodianAccounts,
AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)]
public async Task<IActionResult> CreateWithdrawal(string storeId, string accountId,
WithdrawRequestData request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var custodianAccount = await GetCustodianAccount(storeId, accountId);
var custodian = GetCustodianByCode(custodianAccount.CustodianCode);
if (custodian is ICanWithdraw withdrawableCustodian)
var withdrawResult =
await withdrawableCustodian.WithdrawAsync(request.PaymentMethod, request.Qty, custodianAccount.GetBlob(), cancellationToken);
var result = new WithdrawalResponseData(withdrawResult.PaymentMethod, withdrawResult.Asset, withdrawResult.LedgerEntries,
withdrawResult.WithdrawalId, accountId, custodian.Code, withdrawResult.Status, withdrawResult.CreatedTime, withdrawResult.TargetAddress, withdrawResult.TransactionId);
return Ok(result);
return this.CreateAPIError(400, "withdrawals-not-supported",
$"Withdrawals are not supported for \"{custodian.Name}\".");
async Task<CustodianAccountData> GetCustodianAccount(string storeId, string accountId)
var cust = await _custodianAccountRepository.FindById(storeId, accountId);
if (cust is null)
throw CustodianAccountNotFound();
return cust;
JsonHttpException CustodianAccountNotFound()
return new JsonHttpException(this.CreateAPIError(404, "custodian-account-not-found", "Could not find the custodian account"));
ICustodian GetCustodianByCode(string custodianCode)
var cust = _custodianRegistry.FirstOrDefault(custodian => custodian.Code.Equals(custodianCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (cust is null)
throw new JsonHttpException(this.CreateAPIError(422, "custodian-code-not-found", "The custodian of this account isn't referenced in /api/v1/custodians"));
return cust;
[Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanWithdrawFromCustodianAccounts,
AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetWithdrawalInfo(string storeId, string accountId, string paymentMethod, string withdrawalId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var custodianAccount = await GetCustodianAccount(storeId, accountId);
var custodian = GetCustodianByCode(custodianAccount.CustodianCode);
if (custodian is ICanWithdraw withdrawableCustodian)
var withdrawResult = await withdrawableCustodian.GetWithdrawalInfoAsync(paymentMethod, withdrawalId, custodianAccount.GetBlob(), cancellationToken);
if (withdrawResult == null)
return this.CreateAPIError(404, "withdrawal-not-found", "The withdrawal was not found.");
var result = new WithdrawalResponseData(withdrawResult.PaymentMethod, withdrawResult.Asset, withdrawResult.LedgerEntries,
withdrawResult.WithdrawalId, accountId, custodian.Code, withdrawResult.Status, withdrawResult.CreatedTime, withdrawResult.TargetAddress, withdrawResult.TransactionId);
return Ok(result);
return this.CreateAPIError(400, "fetching-withdrawal-info-not-supported",
$"Fetching withdrawal information is not supported for \"{custodian.Name}\".");