2024-04-25 14:09:01 +09:00

996 lines
40 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Extensions;
using BTCPayServer.Client.Models;
using BTCPayServer.Data;
using BTCPayServer.Events;
using BTCPayServer.Logging;
using BTCPayServer.Models.InvoicingModels;
using BTCPayServer.Payments;
using Dapper;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using NBitcoin;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Npgsql;
using Encoders = NBitcoin.DataEncoders.Encoders;
using InvoiceData = BTCPayServer.Data.InvoiceData;
namespace BTCPayServer.Services.Invoices
public class InvoiceRepository
internal static JsonSerializerSettings DefaultSerializerSettings;
static InvoiceRepository()
DefaultSerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
private readonly ApplicationDbContextFactory _applicationDbContextFactory;
private readonly EventAggregator _eventAggregator;
public InvoiceRepository(ApplicationDbContextFactory contextFactory,
EventAggregator eventAggregator)
_applicationDbContextFactory = contextFactory;
_eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
public async Task<Data.WebhookDeliveryData> GetWebhookDelivery(string invoiceId, string deliveryId)
using var ctx = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
return await ctx.InvoiceWebhookDeliveries
.Where(d => d.InvoiceId == invoiceId && d.DeliveryId == deliveryId)
.Select(d => d.Delivery)
public InvoiceEntity CreateNewInvoice(string storeId)
return new InvoiceEntity()
Id = Encoders.Base58.EncodeData(RandomUtils.GetBytes(16)),
StoreId = storeId,
Version = InvoiceEntity.Lastest_Version,
// Truncating was an unintended side effect of previous code. Might want to remove that one day
InvoiceTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.TruncateMilliSeconds(),
Metadata = new InvoiceMetadata(),
#pragma warning disable CS0618
Payments = new List<PaymentEntity>()
#pragma warning restore CS0618
public async Task<bool> RemovePendingInvoice(string invoiceId)
using var ctx = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
ctx.PendingInvoices.Remove(new PendingInvoiceData() { Id = invoiceId });
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
return true;
catch (DbUpdateException) { return false; }
public async Task<IEnumerable<InvoiceEntity>> GetInvoicesFromAddresses(string[] addresses)
if (addresses.Length is 0)
return Array.Empty<InvoiceEntity>();
using var db = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
if (addresses.Length == 1)
var address = addresses[0];
return (await db.AddressInvoices
.Include(a => a.InvoiceData.Payments)
.Where(a => a.Address == address)
.Select(a => a.InvoiceData)
return (await db.AddressInvoices
.Include(a => a.InvoiceData.Payments)
.Where(a => addresses.Contains(a.Address))
.Select(a => a.InvoiceData)
public async Task<InvoiceEntity[]> GetPendingInvoices(bool includeAddressData = false, bool skipNoPaymentInvoices = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
using var ctx = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
var q = ctx.PendingInvoices.AsQueryable();
q = q.Include(o => o.InvoiceData)
.ThenInclude(o => o.Payments);
if (includeAddressData)
q = q.Include(o => o.InvoiceData)
.ThenInclude(o => o.AddressInvoices);
if (skipNoPaymentInvoices)
q = q.Where(i => i.InvoiceData.Payments.Any());
return (await q.Select(o => o.InvoiceData).ToArrayAsync(cancellationToken)).Select(ToEntity).ToArray();
public async Task<string[]> GetPendingInvoiceIds()
using var ctx = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
return await ctx.PendingInvoices.AsQueryable().Select(data => data.Id).ToArrayAsync();
public async Task<List<Data.WebhookDeliveryData>> GetWebhookDeliveries(string invoiceId)
using var ctx = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
return await ctx.InvoiceWebhookDeliveries
.Include(s => s.Delivery).ThenInclude(s => s.Webhook)
.Where(s => s.InvoiceId == invoiceId)
.Select(s => s.Delivery)
.OrderByDescending(s => s.Timestamp)
public async Task<AppData[]> GetAppsTaggingStore(string storeId)
using var ctx = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
return await ctx.Apps.Where(a => a.StoreDataId == storeId && a.TagAllInvoices).ToArrayAsync();
public async Task UpdateInvoice(string invoiceId, UpdateCustomerModel data)
using (var ctx = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext())
var invoiceData = await ctx.Invoices.FindAsync(invoiceId);
if (invoiceData == null)
var blob = invoiceData.GetBlob();
if (blob.Metadata.BuyerEmail == null && data.Email != null)
if (MailboxAddressValidator.IsMailboxAddress(data.Email))
blob.Metadata.BuyerEmail = data.Email;
AddToTextSearch(ctx, invoiceData, blob.Metadata.BuyerEmail);
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
goto retry;
public async Task UpdateInvoiceExpiry(string invoiceId, TimeSpan seconds)
await using (var ctx = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext())
var invoiceData = await ctx.Invoices.FindAsync(invoiceId);
var invoice = invoiceData.GetBlob();
var expiry = DateTimeOffset.Now + seconds;
invoice.ExpirationTime = expiry;
invoice.MonitoringExpiration = expiry.AddHours(1);
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
goto retry;
_eventAggregator.Publish(new InvoiceDataChangedEvent(invoice));
_ = InvoiceNeedUpdateEventLater(invoiceId, seconds);
async Task InvoiceNeedUpdateEventLater(string invoiceId, TimeSpan expirationIn)
await Task.Delay(expirationIn);
_eventAggregator.Publish(new InvoiceNeedUpdateEvent(invoiceId));
public async Task ExtendInvoiceMonitor(string invoiceId)
using (var ctx = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext())
var invoiceData = await ctx.Invoices.FindAsync(invoiceId);
var invoice = invoiceData.GetBlob();
invoice.MonitoringExpiration = invoice.MonitoringExpiration.AddHours(1);
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
goto retry;
public async Task CreateInvoiceAsync(InvoiceCreationContext creationContext)
var invoice = creationContext.InvoiceEntity;
var textSearch = new HashSet<string>();
using (var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext())
var invoiceData = new InvoiceData
StoreDataId = invoice.StoreId,
Id = invoice.Id,
OrderId = invoice.Metadata.OrderId,
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
Status = invoice.StatusString,
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
ItemCode = invoice.Metadata.ItemCode,
Archived = false
await context.Invoices.AddAsync(invoiceData);
foreach (var ctx in creationContext.PaymentMethodContexts.Where(p => p.Value.Status is PaymentMethodContext.ContextStatus.Created or PaymentMethodContext.ContextStatus.WaitingForActivation))
foreach (var trackedDestination in ctx.Value.TrackedDestinations)
await context.AddressInvoices.AddAsync(new AddressInvoiceData()
InvoiceDataId = invoice.Id,
Address = trackedDestination
foreach (var prompt in invoice.GetPaymentPrompts())
if (prompt.Destination != null)
if (prompt.Activated)
await context.PendingInvoices.AddAsync(new PendingInvoiceData() { Id = invoice.Id });
if (!invoice.IsUnsetTopUp())
AddToTextSearch(context, invoiceData, textSearch.ToArray());
await context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task AddInvoiceLogs(string invoiceId, InvoiceLogs logs)
await using var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
var db = context.Database.GetDbConnection();
var data = logs.ToList().Select(log => new InvoiceEventData()
Severity = log.Severity,
InvoiceDataId = invoiceId,
Message = log.Log,
Timestamp = log.Timestamp
await db.ExecuteAsync(InsertInvoiceEvent, data);
public async Task<InvoiceEventData[]> GetInvoiceLogs(string invoiceId)
await using var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
var db = context.Database.GetDbConnection();
return (await db.QueryAsync<InvoiceEventData>("SELECT * FROM \"InvoiceEvents\" WHERE \"InvoiceDataId\"=@InvoiceDataId ORDER BY \"Timestamp\"", new { InvoiceDataId = invoiceId })).ToArray();
public Task UpdatePaymentDetails(string invoiceId, IPaymentMethodHandler handler, object details)
return UpdatePaymentDetails(invoiceId, handler.PaymentMethodId, details is null ? null : JToken.FromObject(details, handler.Serializer));
public async Task UpdatePaymentDetails(string invoiceId, PaymentMethodId paymentMethodId, JToken details)
using (var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext())
var invoice = await context.Invoices.FindAsync(invoiceId);
if (invoice == null)
var invoiceEntity = invoice.GetBlob();
var prompt = invoiceEntity.GetPaymentPrompt(paymentMethodId);
if (prompt == null)
prompt.Details = details;
invoiceEntity.SetPaymentPrompt(paymentMethodId, prompt);
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
goto retry;
public async Task UpdatePrompt(string invoiceId, PaymentPrompt prompt)
using (var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext())
var invoice = await context.Invoices.FindAsync(invoiceId);
if (invoice == null)
var invoiceEntity = invoice.GetBlob();
var existingPrompt = invoiceEntity.GetPaymentPrompt(prompt.PaymentMethodId);
if (existingPrompt == null)
invoiceEntity.SetPaymentPrompt(prompt.PaymentMethodId, prompt);
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
goto retry;
public async Task NewPaymentPrompt(string invoiceId, PaymentMethodContext paymentPromptContext)
var prompt = paymentPromptContext.Prompt;
using (var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext())
var invoice = await context.Invoices.FindAsync(invoiceId);
if (invoice == null)
var invoiceEntity = invoice.GetBlob();
var newDetails = prompt.Details;
var existing = invoiceEntity.GetPaymentPrompt(prompt.PaymentMethodId);
if (existing.Destination != prompt.Destination && prompt.Activated && prompt.Destination is not null)
foreach (var tracked in paymentPromptContext.TrackedDestinations)
await context.AddressInvoices.AddAsync(new AddressInvoiceData()
InvoiceDataId = invoiceId,
Address = tracked
AddToTextSearch(context, invoice, prompt.Destination);
var search = new List<String>();
invoiceEntity.SetPaymentPrompt(prompt.PaymentMethodId, prompt);
AddToTextSearch(context, invoice, search.Concat(paymentPromptContext.AdditionalSearchTerms).Distinct().ToArray());
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
goto retry;
public async Task AddPendingInvoiceIfNotPresent(string invoiceId)
using var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
if (!context.PendingInvoices.Any(a => a.Id == invoiceId))
context.PendingInvoices.Add(new PendingInvoiceData() { Id = invoiceId });
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateException) { } // Already exists
const string InsertInvoiceEvent = "INSERT INTO \"InvoiceEvents\" (\"InvoiceDataId\", \"Severity\", \"Message\", \"Timestamp\") VALUES (@InvoiceDataId, @Severity, @Message, @Timestamp)";
public async Task AddInvoiceEvent(string invoiceId, object evt, InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity severity)
await using var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
var conn = context.Database.GetDbConnection();
await conn.ExecuteAsync(InsertInvoiceEvent,
new InvoiceEventData()
Severity = severity,
InvoiceDataId = invoiceId,
Message = evt.ToString(),
Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
catch (Npgsql.NpgsqlException ex) when (ex.SqlState == PostgresErrorCodes.ForeignKeyViolation)
// Invoice does not exists
public static void AddToTextSearch(ApplicationDbContext context, InvoiceData invoice, params string[] terms)
var filteredTerms = terms.Where(t => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t)
&& (invoice.InvoiceSearchData == null || invoice.InvoiceSearchData.All(data => data.Value != t)))
.Select(s => new InvoiceSearchData() { InvoiceDataId = invoice.Id, Value = s.Truncate(512) });
public static void RemoveFromTextSearch(ApplicationDbContext context, InvoiceData invoice,
string term)
var query = context.InvoiceSearches.AsQueryable();
var filteredQuery = query.Where(st => st.InvoiceDataId.Equals(invoice.Id) && st.Value.Equals(term));
public async Task UpdateInvoiceStatus(string invoiceId, InvoiceState invoiceState)
using var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
await context.Database.GetDbConnection()
.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE \"Invoices\" SET \"Status\"=@status, \"ExceptionStatus\"=@exstatus WHERE \"Id\"=@id",
id = invoiceId,
status = InvoiceState.ToString(invoiceState.Status),
exstatus = InvoiceState.ToString(invoiceState.ExceptionStatus)
internal async Task UpdateInvoicePrice(string invoiceId, decimal price)
using (var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext())
var invoiceData = await context.FindAsync<Data.InvoiceData>(invoiceId).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (invoiceData == null)
var blob = invoiceData.GetBlob();
if (blob.Type != InvoiceType.TopUp)
throw new ArgumentException("The invoice type should be TopUp to be able to update invoice price", nameof(invoiceId));
blob.Price = price;
AddToTextSearch(context, invoiceData, new[] { price.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) });
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
goto retry;
public async Task MassArchive(string[] invoiceIds, bool archive = true)
using var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
var items = context.Invoices.Where(a => invoiceIds.Contains(a.Id));
foreach (InvoiceData invoice in items)
invoice.Archived = archive;
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
public async Task ToggleInvoiceArchival(string invoiceId, bool archived, string storeId = null)
using var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
var invoiceData = await context.FindAsync<InvoiceData>(invoiceId).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (invoiceData == null || invoiceData.Archived == archived ||
(storeId != null &&
!invoiceData.StoreDataId.Equals(storeId, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
invoiceData.Archived = archived;
await context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<InvoiceEntity> UpdateInvoiceMetadata(string invoiceId, string storeId, JObject metadata)
using (var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext())
var invoiceData = await GetInvoiceRaw(invoiceId, context);
if (invoiceData == null || (storeId != null &&
return null;
var blob = invoiceData.GetBlob();
var newMetadata = InvoiceMetadata.FromJObject(metadata);
var oldOrderId = blob.Metadata.OrderId;
var newOrderId = newMetadata.OrderId;
if (newOrderId != oldOrderId)
// OrderId is saved in 2 places: (1) the invoice table and (2) in the metadata field. We are updating both for consistency.
invoiceData.OrderId = newOrderId;
if (oldOrderId != null && (newOrderId is null || !newOrderId.Equals(oldOrderId, StringComparison.InvariantCulture)))
RemoveFromTextSearch(context, invoiceData, oldOrderId);
if (newOrderId != null)
AddToTextSearch(context, invoiceData, new[] { newOrderId });
blob.Metadata = newMetadata;
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
goto retry;
return ToEntity(invoiceData);
public async Task<bool> MarkInvoiceStatus(string invoiceId, InvoiceStatus status)
using (var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext())
var invoiceData = await GetInvoiceRaw(invoiceId, context);
if (invoiceData == null)
return false;
string eventName;
string legacyStatus;
switch (status)
case InvoiceStatus.Settled:
if (!invoiceData.GetInvoiceState().CanMarkComplete())
return false;
eventName = InvoiceEvent.MarkedCompleted;
legacyStatus = InvoiceStatusLegacy.Complete.ToString();
case InvoiceStatus.Invalid:
if (!invoiceData.GetInvoiceState().CanMarkInvalid())
return false;
eventName = InvoiceEvent.MarkedInvalid;
legacyStatus = InvoiceStatusLegacy.Invalid.ToString();
return false;
invoiceData.Status = legacyStatus.ToLowerInvariant();
invoiceData.ExceptionStatus = InvoiceExceptionStatus.Marked.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
_eventAggregator.Publish(new InvoiceEvent(ToEntity(invoiceData), eventName));
return true;
public async Task<InvoiceEntity> GetInvoice(string id, bool includeAddressData = false)
using var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
var res = await GetInvoiceRaw(id, context, includeAddressData);
return res == null ? null : ToEntity(res);
public async Task<InvoiceEntity[]> GetInvoices(string[] invoiceIds)
var invoiceIdSet = invoiceIds.ToHashSet();
using var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
IQueryable<InvoiceData> query =
.Include(o => o.Payments)
.Where(o => invoiceIdSet.Contains(o.Id));
return (await query.ToListAsync()).Select(o => ToEntity(o)).ToArray();
private async Task<InvoiceData> GetInvoiceRaw(string id, ApplicationDbContext dbContext, bool includeAddressData = false)
IQueryable<InvoiceData> query =
.Include(o => o.Payments);
if (includeAddressData)
query = query.Include(o => o.AddressInvoices);
query = query.Where(i => i.Id == id);
var invoice = (await query.ToListAsync()).FirstOrDefault();
return invoice;
public InvoiceEntity ToEntity(InvoiceData invoice)
return invoice.GetBlob();
private IQueryable<InvoiceData> GetInvoiceQuery(ApplicationDbContext context, InvoiceQuery queryObject)
IQueryable<InvoiceData> query = queryObject.UserId is null
? context.Invoices
: context.UserStore
.Where(u => u.ApplicationUserId == queryObject.UserId)
.SelectMany(c => c.StoreData.Invoices);
if (!queryObject.IncludeArchived)
query = query.Where(i => !i.Archived);
if (queryObject.InvoiceId is { Length: > 0 })
if (queryObject.InvoiceId.Length > 1)
var idSet = queryObject.InvoiceId.ToHashSet().ToArray();
query = query.Where(i => idSet.Contains(i.Id));
var invoiceId = queryObject.InvoiceId.First();
query = query.Where(i => i.Id == invoiceId);
if (queryObject.StoreId is { Length: > 0 })
if (queryObject.StoreId.Length > 1)
var stores = queryObject.StoreId.ToHashSet().ToArray();
query = query.Where(i => stores.Contains(i.StoreDataId));
// Big performant improvement to use Where rather than Contains when possible
// In our test, the first gives 720.173 ms vs 40.735 ms
var storeId = queryObject.StoreId.First();
query = query.Where(i => i.StoreDataId == storeId);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryObject.TextSearch))
var text = queryObject.TextSearch.Truncate(512);
#pragma warning disable CA1310 // Specify StringComparison
query = query.Where(i => i.InvoiceSearchData.Any(data => data.Value.StartsWith(text)));
#pragma warning restore CA1310 // Specify StringComparison
if (queryObject.StartDate != null)
query = query.Where(i => queryObject.StartDate.Value <= i.Created);
if (queryObject.EndDate != null)
query = query.Where(i => i.Created <= queryObject.EndDate.Value);
if (queryObject.OrderId is { Length: > 0 })
var orderIdSet = queryObject.OrderId.ToHashSet().ToArray();
query = query.Where(i => orderIdSet.Contains(i.OrderId));
if (queryObject.ItemCode is { Length: > 0 })
var itemCodeSet = queryObject.ItemCode.ToHashSet().ToArray();
query = query.Where(i => itemCodeSet.Contains(i.ItemCode));
var statusSet = queryObject.Status is { Length: > 0 }
? queryObject.Status.Select(s => s.ToLowerInvariant()).ToHashSet()
: new HashSet<string>();
var exceptionStatusSet = queryObject.ExceptionStatus is { Length: > 0 }
? queryObject.ExceptionStatus.Select(NormalizeExceptionStatus).ToHashSet()
: new HashSet<string>();
// We make sure here that the old filters still work
if (statusSet.Contains("paid"))
if (statusSet.Contains("processing"))
if (statusSet.Contains("confirmed"))
if (statusSet.Contains("settled"))
if (statusSet.Contains("complete"))
if (statusSet.Any() || exceptionStatusSet.Any())
query = query.Where(i => statusSet.Contains(i.Status) || exceptionStatusSet.Contains(i.ExceptionStatus));
if (queryObject.Unusual != null)
var unusual = queryObject.Unusual.Value;
query = query.Where(i => unusual == (i.Status == "invalid" || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.ExceptionStatus)));
if (queryObject.OrderByDesc)
query = query.OrderByDescending(q => q.Created);
query = query.OrderBy(q => q.Created);
if (queryObject.Skip != null)
query = query.Skip(queryObject.Skip.Value);
if (queryObject.Take != null)
query = query.Take(queryObject.Take.Value);
return query;
public Task<InvoiceEntity[]> GetInvoices(InvoiceQuery queryObject)
return GetInvoices(queryObject, default);
public async Task<InvoiceEntity[]> GetInvoices(InvoiceQuery queryObject, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await using var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
var query = GetInvoiceQuery(context, queryObject);
query = query.Include(o => o.Payments);
if (queryObject.IncludeAddresses)
query = query.Include(o => o.AddressInvoices);
if (queryObject.IncludeRefunds)
query = query.Include(o => o.Refunds).ThenInclude(refundData => refundData.PullPaymentData);
var data = await query.AsNoTracking().ToArrayAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return data.Select(ToEntity).ToArray();
public async Task AddSearchTerms(string invoiceId, List<string> searchTerms)
if (searchTerms is null or { Count: 0 })
await using var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
foreach (var t in searchTerms)
context.InvoiceSearches.Add(new InvoiceSearchData()
InvoiceDataId = invoiceId,
Value = t
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
public async Task<int> GetInvoiceCount(InvoiceQuery queryObject)
await using var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext();
return await GetInvoiceQuery(context, queryObject).CountAsync();
private string NormalizeExceptionStatus(string status)
status = status.ToLowerInvariant();
switch (status)
case "paidover":
case "over":
case "overpaid":
status = "paidOver";
case "paidlate":
case "late":
status = "paidLate";
case "paidpartial":
case "underpaid":
case "partial":
status = "paidPartial";
return status;
public static T FromBytes<T>(byte[] blob, BTCPayNetworkBase network = null)
return network == null
? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(ZipUtils.Unzip(blob), DefaultSerializerSettings)
: network.ToObject<T>(ZipUtils.Unzip(blob));
public static string ToJsonString<T>(T data, BTCPayNetworkBase network)
return network == null ? JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data, DefaultSerializerSettings) : network.ToString(data);
public InvoiceStatistics GetContributionsByPaymentMethodId(string currency, InvoiceEntity[] invoices, bool softcap)
var contributions = invoices
.Where(p => p.Currency.Equals(currency, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
.SelectMany(p =>
var contribution = new InvoiceStatistics.Contribution
GroupKey = p.Currency,
Currency = p.Currency,
CurrencyValue = p.Price,
Settled = p.GetInvoiceState().IsSettled()
contribution.Value = contribution.CurrencyValue;
// For hardcap, we count newly created invoices as part of the contributions
if (!softcap && p.Status == InvoiceStatusLegacy.New)
return new[] { contribution };
// If the user get a donation via other mean, he can register an invoice manually for such amount
// then mark the invoice as complete
var payments = p.GetPayments(true);
if (payments.Count == 0 &&
p.ExceptionStatus == InvoiceExceptionStatus.Marked &&
p.Status == InvoiceStatusLegacy.Complete)
return new[] { contribution };
contribution.CurrencyValue = 0m;
contribution.Value = 0m;
// If an invoice has been marked invalid, remove the contribution
if (p.ExceptionStatus == InvoiceExceptionStatus.Marked &&
p.Status == InvoiceStatusLegacy.Invalid)
return new[] { contribution };
// Else, we just sum the payments
return payments
.Select(pay =>
var paymentMethodContribution = new InvoiceStatistics.Contribution
GroupKey = GetGroupKey(pay),
Currency = pay.Currency,
CurrencyValue = pay.InvoicePaidAmount.Net,
Value = pay.PaidAmount.Net,
Divisibility = pay.Divisibility,
Settled = p.GetInvoiceState().IsSettled()
return paymentMethodContribution;
.GroupBy(p => p.GroupKey)
.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => new InvoiceStatistics.Contribution
Currency = p.Key,
Settled = p.All(v => v.Settled),
Divisibility = p.Max(p => p.Divisibility),
Value = p.Select(v => v.Value).Sum(),
CurrencyValue = p.Select(v => v.CurrencyValue).Sum()
return new InvoiceStatistics(contributions);
private string GetGroupKey(PaymentEntity pay)
// If BTC-CHAIN, group by BTC
if (PaymentTypes.CHAIN.GetPaymentMethodId(pay.Currency) == pay.PaymentMethodId)
return pay.Currency;
// If BTC-LN|LNURL, group them together by BTC-LN
if (PaymentTypes.LN.GetPaymentMethodId(pay.Currency) == pay.PaymentMethodId ||
PaymentTypes.LNURL.GetPaymentMethodId(pay.Currency) == pay.PaymentMethodId)
return PaymentTypes.LN.GetPaymentMethodId(pay.Currency).ToString();
// Else just group by payment method id
return pay.PaymentMethodId.ToString();
public class InvoiceQuery
public string[] StoreId
get; set;
public string UserId
get; set;
public string TextSearch
get; set;
public DateTimeOffset? StartDate
get; set;
public DateTimeOffset? EndDate
get; set;
public int? Skip
get; set;
public int? Take
get; set;
public string[] OrderId
get; set;
public string[] ItemCode
get; set;
public bool? Unusual { get; set; }
public string[] Status
get; set;
public string[] ExceptionStatus
get; set;
public string[] InvoiceId
public bool IncludeAddresses { get; set; }
public bool IncludeArchived { get; set; } = true;
public bool IncludeRefunds { get; set; }
public bool OrderByDesc { get; set; } = true;
public class InvoiceStatistics : Dictionary<string, InvoiceStatistics.Contribution>
public InvoiceStatistics(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, Contribution>> collection) : base(collection)
TotalCurrency = Values.Select(v => v.CurrencyValue).Sum();
public decimal TotalCurrency { get; }
public class Contribution
public string Currency { get; set; }
public int Divisibility { get; set; }
public bool Settled { get; set; }
public decimal Value { get; set; }
public decimal CurrencyValue { get; set; }
public string GroupKey { get; set; }