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synced 2025-03-01 09:00:03 +01:00
This PR allows you to use the pay button generator to create buttons that target apps. This means that you can generate an invoice that is linked to an item on the POS/Crowdfund (targeting the item is optional). The POS/Crowdfund item amount -> invoice creation amount validation works too so that the user cannot modify the amount of a perk using just html ( fixes #1392 )
485 lines
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485 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Claims;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BTCPayServer.Data;
using BTCPayServer.Filters;
using BTCPayServer.Models;
using BTCPayServer.Models.AppViewModels;
using BTCPayServer.Payments;
using BTCPayServer.Rating;
using BTCPayServer.Security;
using BTCPayServer.Services.Apps;
using BTCPayServer.Services.Invoices;
using BTCPayServer.Services.Rates;
using BTCPayServer.Services.Stores;
using ExchangeSharp;
using Ganss.XSS;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using NBitcoin;
using NBitcoin.DataEncoders;
using NBitpayClient;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using NUglify.Helpers;
using YamlDotNet.RepresentationModel;
using YamlDotNet.Serialization;
using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NamingConventions;
using static BTCPayServer.Controllers.AppsController;
using static BTCPayServer.Models.AppViewModels.ViewCrowdfundViewModel;
namespace BTCPayServer.Services.Apps
public class AppService
ApplicationDbContextFactory _ContextFactory;
private readonly InvoiceRepository _InvoiceRepository;
CurrencyNameTable _Currencies;
private readonly StoreRepository _storeRepository;
private readonly HtmlSanitizer _HtmlSanitizer;
public CurrencyNameTable Currencies => _Currencies;
public AppService(ApplicationDbContextFactory contextFactory,
InvoiceRepository invoiceRepository,
CurrencyNameTable currencies,
StoreRepository storeRepository,
HtmlSanitizer htmlSanitizer)
_ContextFactory = contextFactory;
_InvoiceRepository = invoiceRepository;
_Currencies = currencies;
_storeRepository = storeRepository;
_HtmlSanitizer = htmlSanitizer;
public async Task<object> GetAppInfo(string appId)
var app = await GetApp(appId, AppType.Crowdfund, true);
if (app != null)
return await GetInfo(app);
return null;
private async Task<ViewCrowdfundViewModel> GetInfo(AppData appData, string statusMessage = null)
var settings = appData.GetSettings<CrowdfundSettings>();
var resetEvery = settings.StartDate.HasValue ? settings.ResetEvery : CrowdfundResetEvery.Never;
DateTime? lastResetDate = null;
DateTime? nextResetDate = null;
if (resetEvery != CrowdfundResetEvery.Never)
lastResetDate = settings.StartDate.Value;
nextResetDate = lastResetDate.Value;
while (DateTime.Now >= nextResetDate)
lastResetDate = nextResetDate;
switch (resetEvery)
case CrowdfundResetEvery.Hour:
nextResetDate = lastResetDate.Value.AddHours(settings.ResetEveryAmount);
case CrowdfundResetEvery.Day:
nextResetDate = lastResetDate.Value.AddDays(settings.ResetEveryAmount);
case CrowdfundResetEvery.Month:
nextResetDate = lastResetDate.Value.AddMonths(settings.ResetEveryAmount);
case CrowdfundResetEvery.Year:
nextResetDate = lastResetDate.Value.AddYears(settings.ResetEveryAmount);
var invoices = await GetInvoicesForApp(appData, lastResetDate);
var completeInvoices = invoices.Where(entity => entity.Status == InvoiceStatus.Complete || entity.Status == InvoiceStatus.Confirmed).ToArray();
var pendingInvoices = invoices.Where(entity => !(entity.Status == InvoiceStatus.Complete || entity.Status == InvoiceStatus.Confirmed)).ToArray();
var paidInvoices = invoices.Where(entity => entity.Status == InvoiceStatus.Complete || entity.Status == InvoiceStatus.Confirmed || entity.Status == InvoiceStatus.Paid).ToArray();
var pendingPayments = GetContributionsByPaymentMethodId(settings.TargetCurrency, pendingInvoices, !settings.EnforceTargetAmount);
var currentPayments = GetContributionsByPaymentMethodId(settings.TargetCurrency, completeInvoices, !settings.EnforceTargetAmount);
var perkCount = paidInvoices
.Where(entity => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.ProductInformation.ItemCode))
.GroupBy(entity => entity.ProductInformation.ItemCode)
.ToDictionary(entities => entities.Key, entities => entities.Count());
var perks = Parse(settings.PerksTemplate, settings.TargetCurrency);
if (settings.SortPerksByPopularity)
var ordered = perkCount.OrderByDescending(pair => pair.Value);
var newPerksOrder = ordered
.Select(keyValuePair => perks.SingleOrDefault(item => item.Id == keyValuePair.Key))
.Where(matchingPerk => matchingPerk != null)
var remainingPerks = perks.Where(item => !newPerksOrder.Contains(item));
perks = newPerksOrder.ToArray();
return new ViewCrowdfundViewModel()
Title = settings.Title,
Tagline = settings.Tagline,
Description = settings.Description,
CustomCSSLink = settings.CustomCSSLink,
MainImageUrl = settings.MainImageUrl,
EmbeddedCSS = settings.EmbeddedCSS,
StoreId = appData.StoreDataId,
AppId = appData.Id,
StartDate = settings.StartDate?.ToUniversalTime(),
EndDate = settings.EndDate?.ToUniversalTime(),
TargetAmount = settings.TargetAmount,
TargetCurrency = settings.TargetCurrency,
EnforceTargetAmount = settings.EnforceTargetAmount,
Perks = perks,
Enabled = settings.Enabled,
DisqusEnabled = settings.DisqusEnabled,
SoundsEnabled = settings.SoundsEnabled,
DisqusShortname = settings.DisqusShortname,
AnimationsEnabled = settings.AnimationsEnabled,
ResetEveryAmount = settings.ResetEveryAmount,
ResetEvery = Enum.GetName(typeof(CrowdfundResetEvery), settings.ResetEvery),
DisplayPerksRanking = settings.DisplayPerksRanking,
PerkCount = perkCount,
NeverReset = settings.ResetEvery == CrowdfundResetEvery.Never,
Sounds = settings.Sounds,
AnimationColors = settings.AnimationColors,
CurrencyData = _Currencies.GetCurrencyData(settings.TargetCurrency, true),
CurrencyDataPayments = currentPayments.Select(pair => pair.Key)
.Concat(pendingPayments.Select(pair => pair.Key))
.Select(id => _Currencies.GetCurrencyData(id.CryptoCode, true))
.DistinctBy(data => data.Code)
.ToDictionary(data => data.Code, data => data),
Info = new ViewCrowdfundViewModel.CrowdfundInfo()
TotalContributors = paidInvoices.Length,
ProgressPercentage = (currentPayments.TotalCurrency / settings.TargetAmount) * 100,
PendingProgressPercentage = (pendingPayments.TotalCurrency / settings.TargetAmount) * 100,
LastUpdated = DateTime.Now,
PaymentStats = currentPayments.ToDictionary(c => c.Key.ToString(), c => c.Value.Value),
PendingPaymentStats = pendingPayments.ToDictionary(c => c.Key.ToString(), c => c.Value.Value),
LastResetDate = lastResetDate,
NextResetDate = nextResetDate,
CurrentPendingAmount = pendingPayments.TotalCurrency,
CurrentAmount = currentPayments.TotalCurrency
public static string GetCrowdfundOrderId(string appId) => $"crowdfund-app_{appId}";
public static string GetAppInternalTag(string appId) => $"APP#{appId}";
public static string[] GetAppInternalTags(InvoiceEntity invoice)
return invoice.GetInternalTags("APP#");
private async Task<InvoiceEntity[]> GetInvoicesForApp(AppData appData, DateTime? startDate = null)
var invoices = await _InvoiceRepository.GetInvoices(new InvoiceQuery()
StoreId = new[] { appData.StoreData.Id },
OrderId = appData.TagAllInvoices ? null : new[] { GetCrowdfundOrderId(appData.Id) },
Status = new string[]{
StartDate = startDate
// Old invoices may have invoices which were not tagged
invoices = invoices.Where(inv => inv.Version < InvoiceEntity.InternalTagSupport_Version ||
return invoices;
public async Task<StoreData[]> GetOwnedStores(string userId)
using (var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext())
return await ctx.UserStore
.Where(us => us.ApplicationUserId == userId && us.Role == StoreRoles.Owner)
.Select(u => u.StoreData)
public async Task<bool> DeleteApp(AppData appData)
using (var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext())
ctx.Entry<AppData>(appData).State = EntityState.Deleted;
return await ctx.SaveChangesAsync() == 1;
public async Task<ListAppsViewModel.ListAppViewModel[]> GetAllApps(string userId, bool allowNoUser = false, string storeId = null)
using (var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext())
return await ctx.UserStore
.Where(us =>
((allowNoUser && string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId)) || us.ApplicationUserId == userId) &&
(storeId == null || us.StoreDataId == storeId))
.Join(ctx.Apps, us => us.StoreDataId, app => app.StoreDataId,
(us, app) =>
new ListAppsViewModel.ListAppViewModel()
IsOwner = us.Role == StoreRoles.Owner,
StoreId = us.StoreDataId,
StoreName = us.StoreData.StoreName,
AppName = app.Name,
AppType = app.AppType,
Id = app.Id
public async Task<List<AppData>> GetApps(string[] appIds, bool includeStore = false)
using (var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext())
var query = ctx.Apps
.Where(us => appIds.Contains(us.Id));
if (includeStore)
query = query.Include(data => data.StoreData);
return await query.ToListAsync();
public async Task<AppData> GetApp(string appId, AppType appType, bool includeStore = false)
using (var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext())
var query = ctx.Apps
.Where(us => us.Id == appId &&
us.AppType == appType.ToString());
if (includeStore)
query = query.Include(data => data.StoreData);
return await query.FirstOrDefaultAsync();
public Task<StoreData> GetStore(AppData app)
return _storeRepository.FindStore(app.StoreDataId);
public string SerializeTemplate(ViewPointOfSaleViewModel.Item[] items)
var mappingNode = new YamlMappingNode();
foreach (var item in items)
var itemNode = new YamlMappingNode();
itemNode.Add("title", new YamlScalarNode(item.Title));
itemNode.Add("price", new YamlScalarNode(item.Price.Value.ToStringInvariant()));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Description))
itemNode.Add("description", new YamlScalarNode(item.Description));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Image))
itemNode.Add("image", new YamlScalarNode(item.Image));
itemNode.Add("custom", new YamlScalarNode(item.Custom.ToStringLowerInvariant()));
if (item.Inventory.HasValue)
itemNode.Add("inventory", new YamlScalarNode(item.Inventory.ToString()));
mappingNode.Add(item.Id, itemNode);
var serializer = new SerializerBuilder().Build();
return serializer.Serialize(mappingNode);
public ViewPointOfSaleViewModel.Item[] Parse(string template, string currency)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(template))
return Array.Empty<ViewPointOfSaleViewModel.Item>();
using var input = new StringReader(template);
YamlStream stream = new YamlStream();
var root = (YamlMappingNode)stream.Documents[0].RootNode;
return root
.Select(kv => new PosHolder { Key = (kv.Key as YamlScalarNode)?.Value, Value = kv.Value as YamlMappingNode })
.Where(kv => kv.Value != null)
.Select(c => new ViewPointOfSaleViewModel.Item()
Description = c.GetDetailString("description"),
Id = c.Key,
Image = c.GetDetailString("image"),
Title = c.GetDetailString("title") ?? c.Key,
Price = c.GetDetail("price")
.Select(cc => new ViewPointOfSaleViewModel.Item.ItemPrice()
Value = decimal.Parse(cc.Value.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
Formatted = Currencies.FormatCurrency(cc.Value.Value, currency)
Custom = c.GetDetailString("custom") == "true",
Inventory = string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.GetDetailString("inventory")) ?(int?) null: int.Parse(c.GetDetailString("inventory"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
public Contributions GetContributionsByPaymentMethodId(string currency, InvoiceEntity[] invoices, bool softcap)
var contributions = invoices
.Where(p => p.ProductInformation.Currency.Equals(currency, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
.SelectMany(p =>
var contribution = new Contribution();
contribution.PaymentMehtodId = new PaymentMethodId(p.ProductInformation.Currency, PaymentTypes.BTCLike);
contribution.CurrencyValue = p.ProductInformation.Price;
contribution.Value = contribution.CurrencyValue;
// For hardcap, we count newly created invoices as part of the contributions
if (!softcap && p.Status == InvoiceStatus.New)
return new[] { contribution };
// If the user get a donation via other mean, he can register an invoice manually for such amount
// then mark the invoice as complete
var payments = p.GetPayments();
if (payments.Count == 0 &&
p.ExceptionStatus == InvoiceExceptionStatus.Marked &&
p.Status == InvoiceStatus.Complete)
return new[] { contribution };
contribution.CurrencyValue = 0m;
contribution.Value = 0m;
// If an invoice has been marked invalid, remove the contribution
if (p.ExceptionStatus == InvoiceExceptionStatus.Marked &&
p.Status == InvoiceStatus.Invalid)
return new[] { contribution };
// Else, we just sum the payments
return payments
.Select(pay =>
var paymentMethodContribution = new Contribution();
paymentMethodContribution.PaymentMehtodId = pay.GetPaymentMethodId();
paymentMethodContribution.Value = pay.GetCryptoPaymentData().GetValue() - pay.NetworkFee;
var rate = p.GetPaymentMethod(paymentMethodContribution.PaymentMehtodId).Rate;
paymentMethodContribution.CurrencyValue = rate * paymentMethodContribution.Value;
return paymentMethodContribution;
.GroupBy(p => p.PaymentMehtodId)
.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => new Contribution()
PaymentMehtodId = p.Key,
Value = p.Select(v => v.Value).Sum(),
CurrencyValue = p.Select(v => v.CurrencyValue).Sum()
return new Contributions(contributions);
private class PosHolder
public string Key { get; set; }
public YamlMappingNode Value { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<PosScalar> GetDetail(string field)
var res = Value.Children
.Where(kv => kv.Value != null)
.Select(kv => new PosScalar { Key = (kv.Key as YamlScalarNode)?.Value, Value = kv.Value as YamlScalarNode })
.Where(cc => cc.Key == field);
return res;
public string GetDetailString(string field)
return GetDetail(field).FirstOrDefault()?.Value?.Value;
private class PosScalar
public string Key { get; set; }
public YamlScalarNode Value { get; set; }
public async Task<AppData> GetAppDataIfOwner(string userId, string appId, AppType? type = null)
if (userId == null || appId == null)
return null;
using (var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext())
var app = await ctx.UserStore
.Where(us => us.ApplicationUserId == userId && us.Role == StoreRoles.Owner)
.SelectMany(us => us.StoreData.Apps.Where(a => a.Id == appId))
if (app == null)
return null;
if (type != null && type.Value.ToString() != app.AppType)
return null;
return app;
public async Task UpdateOrCreateApp(AppData app)
using (var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext())
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(app.Id))
app.Id = Encoders.Base58.EncodeData(RandomUtils.GetBytes(20));
app.Created = DateTimeOffset.Now;
await ctx.Apps.AddAsync(app);
ctx.Entry(app).Property(data => data.Created).IsModified = false;
ctx.Entry(app).Property(data => data.Id).IsModified = false;
ctx.Entry(app).Property(data => data.AppType).IsModified = false;
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
private static bool TryParseJson(string json, out JObject result)
result = null;
result = JObject.Parse(json);
return true;
return false;
public static bool TryParsePosCartItems(string posData, out Dictionary<string, int> cartItems)
cartItems = null;
if (!TryParseJson(posData, out var posDataObj) ||
!posDataObj.TryGetValue("cart", out var cartObject)) return false;
cartItems = cartObject.Select(token => (JObject)token)
.ToDictionary(o => o.GetValue("id", StringComparison.InvariantCulture).ToString(),
o => int.Parse(o.GetValue("count", StringComparison.InvariantCulture).ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ));
return true;