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synced 2025-03-12 19:02:01 +01:00
* TorServices Refactor to make value passing easier * Allow specifying Tor services through config Format: BTCPAY_TORSERVICES: "BTCPAYSERVER:URL.ONION:VIRTUALPORT;BTC-P2P:URL.ONION:VIRTUALPORT;BTC-RPC:URL.ONION:VIRTUALPORT;SOMEOTHERONIONSERVICE:URL.ONION:VIRTUALPORT" * add tests * Optimize Tor Services loader and ensure it is loaded as a hosted service * Remove Task from Tor service loader * Use options to parse Tor services * Fix booboo * Fix test after fixing booboo * Adding timeout on long running CanEnumeratetorServices test (cherry picked from commit 274b77e3175960158b803410037e2c7ff31984be) * Renaming timeout variable to better name * Only allow one of torrcfile or torservices Co-authored-by: Kukks <evilkukka@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: rockstardev <rockstardev@users.noreply.github.com>
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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using BTCPayServer.Logging;
using BTCPayServer.SSH;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using NBitcoin;
using Serilog.Events;
namespace BTCPayServer.Configuration
public class BTCPayServerOptions
public ChainName NetworkType
get; set;
public string ConfigurationFile
private set;
public string LogFile
private set;
public EndPoint SocksEndpoint { get; set; }
public bool DisableRegistration
private set;
public static string GetDebugLog(IConfiguration configuration)
var logfile = configuration.GetValue<string>("debuglog", null);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logfile))
if (!Path.IsPathRooted(logfile))
logfile = Path.Combine(new DataDirectories().Configure(configuration).DataDir, logfile);
return logfile;
public static LogEventLevel GetDebugLogLevel(IConfiguration configuration)
var raw = configuration.GetValue("debugloglevel", nameof(LogEventLevel.Debug));
return (LogEventLevel)Enum.Parse(typeof(LogEventLevel), raw, true);
public void LoadArgs(IConfiguration conf)
NetworkType = DefaultConfiguration.GetNetworkType(conf);
Logs.Configuration.LogInformation("Network: " + NetworkType.ToString());
if (conf.GetOrDefault<bool>("launchsettings", false) && NetworkType != ChainName.Regtest)
throw new ConfigException($"You need to run BTCPayServer with the run.sh or run.ps1 script");
BundleJsCss = conf.GetOrDefault<bool>("bundlejscss", true);
DockerDeployment = conf.GetOrDefault<bool>("dockerdeployment", true);
AllowAdminRegistration = conf.GetOrDefault<bool>("allow-admin-registration", false);
TorrcFile = conf.GetOrDefault<string>("torrcfile", null);
TorServices = conf.GetOrDefault<string>("torservices", null)
?.Split(new[] {';', ','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TorrcFile) && TorServices != null)
throw new ConfigException($"torrcfile or torservices should be provided, but not both");
var socksEndpointString = conf.GetOrDefault<string>("socksendpoint", null);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(socksEndpointString))
if (!Utils.TryParseEndpoint(socksEndpointString, 9050, out var endpoint))
throw new ConfigException("Invalid value for socksendpoint");
SocksEndpoint = endpoint;
UpdateUrl = conf.GetOrDefault<Uri>("updateurl", null);
var sshSettings = ParseSSHConfiguration(conf);
if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sshSettings.Password) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sshSettings.KeyFile)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sshSettings.Server))
int waitTime = 0;
while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sshSettings.KeyFile) && !File.Exists(sshSettings.KeyFile))
if (waitTime++ < 5)
throw new ConfigException($"sshkeyfile does not exist");
if (sshSettings.Port > ushort.MaxValue ||
sshSettings.Port < ushort.MinValue)
throw new ConfigException($"ssh port is invalid");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sshSettings.Password) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sshSettings.KeyFile))
throw new ConfigException($"sshpassword or sshkeyfile should be provided, but not both");
SSHSettings = sshSettings;
catch (NotSupportedException ex)
Logs.Configuration.LogWarning($"The SSH key is not supported ({ex.Message}), try to generate the key with ssh-keygen using \"-m PEM\". Skipping SSH configuration...");
throw new ConfigException($"sshkeyfilepassword is invalid");
var fingerPrints = conf.GetOrDefault<string>("sshtrustedfingerprints", "");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fingerPrints))
foreach (var fingerprint in fingerPrints.Split(';', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
if (!SSHFingerprint.TryParse(fingerprint, out var f))
throw new ConfigException($"Invalid ssh fingerprint format {fingerprint}");
RootPath = conf.GetOrDefault<string>("rootpath", "/");
if (!RootPath.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
RootPath = "/" + RootPath;
var old = conf.GetOrDefault<Uri>("internallightningnode", null);
if (old != null)
throw new ConfigException($"internallightningnode is deprecated and should not be used anymore, use btclightning instead");
LogFile = GetDebugLog(conf);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LogFile))
Logs.Configuration.LogInformation("LogFile: " + LogFile);
Logs.Configuration.LogInformation("Log Level: " + GetDebugLogLevel(conf));
DisableRegistration = conf.GetOrDefault<bool>("disable-registration", true);
PluginRemote = conf.GetOrDefault("plugin-remote", "btcpayserver/btcpayserver-plugins");
RecommendedPlugins = conf.GetOrDefault("recommended-plugins", "").ToLowerInvariant().Split('\r','\n','\t',' ').Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)).Distinct().ToArray();
public string PluginRemote { get; set; }
public string[] RecommendedPlugins { get; set; }
private SSHSettings ParseSSHConfiguration(IConfiguration conf)
var settings = new SSHSettings();
settings.Server = conf.GetOrDefault<string>("sshconnection", null);
if (settings.Server != null)
var parts = settings.Server.Split(':');
if (parts.Length == 2 && int.TryParse(parts[1], out int port))
settings.Port = port;
settings.Server = parts[0];
settings.Port = 22;
parts = settings.Server.Split('@');
if (parts.Length == 2)
settings.Username = parts[0];
settings.Server = parts[1];
settings.Username = "root";
settings.Password = conf.GetOrDefault<string>("sshpassword", "");
settings.KeyFile = conf.GetOrDefault<string>("sshkeyfile", "");
settings.AuthorizedKeysFile = conf.GetOrDefault<string>("sshauthorizedkeys", "");
settings.KeyFilePassword = conf.GetOrDefault<string>("sshkeyfilepassword", "");
return settings;
public string RootPath { get; set; }
public bool DockerDeployment { get; set; }
public bool BundleJsCss
public bool AllowAdminRegistration { get; set; }
public SSHSettings SSHSettings
public string TorrcFile { get; set; }
public string[] TorServices { get; set; }
public Uri UpdateUrl { get; set; }