using System; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net.WebSockets; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Data; using BTCPayServer.Events; using BTCPayServer.Models; using BTCPayServer.Models.StoreViewModels; using BTCPayServer.Payments; using BTCPayServer.Services; using LedgerWallet; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using NBitcoin; using NBXplorer.DerivationStrategy; using NBXplorer.Models; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using BTCPayServer.Logging; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using BTCPayServer.Client; namespace BTCPayServer.Controllers { public partial class StoresController { [HttpGet] [Route("{storeId}/derivations/{cryptoCode}")] public async Task AddDerivationScheme(string storeId, string cryptoCode) { var store = HttpContext.GetStoreData(); if (store == null) return NotFound(); var network = cryptoCode == null ? null : _ExplorerProvider.GetNetwork(cryptoCode); if (network == null) { return NotFound(); } DerivationSchemeViewModel vm = new DerivationSchemeViewModel(); vm.CryptoCode = cryptoCode; vm.RootKeyPath = network.GetRootKeyPath(); vm.Network = network; var derivation = GetExistingDerivationStrategy(vm.CryptoCode, store); if (derivation != null) { vm.DerivationScheme = derivation.AccountDerivation.ToString(); vm.Config = derivation.ToJson(); } vm.Enabled = !store.GetStoreBlob().IsExcluded(new PaymentMethodId(vm.CryptoCode, PaymentTypes.BTCLike)); vm.CanUseHotWallet = await CanUseHotWallet(); return View(vm); } class GetXPubs { public BitcoinExtPubKey ExtPubKey { get; set; } public DerivationStrategyBase DerivationScheme { get; set; } public HDFingerprint RootFingerprint { get; set; } public string Source { get; set; } } [HttpGet] [Route("{storeId}/derivations/{cryptoCode}/ledger/ws")] public async Task AddDerivationSchemeLedger( string storeId, string cryptoCode, string command, string keyPath = "") { if (!HttpContext.WebSockets.IsWebSocketRequest) return NotFound(); var webSocket = await HttpContext.WebSockets.AcceptWebSocketAsync(); var hw = new LedgerHardwareWalletService(webSocket); object result = null; var network = _NetworkProvider.GetNetwork(cryptoCode); using (var normalOperationTimeout = new CancellationTokenSource()) { normalOperationTimeout.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30)); try { if (command == "test") { result = await hw.Test(normalOperationTimeout.Token); } if (command == "getxpub") { var k = KeyPath.Parse(keyPath); if (k.Indexes.Length == 0) throw new FormatException("Invalid key path"); var getxpubResult = new GetXPubs(); getxpubResult.ExtPubKey = await hw.GetExtPubKey(network, k, normalOperationTimeout.Token); var segwit = network.NBitcoinNetwork.Consensus.SupportSegwit; var derivation = network.NBXplorerNetwork.DerivationStrategyFactory.CreateDirectDerivationStrategy(getxpubResult.ExtPubKey, new DerivationStrategyOptions() { ScriptPubKeyType = segwit ? ScriptPubKeyType.SegwitP2SH : ScriptPubKeyType.Legacy }); getxpubResult.DerivationScheme = derivation; getxpubResult.RootFingerprint = (await hw.GetExtPubKey(network, new KeyPath(), normalOperationTimeout.Token)).ExtPubKey.PubKey.GetHDFingerPrint(); getxpubResult.Source = hw.Device; result = getxpubResult; } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { result = new LedgerTestResult() { Success = false, Error = "Timeout" }; } catch (Exception ex) { result = new LedgerTestResult() { Success = false, Error = ex.Message }; } finally { hw.Dispose(); } try { if (result != null) { UTF8Encoding UTF8NOBOM = new UTF8Encoding(false); var bytes = UTF8NOBOM.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, network.NBXplorerNetwork.JsonSerializerSettings)); using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(2000); await webSocket.SendAsync(new ArraySegment(bytes), WebSocketMessageType.Text, true, cts.Token); } } catch { } finally { await webSocket.CloseSocket(); } } return new EmptyResult(); } private DerivationSchemeSettings GetExistingDerivationStrategy(string cryptoCode, StoreData store) { var id = new PaymentMethodId(cryptoCode, PaymentTypes.BTCLike); var existing = store.GetSupportedPaymentMethods(_NetworkProvider) .OfType() .FirstOrDefault(d => d.PaymentId == id); return existing; } [HttpPost] [Route("{storeId}/derivations/{cryptoCode}")] [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] public async Task AddDerivationScheme(string storeId, [FromForm] DerivationSchemeViewModel vm, string cryptoCode) { vm.CryptoCode = cryptoCode; var store = HttpContext.GetStoreData(); if (store == null) return NotFound(); var network = cryptoCode == null ? null : _ExplorerProvider.GetNetwork(cryptoCode); if (network == null) { return NotFound(); } vm.Network = network; vm.RootKeyPath = network.GetRootKeyPath(); DerivationSchemeSettings strategy = null; var wallet = _WalletProvider.GetWallet(network); if (wallet == null) { return NotFound(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.Config)) { if (!DerivationSchemeSettings.TryParseFromJson(vm.Config, network, out strategy)) { TempData.SetStatusMessageModel(new StatusMessageModel() { Severity = StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Error, Message = "Config file was not in the correct format" }); vm.Confirmation = false; return View(nameof(AddDerivationScheme),vm); } } if (vm.ColdcardPublicFile != null) { if (!DerivationSchemeSettings.TryParseFromColdcard(await ReadAllText(vm.ColdcardPublicFile), network, out strategy)) { TempData.SetStatusMessageModel(new StatusMessageModel() { Severity = StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Error, Message = "Coldcard public file was not in the correct format" }); vm.Confirmation = false; return View(nameof(AddDerivationScheme),vm); } } else { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.DerivationScheme)) { var newStrategy = ParseDerivationStrategy(vm.DerivationScheme, null, network); if (newStrategy.AccountDerivation != strategy?.AccountDerivation) { var accountKey = string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.AccountKey) ? null : new BitcoinExtPubKey(vm.AccountKey, network.NBitcoinNetwork); if (accountKey != null) { var accountSettings = newStrategy.AccountKeySettings.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AccountKey == accountKey); if (accountSettings != null) { accountSettings.AccountKeyPath = vm.KeyPath == null ? null : KeyPath.Parse(vm.KeyPath); accountSettings.RootFingerprint = string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.RootFingerprint) ? (HDFingerprint?)null : new HDFingerprint(NBitcoin.DataEncoders.Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(vm.RootFingerprint)); } } strategy = newStrategy; strategy.Source = vm.Source; vm.DerivationScheme = strategy.AccountDerivation.ToString(); } } else { strategy = null; } } catch { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.DerivationScheme), "Invalid Derivation Scheme"); vm.Confirmation = false; return View(nameof(AddDerivationScheme),vm); } } var oldConfig = vm.Config; vm.Config = strategy == null ? null : strategy.ToJson(); PaymentMethodId paymentMethodId = new PaymentMethodId(network.CryptoCode, PaymentTypes.BTCLike); var exisingStrategy = store.GetSupportedPaymentMethods(_NetworkProvider) .Where(c => c.PaymentId == paymentMethodId) .OfType() .FirstOrDefault(); var storeBlob = store.GetStoreBlob(); var wasExcluded = storeBlob.GetExcludedPaymentMethods().Match(paymentMethodId); var willBeExcluded = !vm.Enabled; var showAddress = // Show addresses if: // - If the user is testing the hint address in confirmation screen (vm.Confirmation && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vm.HintAddress)) || // - The user is clicking on continue after changing the config (!vm.Confirmation && oldConfig != vm.Config) || // - The user is clickingon continue without changing config nor enabling/disabling (!vm.Confirmation && oldConfig == vm.Config && willBeExcluded == wasExcluded); showAddress = showAddress && strategy != null; if (!showAddress) { try { if (strategy != null) await wallet.TrackAsync(strategy.AccountDerivation); store.SetSupportedPaymentMethod(paymentMethodId, strategy); storeBlob.SetExcluded(paymentMethodId, willBeExcluded); store.SetStoreBlob(storeBlob); } catch { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.DerivationScheme), "Invalid Derivation Scheme"); return View(vm); } await _Repo.UpdateStore(store); _EventAggregator.Publish(new WalletChangedEvent() { WalletId = new WalletId(storeId, cryptoCode) }); if (willBeExcluded != wasExcluded) { var label = willBeExcluded ? "disabled" : "enabled"; TempData[WellKnownTempData.SuccessMessage] = $"On-Chain payments for {network.CryptoCode} has been {label}."; } else { TempData[WellKnownTempData.SuccessMessage] = $"Derivation settings for {network.CryptoCode} has been modified."; } return RedirectToAction(nameof(UpdateStore), new { storeId = storeId }); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.HintAddress)) { BitcoinAddress address = null; try { address = BitcoinAddress.Create(vm.HintAddress, network.NBitcoinNetwork); } catch { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.HintAddress), "Invalid hint address"); return ShowAddresses(vm, strategy); } try { var newStrategy = ParseDerivationStrategy(vm.DerivationScheme, address.ScriptPubKey, network); if (newStrategy.AccountDerivation != strategy.AccountDerivation) { strategy.AccountDerivation = newStrategy.AccountDerivation; strategy.AccountOriginal = null; } } catch { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.HintAddress), "Impossible to find a match with this address"); return ShowAddresses(vm, strategy); } vm.HintAddress = ""; TempData[WellKnownTempData.SuccessMessage] = "Address successfully found, please verify that the rest is correct and click on \"Confirm\""; ModelState.Remove(nameof(vm.HintAddress)); ModelState.Remove(nameof(vm.DerivationScheme)); } return ShowAddresses(vm, strategy); } [HttpPost] [Route("{storeId}/derivations/{cryptoCode}/generatenbxwallet")] public async Task GenerateNBXWallet(string storeId, string cryptoCode, GenerateWalletRequest request) { Logs.Events.LogInformation($"GenerateNBXWallet called {storeId}, {cryptoCode}, {request.ToJson()}"); if (!await CanUseHotWallet()) { return NotFound(); } Logs.Events.LogInformation($"GenerateNBXWallet after CanUseHotWallet"); var network = _NetworkProvider.GetNetwork(cryptoCode); var client = _ExplorerProvider.GetExplorerClient(cryptoCode); var response = await client.GenerateWalletAsync(request); if (response == null) { TempData.SetStatusMessageModel(new StatusMessageModel() { Severity = StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Error, Html = "There was an error generating your wallet. Is your node available?" }); return RedirectToAction("AddDerivationScheme", new {storeId, cryptoCode}); } Logs.Events.LogInformation($"GenerateNBXWallet after GenerateWalletAsync"); var store = HttpContext.GetStoreData(); var result = await AddDerivationScheme(storeId, new DerivationSchemeViewModel() { Confirmation = false, Network = network, RootFingerprint = response.AccountKeyPath.MasterFingerprint.ToString(), RootKeyPath = network.GetRootKeyPath(), CryptoCode = cryptoCode, DerivationScheme = response.DerivationScheme.ToString(), Source = "NBXplorer", AccountKey = response.AccountHDKey.Neuter().ToWif(), DerivationSchemeFormat = "BTCPay", KeyPath = response.AccountKeyPath.KeyPath.ToString(), Enabled = !store.GetStoreBlob() .IsExcluded(new PaymentMethodId(cryptoCode, PaymentTypes.BTCLike)) }, cryptoCode); TempData.SetStatusMessageModel(new StatusMessageModel() { Severity = StatusMessageModel.StatusSeverity.Success, Html = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.ExistingMnemonic) ? "Your wallet has been imported." : $"Your wallet has been generated. Please store your seed securely!
{response.Mnemonic}" }); Logs.Events.LogInformation($"GenerateNBXWallet returning success result"); return result; } private async Task CanUseHotWallet() { var isAdmin = (await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, Policies.CanModifyServerSettings)).Succeeded; if (isAdmin) return true; var policies = await _settingsRepository.GetSettingAsync(); return policies?.AllowHotWalletForAll is true; } private async Task ReadAllText(IFormFile file) { using (var stream = new StreamReader(file.OpenReadStream())) { return await stream.ReadToEndAsync(); } } private IActionResult ShowAddresses(DerivationSchemeViewModel vm, DerivationSchemeSettings strategy) { vm.DerivationScheme = strategy.AccountDerivation.ToString(); var deposit = new NBXplorer.KeyPathTemplates(null).GetKeyPathTemplate(DerivationFeature.Deposit); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.DerivationScheme)) { var line = strategy.AccountDerivation.GetLineFor(deposit); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var keyPath = deposit.GetKeyPath((uint)i); var rootedKeyPath = vm.GetAccountKeypath()?.Derive(keyPath); var derivation = line.Derive((uint)i); var address = strategy.Network.NBXplorerNetwork.CreateAddress(strategy.AccountDerivation, line.KeyPathTemplate.GetKeyPath((uint)i), derivation.ScriptPubKey).ToString(); vm.AddressSamples.Add((keyPath.ToString(), address, rootedKeyPath)); } } vm.Confirmation = true; ModelState.Remove(nameof(vm.Config)); // Remove the cached value return View(nameof(AddDerivationScheme),vm); } } }