@using BTCPayServer.Components.QRCode @using BTCPayServer.Migrations @using BTCPayServer.TagHelpers @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers @model EnableAuthenticatorViewModel @{ ViewData.SetActivePage(ManageNavPages.TwoFactorAuthentication, StringLocalizer["Enable Authenticator App"]); }

To use an authenticator app go through the following steps:

  1. Download a two-factor authenticator app like …
    • @ViewLocalizer["{0} for {1} or {2}", "Authy", new HtmlString("Android"), new HtmlString("iOS")]
    • @ViewLocalizer["{0} for {1} or {2}", "Microsoft Authenticator", new HtmlString("Android"), new HtmlString("iOS")]
    • @ViewLocalizer["{0} for {1} or {2}", "Google Authenticator", new HtmlString("Android"), new HtmlString("iOS")]
  2. Scan the QR Code or enter the following key into your two-factor authenticator app:

  3. Your two-factor authenticator app will provide you with a unique code.
    Enter the code in the confirmation box below.

@section PageFootContent { }