@using BTCPayServer.Views.Server @using BTCPayServer.Views.Stores @using BTCPayServer.Views.Apps @using BTCPayServer.Views.Invoice @using BTCPayServer.Views.Manage @using BTCPayServer.Views.PaymentRequest @using BTCPayServer.Views.Wallets @using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Contracts @using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Extensions @inject SignInManager SignInManager @inject UserManager UserManager @inject RoleManager RoleManager @inject BTCPayServer.Services.BTCPayServerEnvironment Env @inject ISettingsRepository SettingsRepository @inject LinkGenerator linkGenerator @{ var theme = await SettingsRepository.GetTheme(); } @functions { // The .NET function for inserting classes requires this to be async // ReSharper disable once CSharpWarnings::CS1998 #pragma warning disable CS1998 private async Task Logo(string classes = "") { @if (Env.NetworkType != NBitcoin.ChainName.Mainnet) { @Env.NetworkType.ToString() } } #pragma warning restore CS1998 } @await RenderSectionAsync("PageHeadContent", false) @{ if (ViewBag.AlwaysShrinkNavBar == null) { ViewBag.AlwaysShrinkNavBar = true; } var additionalStyle = ViewBag.AlwaysShrinkNavBar ? "navbar-shrink always-shrinked" : ""; } @RenderBody() @if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { } @await RenderSectionAsync("PageFootContent", false) @{ var notificationDisabled = (await SettingsRepository.GetPolicies()).DisableInstantNotifications; if (!notificationDisabled) { var user = await UserManager.GetUserAsync(User); notificationDisabled = user?.DisabledNotifications == "all"; } } @if (!notificationDisabled) { }