using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; namespace BTCPayServer.Rating { public class ExchangeRates : IEnumerable { readonly Dictionary _AllRates = new Dictionary(); public ExchangeRates() { } public ExchangeRates(string exchangeName, IEnumerable rates) { foreach (var rate in rates) { Add(new ExchangeRate(exchangeName, rate.CurrencyPair, rate.BidAsk)); } } public ExchangeRates(IEnumerable rates) { foreach (var rate in rates) { Add(rate); } } readonly List _Rates = new List(); public MultiValueDictionary ByExchange { get; private set; } = new MultiValueDictionary(); public void Add(ExchangeRate rate) { // 1 DOGE is always 1 DOGE if (rate.CurrencyPair.Left == rate.CurrencyPair.Right) return; var key = $"({rate.Exchange}) {rate.CurrencyPair}"; if (_AllRates.TryAdd(key, rate)) { _Rates.Add(rate); ByExchange.Add(rate.Exchange, rate); } else { if (rate.BidAsk != null) { _AllRates[key].BidAsk = rate.BidAsk; } } } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return _Rates.GetEnumerator(); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } public void SetRate(string exchangeName, CurrencyPair currencyPair, BidAsk bidAsk) { if (ByExchange.TryGetValue(exchangeName, out var rates)) { var rate = rates.FirstOrDefault(r => r.CurrencyPair == currencyPair); if (rate != null) { rate.BidAsk = bidAsk; } var invPair = currencyPair.Inverse(); var invRate = rates.FirstOrDefault(r => r.CurrencyPair == invPair); if (invRate != null) { invRate.BidAsk = bidAsk?.Inverse(); } } } public BidAsk GetRate(string exchangeName, CurrencyPair currencyPair) { if (currencyPair.Left == currencyPair.Right) return BidAsk.One; if (ByExchange.TryGetValue(exchangeName, out var rates)) { var rate = rates.FirstOrDefault(r => r.CurrencyPair == currencyPair); if (rate != null) return rate.BidAsk; } return null; } } public class BidAsk { private readonly static BidAsk _One = new BidAsk(1.0m); public static BidAsk One { get { return _One; } } private readonly static BidAsk _Zero = new BidAsk(0.0m); public static BidAsk Zero { get { return _Zero; } } public BidAsk(decimal bid, decimal ask) { if (bid > ask) throw new ArgumentException("the bid should be lower than ask", nameof(bid)); _Ask = ask; _Bid = bid; } public BidAsk(decimal v) : this(v, v) { } private readonly decimal _Bid; public decimal Bid { get { return _Bid; } } private readonly decimal _Ask; public decimal Ask { get { return _Ask; } } public decimal Center => (Ask + Bid) / 2.0m; public BidAsk Inverse() { return new BidAsk(1.0m / Ask, 1.0m / Bid); } public static BidAsk operator +(BidAsk a, BidAsk b) { return new BidAsk(a.Bid + b.Bid, a.Ask + b.Ask); } public static BidAsk operator +(BidAsk a) { return new BidAsk(a.Bid, a.Ask); } public static BidAsk operator -(BidAsk a) { return new BidAsk(-a.Bid, -a.Ask); } public static BidAsk operator *(BidAsk a, BidAsk b) { return new BidAsk(a.Bid * b.Bid, a.Ask * b.Ask); } public static BidAsk operator /(BidAsk a, BidAsk b) { // This one is tricky. // BTC_EUR = (6000, 6100) // Implicit rule give // EUR_BTC = 1 / BTC_EUR // Or // EUR_BTC = (1, 1) / BTC_EUR // Naive calculation would give us ( 1/6000, 1/6100) = (0.000166, 0.000163) // However, this is an invalid BidAsk!!! because 0.000166 > 0.000163 // So instead, we need to calculate (1/6100, 1/6000) return new BidAsk(a.Bid / b.Ask, a.Ask / b.Bid); } public static BidAsk operator -(BidAsk a, BidAsk b) { return new BidAsk(a.Bid - b.Bid, a.Ask - b.Ask); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { BidAsk item = obj as BidAsk; if (item == null) return false; return Bid == item.Bid && Ask == item.Ask; } public static bool operator ==(BidAsk a, BidAsk b) { if (System.Object.ReferenceEquals(a, b)) return true; if (((object)a == null) || ((object)b == null)) return false; return a.Bid == b.Bid && a.Ask == b.Ask; } public static bool operator !=(BidAsk a, BidAsk b) { return !(a == b); } public override int GetHashCode() { return ToString().GetHashCode(StringComparison.InvariantCulture); } public override string ToString() { if (Bid == Ask) return Bid.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); return $"({Bid.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} , {Ask.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)})"; } } public class PairRate { public PairRate(CurrencyPair currencyPair, BidAsk bidAsk) { if (currencyPair == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(currencyPair)); if (bidAsk == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bidAsk)); this.CurrencyPair = currencyPair; this.BidAsk = bidAsk; } public CurrencyPair CurrencyPair { get; } public BidAsk BidAsk { get; } public override string ToString() { return $"{CurrencyPair} == {BidAsk}"; } } public class ExchangeRate { public ExchangeRate() { } public ExchangeRate(string exchange, CurrencyPair currencyPair, BidAsk bidAsk) { this.Exchange = exchange; this.CurrencyPair = currencyPair; this.BidAsk = bidAsk; } public string Exchange { get; set; } public CurrencyPair CurrencyPair { get; set; } public BidAsk BidAsk { get; set; } public override string ToString() { if (BidAsk == null) return $"{Exchange}({CurrencyPair})"; return $"{Exchange}({CurrencyPair}) == {BidAsk.ToString()}"; } } }