using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using System.Linq; using BTCPayServer.Client.Models; using BTCPayServer.Data; using BTCPayServer.Payments; using BTCPayServer.Services; using BTCPayServer.Services.Invoices; using BTCPayServer.Services.Rates; using BTCPayServer.Validation; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using PaymentRequestData = BTCPayServer.Data.PaymentRequestData; namespace BTCPayServer.Models.PaymentRequestViewModels { public class ListPaymentRequestsViewModel : BasePagingViewModel { public List Items { get; set; } public override int CurrentPageCount => Items.Count; public SearchString Search { get; set; } public string SearchText { get; set; } } public class UpdatePaymentRequestViewModel { public UpdatePaymentRequestViewModel() { } public UpdatePaymentRequestViewModel(PaymentRequestData data) { if (data == null) { return; } Id = data.Id; StoreId = data.StoreDataId; Archived = data.Archived; var blob = data.GetBlob(); FormId = blob.FormId; Title = blob.Title; Amount = blob.Amount; Currency = blob.Currency; Description = blob.Description; ExpiryDate = blob.ExpiryDate?.UtcDateTime; Email = blob.Email; CustomCSSLink = blob.CustomCSSLink; EmbeddedCSS = blob.EmbeddedCSS; AllowCustomPaymentAmounts = blob.AllowCustomPaymentAmounts; FormResponse = blob.FormResponse is null ? null : blob.FormResponse.ToObject>(); } [Display(Name = "Request customer data on checkout")] public string FormId { get; set; } public bool Archived { get; set; } public string Id { get; set; } [Required] public string StoreId { get; set; } [Required] [Range(double.Epsilon, double.PositiveInfinity, ErrorMessage = "Please provide an amount greater than 0")] public decimal Amount { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Currency")] public string Currency { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Expiration Date")] public DateTime? ExpiryDate { get; set; } [Required] public string Title { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Memo")] public string Description { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Store")] public SelectList Stores { get; set; } [MailboxAddress] public string Email { get; set; } [MaxLength(500)] [Display(Name = "Custom CSS URL")] public string CustomCSSLink { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Custom CSS Code")] public string EmbeddedCSS { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Allow payee to create invoices with custom amounts")] public bool AllowCustomPaymentAmounts { get; set; } public Dictionary FormResponse { get; set; } public bool AmountAndCurrencyEditable { get; set; } = true; public bool? HasEmailRules { get; set; } } public class ViewPaymentRequestViewModel { public ViewPaymentRequestViewModel(PaymentRequestData data) { Id = data.Id; StoreId = data.StoreDataId; var blob = data.GetBlob(); Archived = data.Archived; Title = blob.Title; Amount = blob.Amount; Currency = blob.Currency; Description = blob.Description; ExpiryDate = blob.ExpiryDate?.UtcDateTime; Email = blob.Email; EmbeddedCSS = blob.EmbeddedCSS; CustomCSSLink = blob.CustomCSSLink; AllowCustomPaymentAmounts = blob.AllowCustomPaymentAmounts; switch (data.Status) { case Client.Models.PaymentRequestData.PaymentRequestStatus.Pending: Status = "Pending"; IsPending = true; break; case Client.Models.PaymentRequestData.PaymentRequestStatus.Processing: Status = "Processing"; break; case Client.Models.PaymentRequestData.PaymentRequestStatus.Completed: Status = "Settled"; break; case Client.Models.PaymentRequestData.PaymentRequestStatus.Expired: Status = "Expired"; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } public StoreBrandingViewModel StoreBranding { get; set; } public bool AllowCustomPaymentAmounts { get; set; } public string Email { get; set; } public string Status { get; set; } public bool IsPending { get; set; } public decimal AmountCollected { get; set; } public decimal AmountDue { get; set; } public string AmountDueFormatted { get; set; } public decimal Amount { get; set; } public string Id { get; set; } public string StoreId { get; set; } public string Currency { get; set; } public DateTime? ExpiryDate { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public string StoreName { get; set; } public string StoreWebsite { get; set; } public string EmbeddedCSS { get; set; } public string CustomCSSLink { get; set; } #nullable enable public class InvoiceList : List { static HashSet stateAllowedToDisplay = new HashSet { new InvoiceState(InvoiceStatusLegacy.New, InvoiceExceptionStatus.None), new InvoiceState(InvoiceStatusLegacy.New, InvoiceExceptionStatus.PaidPartial), }; public InvoiceList() { } public InvoiceList(IEnumerable collection) : base(collection) { } public PaymentRequestInvoice? GetReusableInvoice(decimal? amount) { return this .Where(i => amount is null || amount.Value == i.Amount) .FirstOrDefault(invoice => stateAllowedToDisplay.Contains(invoice.State)); } } #nullable restore public InvoiceList Invoices { get; set; } = new InvoiceList(); public DateTime LastUpdated { get; set; } public CurrencyData CurrencyData { get; set; } public string AmountCollectedFormatted { get; set; } public string AmountFormatted { get; set; } public bool AnyPendingInvoice { get; set; } public bool PendingInvoiceHasPayments { get; set; } public string HubPath { get; set; } public bool Archived { get; set; } public string FormId { get; set; } public bool FormSubmitted { get; set; } public class PaymentRequestInvoice { public string Id { get; set; } public DateTime ExpiryDate { get; set; } public decimal Amount { get; set; } public string AmountFormatted { get; set; } public InvoiceState State { get; set; } public InvoiceStatusLegacy Status { get; set; } public string StateFormatted { get; set; } public List Payments { get; set; } public string Currency { get; set; } } public class PaymentRequestInvoicePayment { public static List GetViewModels( InvoiceEntity invoice, DisplayFormatter displayFormatter, TransactionLinkProviders txLinkProvider) { return invoice .GetPayments(true) .Select(paymentEntity => { var paymentData = paymentEntity.GetCryptoPaymentData(); var paymentMethodId = paymentEntity.GetPaymentMethodId(); if (paymentData is null || paymentMethodId is null) { return null; } string txId = paymentData.GetPaymentId(); string link = txLinkProvider.GetTransactionLink(paymentMethodId, txId); return new ViewPaymentRequestViewModel.PaymentRequestInvoicePayment { Amount = paymentEntity.PaidAmount.Gross, Paid = paymentEntity.InvoicePaidAmount.Net, ReceivedDate = paymentEntity.ReceivedTime.DateTime, AmountFormatted = displayFormatter.Currency(paymentEntity.PaidAmount.Gross, paymentEntity.PaidAmount.Currency), PaidFormatted = displayFormatter.Currency(paymentEntity.InvoicePaidAmount.Net, invoice.Currency, DisplayFormatter.CurrencyFormat.Symbol), RateFormatted = displayFormatter.Currency(paymentEntity.Rate, invoice.Currency, DisplayFormatter.CurrencyFormat.Symbol), PaymentMethod = paymentMethodId.ToPrettyString(), Link = link, Id = txId, Destination = paymentData.GetDestination(), PaymentProof = paymentData.GetPaymentProof(), PaymentType = paymentData.GetPaymentType() }; }) .Where(payment => payment != null) .ToList(); } public string PaymentMethod { get; set; } public decimal Amount { get; set; } public string AmountFormatted { get; set; } public string RateFormatted { get; set; } public decimal Paid { get; set; } public string PaidFormatted { get; set; } public DateTime ReceivedDate { get; set; } public string Link { get; set; } public string Id { get; set; } public string Destination { get; set; } public string PaymentProof { get; set; } public PaymentType PaymentType { get; set; } } } }