using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema; using System.IO.Compression; using System.IO; using System.Text; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using System.Linq; using System.Globalization; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Diagnostics; using BTCPayServer.Migrations; using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.Binders; namespace BTCPayServer.Data { public partial class InvoiceData { /// /// We have a migration running in the background that will migrate the data from the old blob to the new blob /// Meanwhile, we need to make sure that invoices which haven't been migrated yet are migrated on the fly. /// public class MigrationInterceptor : IMaterializationInterceptor { public static readonly MigrationInterceptor Instance = new MigrationInterceptor(); public object InitializedInstance(MaterializationInterceptionData materializationData, object entity) { if (entity is InvoiceData invoiceData && invoiceData.Currency is null) { invoiceData.Migrate(); } else if (entity is PaymentData paymentData && paymentData.Currency is null) { paymentData.Migrate(); } return entity; } } static HashSet superflousProperties = new HashSet() { "availableAddressHashes", "events", "refunds", "paidAmount", "historicalAddresses", "refundable", "status", "exceptionStatus", "storeId", "id", "txFee", "refundMail", "rate", "depositAddress", "currency", "price", "payments", "orderId", "buyerInformation", "productInformation", "derivationStrategy", "archived", "isUnderPaid", "requiresRefundEmail", "invoiceTime", "checkoutType", "customLogo", "customCSS" }; #pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete public void Migrate() { if (Currency is not null) return; if (Blob is not (null or { Length: 0 })) { Blob2 = MigrationExtensions.Unzip(Blob); Blob = null; } var blob = JObject.Parse(Blob2); if (blob["cryptoData"]?["BTC"] is not (null or { Type: JTokenType.Null })) { blob.Move(["rate"], ["cryptoData", "BTC", "rate"]); blob.Move(["txFee"], ["cryptoData", "BTC", "txFee"]); } blob.Move(["customerEmail"], ["metadata", "buyerEmail"]); foreach (var prop in (blob["cryptoData"] as JObject)?.Properties()?.ToList() ?? []) { // We should only change data for onchain if (prop.Name.Contains('_', StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (prop.Value is JObject pm) { pm.Remove("depositAddress"); pm.Remove("feeRate"); pm.Remove("txFee"); } continue; } if (prop.Value is JObject o) { o.ConvertNumberToString("rate"); if (o["paymentMethod"] is JObject pm) { if (pm["networkFeeRate"] is null) pm["networkFeeRate"] = o["feeRate"] ?? 0.0m; if (pm["networkFeeMode"] is JValue { Type: JTokenType.Integer, Value: 0 or 0L }) pm.Remove("networkFeeMode"); if (pm["networkFeeMode"] is JValue { Type: JTokenType.Integer, Value: 2 or 2L }) pm["networkFeeRate"] = 0.0m; } } } var metadata = blob.Property("metadata")?.Value as JObject; if (metadata is null) { metadata = new JObject(); blob.Add("metadata", metadata); } foreach (var prop in (blob["buyerInformation"] as JObject)?.Properties()?.ToList() ?? []) { if (prop.Value?.Value() is not null) blob.Move(["buyerInformation", prop.Name], ["metadata", prop.Name]); } foreach (var prop in (blob["productInformation"] as JObject)?.Properties()?.ToList() ?? []) { if (prop.Name is "price" or "currency") blob.Move(["productInformation", prop.Name], [prop.Name]); else if (prop.Value?.Value() is not null) blob.Move(["productInformation", prop.Name], ["metadata", prop.Name]); } blob.Move(["orderId"], ["metadata", "orderId"]); foreach (string prop in new string[] { "posData", "defaultLanguage", "notificationEmail", "notificationURL", "storeSupportUrl", "redirectURL" }) { blob.RemoveIfNull(prop); } blob.RemoveIfValue("fullNotifications", false); if (blob["receiptOptions"] is JObject receiptOptions) { foreach (string prop in new string[] { "showQR", "enabled", "showPayments" }) { receiptOptions.RemoveIfNull(prop); } } { if (blob.Property("paymentTolerance") is JProperty { Value: { Type: JTokenType.Float } pv } prop) { if (pv.Value() == 0.0m) prop.Remove(); } } var posData = blob.Move(["posData"], ["metadata", "posData"]); if (posData is not null && posData.Value?.Type is JTokenType.String) { try { posData.Value = JObject.Parse(posData.Value()); } catch { posData.Remove(); } } if (posData?.Type is JTokenType.Null) posData.Remove(); if (blob["derivationStrategies"] is JValue { Type: JTokenType.String } v) blob["derivationStrategies"] = JObject.Parse(v.Value()); if (blob["derivationStrategies"] is JObject derivations) { foreach (var prop in derivations.Properties().ToList()) { // We should only change data for onchain if (prop.Name.Contains('_', StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) continue; if (prop.Value is JValue { Type: JTokenType.String, Value: String { Length: > 0 } val }) { if (val[0] == '{') derivations[prop.Name] = JObject.Parse(val); else { if (val.Contains('-', StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) derivations[prop.Name] = new JObject() { ["accountDerivation"] = val }; else derivations[prop.Name] = null; } } if (prop.Value is JObject derivation) { derivations[prop.Name] = derivation["accountDerivation"]; } } } if (blob["derivationStrategies"] is null && blob["derivationStrategy"] is not null) { // If it's NBX derivation strategy, keep it. Else just give up, it might be Electrum format and we shouldn't support // that anymore in the backend for long... if (blob["derivationStrategy"]?.Value().Contains('-', StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) is true) blob.Move(["derivationStrategy"], ["derivationStrategies", "BTC"]); else { blob.Remove("derivationStrategy"); blob.Add("derivationStrategies", new JObject() { ["BTC"] = null }); } } if (blob["type"]?.Value() is "Standard") blob.Remove("type"); foreach (var prop in new string[] { "extendedNotifications", "lazyPaymentMethods", "lazyPaymentMethods", "redirectAutomatically" }) { if (blob[prop]?.Value() is false) blob.Remove(prop); } blob.ConvertNumberToString("price"); Currency = blob["currency"].Value(); var isTopup = blob["type"]?.Value() is "TopUp"; var amount = decimal.Parse(blob["price"].Value(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Amount = isTopup && amount == 0 ? null : decimal.Parse(blob["price"].Value(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); CustomerEmail = null; foreach (var prop in superflousProperties) blob.Property(prop)?.Remove(); if (blob["speedPolicy"] is JValue { Type: JTokenType.Integer, Value: 0 or 0L }) blob.Remove("speedPolicy"); blob.TryAdd("internalTags", new JArray()); blob.TryAdd("receiptOptions", new JObject()); foreach (var prop in ((JObject)blob["cryptoData"]).Properties()) { if (prop.Name.EndsWith("_LightningLike", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || prop.Name.EndsWith("_LNURLPAY", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (prop.Value["paymentMethod"]?["PaymentHash"] is JObject) prop.Value["paymentMethod"]["PaymentHash"] = JValue.CreateNull(); if (prop.Value["paymentMethod"]?["Preimage"] is JObject) prop.Value["paymentMethod"]["Preimage"] = JValue.CreateNull(); } } foreach (var prop in ((JObject)blob["cryptoData"]).Properties()) { var crypto = prop.Name.Split(['_', '-']).First(); if (blob.Move(["cryptoData", prop.Name, "rate"], ["rates", crypto]) is not null) ((JObject)blob["rates"]).ConvertNumberToString(crypto); } blob.Move(["cryptoData"], ["prompts"]); var prompts = ((JObject)blob["prompts"]); foreach (var prop in prompts.Properties().ToList()) { ((JObject)blob["prompts"]).RenameProperty(prop.Name, MigrationExtensions.MigratePaymentMethodId(prop.Name)); } blob["derivationStrategies"] = blob["derivationStrategies"] ?? new JObject(); foreach (var prop in ((JObject)blob["derivationStrategies"]).Properties().ToList()) { ((JObject)blob["derivationStrategies"]).RenameProperty(prop.Name, MigrationExtensions.MigratePaymentMethodId(prop.Name)); } foreach (var prop in prompts.Properties()) { var prompt = prop.Value as JObject; if (prompt is null) continue; prompt["currency"] = prop.Name.Split('-').First(); prompt.RemoveIfNull("depositAddress"); prompt.RemoveIfNull("txFee"); prompt.RemoveIfNull("feeRate"); prompt.RenameProperty("depositAddress", "destination"); prompt.RenameProperty("txFee", "paymentMethodFee"); var divisibility = MigrationExtensions.GetDivisibility(prop.Name); prompt.Add("divisibility", divisibility); if (prompt["paymentMethodFee"] is { Type: JTokenType.Integer } paymentMethodFee) { prompt["paymentMethodFee"] = ((decimal)paymentMethodFee.Value() / (decimal)Math.Pow(10, divisibility)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); prompt.RemoveIfValue("paymentMethodFee", "0"); } prompt.Move(["paymentMethod"], ["details"]); prompt.Move(["feeRate"], ["details", "recommendedFeeRate"]); prompt.Move(["details", "networkFeeRate"], ["details", "paymentMethodFeeRate"]); prompt.Move(["details", "networkFeeMode"], ["details", "feeMode"]); if ((prompt["details"]?["Activated"])?.Value() is bool activated) { ((JObject)prompt["details"]).Remove("Activated"); prompt["inactive"] = !activated; prompt.RemoveIfValue("inactive", false); } if ((prompt["details"]?["activated"])?.Value() is bool activated2) { ((JObject)prompt["details"]).Remove("activated"); prompt["inactive"] = !activated2; prompt.RemoveIfValue("inactive", false); } var details = prompt["details"] as JObject ?? new JObject(); details.RemoveIfValue("payjoinEnabled", false); details.RemoveIfNull("feeMode"); if (details["feeMode"] is not (null or { Type: JTokenType.Null })) { details["feeMode"] = details["feeMode"].Value() switch { 1 => "Always", 2 => "Never", _ => null }; details.RemoveIfNull("feeMode"); } details.RemoveIfNull("BOLT11"); details.RemoveIfNull("address"); details.RemoveIfNull("Address"); prompt.Move(["details", "BOLT11"], ["destination"]); prompt.Move(["details", "address"], ["destination"]); prompt.Move(["details", "Address"], ["destination"]); prompt.RenameProperty("Address", "destination"); prompt.RenameProperty("BOLT11", "destination"); details.Remove("LightningSupportedPaymentMethod"); foreach (var o in detailsRemoveDefault) details.RemoveIfNull(o); details.RemoveIfValue("recommendedFeeRate", 0.0m); details.RemoveIfValue("paymentMethodFeeRate", 0.0m); if (prop.Name.EndsWith("-CHAIN")) blob.Move(["derivationStrategies", prop.Name], ["prompts", prop.Name, "details", "accountDerivation"]); var camel = new CamelCaseNamingStrategy(); foreach (var p in details.Properties().ToList()) { var camelName = camel.GetPropertyName(p.Name, false); if (camelName != p.Name) details.RenameProperty(p.Name, camelName); } } if (blob["defaultPaymentMethod"] is not (null or { Type : JTokenType.Null })) blob["defaultPaymentMethod"] = MigrationExtensions.MigratePaymentMethodId(blob["defaultPaymentMethod"].Value()); blob.Remove("derivationStrategies"); Status = Status switch { "new" => "New", "paid" => "Processing", "complete" or "confirmed" => "Settled", "expired" => "Expired", null or "invalid" => "Invalid", _ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Unknown Status for invoice ({Status})") }; ExceptionStatus = ExceptionStatus switch { "marked" => "Marked", "paidLate" => "PaidLate", "paidPartial" => "PaidPartial", "paidOver" => "PaidOver", null or "" => "", _ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Unknown ExceptionStatus for invoice ({ExceptionStatus})") }; blob["version"] = 3; Blob2 = blob.ToString(Formatting.None); } static string[] detailsRemoveDefault = [ "paymentMethodFeeRate", "keyPath", "BOLT11", "NodeInfo", "Preimage", "InvoiceId", "PaymentHash", "ProvidedComment", "GeneratedBoltAmount", "ConsumedLightningAddress", "PayRequest" ]; #pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete } }