using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Contracts; using BTCPayServer.Client.Models; using BTCPayServer.Configuration; using BTCPayServer.Data; using BTCPayServer.Fido2; using BTCPayServer.Fido2.Models; using BTCPayServer.Payments; using BTCPayServer.Payments.Bitcoin; using BTCPayServer.Payments.Lightning; using BTCPayServer.Payouts; using BTCPayServer.Plugins.Crowdfund; using BTCPayServer.Plugins.PointOfSale; using BTCPayServer.Services; using BTCPayServer.Services.Apps; using BTCPayServer.Services.Invoices; using BTCPayServer.Services.Stores; using BTCPayServer.Storage.Models; using BTCPayServer.Storage.Services.Providers.FileSystemStorage.Configuration; using Fido2NetLib.Cbor; using Fido2NetLib.Objects; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using YamlDotNet.RepresentationModel; using static BTCPayServer.Fido2.Models.Fido2CredentialBlob; using LightningAddressData = BTCPayServer.Data.LightningAddressData; namespace BTCPayServer.Hosting { public class MigrationStartupTask : IStartupTask { private readonly ApplicationDbContextFactory _DBContextFactory; private readonly StoreRepository _StoreRepository; private readonly PaymentMethodHandlerDictionary _handlers; private readonly SettingsRepository _Settings; private readonly AppService _appService; private readonly PayoutMethodHandlerDictionary _payoutHandlers; private readonly BTCPayNetworkJsonSerializerSettings _btcPayNetworkJsonSerializerSettings; private readonly LightningAddressService _lightningAddressService; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly LightningClientFactoryService _lightningClientFactoryService; private readonly IFileService _fileService; public IOptions LightningOptions { get; } public MigrationStartupTask( PaymentMethodHandlerDictionary handlers, StoreRepository storeRepository, ApplicationDbContextFactory dbContextFactory, IOptions lightningOptions, SettingsRepository settingsRepository, AppService appService, PayoutMethodHandlerDictionary payoutHandlers, BTCPayNetworkJsonSerializerSettings btcPayNetworkJsonSerializerSettings, LightningAddressService lightningAddressService, ILogger logger, IFileService fileService, LightningClientFactoryService lightningClientFactoryService) { _handlers = handlers; _DBContextFactory = dbContextFactory; _StoreRepository = storeRepository; _Settings = settingsRepository; _appService = appService; _payoutHandlers = payoutHandlers; _btcPayNetworkJsonSerializerSettings = btcPayNetworkJsonSerializerSettings; _lightningAddressService = lightningAddressService; _logger = logger; _fileService = fileService; _lightningClientFactoryService = lightningClientFactoryService; LightningOptions = lightningOptions; } public async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { try { await Migrate(cancellationToken); var settings = (await _Settings.GetSettingAsync()); if (settings is null) { // If it is null, then it's the first run: let's skip all the migrations by setting flags to true settings = new MigrationSettings() { MigratedInvoiceTextSearchPages = int.MaxValue, MigratedTransactionLabels = int.MaxValue }; foreach (var prop in settings.GetType().GetProperties().Where(p => p.CanWrite && p.PropertyType == typeof(bool))) { prop.SetValue(settings, true); } // Ensure these checks still get run settings.FileSystemStorageAsDefault = false; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); await _Settings.UpdateSetting(new ThemeSettings()); } if (!settings.PaymentMethodCriteria) { await MigratePaymentMethodCriteria(); settings.PaymentMethodCriteria = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.TransitionToStoreBlobAdditionalData) { await TransitionToStoreBlobAdditionalData(); settings.TransitionToStoreBlobAdditionalData = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.TransitionInternalNodeConnectionString) { await TransitionInternalNodeConnectionString(); settings.TransitionInternalNodeConnectionString = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.MigrateU2FToFIDO2) { await MigrateU2FToFIDO2(); settings.MigrateU2FToFIDO2 = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.MigrateHotwalletProperty) { await MigrateHotwalletProperty(); settings.MigrateHotwalletProperty = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.MigrateAppCustomOption) { await MigrateAppCustomOption(); settings.MigrateAppCustomOption = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.MigratePayoutDestinationId) { await MigratePayoutDestinationId(); settings.MigratePayoutDestinationId = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.AddInitialUserBlob) { await AddInitialUserBlob(); settings.AddInitialUserBlob = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.LighingAddressSettingRename) { await MigrateLighingAddressSettingRename(); settings.LighingAddressSettingRename = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.LighingAddressDatabaseMigration) { await MigrateLighingAddressDatabaseMigration(); settings.LighingAddressDatabaseMigration = true; } if (!settings.AddStoreToPayout) { await MigrateAddStoreToPayout(); settings.AddStoreToPayout = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.MigrateEmailServerDisableTLSCerts) { await MigrateEmailServerDisableTLSCerts(); settings.MigrateEmailServerDisableTLSCerts = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.MigrateWalletColors) { await MigrateMigrateLabels(); settings.MigrateWalletColors = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.FileSystemStorageAsDefault) { var storageSettings = await _Settings.GetSettingAsync(); if (storageSettings is null) { storageSettings = new StorageSettings { Provider = StorageProvider.FileSystem, Configuration = JObject.FromObject(new FileSystemStorageConfiguration()) }; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(storageSettings); } settings.FileSystemStorageAsDefault = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.FixMappedDomainAppType) { await FixMappedDomainAppType(); settings.FixMappedDomainAppType = true; } if (!settings.MigrateAppYmlToJson) { await MigrateAppYmlToJson(); settings.MigrateAppYmlToJson = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.MigrateToStoreConfig) { await MigrateToStoreConfig(); settings.MigrateToStoreConfig = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.MigrateBlockExplorerLinks) { await MigrateBlockExplorerLinks(); settings.MigrateBlockExplorerLinks = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.MigrateStoreExcludedPaymentMethods) { await MigrateStoreExcludedPaymentMethods(); settings.MigrateStoreExcludedPaymentMethods = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } if (!settings.MigrateOldDerivationSchemes) { await MigrateOldDerivationSchemes(); settings.MigrateOldDerivationSchemes = true; await _Settings.UpdateSetting(settings); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Error on the MigrationStartupTask"); throw; } } private async Task MigrateOldDerivationSchemes() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); var stores = await ctx.Stores.ToArrayAsync(); foreach (var store in stores) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(store.DerivationStrategies)) continue; JObject strategies = JObject.Parse(store.DerivationStrategies); if (strategies is null) continue; foreach (var prop in strategies.Properties()) { var h = _handlers.TryGet(new PaymentMethodId(prop.Name)); if (h is not BitcoinLikePaymentHandler bh || prop.Value is not JValue { Type: JTokenType.String, Value: string v }) continue; var settings = DerivationSchemeSettings.Parse(v, bh.Network); prop.Value = JToken.FromObject(settings, bh.Serializer); store.DerivationStrategies = strategies.ToString(); } } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } private async Task MigrateStoreExcludedPaymentMethods() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); var stores = await ctx.Stores.ToArrayAsync(); foreach (var store in stores) { if (store.StoreBlob is null) continue; var blob = JObject.Parse(store.StoreBlob); var array = blob["excludedPaymentMethods"] as JArray; if (array is null || array.Count == 0) continue; var newArray = new JArray(array.Select(a => MigrationExtensions.TryMigratePaymentMethodId(a.Value())).ToArray()); if (array.ToString() == newArray.ToString()) continue; blob["excludedPaymentMethods"] = newArray; store.StoreBlob = blob.ToString(); } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } private async Task MigrateBlockExplorerLinks() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); var settings = await ctx.Settings.Where(s => s.Id == "BTCPayServer.Services.PoliciesSettings").FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (settings is null) return; var obj = JObject.Parse(settings.Value); var arr = obj["BlockExplorerLinks"] as JArray; if (arr is null or { Count: 0 }) return; foreach (var item in arr.OfType()) { var cryptoCode = item["CryptoCode"]?.Value(); if (cryptoCode is null) continue; item.Remove("CryptoCode"); item["PaymentMethodId"] = PaymentTypes.CHAIN.GetPaymentMethodId(cryptoCode).ToString(); } settings.Value = obj.ToString(); await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } private async Task MigrateToStoreConfig() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); var stores = await ctx.Stores.ToArrayAsync(); foreach (var store in stores) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(store.DerivationStrategies)) continue; var strategies = JObject.Parse(store.DerivationStrategies); foreach (var s in strategies.Properties().ToList()) { var ls = s; var pmi = PaymentMethodId.Parse(s.Name); MigrationExtensions.RenameProperty(ref ls, pmi.ToString()); if (ls.Value is JObject conf) { if (IsLN(pmi)) { conf.RenameProperty("LightningConnectionString", "connectionString"); conf.Remove("DisableBOLT11PaymentOption"); // Old conf.RenameProperty("InternalNodeRef", "internalNodeRef"); conf.Remove("CryptoCode"); conf.RemoveIfValue("internalNodeRef", null as string); conf.RemoveIfValue("connectionString", null as string); } else if (IsLNURL(pmi)) { conf.RenameProperty("LUD12Enabled", "lud12Enabled"); conf.RenameProperty("UseBech32Scheme", "useBech32Scheme"); conf.RemoveIfValue("lud12Enabled", false); conf.RemoveIfValue("useBech32Scheme", false); conf.Remove("CryptoCode"); } else if (IsChain(pmi)) { conf.RemoveIfValue("label", null as string); conf.RemoveIfValue("isHotWallet", false); } } } store.DerivationStrategies = strategies.ToString(Formatting.None); } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } private async Task FixMappedDomainAppType() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); var setting = await ctx.Settings.FirstOrDefaultAsync(s => s.Id == "BTCPayServer.Services.PoliciesSettings"); if (setting?.Value is null) return; string MapToString(int v) { return v switch { 0 => "PointOfSale", 1 => "Crowdfund", _ => throw new NotSupportedException() }; } var data = JObject.Parse(setting.Value); if (data["RootAppType"]?.Type is JTokenType.Integer) { var v = data["RootAppType"].Value(); data["RootAppType"] = new JValue(MapToString(v)); } var arr = data["DomainToAppMapping"] as JArray; if (arr != null) { foreach (var map in arr) { if (map["AppType"]?.Type is JTokenType.Integer) { var v = map["AppType"].Value(); map["AppType"] = new JValue(MapToString(v)); } } } setting.Value = data.ToString(); await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } static async Task GetMigrationState(ApplicationDbContext postgresContext) { var o = (await postgresContext.Settings.FromSqlRaw("SELECT \"Id\", \"Value\" FROM \"Settings\" WHERE \"Id\"='MigrationData'").AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync())?.Value; if (o is null) return null; return JObject.Parse(o)["state"]?.Value(); } static async Task UpdateSequenceInvoiceSearch(ApplicationDbContext postgresContext) { await postgresContext.Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync("SELECT SETVAL('\"InvoiceSearches_Id_seq\"', (SELECT max(\"Id\") FROM \"InvoiceSearches\"));"); } private async Task MigrateAppYmlToJson() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); var apps = await ctx.Apps.Where(data => CrowdfundAppType.AppType == data.AppType || PointOfSaleAppType.AppType == data.AppType) .ToListAsync(); foreach (var app in apps) { switch (app.AppType) { case CrowdfundAppType.AppType: var cfSettings = app.GetSettings(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cfSettings?.PerksTemplate)) { cfSettings.PerksTemplate = AppService.SerializeTemplate(ParsePOSYML(cfSettings?.PerksTemplate)); app.SetSettings(cfSettings); } break; case PointOfSaleAppType.AppType: var pSettings = app.GetSettings(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pSettings?.Template)) { pSettings.Template = AppService.SerializeTemplate(ParsePOSYML(pSettings?.Template)); app.SetSettings(pSettings); } break; } } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } public static AppItem[] ParsePOSYML(string yaml) { var items = new List(); var stream = new YamlStream(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(yaml)) return items.ToArray(); stream.Load(new StringReader(yaml)); if (stream.Documents.FirstOrDefault()?.RootNode is not YamlMappingNode root) return items.ToArray(); foreach (var posItem in root.Children) { var trimmedKey = ((YamlScalarNode)posItem.Key).Value?.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmedKey)) { continue; } var currentItem = new AppItem { Id = trimmedKey, Title = trimmedKey, PriceType = AppItemPriceType.Fixed }; var itemSpecs = (YamlMappingNode)posItem.Value; foreach (var spec in itemSpecs) { if (spec.Key is not YamlScalarNode { Value: string keyString } || string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyString)) continue; var scalarValue = spec.Value as YamlScalarNode; switch (keyString) { case "title": currentItem.Title = scalarValue?.Value ?? trimmedKey; break; case "inventory": if (int.TryParse(scalarValue?.Value, out var inv)) { currentItem.Inventory = inv; } break; case "description": currentItem.Description = scalarValue?.Value; break; case "image": currentItem.Image = scalarValue?.Value; break; case "price_type": case "custom": if (bool.TryParse(scalarValue?.Value, out var customBoolValue)) { if (customBoolValue) { currentItem.PriceType = currentItem.Price is null or 0 ? AppItemPriceType.Topup : AppItemPriceType.Minimum; } else { currentItem.PriceType = AppItemPriceType.Fixed; } } else if (Enum.TryParse(scalarValue?.Value, true, out var customPriceType)) { currentItem.PriceType = customPriceType; } break; case "price": if (decimal.TryParse(scalarValue?.Value, out var price)) { currentItem.Price = price; } break; case "buybuttontext": currentItem.BuyButtonText = scalarValue?.Value; break; case "disabled": if (bool.TryParse(scalarValue?.Value, out var disabled)) { currentItem.Disabled = disabled; } break; } } items.Add(currentItem); } return items.ToArray(); } #pragma warning disable CS0612 // Type or member is obsolete static WalletBlobInfo GetBlobInfo(WalletData walletData) { if (walletData.Blob == null || walletData.Blob.Length == 0) { return new WalletBlobInfo(); } var blobInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(ZipUtils.Unzip(walletData.Blob)); return blobInfo; } private async Task MigrateMigrateLabels() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); var wallets = await ctx.Wallets.AsNoTracking().ToArrayAsync(); foreach (var wallet in wallets) { var blob = GetBlobInfo(wallet); HashSet labels = new HashSet(blob.LabelColors.Count); foreach (var label in blob.LabelColors) { var labelId = label.Key; if (labelId.StartsWith("{", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { try { labelId = JObject.Parse(label.Key)["value"].Value(); } catch { } } if (!labels.Add(labelId)) continue; var obj = new JObject(); obj.Add("color", label.Value); ctx.WalletObjects.Add(new WalletObjectData() { WalletId = wallet.Id, Type = WalletObjectData.Types.Label, Id = labelId, Data = obj.ToString() }); } } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } #pragma warning restore CS0612 // Type or member is obsolete // In the past, if a server was considered local network, then we would disable TLS checks. // Now we don't do it anymore, as we have an explicit flag (DisableCertificateCheck) to control the behavior. // But we need to migrate old users that relied on the behavior before. private async Task MigrateEmailServerDisableTLSCerts() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); var serverEmailSettings = await _Settings.GetSettingAsync(); if (serverEmailSettings?.Server is String server) { serverEmailSettings.DisableCertificateCheck = Extensions.IsLocalNetwork(server); if (serverEmailSettings.DisableCertificateCheck) await _Settings.UpdateSetting(serverEmailSettings); } var stores = await ctx.Stores.ToArrayAsync(); foreach (var store in stores) { var storeBlob = store.GetStoreBlob(); if (storeBlob.EmailSettings?.Server is String storeServer) { storeBlob.EmailSettings.DisableCertificateCheck = Extensions.IsLocalNetwork(storeServer); if (storeBlob.EmailSettings.DisableCertificateCheck) store.SetStoreBlob(storeBlob); } } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } private async Task MigrateLighingAddressDatabaseMigration() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); var lightningAddressSettings = await _Settings.GetSettingAsync( nameof(UILNURLController.LightningAddressSettings)); if (lightningAddressSettings is null) { return; } var storeids = lightningAddressSettings.StoreToItemMap.Keys.ToArray(); var existingStores = (await ctx.Stores.Where(data => storeids.Contains(data.Id)).Select(data => data.Id).ToArrayAsync()).ToHashSet(); foreach (var storeMap in lightningAddressSettings.StoreToItemMap) { if (!existingStores.Contains(storeMap.Key)) continue; foreach (var storeitem in storeMap.Value) { if (lightningAddressSettings.Items.TryGetValue(storeitem, out var val)) { await _lightningAddressService.Set( new LightningAddressData() { StoreDataId = storeMap.Key, Username = storeitem } .SetBlob(new LightningAddressDataBlob() { Max = val.Max, Min = val.Min, CurrencyCode = val.CurrencyCode }), ctx); } } } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); await _Settings.UpdateSetting(null, nameof(UILNURLController.LightningAddressSettings)); } private async Task MigrateLighingAddressSettingRename() { var old = await _Settings.GetSettingAsync("BTCPayServer.LNURLController+LightningAddressSettings"); if (old is not null) { await _Settings.UpdateSetting(old, nameof(UILNURLController.LightningAddressSettings)); } } private async Task MigrateAddStoreToPayout() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); await ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync(@" WITH cte AS ( SELECT DISTINCT p.""Id"", pp.""StoreId"" FROM ""Payouts"" p JOIN ""PullPayments"" pp ON pp.""Id"" = p.""PullPaymentDataId"" WHERE p.""StoreDataId"" IS NULL ) UPDATE ""Payouts"" p SET ""StoreDataId""=cte.""StoreId"" FROM cte WHERE cte.""Id""=p.""Id"" "); } private async Task AddInitialUserBlob() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); foreach (var user in await ctx.Users.AsQueryable().ToArrayAsync()) { user.SetBlob(new UserBlob() { ShowInvoiceStatusChangeHint = true }); } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } private async Task MigratePayoutDestinationId() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); foreach (var payoutData in await ctx.Payouts.AsQueryable().ToArrayAsync()) { var pmi = payoutData.GetPayoutMethodId(); if (pmi is null) { continue; } var handler = _payoutHandlers .TryGet(pmi); if (handler is null) { continue; } var claim = await handler?.ParseClaimDestination(payoutData.GetBlob(_btcPayNetworkJsonSerializerSettings).Destination, default); payoutData.DedupId = claim.destination?.Id; } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } private async Task MigrateAppCustomOption() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); foreach (var app in await ctx.Apps.Include(data => data.StoreData).AsQueryable().ToArrayAsync()) { switch (app.AppType) { case CrowdfundAppType.AppType: var settings1 = app.GetSettings(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings1.TargetCurrency)) { settings1.TargetCurrency = app.StoreData.GetStoreBlob().DefaultCurrency; app.SetSettings(settings1); } break; case PointOfSaleAppType.AppType: var settings2 = app.GetSettings(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings2.Currency)) { settings2.Currency = app.StoreData.GetStoreBlob().DefaultCurrency; app.SetSettings(settings2); } break; } } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } private async Task MigrateHotwalletProperty() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); foreach (var store in await ctx.Stores.AsQueryable().ToArrayAsync()) { foreach (var (id, paymentMethod) in store.GetPaymentMethodConfigs(_handlers)) { paymentMethod.IsHotWallet = paymentMethod.Source == "NBXplorer"; if (paymentMethod.IsHotWallet) { paymentMethod.Source = "NBXplorerGenerated"; store.SetPaymentMethodConfig(_handlers[id], paymentMethod); } } } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } private async Task MigrateU2FToFIDO2() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); var u2fDevices = await ctx.U2FDevices.ToListAsync(); foreach (U2FDevice u2FDevice in u2fDevices) { var fido2 = new Fido2Credential() { ApplicationUserId = u2FDevice.ApplicationUserId, Name = u2FDevice.Name, Type = Fido2Credential.CredentialType.FIDO2 }; fido2.SetBlob(new Fido2CredentialBlob() { SignatureCounter = (uint)u2FDevice.Counter, PublicKey = CreatePublicKeyFromU2fRegistrationData(u2FDevice.PublicKey).Encode(), UserHandle = u2FDevice.KeyHandle, Descriptor = new DescriptorClass(u2FDevice.KeyHandle), CredType = "u2f" }); await ctx.AddAsync(fido2); ctx.Remove(u2FDevice); } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } //from private static CborMap CreatePublicKeyFromU2fRegistrationData(byte[] publicKeyData) { var x = new byte[32]; var y = new byte[32]; Buffer.BlockCopy(publicKeyData, 1, x, 0, 32); Buffer.BlockCopy(publicKeyData, 33, y, 0, 32); var point = new ECPoint { X = x, Y = y, }; var coseKey = new CborMap { { (long)COSE.KeyCommonParameter.KeyType, (long)COSE.KeyType.EC2 }, { (long)COSE.KeyCommonParameter.Alg, -7L }, { (long)COSE.KeyTypeParameter.Crv, (long)COSE.EllipticCurve.P256 }, { (long)COSE.KeyTypeParameter.X, point.X }, { (long)COSE.KeyTypeParameter.Y, point.Y } }; return coseKey; } private async Task TransitionInternalNodeConnectionString() { var nodes = LightningOptions.Value.InternalLightningByCryptoCode.Values.Select(c => c.ToString()).ToHashSet(); await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); foreach (var store in await ctx.Stores.AsQueryable().ToArrayAsync()) { #pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(store.DerivationStrategy)) { var noLabel = store.DerivationStrategy.Split('-')[0]; JObject jObject = new JObject(); jObject.Add("BTC", new JObject() { new JProperty("signingKey", noLabel), new JProperty("accountDerivation", store.DerivationStrategy), new JProperty("accountOriginal", store.DerivationStrategy), new JProperty("accountKeySettings", new JArray() { new JObject() { new JProperty("accountKey", noLabel) } }) }); store.DerivationStrategies = jObject.ToString(); store.DerivationStrategy = null; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(store.DerivationStrategies)) continue; var strats = JObject.Parse(store.DerivationStrategies); bool updated = false; foreach (var prop in strats.Properties().Where(p => IsLN(PaymentMethodId.Parse(p.Name)))) { var method = ((JObject)prop.Value); var lightningCharge = method.Property("LightningChargeUrl", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var ln = method.Property("LightningConnectionString", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (lightningCharge != null) { var chargeUrl = lightningCharge.Value.Value(); var usr = method.Property("Username", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)?.Value.Value(); var pass = method.Property("Password", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)?.Value.Value(); updated = true; if (chargeUrl != null) { var fullUri = new UriBuilder(chargeUrl) { UserName = usr, Password = pass }.Uri.AbsoluteUri; var newStr = $"type=charge;server={fullUri};allowinsecure=true"; if (ln is null) { ln = new JProperty("LightningConnectionString", newStr); method.Add(ln); } else { ln.Value = newStr; } } foreach (var p in new[] { "Username", "Password", "LightningChargeUrl" }) method.Property(p, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)?.Remove(); } var paymentId = method.Property("PaymentId", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (paymentId != null) { paymentId.Remove(); updated = true; } if (ln is null) continue; if (nodes.Contains(ln.Value.Value())) { updated = true; ln.Value = null; if (!(method.Property("InternalNodeRef", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) is JProperty internalNode)) { internalNode = new JProperty("InternalNodeRef", null); method.Add(internalNode); } internalNode.Value = new JValue(LightningPaymentMethodConfig.InternalNode); } } if (updated) store.DerivationStrategies = strats.ToString(); #pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } private bool IsLN(PaymentMethodId paymentMethodId) { return _handlers.TryGetValue(paymentMethodId, out var v) && v is LightningLikePaymentHandler; } private bool IsChain(PaymentMethodId paymentMethodId) { return _handlers.TryGetValue(paymentMethodId, out var v) && v is BitcoinLikePaymentHandler; } private bool IsLNURL(PaymentMethodId paymentMethodId) { return _handlers.TryGetValue(paymentMethodId, out var v) && v is LNURLPayPaymentHandler; } private async Task TransitionToStoreBlobAdditionalData() { await using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); foreach (var store in await ctx.Stores.AsQueryable().ToArrayAsync()) { var blob = store.GetStoreBlob(); blob.AdditionalData.Remove("walletKeyPathRoots"); blob.AdditionalData.Remove("onChainMinValue"); blob.AdditionalData.Remove("lightningMaxValue"); blob.AdditionalData.Remove("networkFeeDisabled"); blob.AdditionalData.Remove("rateRules"); store.SetStoreBlob(blob); } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } private async Task Migrate(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { TimeSpan cancellationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0); using (CancellationTokenSource timeout = new CancellationTokenSource((int)cancellationTimeout.TotalMilliseconds)) using (CancellationTokenSource cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(timeout.Token, cancellationToken)) { retry: try { _logger.LogInformation("Running the migration scripts..."); var db = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(o => o.CommandTimeout(((int)cancellationTimeout.TotalSeconds) + 1)); await db.Database.MigrateAsync(timeout.Token); _logger.LogInformation("All migration scripts ran successfully"); } // Starting up catch (ConfigException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) when (!cts.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { try { _logger.LogWarning(ex, "Error while running migration scripts, retrying..."); await Task.Delay(1000, cts.Token); } catch { } goto retry; } } } void MigrateDerivationSettings(DerivationSchemeSettings s, BTCPayNetwork network) { if (network == null || s.AccountKeySettings is not (null or { Length: 1 })) return; s.AccountKeySettings = s.AccountDerivation.GetExtPubKeys().Select(e => new AccountKeySettings() { AccountKey = e.GetWif(network.NBitcoinNetwork), }).ToArray(); #pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete s.AccountKeySettings[0].AccountKeyPath = s.AccountKeyPath; s.AccountKeySettings[0].RootFingerprint = s.RootFingerprint; s.ExplicitAccountKey = null; s.AccountKeyPath = null; s.RootFingerprint = null; #pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete } private async Task MigratePaymentMethodCriteria() { using var ctx = _DBContextFactory.CreateContext(); foreach (var store in await ctx.Stores.AsQueryable().ToArrayAsync()) { var blob = store.GetStoreBlob(); CurrencyValue onChainMinValue = null; CurrencyValue lightningMaxValue = null; if (blob.AdditionalData.TryGetValue("onChainMinValue", out var onChainMinValueJToken)) { CurrencyValue.TryParse(onChainMinValueJToken.Value(), out onChainMinValue); blob.AdditionalData.Remove("onChainMinValue"); } if (blob.AdditionalData.TryGetValue("lightningMaxValue", out var lightningMaxValueJToken)) { CurrencyValue.TryParse(lightningMaxValueJToken.Value(), out lightningMaxValue); blob.AdditionalData.Remove("lightningMaxValue"); } blob.PaymentMethodCriteria = store.GetPaymentMethodConfigs().Select(c => c.Key).Select(paymentMethodId => { var matchedFromBlob = blob.PaymentMethodCriteria?.SingleOrDefault(criteria => criteria.PaymentMethod == paymentMethodId && criteria.Value != null); return matchedFromBlob switch { null when _handlers.TryGet(paymentMethodId) is LightningLikePaymentHandler && lightningMaxValue != null => new PaymentMethodCriteria() { Above = false, PaymentMethod = paymentMethodId, Value = lightningMaxValue }, null when _handlers.TryGet(paymentMethodId) is BitcoinLikePaymentHandler && onChainMinValue != null => new PaymentMethodCriteria() { Above = true, PaymentMethod = paymentMethodId, Value = onChainMinValue }, _ => new PaymentMethodCriteria() { PaymentMethod = paymentMethodId, Above = matchedFromBlob?.Above ?? true, Value = matchedFromBlob?.Value } }; }).ToList(); store.SetStoreBlob(blob); } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } public class RateRule_Obsolete { public RateRule_Obsolete() { RuleName = "Multiplier"; } public string RuleName { get; set; } public double Multiplier { get; set; } public decimal Apply(BTCPayNetworkBase network, decimal rate) { return rate * (decimal)Multiplier; } } } }