using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace BTCPayServer.Services { public partial class Translations { static Translations() { // Text generated by UpdateDefaultTranslations. // Please run it before release. var knownTranslations = """ { "... on every payment": "", "... only if the customer makes more than one payment for the invoice": "", "A given currency pair match the most specific rule. If two rules are matching and are as specific, the first rule will be chosen.": "", "Access Tokens": "", "Account": "", "Account key": "", "Account key path": "", "Add additional fee (network fee) to invoice …": "", "Add Address": "", "Add Exchange Rate Spread": "", "Add hop hints for private channels to the Lightning invoice": "", "Add Role": "", "Add Service": "", "Add User": "", "Add Webhook": "", "Additional Actions": "", "Admin API access token": "", "Admin must approve new users": "", "Administrator": "", "Advanced rate rule scripting": "", "Allow anyone to create invoice": "", "Allow form for public use": "", "Allow payee to create invoices with custom amounts": "", "Allow payee to pass a comment": "", "Allow Stores use the Server's SMTP email settings as their default": "", "Always include non-witness UTXO if available": "", "Amazon S3": "", "Amount": "", "API Key": "", "API Keys": "", "App": "", "App Name": "", "App Type": "", "Application": "", "Apply the brand color to the store's backend as well": "", "Approve": "", "Archive this store": "", "At Least One": "", "At Least Ten": "", "Authenticator code": "", "Auto-detect language on checkout": "", "Automatically approve claims": "", "Available Payment Methods": "", "Azure Blob Storage": "", "Backend's language": "", "Batch size": "", "BIP39 Seed (12/24 word mnemonic phrase) or HD private key (xprv...)": "", "blocks": "", "Brand Color": "", "Branding": "", "But now, what if you want to support DOGE? The problem with DOGE is that most exchange do not have any pair for it. But bitpay has a DOGE_BTC pair.
\r\n Luckily, the rule engine allow you to reference rules:": "", "Buyer Email": "", "Callback Notification URL": "", "Can use hot wallet": "", "Can use RPC import": "", "Celebrate payment with confetti": "", "Check releases on GitHub and notify when new BTCPay Server version is available": "", "Checkout Appearance": "", "Choose your import method": "", "Choose your wallet option": "", "Clone": "", "Coingecko integration": "", "Colors to rotate between with animation when a payment is made. One color per line.": "", "Confirm new password": "", "Confirm password": "", "Connect an existing wallet": "", "Connect hardware wallet": "", "Connection string": "", "Consider the invoice paid even if the paid amount is … % less than expected": "", "Consider the invoice settled when the payment transaction …": "", "Contact URL": "", "Contact Us": "", "Contribution Perks Template": "", "Count all invoices created on the store as part of the goal": "", "Create": "", "Create a new app": "", "Create a new wallet": "", "Create Account": "", "Create Form": "", "Create Invoice": "", "Create Pull Payment": "", "Create Request": "", "Create Store": "", "Create Webhook": "", "Create your account": "", "Crowdfund": "", "Currency": "", "Current password": "", "Custom": "", "Custom CSS": "", "Custom HTML title to display on Checkout page": "", "Custom sound file for successful payment": "", "Custom Theme Extension Type": "", "Custom Theme File": "", "Dashboard": "", "days": "", "Default currency": "", "Default Currency Pairs": "", "Default language on checkout": "", "Default payment method on checkout": "", "Default role for users on a new store": "", "Delete this store": "", "Derivation scheme": "", "Derivation scheme format": "", "Description": "", "Description template of the lightning invoice": "", "Destination Address": "", "Dictionaries": "", "Dictionaries enable you to translate the BTCPay Server backend into different languages.": "", "Dictionary": "", "Direct integration": "", "Disable public user registration": "", "Disable stores from using the server's email settings as backup": "", "Discourage search engines from indexing this site": "", "Display app on website root": "", "Display contribution ranking": "", "Display contribution value": "", "Display item selection for keypad": "", "Display Lightning payment amounts in Satoshis": "", "Display the category list": "", "Display the search bar": "", "Display Title": "", "Disqus Shortname": "", "Do not allow additional contributions after target has been reached": "", "Does not extend a BTCPay Server theme, fully custom": "", "Domain": "", "Domain name": "", "Don't create UTXO change": "", "Email": "", "Email address": "", "Email confirmation required": "", "Email confirmed?": "", "Emails": "", "Enable background animations on new payments": "", "Enable Disqus Comments": "", "Enable experimental features": "", "Enable LNURL": "", "Enable Payjoin/P2EP": "", "Enable public receipt page for settled invoices": "", "Enable public user registration": "", "Enable sounds on checkout page": "", "Enable sounds on new payments": "", "Enable tips": "", "End date": "", "Enter extended public key": "", "Enter wallet seed": "", "Error": "", "Expiration Date": "", "Export": "", "Extends the BTCPay Server Dark theme": "", "Extends the BTCPay Server Light theme": "", "Fallback": "", "Featured Image URL": "", "Fee rate (sat/vB)": "", "Fee will be shown for BTC and LTC onchain payments only.": "", "Files": "", "Forgot password?": "", "Form configuration (JSON)": "", "Forms": "", "Gap limit": "", "Generate": "", "Generate {0} Wallet": "", "Generate a brand-new wallet to use": "", "Generate API Key": "", "Generate Key": "", "Google Cloud Storage": "", "GRPC SSL Cipher suite (GRPC_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES)": "", "Has at least 1 confirmation": "", "Has at least 2 confirmations": "", "Has at least 6 confirmations": "", "Hide Sensitive Info": "", "Hot wallet": "", "However, kraken does not support the BTC_CAD pair. For this reason you can add a rule mapping all X_CAD to ndax, a Canadian exchange.": "", "However, explicitely setting specific pairs like this can be a bit difficult. Instead, you can define a rule X_X which will match any currency pair. The following example will use kraken for getting the rate of any currency pair.": "", "I don't have a wallet": "", "I have a wallet": "", "If a translation isn’t available in the new dictionary, it will be searched in the fallback.": "", "Image": "", "Import {0} Wallet": "", "Import an existing hardware or software wallet": "", "Import wallet file": "", "Import your public keys using our Vault application": "", "Input the key string manually": "", "Invitation URL": "", "Invoice currency": "", "Invoice expires if the full amount has not been paid after …": "", "Invoice metadata": "", "Invoices": "", "Is administrator?": "", "Is signing key": "", "Is unconfirmed": "", "It is worth noting that the inverses of those pairs are automatically supported as well.
\r\n It means that the rule USD_DOGE = 1 / DOGE_USD implicitely exists.": "", "Item Description": "", "Keypad": "", "Let's get started": "", "Lightning node (LNURL Auth)": "", "LNURL Classic Mode": "", "Local File System": "", "Log in": "", "Login Codes": "", "Logo": "", "Logout": "", "Logs": "", "Maintenance": "", "Make Crowdfund Public": "", "Manage Account": "", "Manage Plugins": "", "Master fingerprint": "", "Max sats": "", "Memo": "", "Metadata": "", "Min sats": "", "Minimum acceptable expiration time for BOLT11 for refunds": "", "Never add network fee": "", "New password": "", "Next": "", "Non-admins can access the User Creation API Endpoint": "", "Non-admins can create Hot Wallets for their Store": "", "Non-admins can import Hot Wallets for their Store": "", "Non-admins can use the Internal Lightning Node for their Store": "", "Non-admins cannot access the User Creation API Endpoint": "", "Not recommended": "", "Notification Email": "", "Notification URL": "", "Notifications": "", "Only enable the payment method after user explicitly chooses it": "", "Optional seed passphrase": "", "Order Id": "", "Override the block explorers used": "", "Pair to": "", "Password": "", "Password (leave blank to generate invite-link)": "", "Pay Button": "", "PayJoin BIP21": "", "Payment": "", "Payment invalid if transactions fails to confirm … after invoice expiration": "", "Payments": "", "Payout Methods": "", "Payout Processors": "", "Payouts": "", "Please enable JavaScript for this option to be available": "", "Please note that creating a hot wallet is not supported by this instance for non administrators.": "", "Plugin server": "", "Plugins": "", "Point of Sale": "", "Point of Sale Style": "", "Policies": "", "Preferred Price Source": "", "Print display": "", "Product list": "", "Product list with cart": "", "Profile Picture": "", "Provide the 12 or 24 word recovery seed": "", "PSBT content": "", "PSBT to combine with…": "", "Public Key": "", "Pull Payments": "", "Rate Rules": "", "Rate script allows you to express precisely how you want to calculate rates for currency pairs.": "", "Rates": "", "Recommended": "", "Recommended fee confirmation target blocks": "", "Recovery Code": "", "Redirect invoice to redirect url automatically after paid": "", "Redirect URL": "", "Register": "", "Remember me": "", "Remember this machine": "", "Remove": "", "Reporting": "", "Request contributor data on checkout": "", "Request customer data on checkout": "", "Request Pairing": "", "Requests": "", "Required Confirmations": "", "Reset goal every": "", "Reset Password": "", "REST Uri": "", "Role": "", "Roles": "", "Root fingerprint": "", "Save": "", "Scan wallet QR code": "", "Scope": "", "Scripting": "", "Search engines can index this site": "", "Security device (FIDO2)": "", "Select": "", "Select the Default Currency during Store Creation": "", "Select the payout method used for refund": "", "Send invitation email": "", "Send test webhook": "", "Server Name": "", "Server Settings": "", "Services": "", "Set Password": "", "Set to default settings": "", "Settings": "", "Setup {0} Wallet": "", "Shop Name": "", "Shopify": "", "Show \"Pay in wallet\" button": "", "Show a timer … minutes before invoice expiration": "", "Show plugins in pre-release": "", "Show recommended fee": "", "Show the payment list in the public receipt page": "", "Show the QR code of the receipt in the public receipt page": "", "Show the store header": "", "Sign in": "", "Sort contribution perks by popularity": "", "Sounds to play when a payment is made. One sound per line": "", "Specify the amount and currency for the refund": "", "Start date": "", "Starting index": "", "Store": "", "Store Id": "", "Store Name": "", "Store Settings": "", "Store Speed Policy": "", "Store Website": "", "Submit": "", "Subtract fees from amount": "", "Support URL": "", "Supported by BlueWallet, Cobo Vault, Passport and Specter DIY": "", "Supported Transaction Currencies": "", "Target Amount": "", "Test Email": "", "Test Results:": "", "Testing": "", "Text to display in the tip input": "", "Text to display on buttons allowing the user to enter a custom amount": "", "Text to display on each button for items with a specific price": "", "The following methods assume that you already have an existing wallet created and backed up.": "", "The script language is composed of several rules composed of a currency pair and a mathematic expression.\r\n The example below will use kraken for both LTC_USD and BTC_USD pairs.": "", "Theme": "", "Tip percentage amounts (comma separated)": "", "Translations": "", "Two-Factor Authentication": "", "Unarchive this store": "", "Unify on-chain and lightning payment URL/QR code": "", "Update Password": "", "Update Webhook": "", "Upload a file exported from your wallet": "", "Upload PSBT from file…": "", "Url of the Dynamic DNS service you are using": "", "Use custom theme": "", "Use SSL": "", "User can input custom amount": "", "User can input discount in %": "", "Users": "", "UTXOs to spend from": "", "Verification Code": "", "View-Only Wallet File": "", "Wallet file": "", "Wallet file content": "", "Wallet Keys File": "", "Wallet Password": "", "Wallet's private key is erased from the server. Higher security. To spend, you have to manually input the private key or import it into an external wallet.": "", "Wallet's private key is stored on the server. Spending the funds you received is convenient. To minimize the risk of theft, regularly withdraw funds to a different wallet.": "", "Wallets": "", "Watch-only wallet": "", "Webhooks": "", "Welcome to {0}": "", "With DOGE_USD will be expanded to bitpay(DOGE_BTC) * kraken(BTC_USD). And DOGE_CAD will be expanded to bitpay(DOGE_BTC) * ndax(BTC_CAD).
\r\n However, we advise you to write it that way to increase coverage so that DOGE_BTC is also supported:": "", "You really should not type your seed into a device that is connected to the internet.": "", "Your dynamic DNS hostname": "", "Zero Confirmation": "" } """; Default = Translations.CreateFromJson(knownTranslations); Default = new Translations(new KeyValuePair[] { // You can add additional hard coded default here // KeyValuePair.Create("key1", "value") // KeyValuePair.Create("key2", "value") }, Default); } /// /// Translations which are already in the Default aren't saved into database. /// This allows us to automatically update the english version if the translations didn't changed. /// /// We only save into database the key/values that differ from Default /// public static Translations Default; public readonly static string DefaultLanguage = "English"; } }