@using BTCPayServer.Client @using BTCPayServer.Payments @using BTCPayServer.Services @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers @using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.TagHelpers @inject BTCPayServer.Security.ContentSecurityPolicies Csp @inject BTCPayServerEnvironment Env @inject BTCPayNetworkProvider BtcPayNetworkProvider @inject DisplayFormatter DisplayFormatter @model BTCPayServer.Models.ViewPullPaymentModel @{ ViewData["Title"] = Model.Title; Csp.UnsafeEval(); Layout = null; string StatusTextClass(string status) { switch (status) { case "Completed": case "In Progress": return "bg-success"; case "Cancelled": return "bg-danger"; default: return "bg-warning"; } } string lnurl = null; string lnurlUri = null; var pms = Model.PaymentMethods.FirstOrDefault(id => id.PaymentType == LightningPaymentType.Instance && BtcPayNetworkProvider.DefaultNetwork.CryptoCode == id.CryptoCode); if (pms is not null && Model.Currency.Equals(pms.CryptoCode, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var lnurlEndpoint = new Uri(Url.Action("GetLNURLForPullPayment", "UILNURL", new { cryptoCode = pms.CryptoCode, pullPaymentId = Model.Id }, Context.Request.Scheme, Context.Request.Host.ToString())); lnurl = LNURL.LNURL.EncodeUri(lnurlEndpoint, "withdrawRequest", true).ToString(); lnurlUri = LNURL.LNURL.EncodeUri(lnurlEndpoint, "withdrawRequest", false).ToString(); } }
@if (Model.IsPending) { }
@if (!ViewContext.ModelState.IsValid) { @Html.ValidationSummary(string.Empty, new { @class = $"alert alert-danger mb-4 pb-0 {(ViewContext.ModelState.ErrorCount.Equals(1) ? "no-marker" : "")}" }) }
@if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.Title)) {


Start Date   @Model.StartDate.ToString("g")
Last Updated   @Model.LastRefreshed.ToString("g")
@if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.ResetIn)) {

Reset in   @Model.ResetIn

} @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Description)) {

Payment Details

@DisplayFormatter.Currency(Model.AmountDue, Model.Currency)
Available claim
@DisplayFormatter.Currency(Model.AmountCollected, Model.Currency)
Already claimed
@DisplayFormatter.Currency(Model.Amount, Model.Currency)
Claim limit


@if (Model.Payouts.Any()) {
@foreach (var invoice in Model.Payouts) { }
Destination Method Amount requested Status
@invoice.Destination @invoice.PaymentMethod.ToPrettyString() @invoice.AmountFormatted @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(invoice.Link)) { @invoice.Status.GetStateString() } else { @invoice.Status.GetStateString() }
} else {

No claim made yet.

@if (lnurl is not null) { var note = "You can scan or open this link with a LNURL-Withdraw enabled wallet."; if (!Model.AutoApprove) { note += "
Please note that this pull payment does not automatically send out funds, and so will process payment after LNURL-withdraw flow is completed."; } }