@model RefundModel @{ Layout = null; }
@if (!ViewContext.ModelState.IsValid) {
} @switch (Model.RefundStep) { case RefundSteps.SelectPaymentMethod: if (Model.AvailablePaymentMethods != null && Model.AvailablePaymentMethods.Any()) {
} break; case RefundSteps.SelectRate: @if (Model.OverpaidAmount is not null) {
The crypto currency amount that was overpaid.

} @if (Model.CryptoAmountThen > 0) {
The crypto currency price, at the rate the invoice got paid.
} @if (Model.CryptoAmountNow > 0) {
The crypto currency price, at the current rate.
} @if (Model.FiatAmount > 0) {
The invoice currency, at the rate when the refund will be sent.
The specified amount with the specified currency, at the rate when the refund will be sent.

break; }