using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Lightning; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; namespace BTCPayServer.Configuration { public class ExternalServices : List { public void Load(string cryptoCode, IConfiguration configuration) { Load(configuration, cryptoCode, "lndgrpc", ExternalServiceTypes.LNDGRPC, "Invalid setting {0}, " + Environment.NewLine + "lnd server: 'server=;macaroon=abf239...;certthumbprint=2abdf302...'" + Environment.NewLine + "lnd server: 'server=;macaroonfilepath=/root/.lnd/admin.macaroon;certthumbprint=2abdf302...'" + Environment.NewLine + "lnd server: 'server=;macaroondirectorypath=/root/.lnd;certthumbprint=2abdf302...'" + Environment.NewLine + "Error: {1}", "LND (gRPC server)"); Load(configuration, cryptoCode, "lndrest", ExternalServiceTypes.LNDRest, "Invalid setting {0}, " + Environment.NewLine + "lnd server: 'server=;macaroon=abf239...;certthumbprint=2abdf302...'" + Environment.NewLine + "lnd server: 'server=;macaroonfilepath=/root/.lnd/admin.macaroon;certthumbprint=2abdf302...'" + Environment.NewLine + "lnd server: 'server=;macaroondirectorypath=/root/.lnd;certthumbprint=2abdf302...'" + Environment.NewLine + "Error: {1}", "LND (REST server)"); Load(configuration, cryptoCode, "lndseedbackup", ExternalServiceTypes.LNDSeedBackup, "Invalid setting {0}, " + Environment.NewLine + "lnd seed backup: /etc/merchant_lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/walletunlock.json'" + Environment.NewLine + "Error: {1}", "LND Seed Backup"); Load(configuration, cryptoCode, "spark", ExternalServiceTypes.Spark, "Invalid setting {0}, " + Environment.NewLine + $"Valid example: 'server=;cookiefile=/etc/clightning_bitcoin_spark/.cookie'" + Environment.NewLine + "Error: {1}", "C-Lightning (Spark server)"); Load(configuration, cryptoCode, "rtl", ExternalServiceTypes.RTL, "Invalid setting {0}, " + Environment.NewLine + $"Valid example: 'server=;cookiefile=/etc/clightning_bitcoin_rtl/.cookie'" + Environment.NewLine + "Error: {1}", "LND (Ride the Lightning server)"); Load(configuration, cryptoCode, "charge", ExternalServiceTypes.Charge, "Invalid setting {0}, " + Environment.NewLine + $"lightning charge server: 'type=charge;server=;api-token=2abdf302...'" + Environment.NewLine + $"lightning charge server: 'type=charge;server=;cookiefilepath=/root/.charge/.cookie'" + Environment.NewLine + "Error: {1}", "C-Lightning (Charge server)"); } void Load(IConfiguration configuration, string cryptoCode, string serviceName, ExternalServiceTypes type, string errorMessage, string displayName) { var setting = $"{cryptoCode}.external.{serviceName}"; var connStr = configuration.GetOrDefault(setting, string.Empty); if (connStr.Length != 0) { ExternalConnectionString serviceConnection; if (type == ExternalServiceTypes.LNDSeedBackup) { // just using CookieFilePath to hold variable instead of refactoring whole holder class to better conform serviceConnection = new ExternalConnectionString { CookieFilePath = connStr }; } else if (!ExternalConnectionString.TryParse(connStr, out serviceConnection, out var error)) { throw new ConfigException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, errorMessage, setting, error)); } this.Add(new ExternalService() { Type = type, ConnectionString = serviceConnection, CryptoCode = cryptoCode, DisplayName = displayName, ServiceName = serviceName }); } } public ExternalService GetService(string serviceName, string cryptoCode) { return this.FirstOrDefault(o => o.CryptoCode.Equals(cryptoCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && o.ServiceName.Equals(serviceName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } } public class ExternalService { public string DisplayName { get; set; } public ExternalServiceTypes Type { get; set; } public ExternalConnectionString ConnectionString { get; set; } public string CryptoCode { get; set; } public string ServiceName { get; set; } } public enum ExternalServiceTypes { LNDRest, LNDGRPC, LNDSeedBackup, Spark, RTL, Charge, P2P, RPC } }