using NBitcoin; namespace BTCPayServer.Client.Models { public class OnChainPaymentMethodDataPreview : OnChainPaymentMethodBaseData { /// /// Crypto code of the payment method /// public string CryptoCode { get; set; } public OnChainPaymentMethodDataPreview() { } public OnChainPaymentMethodDataPreview(string cryptoCode, string derivationScheme, string label, RootedKeyPath accountKeyPath) { Label = label; AccountKeyPath = accountKeyPath; CryptoCode = cryptoCode; DerivationScheme = derivationScheme; } } public class OnChainPaymentMethodData : OnChainPaymentMethodDataPreview { /// /// Whether the payment method is enabled /// public bool Enabled { get; set; } public string PaymentMethod { get; set; } public OnChainPaymentMethodData() { } public OnChainPaymentMethodData(string cryptoCode, string derivationScheme, bool enabled, string label, RootedKeyPath accountKeyPath, string paymentMethod) : base(cryptoCode, derivationScheme, label, accountKeyPath) { Enabled = enabled; PaymentMethod = paymentMethod; } } }