using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Contracts; using BTCPayServer.Configuration; using McMaster.NETCore.Plugins; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; namespace BTCPayServer.Plugins { public static class PluginManager { public const string BTCPayPluginSuffix = ".btcpay"; private static readonly List _pluginAssemblies = new (); public static bool IsExceptionByPlugin(Exception exception, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string pluginName) { var fromAssembly = exception is TypeLoadException ? Regex.Match(exception.Message, "from assembly '(.*?),").Groups[1].Value : null; foreach (var assembly in _pluginAssemblies) { var assemblyName = assembly.GetName().Name; if (assemblyName is null) continue; // Comparison is case sensitive as it is theoretically possible to have a different plugin // with same name but different casing. if (exception.Source is not null && assemblyName.Equals(exception.Source, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { pluginName = assemblyName; return true; } if (exception.Message.Contains(assemblyName, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { pluginName = assemblyName; return true; } // For TypeLoadException, check if it might come from areferenced assembly if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromAssembly) && assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies().Select(a => a.Name).Contains(fromAssembly)) { pluginName = assemblyName; return true; } } pluginName = null; return false; } public static IMvcBuilder AddPlugins(this IMvcBuilder mvcBuilder, IServiceCollection serviceCollection, IConfiguration config, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, ServiceProvider bootstrapServiceProvider) { void LoadPluginsFromAssemblies(Assembly systemAssembly1, HashSet hashSet, HashSet loadedPluginIdentifiers1, List btcPayServerPlugins) { // Load the referenced assembly plugins // All referenced plugins should have at least one plugin with exact same plugin identifier // as the assembly. Except for the system assembly (btcpayserver assembly) which are fake plugins foreach (var assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { var assemblyName = assembly.GetName().Name; bool isSystemPlugin = assembly == systemAssembly1; if (!isSystemPlugin && hashSet.Contains(assemblyName)) continue; foreach (var plugin in GetPluginInstancesFromAssembly(assembly)) { if (!isSystemPlugin && plugin.Identifier != assemblyName) continue; if (!loadedPluginIdentifiers1.Add(plugin.Identifier)) continue; btcPayServerPlugins.Add(plugin); plugin.SystemPlugin = isSystemPlugin; } } } var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger(typeof(PluginManager)); var pluginsFolder = new DataDirectories().Configure(config).PluginDir; var plugins = new List(); var loadedPluginIdentifiers = new HashSet(); serviceCollection.Configure(options => { options.Limits.MaxRequestBodySize = int.MaxValue; // if don't set default value is: 30 MB }); logger.LogInformation($"Loading plugins from {pluginsFolder}"); Directory.CreateDirectory(pluginsFolder); ExecuteCommands(pluginsFolder); var disabledPlugins = GetDisabledPlugins(pluginsFolder); var systemAssembly = typeof(Program).Assembly; LoadPluginsFromAssemblies(systemAssembly, disabledPlugins, loadedPluginIdentifiers, plugins); if (ExecuteCommands(pluginsFolder, plugins.ToDictionary(plugin => plugin.Identifier, plugin => plugin.Version))) { plugins.Clear(); loadedPluginIdentifiers.Clear(); LoadPluginsFromAssemblies(systemAssembly, disabledPlugins, loadedPluginIdentifiers, plugins); } var pluginsToLoad = new List<(string PluginIdentifier, string PluginFilePath)>(); #if DEBUG // Load from DEBUG_PLUGINS, in an optional var debugPlugins = config["DEBUG_PLUGINS"] ?? ""; foreach (var plugin in debugPlugins.Split(';', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { // Formatted either as "::" or "" var idx = plugin.IndexOf("::"); if (idx != -1) pluginsToLoad.Add((plugin[0..idx], plugin[(idx + 1)..])); else pluginsToLoad.Add((Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(plugin), plugin)); } #endif // Load from the plugins folder foreach (var directory in Directory.GetDirectories(pluginsFolder)) { var pluginIdentifier = Path.GetFileName(directory); var pluginFilePath = Path.Combine(directory, pluginIdentifier + ".dll"); if (!File.Exists(pluginFilePath)) continue; if (disabledPlugins.Contains(pluginIdentifier)) continue; pluginsToLoad.Add((pluginIdentifier, pluginFilePath)); } ReorderPlugins(pluginsFolder, pluginsToLoad); foreach (var toLoad in pluginsToLoad) { // This used to be a standalone plugin but due to popular demand has been made as part of core. If we detect an install, we remove the redundant plugin. if (toLoad.PluginIdentifier == "BTCPayServer.Plugins.NFC") { QueueCommands(pluginsFolder, ("delete", toLoad.PluginIdentifier)); continue; } if (!loadedPluginIdentifiers.Add(toLoad.PluginIdentifier)) continue; try { var plugin = PluginLoader.CreateFromAssemblyFile( toLoad.PluginFilePath, // create a plugin from for the .dll file config => { // this ensures that the version of MVC is shared between this app and the plugin config.PreferSharedTypes = true; config.IsUnloadable = false; }); var pluginAssembly = plugin.LoadDefaultAssembly(); var p = GetPluginInstanceFromAssembly(toLoad.PluginIdentifier, pluginAssembly); if (p == null) { logger.LogError($"The plugin assembly doesn't contain the plugin {toLoad.PluginIdentifier}"); } else { mvcBuilder.AddPluginLoader(plugin); _pluginAssemblies.Add(pluginAssembly); p.SystemPlugin = false; plugins.Add(p); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogError(e, $"Error when loading plugin {toLoad.PluginIdentifier}"); } } foreach (var plugin in plugins) { if (plugin.Identifier == "BTCPayServer.Plugins.Prism" && plugin.Version <= new Version("1.1.18")) { QueueCommands(pluginsFolder, ("disable", plugin.Identifier)); logger.LogWarning("Please update your prism plugin, this version is incompatible"); continue; } if (plugin.Identifier == "BTCPayServer.Plugins.Wabisabi" && plugin.Version <= new Version("1.0.66")) { QueueCommands(pluginsFolder, ("disable", plugin.Identifier)); continue; } try { logger.LogInformation( $"Adding and executing plugin {plugin.Identifier} - {plugin.Version}"); var pluginServiceCollection = new PluginServiceCollection(serviceCollection, bootstrapServiceProvider); plugin.Execute(pluginServiceCollection); serviceCollection.AddSingleton(plugin); } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogError( $"Error when loading plugin {plugin.Identifier} - {plugin.Version}{Environment.NewLine}{e.Message}"); } } return mvcBuilder; } private static void ReorderPlugins(string pluginsFolder, List<(string PluginIdentifier, string PluginFilePath)> pluginsToLoad) { Dictionary ordersByPlugin = new Dictionary(); var orderFilePath = Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "order"); int order = 0; if (File.Exists(orderFilePath)) { foreach (var o in File.ReadLines(orderFilePath)) { if (ordersByPlugin.TryAdd(o, order)) order++; } } foreach (var p in pluginsToLoad) { if (ordersByPlugin.TryAdd(p.PluginIdentifier, order)) order++; } pluginsToLoad.Sort((a, b) => ordersByPlugin[a.PluginIdentifier] - ordersByPlugin[b.PluginIdentifier]); } public static void UsePlugins(this IApplicationBuilder applicationBuilder) { HashSet assemblies = new HashSet(); foreach (var extension in applicationBuilder.ApplicationServices .GetServices()) { extension.Execute(applicationBuilder, applicationBuilder.ApplicationServices); assemblies.Add(extension.GetType().Assembly); } var webHostEnvironment = applicationBuilder.ApplicationServices.GetService(); List providers = new List() { webHostEnvironment.WebRootFileProvider }; providers.AddRange(assemblies.Select(a => new EmbeddedFileProvider(a))); webHostEnvironment.WebRootFileProvider = new CompositeFileProvider(providers); } private static IEnumerable GetPluginInstancesFromAssembly(Assembly assembly) { return assembly.GetTypes().Where(type => typeof(IBTCPayServerPlugin).IsAssignableFrom(type) && type != typeof(PluginService.AvailablePlugin) && !type.IsAbstract). Select(type => (IBTCPayServerPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(type, Array.Empty())); } private static IBTCPayServerPlugin GetPluginInstanceFromAssembly(string pluginIdentifier, Assembly assembly) { return GetPluginInstancesFromAssembly(assembly).FirstOrDefault(plugin => plugin.Identifier == pluginIdentifier); } private static bool ExecuteCommands(string pluginsFolder, Dictionary installed = null) { var pendingCommands = GetPendingCommands(pluginsFolder); if (!pendingCommands.Any()) { return false; } var remainingCommands = (from command in pendingCommands where !ExecuteCommand(command, pluginsFolder, false, installed) select $"{command.command}:{command.plugin}").ToList(); if (remainingCommands.Any()) { File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "commands"), remainingCommands); } else { File.Delete(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "commands")); } return remainingCommands.Count != pendingCommands.Length; } private static bool DependenciesMet(string pluginsFolder, string plugin, Dictionary installed) { var dirName = Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, plugin); var manifestFileName = dirName + ".json"; if (!File.Exists(manifestFileName)) return true; var pluginManifest = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(manifestFileName)).ToObject(); return DependenciesMet(pluginManifest.Dependencies, installed); } private static bool ExecuteCommand((string command, string extension) command, string pluginsFolder, bool ignoreOrder = false, Dictionary installed = null) { var dirName = Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, command.extension); switch (command.command) { case "update": if (!DependenciesMet(pluginsFolder, command.extension, installed)) return false; ExecuteCommand(("delete", command.extension), pluginsFolder, true); ExecuteCommand(("install", command.extension), pluginsFolder, true); break; case "delete": ExecuteCommand(("enable", command.extension), pluginsFolder, true); if (File.Exists(dirName)) { File.Delete(dirName); } if (Directory.Exists(dirName)) { Directory.Delete(dirName, true); if (!ignoreOrder && File.Exists(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "order"))) { var orders = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "order")); File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "order"), orders.Where(s => s != command.extension)); } } break; case "install": var fileName = dirName + BTCPayPluginSuffix; var manifestFileName = dirName + ".json"; if (!DependenciesMet(pluginsFolder, command.extension, installed)) return false; ExecuteCommand(("enable", command.extension), pluginsFolder, true); if (File.Exists(fileName)) { ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(fileName, dirName, true); if (!ignoreOrder) { File.AppendAllLines(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "order"), new[] { command.extension }); } File.Delete(fileName); if (File.Exists(manifestFileName)) { File.Move(manifestFileName, Path.Combine(dirName, Path.GetFileName(manifestFileName))); } } break; case "disable": if (Directory.Exists(dirName)) { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "disabled"))) { var disabled = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "disabled")); if (!disabled.Contains(command.extension)) { File.AppendAllLines(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "disabled"), new[] { command.extension }); } } else { File.AppendAllLines(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "disabled"), new[] { command.extension }); } } break; case "enable": if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "disabled"))) { var disabled = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "disabled")); if (disabled.Contains(command.extension)) { File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "disabled"), disabled.Where(s => s != command.extension)); } } break; } return true; } public static (string command, string plugin)[] GetPendingCommands(string pluginsFolder) { if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "commands"))) return Array.Empty<(string command, string plugin)>(); var commands = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "commands")); return commands.Select(s => { var split = s.Split(':'); return (split[0].ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), split[1]); }).ToArray(); } public static void QueueCommands(string pluginsFolder, params (string action, string plugin)[] commands) { File.AppendAllLines(Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "commands"), commands.Select((tuple) => $"{tuple.action}:{tuple.plugin}")); } public static void CancelCommands(string pluginDir, string plugin) { var cmds = GetPendingCommands(pluginDir).Where(tuple => !tuple.plugin.Equals(plugin, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).ToArray(); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(pluginDir, plugin, BTCPayPluginSuffix))) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(pluginDir, plugin, BTCPayPluginSuffix)); } if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(pluginDir, plugin, ".json"))) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(pluginDir, plugin, ".json")); } File.Delete(Path.Combine(pluginDir, "commands")); QueueCommands(pluginDir, cmds); } public static void DisablePlugin(string pluginDir, string plugin) { QueueCommands(pluginDir, ("disable", plugin)); } public static HashSet GetDisabledPlugins(string pluginsFolder) { var disabledFilePath = Path.Combine(pluginsFolder, "disabled"); return File.Exists(disabledFilePath) ? File.ReadLines(disabledFilePath).ToHashSet() : []; } public static bool DependencyMet(IBTCPayServerPlugin.PluginDependency dependency, Dictionary installed = null) { var plugin = dependency.Identifier.ToLowerInvariant(); var versionReq = dependency.Condition; // ensure installed is not null and has lowercased keys for comparison installed = installed == null ? new Dictionary() : installed.ToDictionary(x => x.Key.ToLowerInvariant(), x => x.Value); if (!installed.ContainsKey(plugin) && !versionReq.Equals("!")) { return false; } var versionConditions = versionReq.Split("||", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); return versionConditions.Any(s => { s = s.Trim(); var v = s.Substring(1); if (s[1] == '=') { v = s.Substring(2); } var parsedV = Version.Parse(v); switch (s) { case { } xx when xx.StartsWith(">="): return installed[plugin] >= parsedV; case { } xx when xx.StartsWith("<="): return installed[plugin] <= parsedV; case { } xx when xx.StartsWith(">"): return installed[plugin] > parsedV; case { } xx when xx.StartsWith("<"): return installed[plugin] >= parsedV; case { } xx when xx.StartsWith("^"): return installed[plugin] >= parsedV && installed[plugin].Major == parsedV.Major; case { } xx when xx.StartsWith("~"): return installed[plugin] >= parsedV && installed[plugin].Major == parsedV.Major && installed[plugin].Minor == parsedV.Minor; case { } xx when xx.StartsWith("!="): return installed[plugin] != parsedV; case { } xx when xx.StartsWith("=="): default: return installed[plugin] == parsedV; } }); } public static bool DependenciesMet(IEnumerable dependencies, Dictionary installed = null) { return dependencies.All(dependency => DependencyMet(dependency, installed)); } } }