@using NBitcoin @model WalletSetupRequest @{ var method = ViewData["Method"]; var isImport = method is WalletSetupMethod.Seed; var isHotWallet = method is WalletSetupMethod.HotWallet; var canUseHotWallet = ViewData["CanUseHotWallet"] is true; var canUseRpcImport = ViewData["CanUseRPCImport"] is true; } @if (!User.IsInRole(Roles.ServerAdmin)) {
You are not an admin on this server. While you are able to import or generate a wallet via seed with your account, please understand that you are trusting the server admins not just with your privacy but also with trivial access to your funds. If you NEED to use this feature, please reconsider hosting your own BTCPay Server instance.
@if (isImport) {
@if (isImport && canUseHotWallet) {

If checked, each private key associated with an address generated will be stored as metadata and would be accessible to anyone with admin access to your server. Enable at your own risk!

} else { @if (Model.CanUsePayJoin) {

PayJoin enhances the privacy for you and your customers. Enabling it gives your customers the option to use PayJoin during checkout.

} }
@if (isImport) // hide account option when creating a wallet {
@if (canUseRpcImport) {

Each address generated will be imported into the node wallet and you can view your balance through the node. @if (isImport || isHotWallet) { When this is enabled for a hot wallet, you are also able to use the node wallet to spend. }
