$(function () { var destination = $("#Destination").val(); var amount = $("#Amount").val(); var fee = $("#FeeSatoshiPerByte").val(); var substractFee = $("#SubstractFees").val(); var loc = window.location, ws_uri; if (loc.protocol === "https:") { ws_uri = "wss:"; } else { ws_uri = "ws:"; } ws_uri += "//" + loc.host; ws_uri += loc.pathname + "/ws"; var successCallback = loc.protocol + "//" + loc.host + loc.pathname + "/success"; var ledgerDetected = false; var bridge = new ledgerwebsocket.LedgerWebSocketBridge(ws_uri); var cryptoCode = $("#cryptoCode").val(); function WriteAlert(type, message) { $("#walletAlert").removeClass("alert-danger"); $("#walletAlert").removeClass("alert-warning"); $("#walletAlert").removeClass("alert-success"); $("#walletAlert").addClass("alert-" + type); $("#walletAlert").css("display", "block"); $("#alertMessage").text(message); } function Write(prefix, type, message) { $("#" + prefix + "-loading").css("display", "none"); $("#" + prefix + "-error").css("display", "none"); $("#" + prefix + "-success").css("display", "none"); $("#" + prefix + "-" + type).css("display", "block"); $("." + prefix + "-label").text(message); } var updateInfo = function () { if (!ledgerDetected) return false; $(".crypto-info").css("display", "none"); bridge.sendCommand("getinfo", "cryptoCode=" + cryptoCode) .catch(function (reason) { Write('check', 'error', reason); }) .then(function (result) { if (!result) return; if (result.error) { Write('check', 'error', result.error); return; } else { Write('check', 'success', 'This store is configured to use your ledger'); $(".crypto-info").css("display", "block"); var args = ""; args += "cryptoCode=" + cryptoCode; args += "&destination=" + destination; args += "&amount=" + amount; args += "&feeRate=" + fee; args += "&substractFees=" + substractFee; WriteAlert("warning", 'Please validate the transaction on your ledger'); var confirmButton = $("#confirm-button"); confirmButton.prop("disabled", true); confirmButton.addClass("disabled"); bridge.sendCommand('sendtoaddress', args, 60 * 10 /* timeout */) .catch(function (reason) { WriteAlert("danger", reason); confirmButton.prop("disabled", false); confirmButton.removeClass("disabled"); }) .then(function (result) { if (!result) return; confirmButton.prop("disabled", false); confirmButton.removeClass("disabled"); if (result.error) { WriteAlert("danger", result.error); } else { WriteAlert("success", 'Transaction broadcasted (' + result.transactionId + ')'); window.location.replace(successCallback + "?txid=" + result.transactionId); } }); } }); }; bridge.isSupported() .then(function (supported) { if (!supported) { Write('hw', 'error', 'U2F or Websocket are not supported by this browser'); } else { bridge.sendCommand('test', null, 5) .catch(function (reason) { if (reason.name === "TransportError") reason = "Are you running the ledger app with version equals or above 1.2.4?"; Write('hw', 'error', reason); }) .then(function (result) { if (!result) return; if (result.error) { Write('hw', 'error', result.error); } else { Write('hw', 'success', 'Ledger detected'); $("#sendform").css("display", "block"); ledgerDetected = true; updateInfo(); } }); } }); });