using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Contracts; using BTCPayServer.Configuration; using BTCPayServer.Controllers; using BTCPayServer.Data; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing; namespace BTCPayServer.Services.Notifications.Blobs; internal class InviteAcceptedNotification : BaseNotification { private const string TYPE = "inviteaccepted"; public string UserId { get; set; } public string UserEmail { get; set; } public string StoreId { get; set; } public string StoreName { get; set; } public override string Identifier => TYPE; public override string NotificationType => TYPE; public InviteAcceptedNotification() { } public InviteAcceptedNotification(ApplicationUser user, StoreData store) { UserId = user.Id; UserEmail = user.Email; StoreId = store.Id; StoreName = store.StoreName; } internal class Handler(LinkGenerator linkGenerator, BTCPayServerOptions options) : NotificationHandler { public override string NotificationType => TYPE; public override (string identifier, string name)[] Meta { get { return [(TYPE, "User accepted invitation")]; } } protected override void FillViewModel(InviteAcceptedNotification notification, NotificationViewModel vm) { vm.Identifier = notification.Identifier; vm.Type = notification.NotificationType; vm.StoreId = notification.StoreId; vm.Body = $"User {notification.UserEmail} accepted the invite to {notification.StoreName}."; vm.ActionLink = linkGenerator.GetPathByAction(nameof(UIStoresController.StoreUsers), "UIStores", new { storeId = notification.StoreId }, options.RootPath); } } }