Your node is synching the entire blockchain and validating the consensus rules...
@foreach (var line in dashboard.GetAll())
@if (line.Status == null)
- The node is offline
@if (line.Error != null)
- Last error: @line.Error
- NBXplorer headers height: @line.Status.ChainHeight
@if (line.Status.BitcoinStatus == null)
if (line.State == BTCPayServer.HostedServices.NBXplorerState.Synching)
- The node is starting...
- The node is offline
@if (line.Error != null)
- Last error: @line.Error
else if (line.Status.BitcoinStatus.IsSynched)
- The node is synchronized (Height: @line.Status.BitcoinStatus.Headers)
@if (line.Status.BitcoinStatus.IsSynched &&
line.Status.SyncHeight.HasValue &&
line.Status.SyncHeight.Value < line.Status.BitcoinStatus.Headers)
- NBXplorer is synchronizing... (Height: @line.Status.SyncHeight.Value)
- Node headers height: @line.Status.BitcoinStatus.Headers
- Validated blocks: @line.Status.BitcoinStatus.Blocks
@if (!line.Status.IsFullySynched && line.Status.BitcoinStatus != null)
@((int)(line.Status.BitcoinStatus.VerificationProgress * 100))%
Watch this video to understand the importance of blockchain synchronization.
If you really don't want to synch and you are familiar with the command line, check FastSync.