using BTCPayServer.Logging; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using NBitcoin; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Text; using StandardConfiguration; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using NBXplorer; using BTCPayServer.Payments.Lightning; using Renci.SshNet; using NBitcoin.DataEncoders; using BTCPayServer.SSH; using BTCPayServer.Lightning; using BTCPayServer.Configuration.External; using Serilog.Events; namespace BTCPayServer.Configuration { public class NBXplorerConnectionSetting { public string CryptoCode { get; internal set; } public Uri ExplorerUri { get; internal set; } public string CookieFile { get; internal set; } } public class BTCPayServerOptions { public NetworkType NetworkType { get; set; } public string ConfigurationFile { get; private set; } public string LogFile { get; private set; } public string DataDir { get; private set; } public List Listen { get; set; } public List NBXplorerConnectionSettings { get; set; } = new List(); public static string GetDebugLog(IConfiguration configuration) { return configuration.GetValue("debuglog", null); } public static LogEventLevel GetDebugLogLevel(IConfiguration configuration) { var raw = configuration.GetValue("debugloglevel", nameof(LogEventLevel.Debug)); return (LogEventLevel)Enum.Parse(typeof(LogEventLevel), raw, true); } public void LoadArgs(IConfiguration conf) { NetworkType = DefaultConfiguration.GetNetworkType(conf); var defaultSettings = BTCPayDefaultSettings.GetDefaultSettings(NetworkType); DataDir = conf.GetOrDefault("datadir", defaultSettings.DefaultDataDirectory); Logs.Configuration.LogInformation("Network: " + NetworkType.ToString()); var supportedChains = conf.GetOrDefault("chains", "btc") .Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(t => t.ToUpperInvariant()); NetworkProvider = new BTCPayNetworkProvider(NetworkType).Filter(supportedChains.ToArray()); foreach (var chain in supportedChains) { if (NetworkProvider.GetNetwork(chain) == null) throw new ConfigException($"Invalid chains \"{chain}\""); } var validChains = new List(); foreach (var net in NetworkProvider.GetAll()) { NBXplorerConnectionSetting setting = new NBXplorerConnectionSetting(); setting.CryptoCode = net.CryptoCode; setting.ExplorerUri = conf.GetOrDefault($"{net.CryptoCode}.explorer.url", net.NBXplorerNetwork.DefaultSettings.DefaultUrl); setting.CookieFile = conf.GetOrDefault($"{net.CryptoCode}.explorer.cookiefile", net.NBXplorerNetwork.DefaultSettings.DefaultCookieFile); NBXplorerConnectionSettings.Add(setting); { var lightning = conf.GetOrDefault($"{net.CryptoCode}.lightning", string.Empty); if (lightning.Length != 0) { if (!LightningConnectionString.TryParse(lightning, true, out var connectionString, out var error)) { throw new ConfigException($"Invalid setting {net.CryptoCode}.lightning, " + Environment.NewLine + $"If you have a lightning server use: 'type=clightning;server=/root/.lightning/lightning-rpc', " + Environment.NewLine + $"If you have a lightning charge server: 'type=charge;server=;api-token=yourapitoken'" + Environment.NewLine + $"If you have a lnd server: 'type=lnd-rest;server=;macaroon=abf239...;certthumbprint=2abdf302...'" + Environment.NewLine + $" lnd server: 'type=lnd-rest;server=;macaroonfilepath=/root/.lnd/admin.macaroon;certthumbprint=2abdf302...'" + Environment.NewLine + error); } if (connectionString.IsLegacy) { Logs.Configuration.LogWarning($"Setting {net.CryptoCode}.lightning will work but use an deprecated format, please replace it by '{connectionString.ToString()}'"); } InternalLightningByCryptoCode.Add(net.CryptoCode, connectionString); } } void externalLnd(string code, string lndType) { var lightning = conf.GetOrDefault(code, string.Empty); if (lightning.Length != 0) { if (!LightningConnectionString.TryParse(lightning, false, out var connectionString, out var error)) { throw new ConfigException($"Invalid setting {code}, " + Environment.NewLine + $"lnd server: 'type={lndType};server=;macaroon=abf239...;certthumbprint=2abdf302...'" + Environment.NewLine + $"lnd server: 'type={lndType};server=;macaroonfilepath=/root/.lnd/admin.macaroon;certthumbprint=2abdf302...'" + Environment.NewLine + error); } var instanceType = typeof(T); ExternalServicesByCryptoCode.Add(net.CryptoCode, (ExternalService)Activator.CreateInstance(instanceType, connectionString)); } }; externalLnd($"{net.CryptoCode}.external.lnd.grpc", "lnd-grpc"); externalLnd($"{net.CryptoCode}", "lnd-rest"); var spark = conf.GetOrDefault($"{net.CryptoCode}.external.spark", string.Empty); if(spark.Length != 0) { if (!SparkConnectionString.TryParse(spark, out var connectionString)) { throw new ConfigException($"Invalid setting {net.CryptoCode}.external.spark, " + Environment.NewLine + $"Valid example: 'server=;cookiefile=/etc/clightning_bitcoin_spark/.cookie'"); } ExternalServicesByCryptoCode.Add(net.CryptoCode, new ExternalSpark(connectionString)); } } Logs.Configuration.LogInformation("Supported chains: " + String.Join(',', supportedChains.ToArray())); var services = conf.GetOrDefault("externalservices", null); if(services != null) { foreach(var service in services.Split(new[] { ';', ',' }) .Select(p => p.Split(':')) .Where(p => p.Length == 2) .Select(p => (Name: p[0], Link: p[1]))) { ExternalServices.AddOrReplace(service.Name, service.Link); } } PostgresConnectionString = conf.GetOrDefault("postgres", null); MySQLConnectionString = conf.GetOrDefault("mysql", null); BundleJsCss = conf.GetOrDefault("bundlejscss", true); ExternalUrl = conf.GetOrDefault("externalurl", null); var sshSettings = ParseSSHConfiguration(conf); if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sshSettings.Password) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sshSettings.KeyFile)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sshSettings.Server)) { int waitTime = 0; while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sshSettings.KeyFile) && !File.Exists(sshSettings.KeyFile)) { if (waitTime++ < 5) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); else throw new ConfigException($"sshkeyfile does not exist"); } if (sshSettings.Port > ushort.MaxValue || sshSettings.Port < ushort.MinValue) throw new ConfigException($"ssh port is invalid"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sshSettings.Password) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sshSettings.KeyFile)) throw new ConfigException($"sshpassword or sshkeyfile should be provided, but not both"); try { sshSettings.CreateConnectionInfo(); } catch { throw new ConfigException($"sshkeyfilepassword is invalid"); } SSHSettings = sshSettings; } var fingerPrints = conf.GetOrDefault("sshtrustedfingerprints", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fingerPrints)) { foreach (var fingerprint in fingerPrints.Split(';', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { if (!SSHFingerprint.TryParse(fingerprint, out var f)) throw new ConfigException($"Invalid ssh fingerprint format {fingerprint}"); TrustedFingerprints.Add(f); } } RootPath = conf.GetOrDefault("rootpath", "/"); if (!RootPath.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) RootPath = "/" + RootPath; var old = conf.GetOrDefault("internallightningnode", null); if (old != null) throw new ConfigException($"internallightningnode should not be used anymore, use btclightning instead"); LogFile = GetDebugLog(conf); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LogFile)) { Logs.Configuration.LogInformation("LogFile: " + LogFile); Logs.Configuration.LogInformation("Log Level: " + GetDebugLogLevel(conf)); } } private SSHSettings ParseSSHConfiguration(IConfiguration conf) { var externalUrl = conf.GetOrDefault("externalurl", null); var settings = new SSHSettings(); settings.Server = conf.GetOrDefault("sshconnection", null); if (settings.Server != null) { var parts = settings.Server.Split(':'); if (parts.Length == 2 && int.TryParse(parts[1], out int port)) { settings.Port = port; settings.Server = parts[0]; } else { settings.Port = 22; } parts = settings.Server.Split('@'); if (parts.Length == 2) { settings.Username = parts[0]; settings.Server = parts[1]; } else { settings.Username = "root"; } } else if (externalUrl != null) { settings.Port = 22; settings.Username = "root"; settings.Server = externalUrl.DnsSafeHost; } settings.Password = conf.GetOrDefault("sshpassword", ""); settings.KeyFile = conf.GetOrDefault("sshkeyfile", ""); settings.KeyFilePassword = conf.GetOrDefault("sshkeyfilepassword", ""); return settings; } internal bool IsTrustedFingerprint(byte[] fingerPrint, byte[] hostKey) { return TrustedFingerprints.Any(f => f.Match(fingerPrint, hostKey)); } public string RootPath { get; set; } public Dictionary InternalLightningByCryptoCode { get; set; } = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary ExternalServices { get; set; } = new Dictionary(); public ExternalServices ExternalServicesByCryptoCode { get; set; } = new ExternalServices(); public BTCPayNetworkProvider NetworkProvider { get; set; } public string PostgresConnectionString { get; set; } public string MySQLConnectionString { get; set; } public Uri ExternalUrl { get; set; } public bool BundleJsCss { get; set; } public List TrustedFingerprints { get; set; } = new List(); public SSHSettings SSHSettings { get; set; } internal string GetRootUri() { if (ExternalUrl == null) return null; UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder(ExternalUrl); builder.Path = RootPath; return builder.ToString(); } } }