using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Rating; using ExchangeSharp; using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; namespace BTCPayServer.Services.Rates { public class RateProviderFactory { class WrapperRateProvider : IRateProvider { private readonly IRateProvider _inner; public Exception Exception { get; private set; } public TimeSpan Latency { get; set; } public WrapperRateProvider(IRateProvider inner) { _inner = inner; } public async Task GetRatesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { DateTimeOffset now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; try { return await _inner.GetRatesAsync(cancellationToken); } catch (Exception ex) { Exception = ex; return new ExchangeRates(); } finally { Latency = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - now; } } } public class QueryRateResult { public TimeSpan Latency { get; set; } public ExchangeRates ExchangeRates { get; set; } public ExchangeException Exception { get; internal set; } } public RateProviderFactory(IOptions cacheOptions, IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory, CoinAverageSettings coinAverageSettings) { _httpClientFactory = httpClientFactory; _CoinAverageSettings = coinAverageSettings; _CacheOptions = cacheOptions; // We use 15 min because of limits with free version of bitcoinaverage CacheSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15.0); InitExchanges(); } private IOptions _CacheOptions; TimeSpan _CacheSpan; public TimeSpan CacheSpan { get { return _CacheSpan; } set { _CacheSpan = value; InvalidateCache(); } } public void InvalidateCache() { var cache = new MemoryCache(_CacheOptions); foreach (var provider in Providers.Select(p => p.Value as CachedRateProvider).Where(p => p != null)) { provider.CacheSpan = CacheSpan; provider.MemoryCache = cache; } if (Providers.TryGetValue(CoinAverageRateProvider.CoinAverageName, out var coinAverage) && coinAverage is BackgroundFetcherRateProvider c) { c.RefreshRate = CacheSpan; c.ValidatyTime = CacheSpan + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0); } } CoinAverageSettings _CoinAverageSettings; private readonly IHttpClientFactory _httpClientFactory; private readonly Dictionary _DirectProviders = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary Providers { get { return _DirectProviders; } } private void InitExchanges() { // We need to be careful to only add exchanges which OnGetTickers implementation make only 1 request Providers.Add("binance", new ExchangeSharpRateProvider("binance", new ExchangeBinanceAPI(), true)); Providers.Add("bittrex", new ExchangeSharpRateProvider("bittrex", new ExchangeBittrexAPI(), true)); Providers.Add("poloniex", new ExchangeSharpRateProvider("poloniex", new ExchangePoloniexAPI(), true)); Providers.Add("hitbtc", new ExchangeSharpRateProvider("hitbtc", new ExchangeHitbtcAPI(), false)); // Cryptopia is often not available // Disabled because of // Providers.Add("cryptopia", new ExchangeSharpRateProvider("cryptopia", new ExchangeCryptopiaAPI(), false)); // Handmade providers Providers.Add(CoinAverageRateProvider.CoinAverageName, new CoinAverageRateProvider() { Exchange = CoinAverageRateProvider.CoinAverageName, HttpClient = _httpClientFactory?.CreateClient("EXCHANGE_COINAVERAGE"), Authenticator = _CoinAverageSettings }); Providers.Add("kraken", new KrakenExchangeRateProvider() { HttpClient = _httpClientFactory?.CreateClient("EXCHANGE_KRAKEN") }); Providers.Add("bylls", new ByllsRateProvider(_httpClientFactory?.CreateClient("EXCHANGE_BYLLS"))); Providers.Add("bitbank", new BitbankRateProvider(_httpClientFactory?.CreateClient("EXCHANGE_BITBANK"))); Providers.Add("bitpay", new BitpayRateProvider(_httpClientFactory?.CreateClient("EXCHANGE_BITPAY"))); Providers.Add("ndax", new NdaxRateProvider(_httpClientFactory?.CreateClient("EXCHANGE_NDAX"))); // Those exchanges make multiple requests when calling GetTickers so we remove them //DirectProviders.Add("gemini", new ExchangeSharpRateProvider("gemini", new ExchangeGeminiAPI())); //DirectProviders.Add("bitfinex", new ExchangeSharpRateProvider("bitfinex", new ExchangeBitfinexAPI())); //DirectProviders.Add("okex", new ExchangeSharpRateProvider("okex", new ExchangeOkexAPI())); //DirectProviders.Add("bitstamp", new ExchangeSharpRateProvider("bitstamp", new ExchangeBitstampAPI())); foreach (var provider in Providers.ToArray()) { if (provider.Key == "cryptopia") // Shitty exchange, rate often unavailable, it spams the logs continue; var prov = new BackgroundFetcherRateProvider(Providers[provider.Key]); if(provider.Key == CoinAverageRateProvider.CoinAverageName) { prov.RefreshRate = CacheSpan; prov.ValidatyTime = CacheSpan + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0); } else { prov.RefreshRate = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0); prov.ValidatyTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0); } Providers[provider.Key] = prov; } var cache = new MemoryCache(_CacheOptions); foreach (var supportedExchange in GetSupportedExchanges()) { if (!Providers.ContainsKey(supportedExchange.Key)) { var coinAverage = new CoinAverageRateProvider() { Exchange = supportedExchange.Key, HttpClient = _httpClientFactory?.CreateClient(), Authenticator = _CoinAverageSettings }; var cached = new CachedRateProvider(supportedExchange.Key, coinAverage, cache) { CacheSpan = CacheSpan }; Providers.Add(supportedExchange.Key, cached); } } } public CoinAverageExchanges GetSupportedExchanges() { CoinAverageExchanges exchanges = new CoinAverageExchanges(); foreach (var exchange in _CoinAverageSettings.AvailableExchanges) { exchanges.Add(exchange.Value); } // Add other exchanges supported here exchanges.Add(new CoinAverageExchange(CoinAverageRateProvider.CoinAverageName, "Coin Average", $"")); exchanges.Add(new CoinAverageExchange("bylls", "Bylls", "")); //exchanges.Add(new CoinAverageExchange("ndax", "NDAX", "")); Buggy exchanges.Add(new CoinAverageExchange("bitbank", "Bitbank", "")); return exchanges; } public async Task QueryRates(string exchangeName, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { Providers.TryGetValue(exchangeName, out var directProvider); directProvider = directProvider ?? NullRateProvider.Instance; var wrapper = new WrapperRateProvider(directProvider); var value = await wrapper.GetRatesAsync(cancellationToken); return new QueryRateResult() { Latency = wrapper.Latency, ExchangeRates = value, Exception = wrapper.Exception != null ? new ExchangeException() { Exception = wrapper.Exception, ExchangeName = exchangeName } : null }; } } }